HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-12-11, Page 6LE T
eda Andtkews.
4de. Cattle through a .etttdy of the
kidneys,"" Dr. Wilkins explained,.
"We do, not know what the kid-
neys• have,' 16 do with hyper-,
411i/slop, but they are right inthe.
middle of the picture.„'
• Victims Of high blood pressure
often have congestive heart fail-
'ire, with. .abnormally h i gh
,AMOUrits. ,in the body.
For these patients, .chlerothiazide
performs a double .duty: It "very-
effectively"• eliminates excess. ;
body .fleticle and'salts, and it also
reduces the., kztaod pressure
self. •••
Given three pills — pp.*. a
ineartet . ; gram—daily for
eight months, "the patients feel
fine,” reported Pr, Wilkins.
"TheY're still/been they don't feel
at all 'dragged out' any more,
They can do a full day's work,
and their pulses are clicking
Along like fine wrist watches,"
From. NewSw.eek
104(4)(IP King way To.
Royal Procession
QUeert Eileabeth rarely has the
opportunity to go.anyWhere in.
Oublic Withant beignleeegniOd,
but she did visit ,Londen theatre
With five friends. not Ten; ago,
end• not a Oingle member of the
large audience realized she had
been among them until after-
It was WaS different in the days of
her great-grandfather, King Ed-
ward VII, who Often took walks
incognito on attended shows
'without being reengnized: When
in the country, he liked driving
his dogcart and chatting anony
mously with his subjects.
While, out driving one hot day
he encountered an elderly wo-
pan, carrying a, loaded shopping
basket, He offered her a lift,
which she gladly accepted,, On
learning that her basket co:il-
l-Wined eggs, the King smilingly
said he would give'her a portrait
of his mother in exchange fee
half a dozen.
.,The eurprised woman began
`to think she had been rash in
t.;:,"accepting a lift from a stranger
who made such queer bargains,
"What good would a pertrait, of
youy " mother be to ° me?" she
"asked. By this time they had
reached her cottage. The woman
en got ?down and, before, handing
her the basket, the King extract-
ed, the eggs. Then he slipped a
golden sovereign into, her hand.
"That's my 'mother's portrait,"
he -Said, pointing to Queen Vic-
' Ptaiia.','s head on the coin.
another occasion King Ed-
wardenwas walking down Pall
• Meg°, after dark when he met a
beggazewho was eir'diting,- toe,
cress the street. The King pilot-
eor him over, gave him some ,
silver and passed on without
realizing that the incident had
been observed.
Next day he received an an-
onymous gift of a handsome sil-
ver inkstand with an inscription
saying it was "a token of ad-
miration from one who chanced
to be passing and saw your
majesty's kindly action."
On a formal visit to Brighton,
King Edward slipped away from
his attendants and strolled along
the promenade where he met a
14-year-old boy woh asked him
where the royal procession was
and told him he had been wait-
ing more than two hours to see
the king go by.
• "Well, I'm glad your long wait
has not been in vain. Now you
can go home," said King Edward
with a smile.
Stole A Crocodile
Wished He Hadn't
New Treatment
May Prolong Lives
An "amazing, startling and ex-
citing" new treatment for high
blood pressure, which may pro-
long the lives of many of the
country's 20 million victims of
hypertension, was described last
month by Dr. Robert W. Wilkins
of the Boston University School
Of Medicine.
For the past year, Dr. Wilkins,
president of the American Heart
Association, and his associates at'
Massachusetts Memorial Hopitals
have been using a compound
called chlorothiazide an a group
of high blood pressure patients
who had failed to respond to all
other treatments. "The key to
the effectiveness of chlorothia-
Who would want to steal a
golden eagle with a seven-foot
,wing-spread and talons ,two
inches long? It, sounds impos-
sible and highly dangerous, yet
some unknown thief forced, an
entrance to an American animal
park after dark not long ago,
broke into a cage and went off
with the hpge bird.
"It was notorious for its fer-
ocity, yet it has not been traced,"
said an official.
Animal and bird thieves are
usually specialists who are used
to handling all kinds of crea-
tures. Early one morning some
tithe ago an' alligator was stolen
fromeane,Briglieh eepo. It was only
18 inches hang, but one day, it,
will ben10 feet long. Thik'speci- "1
men Was particularly fieice, hay-
ing spent much of its time bit-
ing, or trying to bite, with its
razor-sharp teeth, the hands that
fed it!
Alligators can be kept as pets,
which probably accounts for
their disappearance from private
and other zoos every now and
then. But what could have been
the motive of a daring thief who
stole two fair-sized lions from a
zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah?
They were carried away at dead
of night in a truck.
A man living near the zoo
said he awoke to hear the roar
of a lion .about the time the
thent Occurred.
