HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-12-04, Page 1SAtt.„, Modern and Old Tyme DANCE Brussels Town Hall SATURDAY DEC. 21st Admission 50c Everybody Welcome THYNNE - ALCOCK .• • • t A Anglican Church Or CANADA • PIMA et lirtemilAs Rai/. Prat it, .W*01; L Rader 32. Church, in:stele 11:50 A, M. Matti* •• Sunday Settee! Id Church, .0 1.2130 Itctrensdaig Sunday gut tonse4 tis *4,90i14 oksto z4i.s, ram ott/oi D.P.runtaik Ott ,Welinesday, December 4th, 1957 42.00 per year Post Publishing House CANDELIGHT CAROL SERVICE Melville Church, Brussels SUNDAY DEC, 8th 7:30 P. M. ALL OFFICES FILLED EY ACC L M ATI ON Reeve Nominations Goo. McCuteheon, (Q) Penne/1 19TP J. II. Stratton (Q) W, A. Williamson (Q) 0, L. Workman IL R. Pearson (Q) C. Krautor (Q) Hydro Commissioners J. McDonald (Q) e. e ..... A A Theme: "GOD REST YOU MERRY GENTLEMEN* Sgt vial Christmas musie by the Climix under direction 'of Mr. Donald Dunhpu' 7:00 P.M. ORGAN RECITAL - Mr. LOUIS P. THOMPSOle Everyone Welcome 2 for ;29c • 49c York Cream Style Corn 15 oz. 1J, Monarch Angel Food Cake Mix Kraft Cheese Whiz 16 oz. .1.0 t•;;*3;;; 59c School Trusteee, Mrs. D, A. Rann, L. Ebel (Q) F. Mitchell T. MeWhirter (Q) Rev, L. B110"wn (Q) The ratepayers of the Village Of Brussels must be. generally eatis. 'fled as to the manner in which the Lawn's affairs are being conducted as only a handful of citizen were IA Attendance at the nomination 1 ilest- nintt- helet In the Brussels Public) Library on Friday night, H, A. Fieher, :clerk, was named chairman. Reeve George ArIcOatcheon thank- ed the people, for the confidence they had placed in him, He stated com- plaints, bad been made regarding the approaches to the bridge. ;'Phis Work will be completed this • spring, as soon, a.is the Sterling Construct- ion is through with high- way H. He explained the increased .; tax rate. The Village rate is pra- ctically the same as other years; ; • County rate, Wingham High. Sehool and local Public School rates had ; all increased. He thought BrUssels ; had received a fair share of County work, amounting to over $80,000 on bridge and work that is progressing on Queen street, Questions were an- swered 'Iv him. Mr. MeCutchoon said the first year at County Councif was a difficult one. C. L. Workman, chairman of roads . and streets; spoke on ex- penditures in this department. I-T -e informed the ratepayers that ' it costs over $1000 to pave one block; tree removal costs were over $600 He thought the council were wise in doing some hard surfacing of the streets each year., eliminating gravelling, He said he had served on the council for seven years and would step iloWn and let someone else. take over owing to increased demands. on 'ifs time. , j, IT. Stretton spc,.;.74.. on Water- Works and Industrial stating the waterworks debentures IS being lowered each year clue to the fact ! more people are using town water, also the village is fortunate in , ihavine good maintenance men at a stoor y of $125 a year; there had' been very little -repair work nece- ssary The Industrial work had taken a lot of running atoned and interviewing, The council spent $110 in advertising far industries .and had seven replies • from interested parties. ,they had had a red hot •'PaleaPect, -the 11/toler HurAithrre I factory of Toronto. the only teaser, (continued oil 'back page) • 27c Smart's Choice Tomatoes 28 oz. Majestic Women's Institute. • SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 7th In the BrUssels Public Library. at 3:00 P. M. HOME-MADE CAKING CANDY` MISCELLANEOUS COUNTER ..... e ..... sou rind other values Just as groat as these at UTLEDGE GR CERY Not Just today or to-morrow, but Every Phone 7 Day of the your, Vie Deliver - " - VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE CHRIbTMAS CONCERT Melville Church Sunday School FRIDAY, DEC. 20th ( at 8 p. m. Everyone Is Welcome The Cutting Styli* Cold Waving A Specialty t.,0 a Phone 40 X Brussels w » t' E S THE PRE,,•5Ery rEt,./AN ' . IN CAI.ADA L Knox. Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. ..... Thompson Parade is to Annual Santa Claus held In Brussels on SATURDAY, DE1C. 14th at 2 P. M. Candy will be given to the children at the Town Hall. Legion Pipe Band in attendance .:MMS7MAVMMT Ma-WM be 10 A. M. 10 A. At CHRISTMAS CONCERT Brussels United Church WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18th at 8 p. m. Everyone Is 'Welcome Y. P. Bible Class Sunday School Morning Worship 11. A. M, Sacrament of Communion 11, A.M. Rev. W, A. Williams PUBLIC` MEETING To be held in Ethel Community Centre Thursday, Dec. 12th (8.30 p.m.) Guest Speaker, A. V, Cormack of Arthur, Honorary .President of 0, F. Union. Ladies are especially j irivited. Lunch will be served. M. S. S. No, 12 ORM Knox Church, LrTHEL Minister: Mi. C. L. Thompson LIBRARY NOTES The Fillarort County ,boolunobile I will call at Brussels Library on Thursday, Dec. 12, at 9 am. Please ,travt H. C. L. books in before that time, ACCLAMATION FOR MORRIS TOWNSHIP Nominations - Reeve -,-,-, Bailie Parrott (Q) Stewlart Procter , Council - Gordon Wilkinson (Q) Stewart Procter (Q) Walter Shortreed (Q) Ross Duncan (Q) Harvey Brown School Board - 'Geo. Michie (Q) Reginald Watson (0) Mel Craig Torrance numbs (Q) Win Peacock Wm. Elston Was chairman and welcomed the good crowd which was present. Nelson Higgins, treasurer, reviewed his portion of the financial state- ment which shioived le, surplus last year of $2308.01. 1.46 P. 1.46 P. 2.45 P. M. VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Go CNR-the sure, the comfortable way. No.matter whe.' you're going, whether you're travelling solo or with yout family-you can make your plans now! Snow-filled ski/ or icy roads will make no difference-you'll get whet you want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute o your trip. .11 Insure your holiday fun plans-by raakirg- your CN reservation now! Check too, the money-saving featureq. o our Family Fare Plan. Ask about CNR Gift Certificates, ideal, for holiday giving! For tickets and information contact your local. Canadian Canadian National representative. Every year, more and more people who ate going visiting over the Cifristmas Season go Sacrament of Communion 2.45 P.M, ' Roy, W. A. Williams I .'This Do In Remembrance Of Me" WINS ANOTHER AWARD John Hoover, son of Mr. and Mrs. I Norman Hoover, is the recipient of nn Atkinson Foundation $400 Award.. John is attending Western university, CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank nil those who remembered me while in hospital, your thoughtfulness was very much appredated, Lylle Gordon Adult Bible Class Sunday School Worship Service * Melville, Church Organist - Donald Dunbar Sunday S,ohool 10 A. M. 11 A. M, Rev. Wesley Arununi 'Song leader for Layton Peat (Ford Mission in Wing lam) 7 P. M. Organ ReciM1 7:30 P. M. Candlelight Carol. Service tee,4!,S The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A; B.O. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin A. X. White %ft Service .(,_,Tile Sunday School will worship :With, the esagregagen, "fil,hego m' ad to Bethlehe , Ruth and .Naomi' 12 Noon Church School a . I ST. AMBROSE ALTER SOCIETY Mrs. j, Deitner was hostess at liter home to members of the Altar Society for the monthly meeting on ( Nov. 21, Mrs. J. Nolan presided and Mrs. I P. Russel led the opening prayer. 