HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-12-11, Page 8tio,v,..1..$0*(.5.ww5s4,5-$40w Lovely Fragrant Cosmet • ics Are Popular Gifts Yardley of API an —2- Tiffany Springwood Evening In Paris Famous Bachelor Sets for Men Old Spice Colognes Dresser Sets Blue Hyacynth Dusting Powder Mennen's Sets for Men Red Roses Soap. YOU'RE A mogir lif Tiffany and Cutex Lip Sticks For the Biggest Value going in Christmas Cards see our Box of high class Cards in Luxurious Box 98c ••••••••••••••• •••• s. .1111011410 ChristrnYs Diecorations, Christmas Patcel: Wrappings, :rags mid- Seals. IF YOU DON'T SIGNAL. The driver in the car behind can't read your mind. When you plan to, turn, slow down, park, or pull out from the curb, let him know with a signal. It's the law. It's the sign of a thoughtful driver. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS? DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS—ONTARIO 'We've come to buy some Canada Savings Bonds." 146•1114,1 w A4 0, P09 ALL X TrIPS CaF BAK ING. 114-1/ FAR M ERSIJF CANADA 4b9 Hterer, ?Qv, n • Convenience-3 minute walk to Union Station, closest hotel to heart of downtown. • Luxurious guest rooms and suites. • Good Food—full come meals and delicious snacks: • • Entertainment Home of the ,fitutotts Club Indigo featuring Broadway ShInvt nightly, , HOTEL tlIONT and SIMCOE TORONTO tillefitt: EMPIRE' 34 WI' Wedueaday, PeCember 110„ 19,57. A-mmoire.ortnem 'MEI-YU-LB, W. M. V,VAIT . , 1,1,0 TIFf.g ORWAP.,5,.rosT •••"...*** . or Tip Top Tail or •""'Y .. , e * 000 el, pee .01•, le Phone 24 NEWS FROM SANTA Santa has chosen Wood't store in. Brussels to place a huge load of lovely Christmas gifts for You. He has gifts for all Tile- •regular Meanly Meeting i?X't . ')„- Melville Much, W M. 0., waS, held i in ,the .church parlettr on Dec, 5)1 With the px.'esidont,, Mrs. Win, Speir in the chair, The Meeting Was •, ,opened with the Singing of a !` Christmas avian-This was •followed by a prayer by Maas. Cardiff, The I Secretary,. Mrs. 0, Matheson 494.1 the trtasurer, Mrs. john Speir read 1 • OW reports: Mrs. 1.1, B,. ,Allen galre , a report of her activities ive Wel 1 coining • and Welfare Secretary. The i slate of ,offteers for ma was next gliVen. I The roll call was a swered by ".A. Ohristfrnas aliovght"., Sillent i prayer •eras made for four of our preSent members and former :members. who are now in hospital: 11 Miss Bessie Moses, on behalf of t time W. M. S. presented Mrs. Wm, i King with a Life Membership, I Certificate. It - was done in apprec- 1 'lotion of Mrs King's help in her office as pianist. The assistant pianist, Mrs. Walter Kerr. rendered a pleasing Ptano ', 1 • selection. 1 An article from the 'December Readers' Digest entitled "Nobody owes me n Christmas" was read -by Mrs, IT, Allen and Miss Jardine read "Twelve Rules for Happiness" from a Christmas booklet entitled "Soy" The service of worship for Crthristni0; as •gliven in the Glad ' iTtdings mat*ziae ! and enntled I The Light Oil'. 73•ethle'hem" was next ' on the programme. Part of. the • service consisted of a candle- lighting ceremony in which those i I taking part were: Mesdames Work, 1 k S o • For Baby Rattles to beautiful outer wear, a marvelous selection. Kiddies — Toys r and ready-to-wear. It Teens Smart Toggery, Lingerie and accessories. Mummy and Dadd ys All the beautiful Lingerie, Hankies, Purses Blouses Sweaters Dresses mother loves. Everything Daddy would appreciate. .1.3111ANIAINAP1 SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE 01004VAVOW.MMV.MoWRiteMVA, EXTRA SPECIAL FOR CIIRISTMA;S! While They Last AUTO-MATIC ELECTRIC FRY PAN 'complete with Lid and Cover $13.60 SUNBEAM STEAM IRONS $13..95 ELECTRIC HEATING PADS $ 4.45 and up TOYS — TOOLS — HOUSEHOLD GOODS PRE,SENTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY One Dollar Deposit Holds Any Gift Until Christmas Phone 62 • Brussels rIgMateMAtaillfeAVAVAte,MMOW [Turnbull. Lowry Stephon'son and McGinnis. Dedication of the - afternoon i !offering was mad.'e by Miss Moses, • This December meeting WO closed with the staging of the. hymn .,Holy Night. Peaceful Ni4ht", opened by singint a carol. M. Thomas led in prayer; uo. natirgi read -hie scripture lesson. "OW Night" was sung after *Which M. Rom took the chat'. Irateit Betty sang a, duet, "Nob, Nighita. Mrs. Walker 'read au Into:rased/ ichrtistrr4s stay. Betty and no.rex favoured the grout WM ed VW. I" ;duet, "Londonderry Air". Nag showed slidee oa Melee". fitzt Brussels Pall Fah'. A alt 'sung and Mrs. WalVd 'Condizeted con teat. ;' AI • "A.,'" ti A. UNITED'OHURCH W. M. S. H, Thomas again heads the W. M. a of the 'United Church. Meeting was held in the church on Wednesday, at 7.30, GAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD ' Chartered Accountants , Boll Telephone wines Walkerton, Ontario ....111110111111110•1111.