The Brussels Post, 1958-01-01, Page 15 Doll..ars. and'Senie • .. ..•....„.1/4,„4,, , . . - , .„ , . ,..., ,.;,..k.077,,,,.,-.... • '• If you send. .. ,. . ... 41,41ilf.F.V r;St . ' • • V 44 • cash, through the. mails ...,,„:.,„..„, ... .. . I 4 4 I I 4 41 4 41 ' 4 411 0 -1 The .following executive rill be. installed at the January meetin'a. EII1 Nichol Isobel Young, Mrs. B. Campbell, Jean Lamont, Auditors: Mary Lowe, Caroline Kernaghar. The niseting was, closed with the closing ceremony followed by the Queen. 'MELVILLE GUILD • *ii Mr. and Mrs. G. Baelter -and inm,ily, London, with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs, J. Work. *, * * Mits. Mary Bone is in Winglam hospjltal with a fractured hip, the result of a car accident, * * Dr. and Mrs. Donald and children, Toronto, with his mother, Mrs, T„T, lVfeRae. ,Mr. and Mrs. M. Vocklen,, London and Mrs. C. Sellers, Brusssels,"with Mr. and Mrs, Jals. Kerr, Morris. a Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Coleman, and -baby, Port CoNyrne, with his parents, Mr. and Mr's. A. Coleman. ' Miss Agnes Lane and Ronald Lane, Riverside, and Bill Martin Jr. of St. Marys 'with Brussels friends. * * * Mr. H. H. MacLean; of Burks Falls With his daughter and Bon- in-law, Rev. F. EL -and l):/frs. Jewell. 44-••,-• Mr. and Mrs. 'Stuart 1Viacinnls and family spent the Christmas iholi- day with his mother, Mrs. Wm. McInnes. ro ST ' r auto oui,C;'t !Ls .iPSO4i44: 0440.304 ,POIPA 900P De_l?",1.14411fx4, • Wednesday, January lati1958, • 441144411, 'Post Publishing Houst $2.00 per Year 421.4 ki Ho/i4oy Visitors j r,,Y ttLTON: Mrs,'Roy 1.3Px:Knqt.t. triad the /4IS, 001419 Ito Pal> M her home' end Impair ire & arm, IVfr, .end Mrs. lames' Johnston,: And family, Essex, Spent the Christ, ' ".nias vacation with the, fnrtner's ..mother, Mrs, Silas Tohnston Mr, ,Harold, McCall of Hamilton- Was A hOliday visitor with Mr. and ;Kra. Arthur McCall :and other re- AT 110ME. George Nlyles Davis 1.4GION AUXILIARY g.LECT' OFFICERS a 14 * Kr, and. Mfrs, Wilbur Tlir41)414. of i George. ld, Davis 'passed away at . fi, t A. • • *. ' •,*, .,, • Grey Township Will ••celebrate their his home in prima* .0 Saturday, ; Tlie December 'meeting of the. , - • ... fortieth wedding annlyerSary. Oal Peceniber .14th, in. his 7.3,rd:;year. , ( Ladies ..N031.4ry to the 04p440.g. :. .Mr, .$. Nichel, -Toronto, at his. PridaY, Antiary 14th, at the. iretne of .. While in failing health for. sov,s{rall , .Legion. was lield In,their rooms -with. hone .hero, . . . . . , . Ohen they. will receive their friends He was la lifelong resident Of this he; - • moo Mae Skelton, 'Toronto, with liana' ni.Janner, the'PreSentation. 0 . . A family dinner . wIll, be held. in of Morris township prior to retir- , . / the tIpp, and the. 'President, Hay' * F - , , .the evening, ,. • ins Ito Brussels a number of years ' ' I DURCP1 in the chair. , . ldis.S. Ruby- Smith!. Tomcat°, with ago. F. R,- Smith. • .; • • - H i . Tie secrotcury's, and tOeastirees • - • ' . • . - 1. !their son W, aPfd Mats, Turnbull Years his death was sudden, A a good attendanee, „ * The meeting was opened t triQn4 It - from two to five in lhe afternoon. eolrannaitY) fanning on the 5th line 1. latiVeS, Mr, and Mrs. James Lamont and .flamily of London, were holiday LIBRARY NOTES i urkey banquet to be served the * ' * ' * e s \rived !by his widow and one sOn, James-, of Morris township renerts were read and adopted, and -3 grandchildren; also two sisters A fifteen *volume set •of CHILD t Mrs. (Menlo) Happ of Rochester t ArrangeMents were made fell" a Miss Mary )3etli Jewell, Toronto; With Mr. and 'Mrs, R. H,nether. : ., . visitors with her IfateAtTil MI'. PO 011AFIT books has been PurchaSed r .auld Mrs. (Elizabeth) Dodd of ' i , Mr. and Mrs 're,d Mitehet ?lig, 311?'wfs,r.L.40nIddymProsr,t(;.ra;k. Marshall and following week. .. •• by the Public Library, The books Aurora; . and a nephew', Fred , . onto,- 'With their tarnilles' here, are lavishly illustrated and full of . Williamson. of Toronto, - I It was deccided to -purchase a, . , ' I, .