The Brussels Post, 1958-01-01, Page 15
Doll..ars. and'Senie • .. ..•....„.1/4,„4,, , . .
- , .„
, . ,..., ,.;,..k.077,,,,.,-....
• '• If you send. ..
,. . ...
41,41ilf.F.V r;St .
' • • V 44
cash, through the. mails ...,,„:.,„..„,
... ..
' 4
The .following executive rill be.
installed at the January meetin'a.
EII1 Nichol Isobel Young, Mrs. B.
Campbell, Jean Lamont,
Mary Lowe, Caroline Kernaghar.
The niseting was, closed with the
closing ceremony followed by the
• *ii
Mr. and Mrs. G. Baelter -and inm,ily,
London, with her parents,' Mr. and
Mrs, J. Work.
*, * *
Mits. Mary Bone is in Winglam
hospjltal with a fractured hip, the
result of a car accident,
* *
Dr. and Mrs. Donald
and children, Toronto, with his
mother, Mrs, T„T, lVfeRae.
,Mr. and Mrs. M. Vocklen,, London
and Mrs. C. Sellers, Brusssels,"with
Mr. and Mrs, Jals. Kerr, Morris.
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Coleman, and
-baby, Port CoNyrne, with his
parents, Mr. and Mr's. A. Coleman.
Miss Agnes Lane and Ronald
Lane, Riverside, and Bill Martin Jr.
of St. Marys 'with Brussels friends.
* * *
Mr. H. H. MacLean; of Burks
Falls With his daughter and Bon-
in-law, Rev. F. EL -and l):/frs. Jewell.
44-••,-• Mr. and Mrs. 'Stuart 1Viacinnls and
family spent the Christmas iholi-
day with his mother, Mrs. Wm.
ro ST ' r
auto oui,C;'t !Ls .iPSO4i44: 0440.304 ,POIPA 900P De_l?",1.14411fx4, • Wednesday, January lati1958, • 441144411,
'Post Publishing Houst $2.00 per Year 421.4 ki
Ho/i4oy Visitors j r,,Y ttLTON:
Mrs,'Roy 1.3Px:Knqt.t. triad the /4IS,
001419 Ito Pal> M her home' end
Impair ire & arm,
IVfr, .end Mrs. lames' Johnston,:
And family, Essex, Spent the Christ, '
".nias vacation with the, fnrtner's
..mother, Mrs, Silas Tohnston
Mr, ,Harold, McCall of Hamilton-
Was A hOliday visitor with Mr. and
;Kra. Arthur McCall :and other re-
AT 110ME. George Nlyles Davis 1.4GION AUXILIARY
a 14 *
Kr, and. Mfrs, Wilbur Tlir41)414. of i George. ld, Davis 'passed away at . fi, t A. • • *.
' •,*, .,, •
Grey Township Will ••celebrate their his home in prima* .0 Saturday, ; Tlie December 'meeting of the. , - •
... fortieth wedding annlyerSary. Oal Peceniber .14th, in. his 7.3,rd:;year. , ( Ladies ..N031.4ry to the 04p440.g. :. .Mr, .$. Nichel, -Toronto, at his.
PridaY, Antiary 14th, at the. iretne of .. While in failing health for. sov,s{rall , .Legion. was lield In,their rooms -with. hone .hero, . . . . . ,
. Ohen they. will receive their friends He was la lifelong resident Of this he; - • moo Mae Skelton, 'Toronto, with
liana' ni.Janner, the'PreSentation. 0 . .
A family dinner . wIll, be held. in of Morris township prior to retir- , .
/ the tIpp, and the. 'President, Hay' * F - ,
, .the evening, ,. • ins Ito Brussels a number of years ' '
I DURCP1 in the chair. , . ldis.S. Ruby- Smith!. Tomcat°, with
ago. F. R,- Smith. • .; • •
- H i . Tie secrotcury's, and tOeastirees • - • ' .
• . - 1. !their son W, aPfd Mats, Turnbull Years his death was sudden, A a good attendanee, „ *
The meeting was opened t triQn4 It -
from two to five in lhe afternoon. eolrannaitY) fanning on the 5th line 1.