• •,H OLDFIELD HARDWARE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE ., The December meeting of the niendsthip Circle was opened with Luella reading the infntutes of the previous meeting, It was decided to hold Our next meeting on the second Wednesday. In January. " Other Vastness waS discussed, Marie thanked the or, their help daring her term. as president, to which OW- ,garet T. replied. Giftd were o* changed and collection were tatt. The ladles adjourned their meet- Brussels M, M Mrie • !,(%.7 6W' RW, Liinch was 'served 1 Y 11696i:a 1I hag then met with the ladles of the i haemhers of the Friendship Meal. 1:1-vag I Thee Tidies Were thiwriVed 15y M. W. M. for a program which ThOnitt.E7, " McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE ebilit.L.uORICATION. 101111.1. Mot74111/40L11/ Ails MULL PlITROL&UM Pcdoeurrre suins. Parts and Aarrosorrriss. Austin Sales and Service remora till ad ".*okay- tif sans ass ironed 191011,a 77r11 SRL 1111,1.111. 41411. bete Other officers who were elected Telephone 68 'I and will be installed at the JaaltarY arfeetinig by Rev. Brown are: fat Vice•pres. WS, Mrs, Deallnd 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs, L, Nichol 3frd Wee-Pres. Mrs. F. Michel Sooty, R, Walker Asst. Secty, Mirs, .T. Rowland Treas. Mn.ls R. J. aVlioLauchlin Seep. iChirettlain Stewardship Mrs, R, B. Cousinkg Secly. Christian Citizenship Iff W. L. Turnbull Seely. Christian Supply , Ivrrs. R. B. COusinS Associate Members Sooty. MirS. A. Arnrstrong Sooty. Missionary Monthly Mrs. C. Mcradden Seoty. Community Friendship Mrs. T. Straichan Pt!es 8 ........ .... R4 Walker TAteliature - MSS. F. 13,Uclialnan Mission Bland Mirs. 13. Rana. Mrs. M. Oldlield Baby Band Mrs, Gordon Stephenson The members then joined with, the Friendship Circle for a soda/ etentng: mes. Rahn and 14rS. Welke' having cholla% of ithe program. A Life Merriberdhip Was presented to MIrS. Norman 'Hoovers, a gift I froto the Friendship Circle. Business eards ifstmas ihtups Always Better With Butter DR. R. W. STEPHENS Grockate Unkeerrity ant Torroop PlirriCIIMI sad SURGEON trispihme 45 ftros•sts., D. A. RANN & Co. SUMERAL—AlliD AMOKYIANCE SERVICa libins1110111 11311romor mod immoral'', MOINE 38 or 88 11111UNISA tplw i. Walker Funeral Home Dor Sr Cain. Pippirom • lliara for US at romenkr Sisres, ii n wti forsorill Dim* rimutp4ter Ow* dikamilion atirweri • V. ,t)o Your Christmas Shopping in Brussels Ice creani and crunchy almonds top these gay Christmas. Light-Ups. But the real flavour is baked right in, It's butter---fresh creamery butter-,--lending its matchless flavor--enriching with its natural goodness. Remember, for all your festive baking and right through the year, "It's AlwayS Better with Butter". FREE I Marie Fraser's "Merry Christmas" recipes for cookies and candy, Also her neW Butter Booklet. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. 110111C81811 sari 11111111111111116 SR 11811131111111.11 Ram SIM Usrrarissir sir a.. tow Toomby rod Ssionity mos won JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist.° fa—i. Gloom NUL Room 191 Sealerth Res as& Prest halt this mixture In the bottom of a well but tined 8' 0, cake tin; oodd with 2 c, whole crdninitry sauce and *Tinkle with 1 tsp. grated Orange Ond and 1 /2 c. shredded coObnlit, V A, 3 Top with remaining oat- meal inlxture. Bake 3501, for .40-48 tiff. Mit into' t 'I:trek:se NO Winn or ake"caridleS" by topping withice,Orthait use ennead§ let "held'. 1, it, MIL*, 14, • pm t. tJlix '11'2c.totled oats C. sifted ill-ptinise fiber; 14 a brdwn tuket. I tsp. Ode end iA tst), salt Cut in 'A O. better with pastry blender or knives, till mixture Is crumbly. SER VICE BUREAU' O. AL/. eiptornetritt.. Oiliho foist Oiiiffe-ik prilt4G1-1,0410i • —ail: DAIRY' FobDS I FOR. BETTER; CAK I ES I S0i.D IId Aciitki..1,3t1i.,AI W. L. 1"&adke' a4 Son,