HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-12-04, Page 8• ► 10 ► Wednioday, Decomher 4th, 1:007 BRUSSELS POST *** y AA,* *^*A•AA• AAA*. I .N9MINATI914 (contilAlea ,?ago P4 they did, not locate lore Wad PerSPIla one. • nat. Phone 24 , ; kkgew. te Tip Top ku-ko' Tailors. .• • Interestin. • Christmas Items: SAW R DAY ..EXICURSIONS ..................... . !WPAWPIW1,10..!rell.014,,,,,L4 . !!!••• .. t Mr. Strotton is the Brussels: PO- ' neS4tatiVe on ale StrattOrd Indus. tint Region 301,3r(1, ,aril said he i hasn't given 4.1p hope et bairn 04 Industry locatt, tiers, W. A, Williamson Said i.e was ' (ilissapointed in the number of rate-, payers present . a t the meeting, People make complaints to indivi,1 dual councillors on, the street bni. do not attend 'eltber council meetings i Or nomination ,meeting where their If Allenford. NEWS, FROM SANTA to TOR IIITO Santa has chosen Wood's store in Brussels to place a huge load of love ly Christmas gifts for You. He has gifts for all . . ... . 1 ,41t$01,A,A .. .. . ........... ..... ...... .. EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC...Nth) Good going and returning same Saturday only. . . ... Waterman's Sky Writer Fountain Pen HFLUPPBP with Free Bottle of Ink $1.95 lw... . . •••• .. • . • . • ... ******** ... A . •••••••* ..... A...••••..i4•14***••• For Baby Rattles to beautiful outer wear; a marvelous selection, EXCURSION FARES FROM 0e $ 2.05 Palmerstoril 4.60 $arnla q•uv Southampton 3.00 Stratford 6.20 Strathroy 2.60 Walkerton 8.80 Watford 4,20 Wingham 6.05 Wyoming Plsley 5.50 .... ...... . WOW* $1.00 CuteX in attractive Plastic Sets ... • . • . • • •i• • • .. • . ••••• ....... .... . .. ,Ploml•••P"'r”PPIt I 45.05 Guelph .95 Hanover 4.00 Harriston 5.05 Ingersoll 5.05 Kincardine 2.60 Kitchener 2.60 Llstowel 1.30 Mitchell 5.80 Owen Sound Yardiley's Red Rose,a Soap Box of 3 Oakes $1.50 Toys - and ready-to-wear, Kiddies --- complaints should he Made. He , Brampton r \ also said be thought 4. ltttle Imrluig Clinton should be done each year. who are doing. a real good lob, He . Chesley con'gral,u)tated tale ,fire 4cp4rthluM 1,1 Brussels Elora Calvin. Kranter said, in thanking' Fergus his obantrators, that it there was I Georgetown all election be would mu, Tre stated i Goderieh: he intends to call a meeting very \ I sbottly in an ti.tte0rmb to revive 1, 1, -the chamber of Commerce, Jack McDonald, hydro Oomralsa. ioner, said there are 218 domestic \ users, 78 commercilal and 9 power users; major hydro jobs have to be done 1,1, Clinton~, small Inaintenance i Paper Mate Ball pointed Ink Pencils 401 ... .. .441.1.04.,./.00014 ,1“440... $1.98 Teens „... Smart Toggeryi Lingerie 65c 104,00400, ...... . . .... A•A*•••••10,.•••• and accessories. Game of Lost Heir 1,•• .••••, •••••*A. $3,00 1 . Game of Key Word ..... ...... ................... .. .. .... ... • Mummy and Daddys All the beautiful Lingerie, Hankies, Purses Blouses Sweaters Dresses mother loves. Everything Daddy Would appreciate. *11 Corresponding Fares from Intermediate Points. PHA Flash Model *A.A.° ...... *;•*01.11k ... $5.90 ........ 0.”0"1”04.4,014. ..... ......... $11.95 Holiday Brownie Camera Complete Flash Outfit .... .11.. ... .. 1 ... 001 $1.25 Blu e Hyacynth Stick Cologne 4101 N ew Bliss Home Permanent ..... ,„„. .... .......... 