HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-11-27, Page 51'1'x, Y 07.114ox Vetini0.48T4 YOU'LL 13E GLADDER. EVERY HOUR YOU INSTALLED 05,,TRA SHOWEM" F.OR SALE Mercury Chaim Saw We Reconditions* hi,latM saws with new saw et)* $225.00 and up. ./ 416 Nixon's Mercury Ohain SitX Distributor P, 0, Box 278, Watford, Ont. 833 Main St, Vancelprer, B. 0 ; New Parts, Chain an tre. Beet .:;e • eeeseVOWieee eve-- vfe, „ ....... . .. 0:.:Vt*" •••••%,••• • '''''' • :•••:•:' ' gitelie8iteiteeatetiiietMIMz&e.*zsettessseetr,•ee•eeteeeeetee•• Luxurious Impala Sports Coupe — one of Chevrolet's TWO new sUi per modelsl ,.'- .teeetieP ,,,eteeeeteleizefiTee gA•ri ,!•4 7•1•• see•t•••••• •.‘•.,••••.<-4ifee'Le •••••0•,:••. • ...„...AM• -*MF A GENERAL, MOtORS VALUE Dazzling IMe Covertile — boldly Scuipt p uted la bea n uty sets a nevi' pace in s yiki§1 Glamorously new Eel Air 4-Door Sedan a beautifully'moving thing I Come try iti See rOltr Deceit ;401ierized Cheat) t Oealer4 watt 'bitty ,frotteltiod .Chavioit datt7ets tUspltoy thig Cirnozzs trottliieitte; CHEVROLET •PFIQINIg Leroy Acheson Atwo od 153 collect or George Hislop Wroxeter 2r15 CLASS F1 ADS. FOR SALE 25 pigs, 7 weeks alit :Saab 13reckextridge Phone 20r16 FOR SALE — Oven. Ready Turkeys and Capons 'Carl Tacklin Phone 21r9 MAN WANTED Are you dissatisfied with your work1i Would you like a business, of your own? If so, 'write Riawlerigh's Dept. K-152)-(10, 4005 MOntrelay, 'Quo!). WANTED — Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses Dead cows ,and horses picked up for retraovhl promptly, Also wanted to buy, boar hogs. ' Call collect, Bruce Marlath, Atwoiod. Phone 8 or 153. Marla:tit, BirtOsels, Phone 56r7 ROYAL DOL1.LTON SALE 20% OFF 16 Piece Earthenware Sets Many Patterns 'to chose from and a chance to get in our China Club During November & December only Leach's Jewellery Store DEAD STOCK Picked up promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals lender 500 lbs. total. Phone collect: Brussels 72 William Stone Scrip, Limited, Ingersoll. 1NSL.M • A 1 lc' ,NFORMA rtoN For artificial tesemmetion triton ration or -service from all breeds of cattle. phone the. Waterloo Cattle Breecing Association ate ClInton H V.2 • 2441 Or Petite-sten 408 oetereen 7.30 ; and 9.31, A, M. We have all breeds available — top quality at tow cost." TRADES TRAINING'' OPPORTUNITIES FOP irs,UNG MEN kit e Do you want to earn while you learn a trade? Under the Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan, start- ing 1st June, the Canadian Army Will accept a limited number or young men for training in 19 difier- ent trades. The training course lasts for two years cmd then the Apprentice serves three years With a regular Unit. Training starts in September. Under this plan the Apprentice receives — • Half pay to the age of.17 then full pay • 30 days paid holidays a year • Medical and denial care "'" • Travel and adventure • A healthy active outdoor life To be eligible applicants must be 16, not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu- cation, and be able to meet Army physical standards. As only a limited number of appliC- ants can be accepted Make your, application early. Mallethe coupon below, telephone or Visit your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruiting 8tation e58 Albert Street, Recruiting Tel 6-1887 Army Recruiting Station, the WellIngten St., Kingston, Ont. — Tel, 4738 Army Recruiting Statien,10 Richmond. St Toronto, Ent,Tel. M. 6-8341 Lob. he,7,Personnel Depot, iNoiseToy Barrette oxford & Elizabeth sts., London, Ont. Tel. 4-16o1 Lot. 13S Army Recruiting Station, 2a° leak St. W., North Day, one e- Tee 458 Army VaitrAloflilhi?i°11'1 1et 21981A8StA.e •••••• fo•••.