HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-12-04, Page 5ANC? CLEAN CARS; THAI ' viiiY I BUY etW4h; Ai- ICI 4 /00 fre AND MAKE ANOTHER THING cLEAR.. fisix.RANiCALL--1, ThE, COME TO p1.7,ST aP SH,' rTh k IKE CLEAN ..icx.cc$ CLEAN 00TH' a,. CLEAN ...e.estle4+1,•• nye., WANTED with bath, Heavy duty 1 FOR RENY -- f-room apartment lauttfiin crup,boards, wiring, FOR SALE 2 steers about 700 Joe Chapman NEED STORM WINDOWS? lbSt Before You Buy let .Trickson Phone 380,5 Elornfli7 Ltd, give you an estimate on Aluminum self storing windows. No Obligation. _phone :P.,en forth 3W 4'01-D CO psTERFIElar Round up Time at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms, Show cushion from your suite to Schtvett salco• man for Trade In evaluation, on new 2 piece suite, =foam rubber cushions $149,00 Select .from 25 suites by ",Kroehler". Free delivery, CrodfireY Schuet4t, Mtilldmayi FOR SALE — Band Saw; Bench Saw; 3, 14" Saws; Vice; 3 Up. (220) Motor; 2, y, hp. Motors; Electric Blower and forge;, Bolt Clippers; Taps and Dies, John Gibson Phone 73 FOR SALE — New Mercury Chain Saw. 20 Parts. Reconditioned 14E000 Chain Saws with new saw ;Or. antee. $225.00 and lip. ~iron';;. Mercury Main SaW Distributor P. 0, BoX 378, Watford, 044 333 Main St, Vancouver, TS. a, FOR SALE — Colony }lease 10 x 12. rred Pn'orte 19.113 Phone 7 BrIASeiti, FOR SALE. OR LEASE Service Station and garage with living quarters. apply to Box 50 Brussels. FOR SALE — Oven Ready Turkeys Bann. Capons Carl Jacklin Phone 21r9 t.:o Your Christmas Shopping In Brussels C G KRAUTER PLUMBING', 'iLAIING FiRL);,-)1:1S .,17,X . kt,,,r , o.r• on, .... NOTIOg TQ Of. .P.ITO:13 f. 4 IN THg. ESTATE. OF- , 4Arsigs, THOMPSON. PEARSON J'ijgtOONS having cstti.tec csr -tbe. above itWationed -late el She TetetehiP or Grey • In the • County of"I-111.1V4t ,rotifsed PO'n/er, who died on Or. about the 5th day • or November, 107, .oro required • to. file. proof of , same with the undersigned on or 'before the tla:y of December 1957. I After that date • tl.e exeoutors proceed to distribute the estate (having regard Orally to the plalaiS of 4 1 which they shall then have had notice, 4 DAT1D- AT Brussels, this 3rd day -1: t of Detember, 1967, 1 Crawford. and Hetherington Solicitors for the Executors Atter itautt date tIm alcsoutors will proceed to distribute the estate , having regard only to the claims or , which they shall then have had notice. itr DATED AT Brussels, this 3rd day of .Dnceniber, 1957, Crawford and. IIetb.eri1igtOn- Siiolicitors tor the Executors .414, tiLorInz• 04.14.08 *calnst the estate of the above mentioned 'ate lot Site Township of Morrls, iu the Ootinty or iltiren widow, who died on• or about the I 13tIr day or November, 1007, are re. rinii-ed to tile proof or Sarno with, ' undersigned on. Or before the 21st. day of December 1967, NOTICE TO Pilaw-Nils 10HE, :ESTATE OF LUCY ANNE poNE 1956 Chen`. 2-door Station Wago4, 1955 Chev, 4-door Sedan Many Older Models 4 4 4 4 4 4 NOTICE — -.Did .,you borrow ..from us — ....1 Cant Hook; 1 Pick; 1. Spirt'} Level; 1 Log Chain; 2 Hand Saws; 1 Brace and wt. ....Please ,return „these as we do need them D. N. McDonald . — *asixe-46. mccenrifizw CLEAN Lisitt46, THAT'S WHAT )4Ke, 11111111111.1111 MOOERNIZEO PLUMBING WILL SURE owe A LIFT TO ALL or THg FA M I LY, A SWELL CHRISTMAS GIFT .1,4,11• POsil. POW for dead, sick o.r disabled. horses or cower. .Free- j pickyun. on smaller animal!. i prompt service witn wincn erplipped trucks, PHONE Leroy Acheson Atwood 153 collect pc George Hislop Wrexeter 2r15 CLAS34: RVSSElLS, t Eudnoti4P,Y„ 1 R IVLRSIDI OrS 41.;74elle- -OL DS BRUSSELS 56 Ailitf 1.••••••••••MMINIMIIIMMIIIIMEMMIMOdo•OrMlift•MINOM.••••••.011.1•11.1MMMIMPM Luxurious Impala Sports Coupe one of Chevrolet's TWO new super models! It's almost too new to be true ! It sets anew style in styling. It takes' a new approach to power, It's new right down to the smooth and solid way it rides. Now for '58, Chevrolet takes the giant step — the biggest, boldest move any car ever made ! It's long, low and luxuriously new — the beautifully moving '58 Chevrolet, It's new from ride to roof , . new in every grace- fully sculptured contour, from its bold new grille to its unique Gull-Wing rear fenders. And it offers quick-responding power aplenty in any engine you pick = V8 or 6. NEW BODY-FRAME DESIGN Chevrolet's new low-sweeping silhouette for '58 combines a new Body-by Fisher with a new X-type frame. It's dramatically lower and wider and a full 9 inches longer! NEW TURBO-THRUST V8 Chevrolet unveils the revolutionary Turbo- Thrust V8* with Wedge-Fire design. Wedge-shaped combustion chaMbers are precision-machined in the cylinder block, not the head — a radical departure that helps achieve a new phinacle of perfor- m a rice. NEW FULL COIL SUSPENSION Deep-coil springs provide cradle-soft ac- tion at every wheel, completely replacing conventional leaf spring rear suspension. New Full Coil suspension is standard on all '58 Chevies. A REAL AIR RIDE No matter what price car you're accustom- ed to, you'll never be sitting prettier! Chevy's new Level Air suspension* liter- ally carries you on cushions of compressed air, with all its natural shock-absorbing properties. Available now, on all four wheels! THE BEAUTIFUL WAY TO BE THRIFTY Never before has there been so much low- priced luxury! Sedans with thin pillar styling . . stunning interiors . a new foot-operated parking brake . , triple- turbine. Turboglide* and smoother-than.