HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-12-04, Page 4INDECISION ,caused this fatal accident . . ...;;;sseeeee z. LOCATION: Rural intersection; nr. Orillia TIME: 4:15 p.m. ROAD SURFACE: Gravel. Dry RESULT: One killed, Ono slightly injured :•• • :Trt.;,..4 N•-• The car on the right approached the intersection and slowed down, apparently to wait until the other car had passed. But, suddenly, the driver changed her mind and began to accelerate . . . no doubt thinking she had time to cross the intersection. The other driver braked immediately, but couldn't stop in time. His car slammed into the other broadside. The indecisive driver died in hospital. Indecision has been the cause of many serious and fatal accidents. Remember this every time you drive. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT PIONEER ilnrrerrassrannearrimmarwrora, *tams kit rratrisarariterar —m=r;,-- its_ Always Better With Butter •rs.:::.1,;. • Res A 1141x 2'k c. rolled oats, C. sifted all-purpoes lour, 11 c. trims wee I tsp. soda and 'A tsp. salt. 'Cut .in c. butter with odstry blonder or itnIvc.:, -till mixture's crumbly. A 3. Top with remaining oat- meal mixture. Bake 350°F. for 40-45 Min. Cut into sOueres, servo warm veld. Make "candles" by topping with Ice cream rolls; use almonds for "flames". DAIRY FOOStt, ERVICE BUREAU 04 Pit ,fr'' roe `Av Fifteo .0asnes. e' 11 i E BRUSSELS POST . • . r r • a rpr Pert -c .4414 treasurer's ropott by 1 Mrs. Bryan. Matta' fees: and.; hospitality fund, -also tharalsoffering Maier were brought in et the moot trig' nail 801110 Cloarela Calenders were sold. Mrs. Stephens EtIneat 1.61Ca1 .esiererary, g'nvo a rough 014 line of the 19 58 Study Book on 'japan, entitled "The Cross and the i ryk,iantalminum,, ,meaning Strength and Beauty, which proved 'very intereeting, This slate at' ()Meese is the same as lest year. with of treasurer, Airs. Barb Somers is the new trowel., Mrs, Jewel closed e- very helpful meetnig with prayer, A lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mat Win, Fiseher. erre. He also explained that the 35'e. per Pupil tor, lu>ich was pin the cost of I. fogiiii• This l's -t) come Into effect ; , after the 1st or the Now year. Ha thanked the a•altepayers pot their t co-operation during his years of 1, I serving the tornsrip of Norris, this II being hie Wet yeee as he has sold Ali I his property in. Mois'ls, 1, Clarence Martin, ,representative On the Seaforth High Scheel Board, I stated, that the rate has been kelit down but It is difficult to keep it i this way. He also reviewed the finances 6or the, past 10 mouths and abated that their surplus will be down this year. Meravin Richmond, represnn'tattve on the Clinton High School review- ',cd the anemia . statement of the ; Scholl and state() that the school should be in, o very ,good .flaonelai statit for next year. • • .Orval l'aylor, ()rye" McGowan and Thompson of ES:sr Wawanosh Cesuncil spoke briefly. ST. JOHN'S W. A. Wednosday, Dftonlior, 40,1, 407 ' , niC Te .Sticl'anlc>ait of the I.~i Supper will be observed in ICnox Pres, -Church on Sunday morning/. Dec . S, at 11 P.m, A prOariatO•k, set vive will be hold on Fa, nea . nth to s p. in. Rev, W. Willint4 will he (lie minister. .