" Two camels which vanished
overnight from a French zoo
must have given the thief "the
hump" and caused him to
abandon them after taking them
a distance of 20 miles or so. They
were found wandering. The
thief apparently found it im-
possible to dispose of them.
Stealing a crocodile sounds a
tricky task. It certainly was for
the thief who took one from a
Hungarian menagerie. His un-
wieldy loot attacked him, seizing
him by the arm and holding him
until his screams and wails
aroused a night-watchman. He
was released from the creature's
grip and later charged with
Four parrots were once stolen
from their cages in a Berlin
zoo. One was a splendid talker
while another, curiously enough,
was a bird whcih was a favorite
with local children who liked to
hear it utter its one and only
sentence: "Get the police!" On
the night of the theft, this bird
must have called in vain.
All present-day guided missiles are descendants of the German
V-1 and V-2 introduced near the end of World War It. One
type is the aerodynamic missile, essentially d pilotless airplane,
patterned after the V-1 "buzz bomb" (see photo above),
On Sept, 1944, the first V-2, rcic et tr s ed down on London
from on altitude of 60 miles, having been fired five minutes
ore from a pbint 100 Miles away in the Netherlands (See
photo above).
catalogues area good source of
("There youwill 'find
• copy written. by ad ...men and
women who have to sell or
There may be a small place
for poetry in "advertising writing,
• Copies indicates, Of Hamlet's
"Oh that this too, too solid flesh
would melt" he says:
"What a line for a reducing'
— From Newsweek
How An Expert
Makes An. Omelet
Cool Heads
Stop Panics.
It isn't everybody who hat the
presence of mind JO know exact-
ly what to do for the best when
an emergency arises. But it's
amazing how resourceful some
people are when confronted by
Ceught between two coaches
of, a re&Vtidg electric train, a
young Middlesex woman saved
her life because she kept her
'head — and feet.
In the war-time black-out she
stepped, between the two coaches
at a Station instead of into the
train, Before she could extricate
herself the train started. It be-
gan to gather speed.
Realising that she must run
with it and shout at the top of
her voice to attract attention, the
girl did so. The guard heard and
.stoppecl the train. The girl had
escaped- with a few cuts on one
leg. It was a miracle hew ehe
managed to keep off the live rail.
"As I ran r; shouted, I held
on to a pipe. * * said later, "and
when the train stopped I climbed
out and up on to the end of the
What would you do if you
were paddling at the seaside,
felt a metal disc under your bare
foot and realized that you 'were
standing on a mine?
When this happened to a.youth
a few years ago, he at once
waded ashore, told his friend to
act as sentry to stop other holi-
daymakers from going into the
water just there, and went to
fetch the police and beach offi-
The cool ,eheaded )youth then
helped tn epordonnoff the, beech
and promemade for.250 yards and,
X-RAY'S HER HOBBY—Having a chest X-Ray taken is just a
game to four-year-old Ann' Rankin, thanks to this hobby-horse
arrangement of the negative holder.
How hot is hot—or modeate-
lyeslow? It's ovens we're talking
about. Although today's cook-
boOks nearly always give oven
tenipera.tureel in -degrees Faheeene cr
prohebly nalave some.;
treasured family recipes written
in' terms of 'scant cups" and
'moderate ovens.' Or it is just
possible that you cook delicious
meals on a coal or wood range
and know by feel just the right
temperature for an angel cake or
In any cafe, here's a fairly
standardized chart of oven tem-
peratures to help you translate
casual instructions into Fahren-
Very slow
Moderately sLow
Moderately hot
Very hot
325° ,
Advertising Klan
TgliS His Sperets.
Spph:istioptes laughed when
J241.1 •,CaPies .sat 'down ..at his
ty ki,e4riter 31 years ago and
iawbrrot's-tto..4' ocify.rtlltiethlbgescto-pkyrn
pi440 liedW11 when
sat.o t
`t heal I,,•,started to play,'
They grinned - when the
,eFwiiiittle;r11g.47t!optA4,itrojatzheeiltiorp.24t%kaeli..xtrte.i xnr
.:'Bitt3t.2:::0",:p4les.,..:.now vice-presi-
AtkOckHaten;. 'Barton, Durstine
-4;PP.1?Pr.1r notes in
?Yti.ti4hte6er::tieS''YiNNe'nrel:11:ea:nboptislegt.rnif t'lie*noi.x1;:accAttlilyleesydPwsahoaydld
correspondence courses` for the
U.S. School of. Music and Double-
day, Doran..
What's more, Caples insists, the
same formula—"curiosity , „ re-
ward"—will work today; only the
techniques are different. "Styles
in advertising may change," he
writes, but not the basic prin-
&me of the principles,' en-
tangled as they are with unree
- generate human nature, sadden
Caples 'a little but he manfully
faces up to the situation. In
Navy recruiting ads during
World War II, for example,
Caples learned that appeals to
patriotism weren't nearly as ef-
fective as .appeals to self-interest,
"Free training that is worth
$1,500" easily outdrew "Imagine
me steering a destroyer".