Mr, and Mrs. James Lamont and
.flamily of London, were holiday
i urkey banquet to be served the * ' * ' *
e s \rived !by his widow and
one sOn, James-, of Morris township renerts were read and adopted,
and -3 grandchildren; also two sisters
A fifteen *volume set •of CHILD t Mrs. (Menlo) Happ of Rochester t ArrangeMents were made fell" a
Miss Mary )3etli Jewell, Toronto;
With Mr. and 'Mrs, R. H,nether. : .,
. visitors with her IfateAtTil MI'. PO
011AFIT books has been PurchaSed r .auld Mrs. (Elizabeth) Dodd of ' i
Mr. and Mrs 're,d Mitehet ?lig, 311?'wfs,r.L.40nIddymProsr,t(;.ra;k. Marshall and following week. .. •• by the Public Library, The books Aurora; . and a nephew', Fred , . onto,- 'With their tarnilles' here, are lavishly illustrated and full of . Williamson. of Toronto, - I It was deccided to -purchase a, . , ' I, .- daughter of North Bay spent Christ-
* * 44 ' intertst for children of all ages, 1, Resting at the D, A. Rann funeral I blanket, on. whqleh to sell tickets , 'r
t I theme until Tuesday morning, the i to be drawn at the Legion Scotch. Mrs. Jas. Ballaii;t:Yne with her 137nsrieWlhanMd Mrs, u.leitlatoMinItars.rhiaalslearnd 1 '
o funeral service was held at St. j Night lame°. _ son, Jas. S. Ballantyne, --London,
IVIr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett were
. i John's Anglican Church conducted , Kitty Rutledge was appointed recent visitors With Mir. and Mrs. I bY the Rev. IP, E. Jewell,at,2 p.m. k Leslie Rutledge of Streetsville. Folk and rairy (Tares to purcbabe a Christmas gift for
i Tuesday. parents, Mr, and Mr.S. W. G. Leach, Mr. and Poems of 'Early Childhood t the ailoPted veteran' et -Westmin-
1 Interment took place in Brussels k * __* * . : Story-Telling and Poems sec Hospital. were 1 cemetery. Cst. Robert Kennedy, of .R. C. Mrs. Fred Animal Fir-lends and Adventlres , 1 Plans were mace to send boxes
Pallbearers were: Mervyn Pipe, M.P. Ilea.dquarters, Ottawa, at his miss Olene Great Men and FamoUs. Deeds , :to lodal boys in the ;armed forCes
1 Jack Pine, Boss Cardiff, Ed. Taylor home here , Art and Children { who would be unable to 'be home • . I and San .Tordon, all ,5th line of * * . *
was a
i Exploring The World Around Us , 1 for Christmas. Also to the shut-in Morris neighbours, at d Gem ge Mr. Kader, ;Toronto, witK his / Music For The Family 11 - ---..-- 1 Legion members. The Auxiliary I Davidson, . - .... 1 • appreciated 'the donation made by'mdaangn.liter, Mrs. and Mrs. S. Wax--
j Harvey Kitchen and Sack Darold- 4 the Legion Branch toward this
x. *
Mr, Douglas Leach with his
you run a real risk of losing it. For your own Pont,
of mind, it's far wiser to send money orders. 'The
small amount a money order costs, assures yo
that your money will be safe and sound. No one
can receive the cash except the person to whom your
send the money order. Next time you want to send,
money, whether $5.00 or $500.00, call in on us fog;
a money order or bank draft. This takes only a 44.:
few minutes to arrange. It's one of the many helpibt
The books are bang
The titles are:
'Mrs, Walter Broadfoot
vistteril with;;Yi.r. an:). • -
Iterley of ,Toronto,
Dundas,- Kitchener,
visitor Miami,- •
vacation rp'
banking services we provide. .:44
Ma., after spending Christmas at
her home here.
f. Science And Industry
1 Life In Manly Lands
Creative Play And Hobbies
/ Especially for parents are these,
Your Child In To-Day's-World
( You And Your Family
Your Child IGIoes To School -
; son-were floWer bearers.
•^-• Pet,4"
, •
Mrs, R. P. ()pie
CLARK — At Clinton Public Hos-
pital, on Dec. 16th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Clark, Of Walton,
a daughter.
work, ,
Sunshine Collection, was taken
Mrs. E. "Nichol holding the lucky ,
It was decided to bend Christmas. ;
boxes to needy families. on Christ- ' •
y. "mas Eve.
H O. W E R
e For Mr. and Mrs. HoWard Cassivy
3 '(we Evelyn Hyslop)
FRIDAY, JAN. 3rd '
Nomination ;Of officers' Mar 1953
wla,s held' with Vera Hastings as
The rfollowing officers were re-
elecfed by acelamation: •
Parr President Mary Lowe
President. -Kay Duncan
1st Vice-Pres Margaret Stephenson' '
2nd Vice-Pres. .... 'Sarah Stephenson
There past away in Ottawa Civic
Hospital, Dec. 411, 1957, Ada
Jeanette Wlardlaw, only daughter
of D. and--Mrs. "Wardlaw of '
Belorred wlif e of R. P. °fele 1353
Trenton Ave., Ottawa-, in her 39th
Born in -Abel, she attended (
Ilthel. Public School, Ethel. United
-Church and Sunday School, also '
ljistowel Distrilt High Sohool.
Nine years lag° She married, in
Bertha, Elliott
Pat •Shaw' Standard Bearer
From 9:30 pOn, — 1 a.m.