- daughter of North Bay spent Christ- * * 44 ' intertst for children of all ages, 1, Resting at the D, A. Rann funeral I blanket, on. whqleh to sell tickets , 'r t I theme until Tuesday morning, the i to be drawn at the Legion Scotch. Mrs. Jas. Ballaii;t:Yne with her 137nsrieWlhanMd Mrs, u.leitlatoMinItars.rhiaalslearnd 1 ' o funeral service was held at St. j Night lame°. _ son, Jas. S. Ballantyne, --London, IVIr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett were . i John's Anglican Church conducted , Kitty Rutledge was appointed recent visitors With Mir. and Mrs. I bY the Rev. IP, E. Jewell,at,2 p.m. k Leslie Rutledge of Streetsville. Folk and rairy (Tares to purcbabe a Christmas gift for i Tuesday. parents, Mr, and Mr.S. W. G. Leach, Mr. and Poems of 'Early Childhood t the ailoPted veteran' et -Westmin- 1 Interment took place in Brussels k * __* * . : Story-Telling and Poems sec Hospital. were 1 cemetery. Cst. Robert Kennedy, of .R. C. Mrs. Fred Animal Fir-lends and Adventlres , 1 Plans were mace to send boxes Pallbearers were: Mervyn Pipe, M.P. Ilea.dquarters, Ottawa, at his miss Olene Great Men and FamoUs. Deeds , :to lodal boys in the ;armed forCes 1 Jack Pine, Boss Cardiff, Ed. Taylor home here , Art and Children { who would be unable to 'be home • . I and San .Tordon, all ,5th line of * * . * was a i Exploring The World Around Us , 1 for Christmas. Also to the shut-in Morris neighbours, at d Gem ge Mr. Kader, ;Toronto, witK his / Music For The Family 11 - ---..-- 1 Legion members. The Auxiliary I Davidson, . - .... 1 • appreciated 'the donation made by'mdaangn.liter, Mrs. and Mrs. S. Wax-- j Harvey Kitchen and Sack Darold- 4 the Legion Branch toward this lissu,ed x. * Mr, Douglas Leach with his you run a real risk of losing it. For your own Pont, of mind, it's far wiser to send money orders. 'The small amount a money order costs, assures yo that your money will be safe and sound. No one can receive the cash except the person to whom your t send the money order. Next time you want to send, money, whether $5.00 or $500.00, call in on us fog; a money order or bank draft. This takes only a 44.: few minutes to arrange. It's one of the many helpibt The books are bang borrowers, The titles are: 'Mrs, Walter Broadfoot vistteril with;;Yi.r. an:). • - Iterley of ,Toronto, Dundas,- Kitchener, visitor Miami,- • holiday vacation rp' banking services we provide. .:44 ,..r Ma., after spending Christmas at her home here. f. Science And Industry 1 Life In Manly Lands Creative Play And Hobbies / Especially for parents are these, Your Child In To-Day's-World ( You And Your Family Your Child IGIoes To School - ; son-were floWer bearers. •^-• Pet,4" THE CANADIAN BANK OF COM 11 Ekt. NW-200 , • Mrs, R. P. ()pie BORN CLARK — At Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Dec. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark, Of Walton, a daughter. work, , Sunshine Collection, was taken Mrs. E. "Nichol holding the lucky , ticket. It was decided to bend Christmas. ; boxes to needy families. on Christ- ' • y. "mas Eve. H O. W E R e For Mr. and Mrs. HoWard Cassivy 3 '(we Evelyn Hyslop) • BRUSSELS TOWN HALL FRIDAY, JAN. 3rd ' DANCE Nomination ;Of officers' Mar 1953 wla,s held' with Vera Hastings as chalman. The rfollowing officers were re- elecfed by acelamation: • Parr President Mary Lowe President. -Kay Duncan 1st Vice-Pres Margaret Stephenson' ' 2nd Vice-Pres. .... 