Cleverness won't do either, as
he illustrates by comparing ads
for the late Dale Carnegie's self-
improvement book. The head-
line "How to Win Friends and
Influence People" sold twice as
hard as "How to Ruin Your Mar-
riage in the Quickest Possible
Way". Caples' sorrowful con-
' elusion: "Don't force the reader
• to think. Do his thinking for
. him."
Seine other Caples tips:
Policemen make good models.
("They don't worry much. So
they have pleasant expressions")
Monday is a good day to run
loan ads. ("Apparently family
emergencies often occur over the
weekend.") Build headlines
around "tested key words"
(samples: Announcing, introduc-
ing, presenting, today's, modern,
new, now, how, why, you and
yours, this free). ( Mail-order
little salt has been added. Beat
until firm enough to put in long
damp white cloth and ' roll to
1-inch diameter. Tie ends and
hang until cloth dries. Remove
cloth and cut into slices.
Men, would you like to imitate
a. famous chef and become an
expert omelet maker?
You can do it if you'll give
your undivided attention to the
following directions. They are
given by Chef Rudolph Standish,
who was brought from New
York to Chicago during a recent
food conference to show the
country's newspaper food writ-
ers how lie makes French ome-
lets. He was "imported" for a
party by the makers of Tabasco
sauce to preside over five
French omelet skillets at the
same time, producing perfect
omelets on each. He used only
an ordinary fork to fold them.
A low flame under each one
kept the heavy aluminum, skil-
lets at just the right tempera-
ture. And what is that tempera-
ture? "Just hot enough that a
drop of water spatters in the
pan," said the chef.
NON';/ for 'the "directions: "Ac-
tion is important, as is position
of hands," says Chef Standish.
"Left hand is placed on pan
handle with palm down, moving
pan back and forth. Right hand
holds fork and moves in circu-
lar motion. This motion is re-
peated about seven times, Ome-
let should then be ready to be
turned out. Then, reverse posi-
tion of left hand, placing it on
handle with palm upward. Tip
pan and roll omelet out onto hot
dish. Important: Do not wash.
pan, but wipe clean with paper
Chef Standish had a big bowl
of omelet mixture beside his
pans, plus small bowls of
chopped parsley and crumbled
cooked bacon. Butter went into
the pan (1/4 pound for this reci-
pe using five skillets), then.
some of the parsley and bacon,
then a ladle full of the egg mix-
ture — then the "action" started.
Egg mixture: one dozen eggs—
break into large mixing bowl;
combine 3 tablespoons water, Ihr
teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon
Tabasco; add to eggs. Beat with
rotary beater only until blend-
ed well—not frothy. Use ,1 scant
tablespoon butter for cooking
each omelet.
Boone, well known to TV view-
ers as Dr. Styner of "Medic",
has dropped his stethoscope for
a revolver. He is even more
familiar now sporting an ele-
gant mustache in the role of
Paladin, the suave trouble-
shooter for hire in the TV
wester n, "Have Gun, Will
grind nuts — especially when
they know there is a tasty bowl
'to scrape at the end!" says Mrs.
Baker.tger...pAyear-eld daughter
eeeeenteedg 1-ponncl cans silver and
painted or ".pasted pictures on
''theiCe for held the' gift cakes. This
—recipe will make one large and
three 1-pound cakes, Mrs. Baker
1 pound flour
1 pound butter
1 pound brown sugar
1 pound currants
1 pound each white and dark
Juice and rind of 2 oranges
2 tablespoons molasses
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon mixed spices
2 teaspoons each nutmeg awl
1/4 pound mixed peel
3/e, pound candied cherries
% pound ground almonds
10 eggs, beaten
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons almond flavoring
2 teaspoons baking powder
Prune juice
Cream butter and sugar; add
sifted flour and flavorings. Add
beaten eggs, fruit, nuts, .and bak-
ing powder. Mix spices, molasses,
and orange juice and add to first
mixture. Mix well. (This needs
a good strong arm!) Bake in
greased, lined, deep cake tins at
250° F. for 3-4 hours. Do not
open oven door until cakes have
been in for 1 hour. Pour 1/2 cup
,prune juice over each cake 1
hour before removing from oven.
(Cakes cooked- in 1-pound cans
will need only about 2 hours to
"This recipe has been a great
favorite among my friends, and
with festive seasons coming' it
occurred to me that many folks
might like to try it," wrote Miss
Lilian Wood, Gaithersburg,
Maryland, of her date roll.
