HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-01-08, Page 1r A '• I • $400 per year, #41, Z,;b* .401k (CARD OF THANKS Having disposed of my ehusiness Ito Mr. and Ma's, G. Grant, I take this opponiuntey to thank all •those 4 who gave me 'their patronage durinig abe e pasit nine years. io 4, I ask your continued support: for • • ST eat/wise/1 fire second Wave laxIL Pc4Bee DeViirtateii,Oteitin4 Wednesday January 8th, 1958 rest Publishing House East Huron AgricultUral Society ANNUAL MEETING A N TURKEY BANQUET WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1958 Cranbrook Community Centre At 7:00 P. M.' GUEST SPEAKER: D. H, MILES. Huron Agricultural Representative Ticket $1.50 4 Morris Counclt. The Council met in the. 'Township Hail ,on,,Tangary G. with. all the. morn- bees Pretiertte lirtLee Phelan - Southeast ,CZarence Martin "L,Qgdie. Acamips,, Herverie, Cutcheon, Weed Inspector llebeet 'Gradeenea J'oe, Harry Workman • ',Pm* Driver ,- Clarence White Bailie ,Paireett, •Geo, C. Martin. i.' The meetieee opened with a. short devotional period Conducted l.)y Rev, C. A. Krug )3elgrave. Bailie par- rote thanked Mr, Krug for coming Clerk • • , • • • A!' NEW OWNERS TAKE POSSESSION. iNp anld Mrs, Q4P140a Grant bealt, posseseion .of the tingle 1L Pearson, last week, Pearson; who .1;as 'conducted' the business for ete past rein Yeaeks, and ears. Pearspn, will remain in. Brussels, Mr, end liars. 1(41,ant. come to BrUs- eels from the Mount Forest distriot where they engaged, in dairy farming. They have three daughters and one SOD. Mr, • Grant is a brother of Camp- bell Grant of ,W'alkerton, John Barron Edgar Donald Duck Orange Juice 48 oz. 3.,3c Silvergleam Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon • • • • • • • 3 for $1.41): Pillsbury Angel Food Cake Mix .510 Aylmer Honey. Sweet Peas 120 oz. 2 for, WO ••••••• ,,, Q.* ,,,, mr,* ,,, Orqtr.•, ••••14, N'ou vat- 'Ind other values just as great as these at 4 • NOTICE, have 'purchased the W. E. Collins Insurance Agency and I would like to take this opportunity to say "Hello", Out and Stewart Procter spoke words Reeve of appreciation,: .• • • The following• signed the Dec- laration of Office: Reeve Lailie Perrott Councillors Walter Shortreed Stewart Procter. Ross Duncan Gordon Wilkinson' The minutes of the last, Meeting I were read and ,a.do.pled on motion of. Walter Shortreed andilOordan • Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded by Sltewanb Procter, that By-Law No. 1, 1058,.. appointing' TforwnahiP Officials be lia,$sed as. read the first, second and thind times. or Needs call HE 11TLEDGE OCERY Not Just to-day' or to-morrow, out Every Day of the year. s' We Deliver Phone 7 ' 1 aE qt. A 1 a NEW CHILDREN'S PROGRAM ea" ... Mrs. W. W. Smith, Mrs. Amy Spell, Ass't Treas. Sect. aliss N. 'Jardine Assn. Seat. Mrs. C. 11/10theson / Pianist Mrs. W. C. King A,ss't 'Pianist Mrs. W. C. Kerr t Moved by Walter Shortreed, see- ended by Stewart Procter that By- ( Law No. e„ 1958, anthoriziing the I Treasurer to ,borrelw up to 160,000 from 'the bank be passed as reed the •first, second and third times. 