- ever Powerglide. Your Chevrolet dealer is waiting right now to show you the beautiful way to be thrifty —the '58 Chevrolet. *Optional' at extra cost. Gionsotously. new LW Ait 4-Door 8eddri beautifully -thriving "things Come ity itl utho thoetotek Dec WAN ME.D A limitee number of farmers grow a minimum or one half acre or more of raspbeitries or strawberries. Profits up to $700.00 per acre. '; Wholesale outlets for berries guaranteed. Write immediately for full particulars to P. 0. Box 785, London, Ont. to , MEMORIAL, .itraford I....met:try Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave., Phone 257W., Ray Shantz and Bert Pretty, Proprietor& For a • memorial of lasting beauty at a reasonable price and guaranteed workmanship contact our represent- ' alive, M: Flunk ‘V. Kemp O bA.LE Village Omeery :Dune and Pont , Room, large brick building, 6-room apartment• above, 2-piece bath, Price for building 2,800.00, 7 ft. meat counter, scales, cash register, shelving and counters, 2 pool tables. and equipment, $1300.0 0, stock approximately 112,00.00' at invoice Price. $5,300.00 takes all. Illness reason for selling. 100 acre farm, good house, hydro, bank barn, 3 other buildings. never failing stream on farm. Price $5,500.00, terms, 7 acre farm, good house, hydro, barn. Price $1800.00 3 acre , place in village, frame cottage, barn. Price $2,000.00 Good lieuse in town, 2-piece 'bath, Only $1,500.00 J,. O. Long 14(Iti estate Broker Phone Brussels, Ont. ,014 hietruum.- ri•fa utaT A,1onz V...xpert DesIgn3h0 ar o lvorkmarier.l. • %-lehel 1409.. tf 4'wco yarhaer gereetery Levens..., 4* ethteratiwe a A. t3r4 Wolof-twit FOR SALE — S little pigs, 10 weeks old, Jas, VanCamp, It.. R. 4 Brussels Phone 1737. WANTED 'Capable woman desires- More or office wank dulrin,g Christmas rush -season, For information apply to Box 50, Brussels. SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN in Hunoth County, Trade well eatablished. Myclellent loppIortiva4y Fall time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. L-152-189, 4005 Bfchallell, Montreal Queb. FOR, SALE — FREEZERS carload prices, 1(1-11-15-20 cu. ft. Prices along-log from $225:00 up while they last. Maeban Hardskialre FOR SALE — Christmas Trees Clot your Xmas tree now tram as good selection. Apply Bruce Marlatt 114 miles south of Brussels. Phone '5611. Wholesale prices 'and retail WANTED Old 'Gaups; Hanging Larape; Dishes; Coloured Glass; Old Cupboards; Chests; Drawers; Cherry or' Pine. Write — Mt A. Fre..Ser, Walton, Ont. Phone 1.9-8, Briussele ROYAL DOULTON SALE 200.4. OFF 16 Piece Earthenware Sets Many Patterns to chose from and a chance to get in our China Club During November & December only Leach's Jewellery Store yr.••••i, WANTED -- Highest cash prices paid for sick. down or disabled cows and horses Dead cows and horses picked up for rens4vol promptly. Also wanted to buy, boar hogs. Call collect, Bruce Marlatt, Atwood, Phone 8 or 153. Marlatit, BruaSele, Phone 59r7 DEAD STOCK Picked up promptly in saaltary trucks, Small charge made for animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone collect; Brusaels 72 illiam Stone Soap, Linidted, Inger011. IN8h.M t ,inn ORMATiON "for orriticiLl it se:lunation !afar• matirm or service from all breeds of cattle, phone thrt Waterloo Cattle Breettitig Aiseciatleri at: Clinton li V.2 3441 ar „Palitertstou 4t3tt cAltAceelk 7.M1 0.34) A. M. We have ail breeds kratlahle top iiitality at low CPA." Tiredo Weak Men! Get New Pep at 40, 50760 Get new s enroll ad energy dui 41111.4 Oughndst 'Try, (Nutt lrloseio ill ord but to of oh at 40, 50, or Se: gity.rundown,tirath con meycau 'getting old", They some, titaitzo and cnersito ass, n000, YOU soon feel red th /ut b get new nee. Now get- faatitta size only 0$d. At all dnikgrata. • .•••••Oz a4c;oc, ..4WaSAEt#: . ... . , .. .... .. . MirliEMPWRIau, A GENERAL MOTORS VALA Dazzling Impala Convertible — boldly Sculptured beauty sets a new pace in sfylingi Sea YOU? Leta Only itairchised Clivrotet detiltrs display this laincilis ?to-demotic S cream OrMILK FROM COUSINg 'DAIRY is THE BEST INSURANCE FpR GOOD HEALTH!'