HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-11-27, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST' • • • 1. ••••• • VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Go C.:MR—the $7‘1'0, the .comfortable way. No matter where. you're g(iing,.• whether you're travelling solo cg with- your family—you can make your plans now! Snow-filled skies or icy 'roads will make no difference—you'll get where you want to go, and you'll. enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip, Insure -your holiday fun plans—by making, your CNR reservation now! Check too, the 'money-saving. features of our Family.Fare Plan, Ask about CNR Gift Certificates, ideal for holiday givirgz! For tickets and information contact your local Canadian Na•'.,..mal representative. Every year, more and more people who $3•56., OS, 8.25 p . 8,40 PO 6.5/.; • Petit Point China — After waiting a long time, this very popular china, which was being colleted by many Fag Cottle 11i• ,;.::-. - "4, SMITH'S RECALL`DRUG STORE Phone 62 P-WMAW.AtiOWAVAVAriaigAtiaitiAgAg" Brussels "Where Better Bulls Are Used" An Exam*, of a Dam of One of Our Jersey Bulls Edgeley Standard Princess 4th V.G. 2 years, 9051 milk, 553 fat, 6.11%, 305d,, Silver Medal 3 years, 10606 milk, 607 fat, 5.72%; 305d., Silver Medal 4 years, 10525 milk, 625 fat, 5.92% 305d,, Gold and Silver Medal 5 years, 10457 milk, 602 fat, 5.75% 365d., 2% 6 years, 12513 milk, 773 fat, 6,1%, 365d., 2X THIS IS PROFITABLE PRODUCTION, This is what we are. trying to breed into the next generation of cattle. The cow pictured is the dam of Don Head Jester Prince Basil, Ex. and AAA, now dead, but leaving many top offspring in our Jersey, breeders' herds. Our program is aimed at' profitable production with pleasing type, be it Dairy or Beef Cattle you have to breed, Cheek these qualities in our members' herds. 'You will find that if given equal• opportunity, offspring of our bulls will win their share of honours for production, type and wearing qualities. 7:30 and 10 a.m. ,on Sundays and Holidays For Service or more information, phone collect to: Clinton HU. 2 - 3441 CAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD Chartered Accountants Self Telephone Belldhes Walkerton, Ontario Ash MeNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE 104111.1.USPI1GA flora. bKILL 14017sEMOLD Pat 'NELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Business eards DR. R. W. STEPHENS oradistie thinersay a Tomas PHYRCIAN and SURGIMON Iraleise 45 Brursais. OM. "411111. • Convenience-3 minute walk to Union Station, closest hotel to he,srt of downtown. • Luxurious guest rooms and suites. • Good Food—full course meals and delicious snacks.• • Ertertainment—Home of the famous• Club Indigo featuring Broadway ShoWs nightly. • # Wedues0aY, NiVventhOr• *MO.* .0 No 4110Yrelikei00110 • . -..Wc.`%(0,7W5$440,A0.,.:SVA,53u, . . . GREY TWR. NOMINATION (Vcatinned from, paVi 1), 11 .'" SATURDAY •EXCURS.I,ON4, • r Expl C of 4.0 wke .W 4 '. beep reduced, Ho noted Pie fill w ,.! tho bridge had cost more this year ,. than for time Jenningion bridge, He , said h.: hnd been candidate for re.;caro last your but did, not receive •cineugh support., . , Win, Bishop pa d. tIte rieeVe hAd.. • COvercti County and twp, pretty. , well. He explained tha it was ;agreed by council to notate taxes by I j. mill .this year • as expenses..ii,n. 1 creasing amid, fibre services "aal vec1,4, for. He boa boned to tsee sow, new .. • ,• 0, ,,,, or faces and Was not sure about stand 1 Allenci • nig for conned. . 