HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-12-18, Page 11..0.1.44 CELEBRATE 35th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of the 3ril lime of IVIorris, were pleasantly surprised when a turkey thinner was 'arranged by their family at !tdie home Of their daughter Mary and son- in-law, Charles. Thomas of Brussels, Sunday, lit being their ,3'5th wedding anniversary. Tho wedding took pliace Decem- her 14th, 13122, at the 'home of the bride's parents, the late Mr, and Mrs. John Imlay, Of Wingham. The groom's ,Parents were, the, late Mr. and Mrs. Abram Procter of Morris. They halve a family of five ,Charters of Oakville, loss of Bur- lington, Mary of Brussels, Geoirge attending 0. A. C. Guelph, Ruth at Teachers College Stratford, also five grandchildren. Bob, David arid, Dianne Thombh and Cameron and Louise Praetor. Other guests included Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Projoter, Mr, and Mrs. Bert 4rinsttrong, Helen Ann 'and Mary Alice; Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hoppet; Mrs. Myrtle Stank and Mr. Gordon Imlay. They were the recipients of many lovely gifts flowers and cards. LARD OF THANKS Many thanks to kind friends and nelathbetirs for remembering me while was a patient in London Hospital and Slice I returned home. Thanks again and Seasoln's Greetings Wm. C. Stevenson . The Annual CHRIST'MAS FORMAL( will be held In the ' Wirigharri District High School FRIDAY, ,DEC. 20th, 1957 Dancing 9:00 p,m. — 1:00 a.m. Dancing to Paul Croat tircheStra Admission $2.06 a Couple Dreta Optional 01•11PRIEmommtviirdenr Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter VISITING OVER THE itOUDAYS7 Go CNR--the sure, the comfortable way. No matter where you'Ae going, whether you're travelling solo or with your fam y— you cau,pake ,sOttr plans now! Snow-filled skies or icy toads will Make no differende—you'll get whir you want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute 6 year trip. insure your holiday fun plans by. making your co, reservation 06101 Check too, the tilOriey-savin4 features of Otir rare Plan. Ask about CNR. Gift Certificates, ideal fot' holiday giving! itar ti;lsetS 4,:pclinforn4on contact your ideal anadiati Meth:aid reptesetitative. 0,•444).vrISIVI 11000134 Claaa 14411. Itet 061169 DOPtril4ealto 0041/0 Wednesday, December, 18th, 1957 $2.00 Per yew- Post Publishing House ;MASON'S GREETINGS DONATIONS GRAT E FULLY RECEIVED 13rtiSseiEl InterIlleallate 110ekeY tealli are off to, a fly/ing start hearing WOn Lire 2 games they have played clef feat* ,better SeafOrth and LifitoVel. This tealn is, in ,need of .funds and Would appreciate donations frOM. anyone intereated in helping them. Donations nlaY be given to i Louts Ebel M Export Packers, Modern and OW Tyme DANCE ,i3rossels Town Hall SATURDAY, DEC:. 21st .7 Admission. 50c Everybody Welcome THYNNE ALCOCK Merry Christmas and a (1, 4444 04) 0 4.4 4. 4 , HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 1958 TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS OUR BEST WISHES' AND SEASON'S GREETINGS Donations Received Frank • woutcheoa 00404001M $ 'OM • I 'George Baeker„,,,,,,,,,,,,r,,,.,,,. $. 5.00 Pearson $ 5,00 allaussels Legion $15.00 Ralph Pearson 4610 1.1.001.... 40.0 4. $ 2,00 PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY THURSDAY, DEC. 26th A Public Holiday Village of Brussels G. E. McCutcheon, Reeve Mrs, Duncan MoTaggart Mrs, Duncan Mc:Taggart passed away on Dec. 5th in the K. W. Hospital, following' an Illness of serertl months clarution. She came to Canada from naziand, and was worried to Mr. Mitchell ; Two sons, Howard of 'Thorolid. and Fred of Toronto, were 'born to this i 'anion, Forty four years ago Dec. she was married to her now bereft • partner, ‘44 4 (00 ,,,.,,,,.N rn iMEAN TRICKS A moan sneak thief removed the ea GI =froth.Rev, A, Will- iams car, Mr, Williams, unable to Start his car Sunday moaning, called a Mechanic who discovered the carbuerator was missing. There is little encouragement to arrange at'tractiv'e outdoor Christmas displays when they are destroyed by vandalo, The lights on the lovely outdoor tree in front of , Mrs. V. 