/ Booth Good Music nnualConcert a d ance
unillabough Sisk rs Featuring
T he
(with the Kansas Farmer)
, Fite 'Lovely Versatile, young Ladies
Piano, lEtanjo, Guitar, P. S. Sunday ;School suspended
during the winter months. Accordian, Drums, and Violin.,
f 4
. 4
4 ..„
Sunday School 1.46 P. M.
' Worship Service *•• 2.45 P.- M.
Melville Church
Organist-- Donald Dunbar„
SundaY School 10 A. M.
Divine Worhip 11 A. M.
AT 8:30 P. M.
Concert and Dance -Adults 50c
The united Church
OF CANADA Children 25c
Church SChoOl. 11 d At The Rail, ( ifamily and Dag and Mit. WbIt.tard. fa owe , y a 8
ditli'dll' `6'f f ietialthlgt , :„ .', .i 1 1,, road Et.tation, pirelotileil by 'Margaret ' and tn''' !MAY of St • CithatineS1 Epoot
• • , •-;•> • •
,•,•••• ". •
. • land §on. of Allan, dit,ati,. any
Witte were
titlynn„ Ateeetic tit "7.rile Minister
at. Chianti; Anti -
Lt tiottO tointattnieii.
Stitidif ho
Chevrolet loWer and wider'. and emphasizes fibWing sculptured from the dtial-
..• • 4.
;:kr akwgmaav,im:A.I•vA;Av• , .ii%•twz•P•- '• •
Dramatic new *tii'gand•-oh't'ab'Mng,en'g'me-ef'i'il'g -.idvahcesOedoili'ihiried in the 1.05g
ClieVrolet. Completely rieW Irein bnitipet hinter and from frame to roof line ,• the 1068
headianip$ to softly flafeti rear teriderS: Sturdy coil spring's, front and iear, are standard, while
it tlei)17 41ovei Air" Sy,Stein Which automatically adjUStS, to all load weights is optional Shown..
here' is the Bel Aria 4-Door Sped Sedan,--
12 Noon
k 7.30 P. M,
A Specialty
Phone 40 X Brussels
1N Cski.ADA
' Knox Church, CRANBROOK
Minister: Mr. C. Thompson
Worship Service A.K.
St David's Chareh, i'--fejitiyii• .,....,- • - . ; . -A ,. , • , ' i. tfeli& :aqiitgi11%'1 SWeefity, Viol lqerner, 'Clinten. utukttAgti to take , Hospital LOndon, on iSnliaay, bee, „, At6' to,, tit titeii6olig ' 116i "r'4i.)46ii, - ' place tot,. Iii.. January, I 1, ' 1.,"tii', i't datighteer teid Carol, . , I A:6ii""' ''''.14: l''''''b - ', ' ''• ' I
i1 i
Adult Bible Class .1.45 P. M.
allrillstar: Rev.-L Brown B.A;
Organist: Mrs. A. E Martin
11 A. M. "A Date with the ChM
• S. &trot CotiteitA Santa arrived- with thiti§eie ravish Ito ,,MMOnnee•
BORN ••••oq trbielt distribuqed to the engagement of thole. eidea'rt ditaghter
A. t`'. to', A. Monde .Mtit.fti;A\T6icr :'who *ere served tb. John EA** Meriier,
11Orinetri Stepheieseri'r •44(1°11 11.6t1'168111'llientS 1)y Margaret eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
' "Lost — mid rotthivi , Burial ,tva,. !hi Avondaleeemetery; . ,g.*totit, giiottri, -A tt hytiitry Bata ObriStiraS with tti, and Mit, Pen
StrattOrd. ' ' ; . •• , '. nititiher by Tdolbel OilbLidii4 grotty Vbhtitil'a, Mr,. and Mt, Cecil Eli;
'At' • ' ' .* ' " ', ' ' ' "'" : ' '...t: '''' ' f011OWed by a tat Biiitde. added 'o : Wood and Mr, and krs, doe, 'tilent:
.. dAgiti OF iiiANite' '. fllA iiiiAtify 04 ttq-, &Cadet.,
.':, Anglican Chute h • - - - . - " . '
' iieroo•bi,,wtitg. tiottitthgtink,s6orggiii,ift,.aerildd: htLiiii(iii .T,,,,,,i ily..i 746totimittOi ..ttrtai....t.iter, give I Braiiityi-on end .Mr, on4. Mr's,. C11' ft7 0,',
A W'eM..Vi " AitY' Shenlierds tier -At'. an,-ii Mrs. Carl self and Ross et
. . - ., many kticineorjeof ishoti l, ii§.. Aitvit- , all , hialit 11 tilt° h little ljot,s ,• :Middletetil of Atwood Were alSO i . Or CANADA
i PoisotiN S Diiiiiiiiii our rodent 'herea`Vetiteht • I. tliOttghtte at ;ChriSt.inals. anti-:hen a ‘ N !Sitar-S..
