HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-11-27, Page 4OOP ,r,tt:i4.• • UT04146R '1*M t?' The car on the right approached the intersection and slowed down, apparently to wait until the other car had passed. Bvt, suddenly, the driver changed lier mind and began to accelerate . . . no doubt•thinking she had time to cross the intersection. The other driver braked immediately, but couldn't stop in time. His car slammed into the other broadside. The indecisive driver died in hospital. Indecision has been the cause of many serious and fatal accidents. Remember this every time you drive. LOCATION: Rural intersection, nr. Orillia 4:15 p.m. ROAD SURFACES Gravel. Dry RESULT; One killed, One slightly injured •'-'• • -.‘" COLLECTIVE SPENDTHRIFTS ALL the authorities on financial matters are warning that Canadians as a whole PO spending too g1,A0,11 and too fast. AS a people, should. We not delay fOr a While some of the things governments are Providing, or planning 'to provide for us out of our taxies?! Reducing government spending to a genuine minimum is abso- lutely necessary tf inflation Is to be halted, Your aldermen, your member of 'the legislature and your member of parliament are always glad to hear from you. THE. STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO 1. MIX 2 1/2 C. rolled oats, 1V2 c. sifted all-purpeee flour, V4 c, brown saga'', I tsp. soda and tsp. Salt, Cut10 3/4 o, bUtterWith paatrY blender or knives till tore IS trUnibly, A 3; Top With tootling. eat. meal mixture. Devi 350'F. for 40.45 Wu, Cut tutu squares, