HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-01-01, Page 5CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTE D gash paid for dead, elOc or disabled horses or cows. Free ,PICK-up tOnall•ri animal, eorompt service Witt; nOn equipped trucks. PHONE Leroy,Acheson Atwood 103 collect or George Hislop Weeeeter 2r15 on 130itissels 85r12 ONTARIO ciii? 19 5 8 Z 45 ONTARIO 19 5 8 11.zjig SCHOOL CARETAKERS: WANTED Morris. eleselleih0 School Board will eeleelve application-4;s until January 7 for the ;position of care. taker =in eholl of the township Schkeele. Plebes Octet° salary. Dutiee tot commence February let, 1958, leesPlication necessarily accepted. R. S. Shaw Secretary, TENDERS WANTED Tender's will be received by the Grey Pep. School Board up to. Jan. 6th. for supplying all or part of 125 cords of heed maple and beech body wood, 14 inches long and 20 cords of cedar to the various schools in the area. All wood to be delivered to schools before July let., 1958. Norman S. Hoover R. R. 3, Brussels, Sec. WANTED — Highest case prices paid for -sick, down or disabled cows and horses Dead cows and horses picked up for removal promptly. Also wanted to buy, boar hogs. Call collect, Bruce Marlatit, Brussels, Phone 56r7 INeeep , At i !Cr-I .NrORPAA TION "For artificial insemination tutor. /station or service from all breeds of rattle. phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Aesocietioe at: Clinton 1,1 V.2 54.11 or Paltr.,rston 49/1 :',erwt,en 7111 and 41.11. A. M. 'e nave all breeds eva11ab1f- 'Zuni ttv to low 00qt." FOR •ReAT — A six room house. POssession Jan. 1st. For particulars contact Elliott's Grocery Phone 43 MAN WANTED Reliable man as• Deeler in Huron County. Exepriencle not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Proaucts have been sold for years Big profits. Products furnished on credit. White geNvileigh131 L-152-e63, 4005 Richelieu Montreal Queb. " ••M • 4.0.••••••.• WINGHASS / etszfe &our Memorial OrStbieWtal hie thirty-Fire Yews, Adirayi mow ymE nttet Mong *Si txpert DealgaIng era worlaaanahla. Priori Moat Rosatosaga Baseery LAM* a Noseadts L A. SPOTTOPI - !often. V36,:Winghare, Om -see LIABI~ITI INSURANCE CERTIFICATE some hedl 4‘boid:o"utu'l''s'iliedIrlirttihonl.nr4E drie‘eYig 4 If you do not have this Liability insuranSe Certificate, phone your insurance company or agent today. • ... or pay $5.00 EXTRA into the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Here's why: The additional $5.00 fee to be paid by motorists without Liability coverage is made necessary because of the new increased maximum payments available from the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. The Fund was established by the Government to help'pay judgments arising out of acci• dents involving uninsured motor vehicles. Drivers of such vehicles must repay the full amount of the judgment to the Fund. If you do not have Liability Insurance, and are involved hi' an accident, you could lose everything you own. Should a Judgment be made against you, and you do not have Liability nsurance or other means of meeting it, you could lose your home, your motor vehicle, your savings and a large part of your future earnings to meet the judgmefit. eee^elletIONSMee.allangarara- NOTICE A resolution was passed• at the December meeting of the Brussel,* Council, stating that the 00- hibition contained in the POMO Chapter 320, SeCitat 13, ' be enforced and that notiCei thereof be zeal; to all 'dm Plumherg" mstomarily doing work in the Municipality and further that the same be published in this news- Pateer, e riff The Act is as follows. — 'levee person who lays de mums to be laid any pipe or. main te.communicate with any Nee: or main of the Waterworks. or WI any way obtains or uses the water without the consent of the CO- Pora(tio,u, shall be guilty of &.f1.7 of fence, land for every such offePei shall be liable to a penalty of nob more than $20.00, or may lie Mei prisoned without option of e fine for a terra of one month. awl — HURON HURON COUNTY F EDERATION NEWS (J. Carl Hemingway) I sulpipose most of you have read lihe item in the dailies which stated in effect that the Ontario Govern- eneent was "withdrawing from Marketing Legislattoee. The first thing I would call your atteneion is the fact 'that this re. pale was under the n,ame of a news- -peeler correspondent.. This relieves the Gave nment of being- accused of a definite seatement. As one reads along in the report it lis[ quite evident that the Farm proeuots Marketing Act and similar land euemereing amendments will not be withdrawn. Rather it appears That the Goverment wishes to give up the responsibilities Of enforcing it. It is difficult to see how this can be done els, the government is the only source of power for law en- . forcerhent. At the present time it is the re- sponsibilriy of the pronclacers Mark- eting Agency to administer the reg- leatioee drawn up by the Farm ---vawsimosaiisev—imi turoressexciateFft7iniii*iulTaaiiiiicilzi.g!wsut:tsa rma • 4.2, Only a chartered bank °fen a fiat range of banking services, including: veswaterelitaieeal "iifi'ee+eTe; Security •• peace of mind • • • self- confidence! :you can find ail these in your savings pass-book. Every,` time you open it, you will be encouraged to save steadily; provide security for your future. Open your savings account today at our nearest branch—we bask) more than ra 650 to Servo. you. eeeee.