* The ChristUas Concert held on Monday evening, Dec, 23, Further notice later. i,, Friends of Mr, tiyiie !Gordon be pleased to know that he ,returned home on Saturday. Lyllo has been "o; patient ill Victoria Hospital, siaC Nov. 4th, witch% he underwent g major operatiOn. • gin The attendance was not large Id thq evening sponsprd by the 7.41* miry Board, Mose present enjoYeA ' the splendid pictures shown by HiC D. A, linen of Brussels, Mr, B1114S,01 Knight expreesed thanks to W A Rann and presented him with a gift Progressive euchre follolwled Mrs. Mac McIntosh and Afr. HiarOld. Jacklin high score, and MIrs, Goa- wyn Knight and John Engel IA', Lunch was served In the basoMent of the Community Centre. Mir. and Mrs Kenneth MacOregeii, and family, Fenwick, were week-end, visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Fred, iCi rkpatrick. Miss Faye Engel is practio toad's- Ng this week near Wroxeter, The November meeting of St, John's W, A. was held at thhe home [of Mrs, J. Bryans with president Mrs. Jleveell in ,charge, Meeting opened with )1711111 and, missionary read by Mre, E. Somers. Minutes of prayers. The scripture lesson Was the last twlo meetnings and corres poncience by the secretmrly, Mrs. ELMA r ARMERS' MUTUAL .FIRE INSURANCE CO. E.stablIshed in 1884 Head Office Atwood, Ont. insures Farm Property. Private Dwellings and. Contents In Tovvns and vineries, Schools, Churches and Halls on an "INSURANCE AT COST" basis PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS Contact your Nearest Director or Agent R. W. (Dick) Whitfield 1150 Windstorm Insurance Brussels, Ont. • rarAl •Cr -Arm, a al rrr M rrrrrirl r =X.0.= WAL. TUN MORRIS NOMINATION. (continued 11'0:d page money by buytpg plaglies. He -skOlig about the replacing of the, bridgo: the 3rd dine. [Mils bridge was Dada on the advice of the Districtt, ipal Engineer. ;The government 1. pays 80% of the cost of the bridge 1 and the fill on the east side ot bridge.• He congratulated rd. MeArter on the work he is dealt art; Road Sitteerintende4i He 4.14 explained the reason for the raise in the Township * ata fOt 1057, He also spoke 'on the need. for !e)very farmer to be on. the 106ked for BalrbeiT:y and Buckthorn whiCh; is vehes destruictiVe >so dolt: ]fie thanked the people for Zeit' cQ I operation during his tenni ht "corn-- Ciller, THEY SAY HE MARRIED HER. FOR HER CANADA SAVINGS BONDS bendiest fie/ d farmer ever PIONEER Repairing 'everything from fences to farm buildings, clear- ing new acreage, cutting winter firewood . . . these are just a few of the time-saving, money-making ways farmers across the country are using light-weight, easy‘to-service Pioneer chain saws. Let us show you how a Pioneer saw can help you to more proltable farming! • 1.• ; "See the Complete` range of Pioneer saws priced as low as $204.95" Sold by: BUDNAR WELDING & SUPPLY Brussels, Ontario. Ross Duncan, Councillors ensign- ' ed. why the old ;bridge ot thp. line was sold for the 4rdout t. eagri ft was, He also gave thanks to 'th61 ,Centennial Conimittet for the 'work they did in-regard to the plaques 1 for the /township. He also explainied why they pie-heed the 3rd line bridg 'to be rebuilt, and that he is in favour of building more. bridges in • tits near future. t 1,7 r --vrprn.r.rro* ommommors*.ra.erro****.zre Mr. ,and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins of Burwash spent the week- ead with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. and .114rs, Diatvid Andrew and Mr, and Mes. Woodrow Mercer, ; Toronto, were week end visitors with ISISe and Mrs, George Dundee. Mr. and Mrs, James McDonald, wino spent the, past month with , relatives • in Western Canada„ arrived home on Friday. Richard Hoy The funeral of the late Richard ; Hoy was held from St. John's _Anglican Clrurdh, Brussels with the Rev, F. Jewell in ediargt, Interment 'rviae in. Brussels. I cemetery, Surviving besides his wife are three -daughters, Alice of Edmonton; I Isabel, Hamilton; and Laura. I London. One