'Miners home were all smashed when it waS dropped when an attempt to drag it away war , interrupted. rsu wit Ind other values Just as great as these o CHRISTMAS DANCE . In Crcznbrook Community Centre THURSDAY, DEC. 26th lie. L , Music By: KEN VVILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Lunch Provided ADMISSION $1.00 Each Sponsored by Cranbr-Ac Hall Roar NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Ethel Community Hall Music By: ARCHIE MANN'S ORCHESTRA Hats and Horns etc. — 'Lunch Booth .5' ADMISSION $1.00 Each Sponsored by Ethel Hall. Board unEDGE ROCERY THE t The funeral service was bold in t Knox Church Cranbrook under the I dirept 7an of Mr. D. A. Ream Mr, Credit L. Thompson, minister 17,r the church, condfucted the serviece and an apprOprlaste solo Was sung by Mr. Graeme MacDonald, - Interment%ook place in Cranbrook cemetery. Phone 7 Not Just to-day or to-morrow. but Every Day of ths year, We Deliver R T No Paper Next Week MAJESTIC W. I. CHRISTMAS COPC•E Melville Church Sunday Schl FRIDAY, DEC.. 20th at 8 R. m. 4'.• 0 11,'d'aqrt .EVeryiine Welcon e; • Brussels Majestic Women'e 1,1 Institute aniet in the basement of the library, which wait, decorated with , Chnistmas greens and tinsel, A lighted Obristmas tree was Surround- with gifts which Santa Claus and his helpers distributed at the close of the meeting. The president, Mrs. W. H. Bell, VaelcOmed a number of visitors. She announced that a bale of clothing weighing 128 lbs. had been sent to the Unitarian Services for US° in their work and commented. on the fine quality of the garments. Grants of $25 to the library board and $10.00 to the Children'S Aid Society of Huron County were Made. An annual project of the institute is the 'sending of boxes of trelats to shut-ins of the community at .Christmas time. r'Meinbers had. )brought gifts of honiemade cookies land dandy. The boxes to be packed on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles DaYis. Last year 30 bones were delivered to elderly and shut-in members of the community, The 1'611 call response was to show a home made 'Christmas decoration (and many attractive table centres, place cards, decorated candies and door .dedorations w.ere Shown: • Christmas Program Mrs, R, B. Cdusins the program *ammin.o•mosero.o• VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Cutting Stylirag Cold Waving A Specialty Phone 40 X Brussels ,THE ?RE:riff/ CEPAAM iarp4a,1-10H IN CANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOK. Minister: Mr. C. L... Thompson T. P. Bible Class 10 A. M. Sunday School 10 A. M,. ;Worship Service 11 A.M. "And thou shalt call lids name JESUS: for He shall salve His people from their sins." • Knox Church, ItTHEL Minister: Mi. C. L. Thompson Adult Bible Class 1.45 P. M. SEASON'S GREETINGS The Reeve and Councillors of the Township of Morris extend Best Wishes to you for a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 1958 REEVE -- BAILIE PARROTT COUNCILLORS — STEWATtT PROCIPEIR, — ROSS DUNCAN 41; -- WALTER SHORTREED .144.•T' iaar • — GORDON WILICINSON MELVILLE CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE A Christmas Candlelight Service was held in Meluille Presbyterian Olaurch, as is the annual. custom. The :choir, under the leadership of Donald Dunblar, organist and choir Inahster, Sang program of seldom, hearth Christmas carols and anthems. Before the service Louis D. Thompison, former organist, played a half-hour recital of organ mhste, The theme of the service 'wets "•God rest yon merrily gentlemen," and the motto Was written . in frdsted letters across the rich background of the orgln, on a