'Sarah Stephenson r. There past away in Ottawa Civic Hospital, Dec. 411, 1957, Ada Jeanette Wlardlaw, only daughter of D. and--Mrs. "Wardlaw of ' Belorred wlif e of R. P. °fele 1353 Trenton Ave., Ottawa-, in her 39th year Born in -Abel, she attended ( Ilthel. Public School, Ethel. United -Church and Sunday School, also ' ljistowel Distrilt High Sohool. Nine years lag° She married, in Bertha, Elliott Pat •Shaw' Standard Bearer From 9:30 pOn, — 1 a.m. / Booth Good Music nnualConcert a d ance unillabough Sisk rs Featuring T he (with the Kansas Farmer) , Fite 'Lovely Versatile, young Ladies Piano, lEtanjo, Guitar, P. S. Sunday ;School suspended during the winter months. Accordian, Drums, and Violin., f 4 4 4 4 . 4 I 4 ..„ Sunday School 1.46 P. M. ' Worship Service *•• 2.45 P.- M. Melville Church Organist-- Donald Dunbar„ SundaY School 10 A. M. Divine Worhip 11 A. M. AT 8:30 P. M. orr Concert and Dance -Adults 50c The united Church OF CANADA Children 25c Church SChoOl. 11 d At The Rail, ( ifamily and Dag and Mit. WbIt.tard. fa owe , y a 8 ditli'dll' `6'f f ietialthlgt , :„ .', .i 1 1,, road Et.tation, pirelotileil by 'Margaret ' and tn''' !MAY of St • CithatineS1 Epoot • • , •-;•> • • ,•,•••• ". • . • land §on. of Allan, dit,ati,. any Witte were titlynn„ Ateeetic tit "7.rile Minister at. Chianti; Anti - Lt tiottO tointattnieii. Stitidif ho Chevrolet loWer and wider'. and emphasizes fibWing sculptured from the dtial- ..• • 4. ;:kr akwgmaav,im:A.I•vA;Av• , .ii%•twz•P•- '• • Dramatic new *tii'gand•-oh't'ab'Mng,en'g'me-ef'i'il'g -.idvahcesOedoili'ihiried in the 1.05g ClieVrolet. Completely rieW Irein bnitipet hinter and from frame to roof line ,• the 1068 headianip$ to softly flafeti rear teriderS: Sturdy coil spring's, front and iear, are standard, while it tlei)17 41ovei Air" Sy,Stein Which automatically adjUStS, to all load weights is optional Shown.. here' is the Bel Aria 4-Door Sped Sedan,-- jib 12 Noon k 7.30 P. M, A Specialty Phone 40 X Brussels ' THE PREriErt FE:MA(1 CPA...MOH 1N Cski.ADA ' Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. Thompson Worship Service A.K. St David's Chareh, i'--fejitiyii• .,....,- • - . ; . -A ,. , • , ' i. tfeli& :aqiitgi11%'1 SWeefity, Viol lqerner, 'Clinten. utukttAgti to take , Hospital LOndon, on iSnliaay, bee, „, At6' to,, tit titeii6olig ' 116i "r'4i.)46ii, - ' place tot,. Iii.. January, I 1, ' 1.,"tii', i't datighteer teid Carol, . , I A:6ii""' ''''.14: l''''''b - ', ' ''• ' I i1 i Adult Bible Class .1.45 P. M. allrillstar: Rev.-L Brown B.A; Organist: Mrs. A. E Martin 11 A. M. "A Date with the ChM Stream" • S. &trot CotiteitA Santa arrived- with thiti§eie ravish Ito ,,MMOnnee• BORN ••••oq trbielt distribuqed to the engagement of thole. eidea'rt ditaghter A. t`'. to', A. Monde .Mtit.fti;A\T6icr :'who *ere served tb. John EA** Meriier, 11Orinetri Stepheieseri'r •44(1°11 11.6t1'168111'llientS 1)y Margaret eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ' "Lost — mid rotthivi , Burial ,tva,. !hi Avondaleeemetery; . ,g.*totit, giiottri, -A tt hytiitry Bata ObriStiraS with tti, and Mit, Pen StrattOrd. ' ' ; . •• , '. nititiher by Tdolbel OilbLidii4 grotty Vbhtitil'a, Mr,. and Mt, Cecil Eli; 'At' • ' ' .* ' " ', ' ' ' "'" : ' '...t: '''' ' f011OWed by a tat Biiitde. added 'o : Wood and Mr, and krs, doe, 'tilent: .. dAgiti OF iiiANite' '. fllA iiiiAtify 04 ttq-, &Cadet., .':, Anglican Chute h • - - - . - " . ' ' iieroo•bi,,wtitg. tiottitthgtink,s6orggiii,ift,.aerildd: htLiiii(iii .T,,,,,,i ily..i 746totimittOi ..ttrtai....t.iter, give I Braiiityi-on end .Mr, on4. Mr's,. C11' ft7 0,', A W'eM..Vi " AitY' Shenlierds tier -At'. an,-ii Mrs. Carl self and Ross et . . - ., many kticineorjeof ishoti l, ii§.. Aitvit- , all , hialit 11 tilt° h little ljot,s ,• :Middletetil of Atwood Were alSO i . Or CANADA i PoisotiN S Diiiiiiiiii our rodent 'herea`Vetiteht • I. tliOttghtte at ;ChriSt.inals. anti-:hen a ‘ N !Sitar-S.. g - . .. , i • 1, *iv.. Okla I. 4.404 .L 4,, 11,.' iiiiiiii, '11110 . Will be itroalStired memories Y'iL Pit id wmiiiiiigeiiii nephew, e'l'il''''ii°-4. 