0••••* .. $2.00 jobs by locaa men. FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS ... For Men Gillette Sets, Bachelor Sets, i Frank Mitcheq„ aciblodi boare. chairman, read the school financial Matement. He said the estimated cost of necessary repairs to the school is $alsa, He tried to get out- side estimates from Construction firms but they would not give an estimate unless they were 'going to do the work; the furnace hailer is I done and a hew furnace will cost in 1 the neighbobrhood, of $900. A new sdhool would clost apprOximiately 7 mills. In his opinion, with the cost' of essential repairs, ti, new furnace, and insurance rates etc. it Would be' cheaper to build 'a new school. Louis Dbet said he had -been on rthe school lboard for two years and enjoed the work; they had run into a snag in buildi* a new school. Gordon Stephenson spoke briefly saying he enjoyed the work and lhat it IWO' been a busy year. R. W. Kennedy said the board 1 had done their utmost - to secure the best possible suhstitute teacher required due to the illness of the principal, 1Vtr. K. L. Ashton Jack IVIieWhirter, school bolard nominee spoke briefly sugigestfrig that an. 'effort should be. made to get the Tligfii. Sicihool back that , money - was (going out of Brussels. ... P. R. Cousins- representative on the Wingham H. S. Area. board gave sow" if the reasons for • the in- crease in the Wingharn D. H School tax rate: cifeterila remodelling; Inrse sv.illool. area (one of the, lax- fr.st ar0a0 cost more nonq nunils and lowered tiMOSFT•,,fpl. AMA • A A ,A Seaforth and , Old Spice FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING ' AND COOKING . Christmas Decorations and Gift ',Wrappings ,Kagtzine Gift EubsChiptlelfe WATERLOO CATTLE _BREEDING ASSOCIATION T Use BRUSSELS Erand Creamery Butter .(salted Li-ratted) and to give your Turkey that extra good flavotir be sure to bagte It with plenty of Brussels Creamery Butter too. I R B. COUSINS LTD. • Phone 22 Brussels "Where Better Bulls Are Used" An Example of a Dam of One of Our Jersey Bulls SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 Brussels mw ,01, wolifolitmoilitovemolgolitaittaw 113.50 Princess 4th Edgeley V,G. $13.95 SUNBEAM STEAM IRONS. ELECTRIC HEATING PADS $ 4.45 and up -;1 ► 0, ► ► ► ► ► GAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD Chartered, Accountants , Bell Telephone BONING Walkerton, Ontario VWalteAg'AWW-MWAVAtk'MMAVRV EXTRA SPECIAL' FOR CHRISTMAS While They Last AUTO-MATIC ELECTRIC FRY PAN 'complete with Lid and Cover TOYS - TOOLS - HOUSEHOLD GOODS PRESENTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY One Dollar 'Deposit 'Holds Any Gift Until Christmas - Om 011 10•11.11............ 2 years, 9051 milk, 553 fat, 611%, 305d., Silver Medal 3 years, 10600 milk, 607 fat, 5.72%, 305d., Silver Medal 4 years, 10525 milk, 625 fat, 5,92% 305d,, Gold and Silver Medal 5 years, 10457 milk:602 fat, 5,75% 365d., 2X 6 years, 12513 milk, 773 fat, 6,1%, 365d., 2X THIS IS PROFITABLE PRODUCTION. This is what we are trying to breed into the next generation of cattle, The cow pictured is the dam of Don Head Jester Prince Basil, Ex, and AAA, now dead, but leaving many top offspring in our Jersey breeders' herds. MeNEIL'S SHELL SERV ICE, BY1111.4.05n1CATtalli, UtifItt-L 1401.7.411,14011.11 ANC 10.4n1.1.. PROOPUOTEI 1,09111.1111, TIMID Pares and kacoesnerfoo. at OLDFIELD HARDWARE 't Brussels Telephone , 68 31110Wite., Austin Sates and Service roman to a il f isaliew of osro cues wools, Trre X. to trans grants. 4118A ......11•1••••••••••••• Our program' is aimed at profitable production with pleasing type, be it Dairy or Beef Cattle you have to breed. Check these qualities in our. members' herds, You will find. that if given equal opportunity, offspring of our bulls will win their share of honours for production, type and wearing qualities. 