border of dark green pine boughs. The prragram consisted of a, ladies' chorus, meals' chorus, and a. duet by Misses 54a,n. Cardiff and Jean , 'McFarlane. Brian Prescott was soloist in one of the anthems. During the service, the men of the choir ciloh read a verse of the theme and the singing of "clod volt merry aantipmen:' eloqpq the service. Dr. Alex Nimino of St AndreW's Presbyterian; Church Wingb am,, interim-moderator during the -vacancy in lateaville church, 'conducted the s.etn/iee, and spoke lividly on the true observaition of Christmas time. 1.45 P. M. SANTA CLAUS, PARADE ,Sartia Olanze paid his eninpal visit to Brussels last 'Saturday and with his helpers distributed almost 800 bags of !Andy to the, children of the clommunitY, Santa. was escorted by the Brus- Sets Legion, Pipe Band, An expression of thanks is, due those whose co-operation made the annual event poSsibte again this year. — - STUDIO RECITALS On Saturday afternoon last, in the home of Mr. aid Mrs, Louis P. Thompson, the second of three, studio recitals, was given by pupils of Mr. Thompson, in grades VII and VIII, The first of these recitals was given on Saturday afternoon. Nov. 30 in which pupils is Grades IV, V and VI took part Programs of piano 'solos, piano trivets, and vocal solos were given. Janniary the third studio recital: will be gilv,em by pupils in grades VIII, RX and X. A contest was held, and a social time spent afar the program. GREY TWP. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The December meeting of the Grey. Twp. School Board was held in the navel School on Dec. 3rd; with ell members Present, The minutes, of the November meeting were read and adopted on motion of Bolger and MeNia,ught — Carried Motion of Brovan and Bolger that the Board pay half the ,price of a radio for U. S, S. No. 12 with a limit of $15.00 — Carried Motion of Brown end MoNauglit that the Board advertise for care- takers for all the schools in the area. Duties to 'commence February 1st 1958 and tenders to, be in by January Gth. — Carried. Motien of Smith and Bolger that the 'Board advertise fot 125 eords .of hard maple and beech body wood 14 inch long, land also for 2i0 °dads of cedar to be delivered to the various schools befote July tat, 196a, Tenders to be in by Ian. 6th, 2.45 P. M. Sunday School Worship Service 41,nownabreowesu ric•*8 , NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF BRUSSELS AND DISTRICT THE CREAMERY will be CLOSED and there will be NO M,ILK DELIVERY on DEC. 25th & 26th & JAN, 1st, We ask that you get extra milk on 'Monday and Tuesday (23rd and 24th) to last you until Friday 27th. Thank You! .,..As this Christmas Season draws near again, the staff 'ahci management wish to extend to you, our Friends and cqstome:ri, our heartfelt thanks for your valued patrcaaae and hope that yoq and yours have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Neav year. BRUSSELS CREAMERY. Brussels, Ont. - • Phond 22 "Glory to God in the highest, and Oni earth peace good will toward men." ,Wership In Church This Christmas 'Presided for which Included a piano Sao by Mrs. Walter C. Kerr, readings by Mrs. Wesley Kerr, and community singing of Christ- Innis carols, Mrs, Geonge, Galbraith who, was introalinced by Mrs. R. B. Cousi s, gave an intertisting demlonstrortra- Oen on wrapping Christmas parcels. 719r adivice Ifor elconomical gift- wrapping was to choose a color' scheme of perhapa, two ceders and buy rnalterials with that in Mind, "Use odds and ends and nae your originality," she Suggested. She even Isholwed attractive gifts done with wallpaper, She, received a vote; of 'thanks from the Institute menab- erg ,and a gift on their behalf froM Mrs. 