--.1eW,,weseereers • e • • -- Money in the bank Millions of Canadians know the value of a bank twcount—the security and comfort it brings, the peace of mind it assures, the enterprise it makes possible. When you keep your money In a chartered bank you know it is safe. And your are dealing with friendly, experienced people, skilled in the management of money and anxious to share their knowledge with you. There is a type of account to suit your purpose; sonic designed to help you accumulate funds; others featuring the convenience of chequing. Your local branch bank provides these and many other serviee s. it is Much more than a handy; safe place tO keep money: it is a banking service-centre where you can count Oh prompt and ry COUtteOus attention to all 'your banking heeds: THE BRUSSELS POST $ W0011(io$1:1f, 19$$ .1111,07'"" a • :1 An important fr.i$Ssa9e from the .9pterle Peperteleet of Trenspert s 31 MOTORISTS When you apply for 1958 licence plates ... TENDERS WANTED Ponders' be received the„ ,Tvf,P$ .Sek9el Board "aie AP» 6th, for the Mitten of caretaker at- each of the 13 schools in the area. Duties to commence February 1st., 1958. eTePa _ Nornean Hoover A. R, 3, Brussels, See, PIONEER CHAIN SAWS REDUCE PRICE Li.akiTVVIIIGHT aliTAIMENTS NOW ONLY $226.50 Ft A MAJOR REDUCTION IN PIONEER'S LIGHTWEIGHT MODEL RA! JaS. Cardiff FOR SALE — 200 Hyline Hens, yeyar old. Phone 59re3 THE QUALITY LEADER IN THE POWER CHAIN SAW FIELD Savings have been made possible by *NEW TECHNICAL EFFICIENCIES! • MASS RAW MATERIAL BUYING! *NEW PRODUCTION ECONOMIES! " • MASS MERCHANDISING METHODS! and passed on to you! See the famous Model HC 16" Now only $199.50 ...you must show proof of Liability Insurance*. FOR SALE Colony House 10 x 12. Fred Jelling Phone 10J13 FOR SALE — Hardr4vOiod Tops, apply to Bailie Parrott Phone 15r? Myth PIONEER INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING LIMITED VANCOUVER CANADA A OVOSIDIARY OF THO OUTCOMES) MARINE CORPORATION OP 'SWAIM LT". Sold by: BUDNARK WELDING & SUPPLY • F07.1 SALE Brussels, Ontario. Village ,Grocers Store and Pont Room, large briCk building, e-roosi apantment above, 2-pleee bath. Price for building 2,800.00, 7 IL meat counter, scales, cash register, shelving and counters, 2 pool tables. and equipment, $1300.00, stook approximately $12.00.00 at invoice Dtrice, $5,300.00 takes all. Illness reason for selling. 100 acre farm, good house, hydro. hank barn, 3 other buildings. never failing stream on farm. Price $5,500.00, ternes,, 7 acre farm, good house, hydro, barn. Price $1800.00. ' 3 acre place in village, frame cottage, barn. Price $2,000.00 Good house in town, 2-piece bath, Only $1,500.0b .1. C. Long Real Estate Broker Phone eer2 Brussels, Ont. 1 *LIABILITY INSURANCE is your protection against legal obligations arising from accidentslh- voicing imury, death or damage to property of others. A policy for Fire, Theft and Collision Is 'vs NOT Liability Insurance. ..• The additional $5.00 payment is NOT a substitute for Liability Insurance See your• Insurance company or agent today and make sure wv yeei have Liability Insurance on your vehicle a t-103 ems \ees H. A. ri..s,,cliet Cleat "'- Village or Bruesel4"". products Marine ling Board - a govement appointed body. When it mentions • peoducers "policing their Members" the only conclusion would seem be Farm Organezetens would be asked to name the men they wished to have on the Farm Products Markeelng Board. These men would then be appointed by the Goverment. (This swould seem no be logical, Due eci the increased number and scope of It Boards en recent years it is natural and desirable thee changes should be made in .the methods of administration of the Farm Products Mario ing Act. Farm organization has been pressing vigonou sly for these changes. Commission on Price Spreads 1937 Commission on -Price Spreads 1938 "All shipments of livestock should p trade •to the public market,. where ever possible, to give all buyers an opportunity of competing for note and io prevent direct shipments being used as a club in - the hands of the packers, to break cows; prices on the ;Albite stock G. Meetztolieon Reeve Village of Brtksses " )c ics . . BANKING BY MAIL Cenventeriti and 'Nisei dine. All your routine banking esa be handled In this **7 JOINT ACCOUNTS Saving; or Current; for two Of Mete people. any of whom Melee deposits Of wtthdrawsbi BAYINGS ACCOUNTS keep your money safe; holifieotq &idea- lise the h le thrift, CURRENT ACCOUNTS Pat Individuals and compinteS by yout can . ed cheques, serve as recelptii CHAIVIlltEb BANK-" SERVING .YOIJA r,e e="eeereeseefeee 7ere '