g - . .. , i • 1,
*iv.. Okla
I. 4.404 .L 4,, 11,.' iiiiiiii, '11110 . Will be itroalStired memories
Y'iL Pit id wmiiiiiigeiiii nephew, e'l'il''''ii°-4. 146 'f'ea '' ' • .... ... I
, Knox Church. IITHEL
Minister: hli. C. L. Thompson
..'t ReV. (Stuart 'IdlaIdLead Of St:
trateild and tira, Whittart - arid
Bnanitford., ,
" ' The Young‘ Women's Guild of --- ,-
1 InterMent 'Was! in Beechwood Melville Church held their annual
I Cemetery, Ottawa. • , 1 Christmas party at the home of Mrs. . I Ga-aham Work. The beautiful decor-
• . i atoms were ' a setting for carols
'.! Mrs. George Agar . ' i and fun. •
, Mrs. George Agar, ' 47 Milton St. - ,
. •
1 Stratford, died after an illaess or a ' A shorl business,. period pre- I , I few day.s ceeded the felstiviOs. Mary Fisther ,
fiI Mrs.-Al,gar was born in' Morris presented. tor the nontnating corn-
( townShip,' ;the ;termer Gertrude miltee the following slate of i'''
I: Robb, a daughter otthe fate Mi. and. I officers: I
Mrs. Joseph *Robb. In 1919 she President Mrs. Winnifred Edgar '
Marguerite Ktrauter __ .
married George Agar and they ( Vicie Pres.
went to live in Stratford. She was i Secretary Jessie Little
a member of 9t, mints ' United Treasurer Leona Arme`lrong
Chureh. She-lis sitrvivtd by her ( Pianist . Mary Fische/ ,
Leslie (Arley) Lee of London; Mitt Sunshine Commititee Jean Ireland Laura
'I hasband; three daughters, MO. Ass% Pianist •
i Walter (Veria) Core* of London; 11. Alcock, Wilmta Hemingway '
j aid MRS. Andrew (Lois) Campbell Press Reporter -jselbel Gibson ,
-of Windsor; two sons, Harold and ' Flower Committiee Ethel :Brewer ,
deell of iStratfOrd; ten grandChild- ! and. Isabel Attains . i.
ren.', two Sisters; Mrs. William . Isabel Adams invited the Guild t!
(Teresa) Brewer of Bruda"e10, and to hold their January nifeeting at
Mrs. Armand ' ('Hazel) LaWaon. of tier home where the Committee in '
Stratford; ; and two brotherit, Neil charge will be Winnitred 13dgitr, 1
of Belly-111e; -and. Harry of Owen Jessie tittle and Margunrite
l Sound: . .
jile4i.miciic Iluinotal liMne, Stratford Kranter,
The .first nuralier, On :she program'; Funeral servifee was held at the
. Nina a PeeM .by. Isahel Artemis untitled 'I;
il at 2:fm, on Friday Dee. 27th With ,- M44 ort6lie tomstlia§ Present r
• Treasurer Carrie Oakley
Cutting Styling • Cold Waving , • Vera Haistings
-Hamilton, her now' bereaved
.1. husband, it P. (Vie, where they
; lived up to three years ago when
they Moved to Ottawa.
,The funeral service was held at :
Hulse and Playfair Limited Chapel
l 315 McLeod Street, Saturday, Dec.
7th., 1057. The service was conduct-
ed by Rev. Dr. Charles , Donald.
: Rev. Roy P. Stafford, ministers of t
the United Church -of which Mrs. t
Opte was a faithful member and
•petive member of the Bible study.
• She lea.ves 'to mourn heir*loss her
1,•Ttl'sband and ,narentls, and one
it ibrothect; "Dr.„ W, L. WardlUmf et
els" and M. Mrs Eiden of Aiffett #vdocid poit Ladi. 1, and .
Mr. and Mrs. Rqbert Joyce and
children, Lorne Park, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S.
Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy Lowry,
Scarbore and Mr, and Mrs. Maurice
Smith of London, with their families
spent Christmas with Mrs. W.
• 'I
Fred H. Jewell, third year
student in. Photograpbic Arts at'
the Ryerson ins tuts in Toronto is
at home with Parents Rev
F. E. and Mrs.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. W. 5: Scott with
their family at the home of their
Aaughter, Mrs. Sas., A. 'McGinnis
and Mr. lOarinnis, Concord. MIAs
N. Jardine heclontlatied
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rutledge and
song and -Mr, and ANS. L, Ebel and
dauthiliter were preSent at. a Chribt-
Inas family gathering at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. ReytAtirst, Walker-