'Cousins. IVErs. IL 'W. Stephens dealt with CARD OF THANKS Meiville Church , °Narita — Donald Dunbar. — Carried Motion 'Brown and MicfNaught that the members raft g,le Board re- - ceive the same salatittet 1957 as in '1956. much appreciated, Sincerely Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull I wish to express my thanks to all who rememiberel me with cards, ralowers, and Various gifts while ( Was In the hospital and since retiff ing home, Motion of MoNaught and CBarrolgi'eear that the Board pay exPenses, It Was very doniaates to ,convestion aa follows: meals $3.25 and mileage to, driver $7,00 — Carried The following accounts Were pre- aented and ordered paid on motion 1 of BrOwn and Bolger. • — Carried $203.83 's 10 A. M. 10 A. M. 11 A. M. Sunday School Sunday School Divine Worhip UNITED Y. P. U. The Brussels Y. P. U. met with the Ethel Y. P. U. as guests. Envoy Newman, of the Wling,ham branch of the Salvation Army, brotight interesting Message on the Work of 'th'e Army. Maxine Malian and Don, Heminiatay were, in chargé of the meetiag Next meeting will be a, Christmas Party at the home of Rev. L. and Mrs. Brown Dec. 2.3rd, • The nited Church OF CANADA MinisterA Rev. L. Brown B.A; Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin "The Road to Bethlehem” (3) "For Joseph and Mary" 12 Noon Church School 7.30 P, U. "The TruthaSeeketti" THEATRE ' 0,6- mottle. "ThiS let us Clinton. Hytde •Ino, C, •Cenley, salary Watson salary Harry Bolget salary . Howard MeNtittght, Wit,Stalth salary „Trio, Conley ecaiVelitiOn• eXPerfaes, WM. Smith obnivetitiOii ettinerleaS Notintin Hoover .tonVentrieti. elxoer sus 3,25- i Maidlitalci Winter, 85.25 (looll 'Balmier labritir Orient, thingieS • ()intl. It-artisan light repair Workman Mut IlloWillitea flitiinee reptile 28,50 Refltittalvtinete6• poolorolotint Ltd. aftiek. Hoed School' •Siippliea '3415,18 27,30• *0 • Ili eq111k. .:1(1:i011,111:6it 0,6 liantiall Polger meet bit littiltinry .3t. 2 pan_ Ethel Publie School, istornitin S, Meter, `S'ec't 2 shaws nightly 7,3e — 9,,a0 P. .,eiheerful giver." She Stressed teineraber that the Lot& loVeth a Matinee Saturday 2 pi M. th .faCti (that, in sPite of Many new , 125,40 , 100.00 100.00 100.0 100.00 10.25 Thurs. Fri. Sat, Dec. 19 20 21 and Modein clistoill§, there is only bauble Feature one IneSsage 0f ChriStmas — God's BOWtRy BOYS i giff, Ito the IviOrld which Was giVett in "HOLD THAT LINE,/ ' ,cheerfully, ;The belart or bilitisitiniaS _ i re not ellitinged nor forgotten and ' , - \ Plus - • ' ' i Ti-luil46t Ft OVER ARIZONA i the traditional aymhols are 14111 the I ' cow . strip,, the angels the shepherds and i Chapter. No, 10 "Jurigie Raiders" the ll''lae melt. 3.25 IN MEMORIAM, :SWITtER — Tit loving' MenlotY of MY dear husband, Lealle George Snritzelta Who passed ti.WAY Decent.- het 19th, 1955. 'Vivo years have Passed Since that Sad day, ~VBen One we loved was ealted away. :Clod took Nina ltdlnie It Weis Within our holarts, he tae livetb still. 25.32, 2.50, Anglzccir2 Church rer-t. 00 CANADA litarlitt sit lirU Is *eV: PilafE. J All, L T. Redd John's Chtirah, erititsehi e 11:00 A. M. Matting; 8.00 P. ivr. 6401 Settide ORIRISTMA.S EVE 10,80 P., M. , onetstihas Comrntrnion et David's CliUrch. hiantrYn rta 2.80 P, M. Evenkithig Sunday SolroOl tvery year; tiara and more people Witti are gat* *laid rig over theChristalha Seaton go' e 6Ali6 60 t . HANKS My sitiCere ilittulia is eXtendad to mill those Who 'rellieritheted. rice in vriaiolla Way's diittit my iiitaah. Voile thoplie;tOullueSS ratio '0,Plit& elated. 'P. P, eiiiiiiell? 'a4 IleSteaseS, hfahf'loerS the Meeting: Saturday .Dec, 21, 2,Oo *eit 1-261-84 lAttL Ittl• "MD. SCOUTMASTER" SPAM, Mrs, Rob't, deirentit t. Mrs. : i Delights T-TetningWay, Mira, William i Moil. Tiled, and Mrs. BeVerly Ii,ile r, 144/AV Yo tl-lt 'GOLD" ./ Chiemasoboot 1 JeOreY Hiquteit thktial Star' ekaithig treasure lurid M * • Tudaday •24, 8.00 ,.'dl'iALLNdt OF ti-le 661.0 tive‘e loved and reintinlierd by III'S wife lane, doiee trod 'Ted acid 1 Grainiallitriten t alie 111.11 0,0y0 'attel tATA. * aa. -71"7",' ' • at,111M. .