1 Brampton 1' ,Archig• Mann gave some of the Brussels Chesley figures to skew hew money Was. spent, He said the council Would like i to hold tax rape where it is and didn't want to: start the year(' with. i, a deficit. He asked. for .suppert if • an elecitiou, .. , Glenn Ha ether said it was nice to see people out to. nomisation'and ; didn't like. to see acclaraoltions. He, said everydne was coicerned about . taxes but couldn't see how • the : .mill llate ;could be lowered for at ;least ,two years, He expected tc. .: be on list for council. Kenneth Bray mentioned the mill rate was :about the lowesit rate on i our taxes. Ile said he would like to ' isreo More people our to take- an i • ' interest in municipal affairs. Ha ;believed. councils had done' their i • ibeg, previous, as well as last year , 1-•oolsing for something, a little different; there will be found WERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DK 14th) Good going and returning same Saturday only, EXCURSION FARES FROM. 1VI4rty New and Excluslue Designs with the right Message. The Garcia 'with envelopes Priem:fly Assortment Eox of 50 Colorful at 990 is a winner. Look them over. $ 2.05 Palmerston 4.60 Sarnia ff." Southampton 3.90 Stratford 620 Strathroy 2.60 Walkerton 3.80 Watford 4.20 WIngham 5.05 Wyoming 6.50 ... .... • . 4.0 , The. Christmas Cake and Baking 4545 . duelph Hanover 0.)s: Harraston 6.05 In'gersoll 5.06 Kincardlne - 2.60 Kitchener 2.60 Listowel 1.30 Mitchell 5.80 Owen Sound Pisley Clinton Elora Fergus Georgetown Goderlch Corresponding Fares from Intermediate Points Oil Lemon Almond Extract Essence P,epperment Oil Pep permetit Baking Ammonia Red Food Coloring. 0, MO NEED Essence Rine Apple Essence Lemon Pure Powdered Allspice Oil Sassafra.ss 011 Cinnamon Carroway Carroway Seeds Sometimes these little items need shopping around before they can be had. They can be got here. are going visiting over the Christmas Season go '1! FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS 'IsTWAMIN w • WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION rteil and costs were rising. He stated .1 that this name would be on, the John 1‘1 cNabb said it was a long timel since . he was first here and , The:e p4Disatra,i.en t official visit t) -It t; t.igir.8 ? that he had collected taxes and rtil local Lions Club on I a$,Sessed. He inlaid the was glad the Monday night I council; had Used %" gravel, this year. He stated flag, the county rate wars. out of sight and quest- ioned the, reeve about county salaries. He discussed drains. and said he was having difficulty with council over Fulton, Drain. Alex Johnston thanked his mover and seconder and said he was no 'speoch Walter and did not come to plaitforrm. Greta. gatIcihinson repgied /and and said the County Home Was costing less than previously., He Staid the grader cost about $2•00 a I day, the operator's wageaNhad been incela'se,d land fuel tax raised. The School Trustees, Sec.-Treas.: and High School members were I were called Ito platform. Norman Hoover gave the seers trea'S, :report and said he had enjoyed working with the school 'hoard. lliary Blollger told of repairs , to Schools and that Your new teachers had been hired .this year. He said there.bad been no increase in rate. • He had- hoped to be out of it this year. , wfaird' MoNattglit said the ll board hadn't Much ray as the Cloy. Pays about half. He said salaries were going Up and the board tried to 'do as goOd A. job ots. they &M ild, He thanked ithein. for confidence 'alltOWn but didn't intend to sjtand. ' • .0-1. Seca ilViaeLean thanked his mover and seconder but didn't intend to ' stand and did molt come to- plat= for, r Jr math A.trarritrong - (reit( entative , for 'Winghain High SchlOoi 'sad the school' was olieraiiinlg to full I