• •••:: ik•ok ..•••••o 0101000 itO wiliget,epst or puegote booklet e Way to Name Address.... Prey L telephone • ir 5 ti • sn 613lIgd. e File rimBRUSSELS POST •••• •••. WANTED Cash paid for dead, plot', or *disabled horses or cows, Free PloK•uP on smaller animals Hrompt swoop %vita wincn equipped truCkl: 1111111111111111111 C G KRALLTER piummic,,,II Amu., x MgRORIAM. (-iLASSiElet — Ili. loving tnemoq of a Oar husbomi and father AAA. 4rAng.44, DIW..01eaesier, 'who passed passed away NOV, 28 • 1984 tIaantlini memories • r-4, gold; •-•••tV • of ru Oar ,dad .Whosle worth never he told • Alone, unseen, ails stands by Sider ITe whispers., don't grioVe, cannot divide.; • Deep our hearts the memory is kept i Of One we 1,ov.().0, and will notor i forget, And though the years be many or • ferw I We'll always be bitinking dear dad, e of yOu, Lovingly and ever reniemheired ' by his wife and faintly. FOR SALE. -- 1 Weber Player Piano. Cheap for .. Those interested contact Ken. Hill by leaving names at The Brefseels Post, Hurry for this bargain. IN MEMOSIAIVI 1 1741C M TA loving Memory Of It t •••••747.M..• FOR SALE — Phone 72 • • ..•or • iJo Your Christmas Shopping. In Brussels HEAR THERCRE TWO Wet 4 KNOWN' reeeelee e " re cAS RIvERs"),'. motors '71e.z.t CHI- V -01..17S ( 1. \ BRUSSELS (i1f.e..{;5 With bath. Heavy duty 1956 Chev. 2-door Station Wagon 1955 Chev. 4-door Sedan Many Older Models NEED STORM. WINDOWS? Before Yen Buy let Jackson, TIOntEls Ltd. etre ypa an estimate on Aluminum self storing windows. No Obligation. eurorth. 3W than, Can died dea o,y, r iszallueeband, l 71000$11 r., Bait who Many thoughts I give to you, dearer „4,s tato long hears go by, Thinking of thtnos we us4,1 to do And say, lust you and T. SOmettine$ my melmoriee make ; line Sometimes efi they tnaloe me UrY. death Ilia they are precious to me alone, Memories Of Yota and I, Ever a , tmembered and sadly missed by his wife .A..T.11, Baker i' Band Saw; .Bench 3, 14" I I I — Saws; Vico; 3 hp, (220) Motor; FOR RE" 2, Ye hp. Kotolis; Electric Blower ' 6-room apartmeat and .forge;1 Bolt' Clippers; Taps I3ufltelin cupboards. and DIGS. wiring, John Gtbson Phone 7 Brussels. , FOR SALE OR LEASE Service Station and garage with living quarters, apply to Box 50 Brussels. ANDTNT LET me TELL, YOU. $114' PpAcrtcALLY New USED CARS YOU GET AT AATISFIED CUSTOMell'" SAY/ ‘4 01,,,p CH 08.TE R Fl ELIO, Round up Time at tire MildmaY Pur,alture Showrooms. Show euslidon from your elate to Schuett man for Trade in evaluation, on new 2 piece suite, airfoam rubber cushion.s $149.00 Select from 26 suites by "Kroehler". Free delivery. i Gorda 10Y Schtlertlt, 14iTidniari NOTICE -- ...,Did .,you borrow efrom us — ....1 Cant Hook; 1 Pick; 1 Spirit Level; 1 Log Chain; 2 Hand Saws; 1 Brace and Bit. —.Please .return ..these as we do need them D. N. McDonald WAN rE.D A limited number of farmers to' grow a minimum of one half acre or more of