146 'f'ea '' ' • .... ... I ENGAGEMENT , .., I , Knox Church. IITHEL Minister: hli. C. L. Thompson .4. ..'t ReV. (Stuart 'IdlaIdLead Of St: trateild and tira, Whittart - arid Bnanitford., , " ' The Young‘ Women's Guild of --- ,- 1 InterMent 'Was! in Beechwood Melville Church held their annual I Cemetery, Ottawa. • , 1 Christmas party at the home of Mrs. . I Ga-aham Work. The beautiful decor- • . i atoms were ' a setting for carols '.! Mrs. George Agar . ' i and fun. • , Mrs. George Agar, ' 47 Milton St. - , . • 1 Stratford, died after an illaess or a ' A shorl business,. period pre- I , I few day.s ceeded the felstiviOs. Mary Fisther , fiI Mrs.-Al,gar was born in' Morris presented. tor the nontnating corn- ( townShip,' ;the ;termer Gertrude miltee the following slate of i''' I: Robb, a daughter otthe fate Mi. and. I officers: I Mrs. Joseph *Robb. In 1919 she President Mrs. Winnifred Edgar ' Marguerite Ktrauter __ . married George Agar and they ( Vicie Pres. went to live in Stratford. She was i Secretary Jessie Little a member of 9t, mints ' United Treasurer Leona Arme`lrong Chureh. She-lis sitrvivtd by her ( Pianist . Mary Fische/ , Leslie (Arley) Lee of London; Mitt Sunshine Commititee Jean Ireland Laura 'I hasband; three daughters, MO. Ass% Pianist • i Walter (Veria) Core* of London; 11. Alcock, Wilmta Hemingway ' j aid MRS. Andrew (Lois) Campbell Press Reporter -jselbel Gibson , -of Windsor; two sons, Harold and ' Flower Committiee Ethel :Brewer , deell of iStratfOrd; ten grandChild- ! and. Isabel Attains . i. ren.', two Sisters; Mrs. William . Isabel Adams invited the Guild t! (Teresa) Brewer of Bruda"e10, and to hold their January nifeeting at Mrs. Armand ' ('Hazel) LaWaon. of tier home where the Committee in ' Stratford; ; and two brotherit, Neil charge will be Winnitred 13dgitr, 1 of Belly-111e; -and. Harry of Owen Jessie tittle and Margunrite l Sound: . . jile4i.miciic Iluinotal liMne, Stratford Kranter, The .first nuralier, On :she program'; Funeral servifee was held at the . Nina a PeeM .by. Isahel Artemis untitled 'I; il at 2:fm, on Friday Dee. 27th With ,- M44 ort6lie tomstlia§ Present r • Treasurer Carrie Oakley VAL.'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Secretary' Cutting Styling • Cold Waving , • Vera Haistings -Hamilton, her now' bereaved .1. husband, it P. (Vie, where they ; lived up to three years ago when they Moved to Ottawa. ,The funeral service was held at : Hulse and Playfair Limited Chapel l 315 McLeod Street, Saturday, Dec. 7th., 1057. The service was conduct- ed by Rev. Dr. Charles , Donald. : Rev. Roy P. Stafford, ministers of t the United Church -of which Mrs. t Opte was a faithful member and •petive member of the Bible study. school. • She lea.ves 'to mourn heir*loss her 1,•Ttl'sband and ,narentls, and one it ibrothect; "Dr.„ W, L. WardlUmf et els" and M. Mrs Eiden of Aiffett #vdocid poit Ladi. 1, and . Mr. and Mrs. Rqbert Joyce and children, Lorne Park, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Armstivong. * Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy Lowry, Scarbore and Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Smith of London, with their families spent Christmas with Mrs. W. -Speiran. • 'I Fred H. Jewell, third year student in. Photograpbic Arts at' the Ryerson ins tuts in Toronto is at home with Parents Rev F. E. and Mrs. * * Mr. and Mrs. W. 5: Scott with their family at the home of their Aaughter, Mrs. Sas., A. 'McGinnis and Mr. lOarinnis, Concord. MIAs ew N. Jardine heclontlatied * * Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rutledge and song and -Mr, and ANS. L, Ebel and dauthiliter were preSent at. a Chribt- Inas family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ReytAtirst, Walker- ton.