3 cups sugar
1 cup milk
1 package dates
1 cup broken walnut meats
Butter the size of an egg
Combine sugar, milk, and but-
ter in a tall saucepan. Cook to
soft boil stage. Pit dates and add
to first mixture; stir gently until
dates are dissolved. Ftemove from
heat. Add walnuts, to which a
AFTER SENTENCING — At Camp Drew, Japan, U.S. Army
Specialist 3/C William Girard is shown with his Japanese wife,
"Candy", for the first time since he was convicted in d Japanese
court of manslaughter in the slaying of a Japanese woman.
Girard drew a suspended sentence of three years.
make a mark so that experts
could render the mine harmless
when the tide turned.
Some time ago Sir Winston
Churchill was saved from serious
injury at a race meeting by the
prompt action of his son-in-law,
Mr. Christopher Soames.
Two of Sir Winston's horses`"
were running so they went to
see one of them in the paddock
before the first race. As Sir Win-
ston turned, another horse rear-
ed up behind him.
Mr. Soames at once saw the
danger, jumped forward and
gave the ex-Premier a push.
The horse's hoofs missed him by
two inches. Sir Winston lost his
balance for a few seconds, but
quickly recovered it and thanked
Mr. Soames for his timely help.
Quick decision in sudden
danger saved a village in Lin-
colnshire not long ago.
During a sudden thunderstorm,
lightning set fire to vapour es-
caping through the ventilators
at the top of a 1,800-ton gasolin
storage tank, A tanker alongside
in the River Trent was dis-
charging gasoline through a
pipeline to the tank at a depot..
When fifty - year - old depot
foreman Frcd. Dobbs saw the
flames, he acted swiftly. He sig-
nalled the skipper of the tanker
to keep discharging and also
kept his own pump working to
maintain the. internal pressure,
realizing that the vapour must be
kept blowing upwards and the
flames prevented from coming
down into the tank.
Then, after calling' the fire
brigade, he climbed the ladder
to the top of the tank, followed
by two 'other members of the
staff; arid with 011 the available
foam fire-fighting apparatus the
three fought the fite till the
fitemen arrived, They put Out
the fire after using 300 tons of
Said ail official:• "The presence
Of mated of Prod Dobbs taVed.
the depot and much of the adja
cent village from being Wrecked.
There are font big gasoline tanks
in the stockyard arid anything
could have happened."
For the holiday season, you
may enjoy a turkey stuffing
recipe sent to the Christian
'Science Monitor by Mrs. Valda L.
Brumagin, Toll House, Calif. She
says, 'Stuff the turkey with this
just before putting it in the oven,
so that stuffing will not be soggy.
I do not sew it in the turkey, but
stuff it in comfortably and then
let it spill out and around in
the juices." Her recipe is for a
12 pound fowl.
3/4 loaf brown bread
Loaf white bread
A little bit of corn bread, if you
have it
2 medium onions
4 large stalks celery
Stock from cooking the giblets
3 eggs, beaten
1 stick butter (14. pound)
Salt, pepper, garlic salt, and
poultry seasoning
Parsley, chopped
Walnut meats
Olives, if desired
Toast breads in oven so that
they will be dry and brown.
Break into small pieces in large
bowl; add corn bread. Cut up and
boil, just covered with water, the
onion and celery. Cool; add to
bread. Use enough stock to
moisten toast but do not make it
Soggy. Add eggs, butter, and sea-
sonings to taste. Add cut-up wal-
nut meats and parsley. Add
olives, if you like.
* * *
If you are planning to have
roast cluck soon you may like
pineapple stuffing sent by Mrs.
Anette Lathrop, Kezar Falls,
2 cups bread crumbs
3 tablespoons minced onion
2 tablespoons Melted butter
Sett and pepper
1 tablespoon minced parsley
1 No. 2. can crush ed pineapple,
Cook onion in melted butter
until tender add bread crumbs
and brown lightly; add season-
ings and drained pineapple.. Mix
well, Stuff duck, which has been
cleaned and rubbed inside and
out with salt. Close opening by
sewing or pinning. Baste occa-
sionally while baking at 350° F.•
Allow 15-20' minutes per pound.
Mrs. Lathrop advises serving
this 'duck with steamed rice tea-
se/add with saffron arid combined
with bits of crisp fried Onien,
litokeri bits Of .crisp fried baciern
and chopped blanched almonds, ,
* *
If you'd like o make tear
English fruit coake, try this
recipe sent from Canada. by Mr's
3. J. Baker, Vatidteuil, Quebec,
"We feel that Christmas coblc»
frig Is a real tab-illy event, The
6ildteh love to etit fruit and'
SMILE OF WINTER—No work today for this big bulldozer that arriiiet Under a blanket of snos.4.
on a street -Widening project in Great Bend, With d little help from art artist, the,
1)14iiiadhlriet headlights have become eyes rid ;fa stoop ii 'grinning mouth.. Most 004
th the area' Wetenit at cheerful they- had to'art; bUt frOnt otidee ibt-inch thawfatL