raspberries or strawberries. I Profits up to $700.00 per acre. Wholesale outlets for berries guaranteed. Write immediately for full particulars to P. Q. Box 785, London, Ont. MEMORIAL' ..,3traford t..ctnetery Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave, Phone 257W., Ray Shantz and. Bert Pretty, Proprietor* For a memorial of lasting beariti at a reasonable price and guaranteed workmanship contact our represent-. Mt Frank W. Kemp It's almost too new to be true ! It sets a new style in styling. It takes a new approach to power. It's new right down to the smooth and solid way it 7-ides. Now for '58, Chevrolet takes the giant step — the biggest, boldest move any car ever made! it's long, low and luxuriously new — the beautifully moving '58 Chevrolet. It's new from ride to roof . . new in every grace- sculptured contour, from its bold new ;grille to its unique Gull-Wing rear fenders. And it offers quick-responding power aplentyin any engine you pick — V8 or 6. NEW BODY-FRAME DESIGN 'Chevrolet's new low-sweeping silhouette for '58 combines a new Body by esher with a new X-type frame. It's dramatically lower and wider — and a full 9 inches longer! NEW TURBO-THRUST V8 Chevrolet unveils the revolutionary Turbo- Thrust V8* with Wedge-Fire design. Wedge-shaped combustion chambers are precision-machined in the cylinder block, not the head a radical departure that helps achieve a new pinnacle of perfor- mance. NEW FULL COIL SUSPENSION Deep-coil springs provide cradle-soft ac- tion at every wheel, completely replacing conventional leaf spring rear suspension. New Full Coil suspension is standard on all 158 Chevies. A REAL AIR RIDE No matter what price car you're accustom- ed to, you'll never be sitting prettier! Chevy's new Level Air suspension* liter- ally carries you on cushions of compressed air, with all its natural shock-absorbing properties. Available now, on all four wheels ! THE BEAUTIFUL WAY TO BE THRIFTY Never before has there been so much low- priced luxury ! Sedans with thin pillar styling . . . stunning interiors . : , a new foot-operated parking brake . . . triple- turbine Turboglide* and smoother-than- ever Powerglide*. Your Chevrolet dealer is waiting right now to show you the beautiful way to be thrifty —the '58 Chevrolet *Optional' at extra cost Village (11-(tur) store and Poet ' Doom, large brick building, 8-room apartment above, 2-piece bath, Price for building 2.800.00, 7 tL meat counter, scales, cash register. shelving and counters, 2 pool tables, and equipment, $1300.00, stock approximately $12.00.00 at Invoice price. $5,300.00 takes all. Illness reason for selling. 100 acre farm, good house, hydra hank barn, 3 other buildings. never failing stream - on farm. Price $5.500.00, terms. 7 acre farm, good house, hydro, barn. Price $1800.00 3 acre place in village, frame cottage, barn, Price $2,000.00 Good house in town, 2-piece bath, Only $1,500.00 ` J. C. Long brat filstate Broker Phone Brussels, Ont. ' •:*1 IN/C.et • ;,.1N: our elteeere ,e. ...rettee.. eta e 81E81 veiAletTEEi Alone Villt4 it-Ani/ta OesIgninti Psortatoinentp,„ .1'36,41., Mow, itAapito,t...Artit„ $etliei,ery Lditl orma, a a 0040404 17.. A. Li 1"C 1 TON i7G.rr5r. tea,. Ydln0ham, 91 -.‘1“I41 Screcrui rThE TOP DRAWER 41 SECRET OF OUR SURPLUS ENERGY IS MILK FROM eougmg DA IRY