kaPacitY. Ile big increase in inn! 1., . slate brelught raibetit PrinieinallY by ir. nalte helin(g lowered, He spoke teacher's salaries and iidt much hope, of ili 1 a the triansnOttation problem: Andra* trentner, 1.'efireSentative : forLisititiarel High School agreed • I 'with Jim Shea trea'ellitete and Said r he could:* sled hOW Mill rate can ' go down. TIe is harriny about brains-' plertatiOn andCafeteria, He Said thero Waa a Ireiiert ithere might ' Havre to be en addition to Scheel Mu. net righlt, awls,.awls,.'TTe thanked the (twp: council for Malting 'bin{ teentelSentatiVe and refilled: to 1 OrlieAtions a alt ed aboitt tircitianort- Mien. teiinetit 14Pctaritine,, repreSent.- ,atite..• for §,eitiifettli High E:Idlioial: Lgritw: a Nititeit of the 'exPetiSes of faelidet 1-"le nifelittiOned teacher's salaries and Sad the :WS *OS: +higher this year. hat when grafita are inii.eed.S6A the liif• drivel's 'and tetleher'S. 'ask for tin iticretthe In salary, He thanked Me cann r ell te kdating ,Mar rentesPtitative. • the meeting 'closed with Cod ''.a.V.o. ,i • the '`tticeln. h (DISTRICT PEOPLE WE KNOW 00VgANoli . - , hal 13,NYS OFFICIAL HERE 'qr. Archie B011antyue of London was a $.11.044. visitor, with his, mother. Jas, Ballantryne. .14r. BlreDenla,,d spoke on Lioniou the different services performed and the duties of the officers in the club. Lion Harold Thomas thanked him and presented Lion, McLaughlin with a gin. Verne Miller, of Ethel entertained a couple of violin selections. Lion' =urown was winner of the Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Palmer and Billie and Bob of Toronto were vis- itors with her aunt M4tss Flo 4uch- man and brother Mr. Thos. and we, Strachan. f. Mrs. George Jewell of London, who was here lag winter sa spring 'KIM Rev. and Mrs. Fred Jewell has re- I. turned and will be living at the re- ctory for the winter months. •.• Mir, Louis D. Thompson, Mr. aila Mrs. George Love of Walton, and dat4ghter Faye attended the Rotary Music Festival at St. Tbkinias last week. Faye !sang in two Vocal classes, ;receiving 83 and 80 per cent of martto respectively. draW, it was decided Fatners Night will be, held. On and MoMlay in. December each Lion to bring a guest. A turkey supper ,,was served. by the ladies of St, Ambrose Church. OUSILOP Pure* and 04**01111fift. Austin Saies and Service repaint Wad atasc, vf .mr a salmis MORE Tint ERL %WA. ear. 4 „.„#.1•"*" 4x"2"" **".. "-rmr Tf"'•-••• • •'r• •#-- • - •••••• •.,ImZtzta- •-•s- ji 1 '441' Between: 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Week Days D. A. RANN & Co. tlf PUNICIlisailiAMBULAROL ITEstinca umesed pinata Direetirar taxi. IF.aelhalkaar mom or"115 /1/11USIEL,S, I,. Walker Funeral Home Day or Mg* Cods Tigiiiisoo am ET3 Pis Exam Mar* kr use elf flomotsi Mese* 119 Used Fuoiral Diltogisor mid ,IININOMINI Ulf Twooty-four Doer Asamilessee lemeos YOU'RE ( NOT A GOOD DRIVER R. S. Hetherington, K. C. - RIGHAM anti mossma /if 111111iMui , igasi" Stessommo to tf.. 4.14. ,ice 010111114 Mid ill6114111 r 11119 066111 0Peek ovary elogo #000.0••••, - IF YOU DON'T SIGNAL i JOHN E.. LOO' GSTAFF0 Optometrist, 7st Exaaaies" Min k Pliwia" Mil" ilitUlibt 0 lit, • i• 04... ,ii . 1 The driver in the ear behind can't read your .. I mind, When you plan to turn, slow 00W11.0 i park, or pull out from the curb, let him know With a signal, les the law, It's the sigh of ' a thoughtful driver. x . HOW 'GOOD ARE YOUR -DRIVING HABITS?- ALAN VI LIMOS, Optometrist. • Cr, Al Eks.et- M ,Witt FRONT and SIMGOE Sili ...g. ...•1 ..,..e. Ate4 IA: .0' LiNt..i..1-1.41it • TORONTO' PRONE: EMPIRE 4,44, iminikaw 71:.1 s lamismour 'l `EPA E OF HIGHWAYS ONTAkid • • ,.•