1 - Carried. Brings \fn.,- •Annual ,COLD WAVE SPECIAL' Until February 15th e $6.00 Perms $4,75 1 $8.00 Perms $6.75 / j. $10.00 Perms $8.75 $12.50 Perms $9.751 ( Phone 40X for Your Appointment Moved by Rose Duncan!, • seconded , eby Gordon 'Wilkinson that we 'build 1, ,a new small bridge an the 1st, concession at the corner 'of lots S t, and 9 and that we hire R. M. Dawson as engineer to draw the plea* and i supervise construction, - Carried. !, At present, for Insurance Service MITCHELL 663r41 GLEN M. RONNENBERG MONKTON will be calling on ydu in person before renewal time. Ontario Farm - Malan , bola their Public meeting at Ethel hall IA Dec. with a lair !al-ate:Warm, Bob Taylor of Varna, Director of Huron Cbunty, 3Pd Vice Pres , introduced the guest sneaker, Sam Treasurer ONTARIO FARM. UNION MEETING The Presbyterian W. M. S, met in the church parlor on Friday, Jan Ird...al. ir. in, Rev. Mr. ' 'Williams presided for installation of officers The ineelting opened by singing hymn 571 and a seriliture, reading taken from the 15th .chapter of St. ^ John followed by prayer. Mrs., John' Speir called the e officers to place as follows: •. 2pd Vice Pres. ..., Mrs. W. Williams President ..... Mrs, Wan. Speir 1st Vice Pees. ...... Miss B. M.oses MELVILLE W. M. S. Mrs. J. Yuill - Carried,, Moiled by Gordon Willatinson, seconded by Ross Duncan; that Nelson, Higgins be paid $50.00• as relief officer for 1958. - Curried. ,This ppmmuoitY was shocked by the, sudden' death . of john Edgar, at the home of his eister-leelaW„ Mars, M. Edgar, Brussels, on Satur- day, December 29th, Ii. his '57th year, Mir., Edger was well known here where he was a member of the Public . School etaff for .5 years before going Ito Fort Frances. He was the son' of the late Hugh and Mrs. (Susan McLeod) Eetgpx of Wroxeter. . He attended Normal Sebool. ia North Bay and taught in that district 'for a Year before coming to Brussels where he taught for 5 years before doing to Fort Francis where he has been on the staff for the past 26 years, He was a Mason end a member .of. Shriners "Templer A •sister, • Miss 'Margaret Edgar Reg. N., of 1Viiecitori survives. Two brothers, James M. and Murdie pre- deceased him. The body rested at -the D. A. Rain funeral home, Brussels, where a Masonic service was held 'On. Monday night ae 9 p. Funeral service (=ducted by Rev'. D. Brown, of the Brussels United Church, 'was held on Tuesday at 2 p. in. teerneent Was in Wroxet1 cemietery. Pallbearers were members Of the ace souic Lodge. THE PRESEry Ito-.1/494 IN CANADA Shirley Knight amid Teddy Forman are the Cenitral 440 .144- OBC1TV'S liNairsery School Time's - - a new children's prograM; ' This program originates from both ITerlente and. Winnipeg kieg, consists of Stories, songs and =steal activity which the ChiMtAc will be encovaged to take part in. Interesting guests Win !it 441: illialOtineed to the children. ir Knox Chtorch, CRANBROOK ' Minister: Mr. C. 1... Thompson NOTICE Having (sold my Insurance Bus- iness to Mr. Glen Ttonnotperg of Menkton, I would like to thank all. mly cudtomers for their patronage while I was in the busineds. I sincerely hope that you will give my su'cce'ssor,, your continued Patronage. Thank You W. E. Collins Worship Service 11 A.M. More CANDID preaching and lead ( CANDIED preaching omits for a better, Christ anitp. 11! .Moved by Stewart' Praetor, iraetor, second- i ed by Walter Shortreed, that Wm. 1 Auditors Mrs. Jack ;Gibson • Elston be recommended as a repre- 1 Mrs. J. Fischer eentative on time Wingharn General Tin his inspiring address to the Haspital, Board for 1958. new Officers- Rev. Williams ask that - Carried. they read their bibles each day - Moved by Stewart Precter, ?axone Make a study of their missionaries ed by Gordon Wilkinson that tes116 1 and their fields, and to all the Bolt be recommended as an add- Glad Tidings Sec. Mrs. D. Huether Asse, Glad Tidings Sec. Mrs. I Wm, Little Welcome, & .Welfere Sec. Mrs. C. Davis Literaeure & Library Sec. Mrs. Wm. McInnis P ress Reporter ,,,. Mrs. Geo. Evans "Weston, Band Leaders Mrs. R. Bronson, Miss ,Sharon Hemingway Supply Committee .