'Tlhe secretary's report was read. CHRISTMAS CO,NCERT WALTON COMMUNITY HATA4 TUESDAY, DEC. 10th 8.10 P. M. Followed by a •4. • Avro,0,01,10,,,,, DANCE fan Wilbee's Melody Makers .. Ladies Please Bring Intim% Admission: Adults 50e High Schorr. Sttiderits 35c; Public School Students 25c Win, McArter, Road Sitperinten-' and the treasurer gave the financial dent, offeted to answer Iany quest./ statment. Thirteen inenthere ions in regard to the roads, :There - swered the roll giving a baking weren't any questions asked. I hint, Bailie Parrott thanked his mover Visiting M s. 0. r 6Soitherniffleti reportedt'o.e,A for the Committee and seconder. He is chairman of Was apPointel to purdbiase flOwers County Home Centinittee and dealt, for the altar for Christmas. With Coitility .business and went Over Mrs. F. Russel will be hostess to the work at the County bowie, the members for the December costs approximately $49000 to run meeting at 'her home on Tuesday; i the home which is reimbursed 50% Dec. 17. by the gevernment, The farm Gifts Will be exehanged a,t this showing a betrillie. County Read. meeting So rea.chir mtmber is asked Committee built the 2nd. and to bring a gift, Mrs; L. Gaynor 3rd, largest bridges in the Mrs, L. Iternaghat and Mrs. F. County this year, 'Ph4s year was the Missal will Semite as a committee largest road building Pregata the to prepare bags of candy for the ; coaiity tins ever had, The bridge children Of the parish at Christ- in. Morris TWO, is the .cheapest in teee, 4 Counties according to the District mtg. J. ItYaat read three boob§ Thlig-ineek, There, were 13000. paid . which were enjoyed. entries to the Museum. There are Mils L. Ryan was arioointed to look gettibg to be more indigent pet- after the tickets f or the dta.w to louts in the County every year, i lie made on the Christmas cake on Hteweri. Prot& Was nominated for Dec. 17th, 12em e. welcomed fin the NelAe Mrs, Gaynor distributed the boxes present, 41,6 Stated that he -Would' Ortistinas Oar& which Met-Melt not stand ter Reeve. had t-s,teed tkl-titets17. Wither shotteotid, atitittiAlot. eta' ,The secretary read tilt 4Ortea ed that the :past was a heavy nendattied, one especially &king, review-- Laurel and Hardy ed the taXeS and the obligation it 1°'1g. deet"ed 'te .,6664. a Christ "MARCH 60 ti-JE! FRIDy bk-C, '6tho- '10 .1 WOODEN 66Lbitti, demande d a 0611 Will be Opened which we have to ibm. otatit, VMS reiliellibrande rt. V.:Flaherty, TUESDAY iOEd. 17h, lOtt, fed Why the ttebtilty Unneici taxes 6pilVell;e11 foi the fAeliE blith 9 A. tit. to 6 04 M. woe amIlled. (.4„ plans tot' Edythe M, Cardiff;: Rettirntrig, Stewart PrOeter. "°"-i'er lielrl Net' 25. Officer: theicked 'Centennial 'Cleivenitiee uel.ist:(1 by the no 010, Avey they spent t14, sbritim,t hostess, tasty atti reontlimeri elf ifighte Dago) 1. the meeting hdlotwile(t. minterisinticorphmgesionr ,APITOL LivIOWEL THEATRF 421814.22.111MOMMOMM...41.401...51. 2 shows nightly 7,30 -- 9.80 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to our Mends and relatives for the many beautiful Iflowers, cards, and expressions of sympathy received during our re- cent sad bereavement. SPecial thanks to Dr. C. A. Tilyers and Mr, D. A. Ratan The Bone Family Wed - Thurs. Dec. 4 - 5 r The evening service is withdraWn. First Show 7.15 j so (that the congregation inav share "A FACE IN THE CROWD" . t- - the Candle-light Service In • Adult . . 4 "teivilae Palesbytetian Church. The Story BEHIND A T. V. Program YOU'RE NOT - A GOOD DRIVER Fri. - Sat. Dec'. 6 - 7 Sterling Hayden, Vera 'Ralston In "111M Eft RJACK" Dolour Cartoon Chapter No, 8 "Jungle Raiders,' Satiardayi Dec. 7; 5.50 P. M,. r After tanta'p Parade IF YOU DC:014'T SIGNAL, NUNICIPAL NOTICEI 2nd Nomination Twp. of Grey I hereby give notice that nomination of One School TrUltee to serve the , GreY Twp. School Area during the I year 1958. 00 will be held at the Clerk's Office, Ethel _ , From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M . The driver in the car behind can't read yea. mind. When you Otan to turn, slow down, park, or pull Out from the curb, let him know with a signal. It's the law. It's the sign ot a. thoughtful driver. Mori. - Tues. Deo. 9 1 4 Sob Hope "BEAU jAttiiEso Adult HOW 0000 AR:El YOUR ORIVI.NG HAB.L.17/ bEpAiter.Mtliit OP :141t4HWAYstioNTA014