7:30 and 10 a.m. on Sundays and Holidays' For Service or more information, phone collect to: Clinton HU. 2 3441 •••••••••••••110.0 •I•10•••••••••-. toe siness wards ..'r; B TRADES TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG MEN OF SIXTEEN DR. R. W. STEPHENS Groadide theivereft ri Termite and SURGEON Teallesitnee - ersmantr.. Ostd. Between: 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Week Days WE CAN HELP 111111111ninallneiseliftweeelftemiggimmsombmimmimigni.m.'„ Do you want to earn while you learn a trade?. Under the Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan, start-ing 1st June, the Canadian Army will accept a limited number of young men for training in 19 differ- ent trades. The training course lasts for two years and then the. Apprentice serves three years with a regular unit. Training starts in September. Under this plan the Apprentice receives • fifuaillf ppaayy to the age of 17 then • 30 days paid holidays a Year ▪ Medical and dental care • Travel and adventure • A healthy active outdoor life To be eligible applicants Must be 16, not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu-cation, and be able to meet Army physical standards, AS only a !knifed number of applic- ants can be accepted, make your application early. Mail the coupon below, telePhOne visit yOUr nearest recruiting Station. Army Recruiting Station 59 Albert Street Ottawa, ont-rei 6-1887 Army Recruiting Station; 164Wellington Kingston, Ont. Tel. 4738 Array Recruiting Station; 90 RiChinond St. W. Teri" Ont. Tel EIL 6-8341 Inc. 278 Ito. tisetiolioel boot woiieley Betide, Word & Elizabeth to., Dm* Ont. Tel. 4,1601 Loc. 135 rmy iteerultini Station, 230 Main St: W.. Ant RelleorurtilitiingillitOblitith-, 1T6111K. 14: St. E., RamilteniOet. - Tel. 2.8708 oeew.0 bean I I Please fond me witheiii„coor obiliget, thin the booklet "The Weir d MO- 1, Future '. Name Addroa.I t City/Town D. A. A. RANN & Co. AIL AND likommed romonli Dimmer mai Embalmer, MOM 36 0;86 .16.111116.6. 16*•13• If' your motor vehicle is now uninsured, we would like to help you obtain your MS license plates. One of the principal aims of Co-operators Insurance Association is to prevent aoeidents of all kindsr-highways, home, farm. CIA is a jeint-stock insurance company ow Id by United Co-operatives of Ontario, Ontario Credit Union teague, Ontario Federation of Agriculture and other organizations and individuals. Walker Funeral Home Dity -iir Might Dula Teiellowis SI - Pe gam Merin for Use a Faiminie Ansa usiima reed onisor W 1106Mon Twasty-litiew flour ,It milmieco 11.“6•• AA- . • Convenience-3 minute walk to Ilion Station. closest hotel to heat of downtown. • Luxurious guest rooms and suites. • Good Food-full course meals and delicious snacks. • Entertainment-Horne of the famous Club Indigo featuring Broadway Shows nightly. 1"11 R. S. Hetherington, K. C. f tr iiiiii 000011111.0 t ril~rb ens 111111111111111114„ Rift 31111 Illatieirlatit' tie "In thenoett".• OHM riA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE PO ASSOCIATION JOHN E, I ONGSTAFF, Optometrist, r 0 . Eva" Vatannimest iamiess NIA . f ': Maw ?In Neshoth . •..• mum amt 0.0.0' fetirwelPs Eutemll* AIMS Nike r 3o kkilt stain win, fetildii10- ORES-DANT 1st ViCII-PRISI011it .2ort.rc1411116101/17 • • 9 tiv-4, 642.361 *A. "W.A. 6ii S tare HOTEL --'1"1"1""augr FRONT and SIMCOE 641 TORONTO' PHONE: to* kiiti G. ALAN V I,. AI Sr Optometrist. nit moo- i;Awbfiffies &orgy Toom11". thiCiebtAt ARTHUR intleraS ni•dato; Id a &red& of the Ontadd Credii ntdrf 004 ,i••• i;i64e 160. raeoiat MOO ttcO e O E STAUFFER LLOYD lA§EER t. =o ali•eeedi , Of tfrIiteet fitle"P 1371:6Prgs,;.leeig.,5 lives dfitokro ?ion of .4krtetiltw •