„. Mrs. It Dennis Miss Millie McFarlane, Miss Ella Kerr C. G. Len% Leaders Mrs. D. Hemingway, Mrs. M. Pipe ( My, ettelceseor. i edreBowmen of Elora, Editor Of the poargoiv (Faein Union Paper, who snake very capably itt the absence of Albert McCormick of Arthur, Hon. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPEI ary Preeldent ,of O. F. U. In opeaing iris address Mr. Bow- men asked a question to whether there were any town peciple Pre- sentla if not then .Why? ' As this matter of low income for farmers is not only a firmier's problem, but also a problem of rural towns: He wont. on. to say as a farm or. ganizatien we intend to analize th position Of our basilic Industry with in the frrenework of 'the Canadian economy and the ploseible effect it may have on the future development of Canada. Mr. Bowman also pointed out that Federation of Agriculture has he direce membership with which to to back up 'Cr sup*rt in strength any demand made on behalf of larmers. Mr. Bowman seated that In the last few the earning power of the farmers has been reduced to ithe point where many find that it is. necessary to .have an additional Source of income apart from the farm income an order to obtain this, the farmer or iris eon obtain work away from. The farm and us- ually it's in , some factory Where there is a union where wages are so mulch better than at home. This has Ibeeorne a Vattern of living for Many people which greatly contribute to the neglect of ,their farm operation antll investment as well as destroy- ing the home life of the familye by *emoting restlessness and instab- ility in rural communities. From the Meiviile Church [sttsocitai point of ale* this is another 4' unsatisfactory trend of the future. Organlit Donald Dunbar i Mr. Bob Taylor then spoke briefly and the tneeltinfg was plumed 10 A. M. ereee;e for discussion, two hour al A. M. period was ppent in a lively Ms- . oussioti, • Meeting was adjourned and lunch t served, ,iiff(onal representatillve on the Belgraete Arena Beard. Moved by Walter Shlort-reeeda,rriseedo-. ended by Stewairt Peale:ea that the road bills de presented by, the Road Superintendent 'be paid.. afoved by Stewart Proielt- er, Carried. • members' that they might give their ,untirinig support to the officers to Make it a suuccessful year. The president', Mr's'. W. Speir took the chair and thanked Rev. Williams for his words of guidance and hoped that each member would take a Ive.ionatke,e0 inter* in missinonary 'Mrs. Win. Smith read the 90th psalm. Mrs, Turnbull led in prayer .for tho need year. Mts. Amy Speir 'eeve the Itretteeree's and secretary's' report inn the absence of the see- retarY. ,The president! reed a letter 'Prom Miss (*.tr+alelei Stewart who has recently trecoleeted from Melees" in North Battleford. Mrs. 'MeInfiTe read a letigithy inebeestine letter Mai our Fotembeen mission elev. Lillian. Dickson :titer the sing. dreg of e hymnal reading (Otir time, ja Hsi yeue hands) was given by Mrs. C. Evans, Mat. W. A. Williams bad "charge Of the NOW Teat rebeeage, Roll call was answered byt nay,o, inert of dues fiyi, 1.95g. 