eon Earl predeceased him 18 years, ago. i CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects To Be Held in the BRUSSELS ARENA on SATURDAY, DEC. /th at 12:30 p, M. Sharp g Place Chesterfield Suite by Kreehler Large Living Room Mirror Large size Space Heater pair matched E.nd Tables (blonde) Coffee Table (blonde) Pair matching table lamps Tante lamp nieenzies. rack Rug 9 x 12; 2 Vases 21" Marconi TV and Base 2 pair flowered Drapes Walnut Occasional Chair -Kitchen Stool; Buffet Lamp Card Table; Hall Tee Modern Dinette Suit.e, (blonde wood) 6 Chairs Duffel and Table (as new) Dominion 4 burner Electric Stove 9 en. ft. Margeotte Refrigerator (Throne:. Fireak.faet Suite. 2 chairs Admiral Radio Quebec, Heater QiianSitsv of Stovepipes Recrine Floor Polisher Eleetrie Tea. Kettle Popenp 'rooster A • o,V04011.4.02.4•••I 0.-*OOM 1.......119131.41IIIIMIX19.91.1000 W•140Mia•NO.41,4,.. ....11RIOLOMMINVOO11.10•5•14•1.•••2110.011MIN4 A-tispicg- s a ranch if •trusans odiall Lea io 111 Dominion Washing Machine Gas Lawn Mowcr (1 year old) 4 cycle Hotpoint Coal Annex fSo Vevai thefetenea 111 iti.russeis " . , Cflordon iWilkin5on,f OatIncillor, en-. t leyed his first year on the council. He stated tint the other councillors bed ceeered most of the work and tent there wasn't much work done in his division. ( Hervey Brae n who was nominated 1 stater" that the council make some mistakes but we all make -mistakes ; and that he would not stand for councillor. i Re ili e Parrott replied and ex. 'Drained why th e bridge, on the 3rd line was sold the way it was and he answered the question in regard to the gravel eontract. Retell Shaw. Treas. of siorris Twp, School Area reviewed the financial statment of the :Morris Tees School Area. Reenarel Thorne e, chairman ref the sehnel hoard, explained some of the difficulty in hiring teachers. He a towered ~Write questions -which were asked of him, Germs n Mines, n new member of the school hoard remarked that the members of the hosted were trying to do their best. Tteginald Watson stated that he wished te drop out this year. He has I been a member for six years and brad enloye.d their very much Continental bed (be* toringe and . George MiChie stated that there eserings end mattress) had been a ortiet year on the ether)" ' Bedroom Chair board and hoped they Would: he "as : Bathroom I-Tamper , inteccessfati in afaining teachers Baby Convertible Bacgy, like now next year as in the Past. Pen -room Vanity , Toeratee filmdom spoke about the • Steel ,,in ale Red. mattress, and th eeringe , the work e Clentity bad dorm at ; the Tn. Sy S. No. 12e and also _some Cbif;foselese ('Tors itqcleqf i of the ix• nit': that ells dorm at the 1 remrdete P. these 3edroom Suite • Welton wheal. ! 'bleeds.) with Itartr:rs arirt eptiese ; Chards Ni m es; 1 epreeseesetkee liI r ,d menrees. InelnditigId' t, , on the Winghem High School. Board i exp'ainre whys the rate is up, The ,1 i salaries are tsp. cuosidenahly and I t Ilto transportation is aiss , up, ti little. : i ' .ati and crutwily almonds top theee gay Christmas Light-Lips, But the re.al fiesour is baked right in. It's bum,. -fresh creamery butter—lending lig matchless flavor -enrithing with its natural goodness. Remember, for all your festive baking and right through the year, "It's Always I3etter with Butter". FREE! A/Ririe Fraser's "Merry Christmas° recipes for cookies and candy. Also lier new Butter Booklet. ;?, Press half this mixture in the bottom of a welt but- tered 8" sry. take tin; spread with 2 t. whole tranberry sauce and sprinkle .,vith 1 tsp. grated orange rind a el c, shredded coconut. •