'The litellip4114. PreshYtery needle in Meth:1M Tuesday Januar* delegatett were Unpainted' ite attend, Mrs. Methetien Arid Are, W. C. ktrit. The oreehietilt the meeting' -. Knox Church. WTHEL - MlnIstei: Mi. C. L. Thompson 11.1 la Otto • 01•••••• - &we" v 7 A.dult Bible Class 1.46 P. /E. Sunday School 1.46 P. M.' Worship Service 2.45 P. M. ed by Walter Shontreed, that we give a, great cd $75.00' to the nnual Concer. an ante Blnevale Cemetery Board, by Gordon Wilkinsom, that the Moved by Roes Dunesee, seconded - Carried, I There 'is no kirospect of reduction: • in the wages of sin. 4 Plan For A Better Attendance A is, Church In 19584 meeting adjourn to meet again on February 3rd at 1 P. In The following accounts -weiCaT rpraifedd: rev Town of Clinton, 'High County of Huron, School Debenture ea, , $1129.97 r ea urtng Di la oug t h SL122,,ters . 0 i • The Indigent (fees , , ea." , . ...... 9.00 tondo, school Divbie Worhip ,Association, of Assessing °Moors, fee . 10.00 Ontario Good Roads Association, fee 15,00 Herman Nethery, dog tax 4.00 The Waited Church (with the Kansas Farmed Phie Vooly Y.Mdite• Young Dailies Piano, Ratio, Gutter,. 'AccorMait, Drums, and Violins !.; . OP CANADA Clarence Hanna, 'meld account 1,0.00 Relief account 15.00 ChM, Johnston Rhievale Cemetery 75.00 The following dfficialii were Organist:Mrs. A. E. Martin IllInkter: Rev. L. Brown B.A; 13.0.1 WALTON I Mr. and Mrie. George Kirkby, of burwash, *ere visitors with Mr. Mrs, A. kirldtjY and MO: diet: with the 1Vriznah BehisdiOtioti, Brussels Town Hall: on • ae me 110i Communion 4. els, a ray e appointed Under -Law No, 1, 1958: CARD OR THANKS • Clerk - George Martin Miss Doke Johnetaii, Clinton was; 7.80 4, "Iiit6OtiAriii OieJetitie" 'visitor with relatietee here last Week • , Treasurer Nelson Higgins A.SSeteeer Addison Plhaser 11 Noon School (1), "A‘Tilbh. a. ,nand ,trio 1. wore ti)pet, CS:0011s. bible Society We're Pletteed the dentribittiOne .9 JAN.11th ,Musses Sheila and Lorraine last 'Year an:dilated 'to $477.00. Pound Carl deit;* *ore' *ttoti.tied Tlianke to' their Colleetara Robert 14elei-efity,.. Jelin tiesVinaia . eetsetotte With, their idnit add. tnetti t .for such 'Define reetonate I. HEE itooti44; ,Robert v`ntit, I Iltreevlit Pipe. Robert Grealit Wm „, * end Mrs. Pinged Berrieeed, id the appeal: '; An Church NA•AAAA rr OF CANADA were iitaidaY Vfaitaire With 4.• .1j,leCti eh eoti„ Freest *Ade; Rebert r. I il.% and tie: John MeGititlie, of titooLt WE KNOW ud; aerfntrd Rats IVIOdati Albert Neebiliti George M:dArtiiiirt ' eitietirevisets Ms: and 1VIrs. Cordon AeOuVi* I ••••;,,' AT 830P. MY Coricert and Dance - Adults 50c children 25c Liteesteek treflidlt GlartilSe Feiteeviewers letertiliWeet. - Harold rieietef, daselieare. tii;eie• Neirtillenet tits, Mahe. Wiel, Peteedelt. Teeehlt #61itlieVeSt ee- Albert 'Neebitt, We aret iiTelkadit ft report taint Mr. Henry 'dent;. 'OneraliOnl in OE. Josephs ItOSnitni reeefefttit" Atbkittli :Lind M)eidA tithit teatrie4 itgat of h Frier 1St/ant the week elect Willi Mie adid M;i14, th teinneM. Mfr. Jc,liil tfeririAt and' Mr Wilfred + hAVe ret,drited "f .l Whiefd they 'wer e Pattlente, r MISS Seliedita, Reg 1`1 , 'WhO, 'Nita been, a Member :et: the ea& Of NO Weaterininster liesnitat fel lioiiiu'afte,n• tic,trip throtigh the U. S, 1 .0614 40‘vsitir Oteiriter ' Jetties IltilY Coninatinion Sunday l Oattid'it Aoki ms, *bit-6ot*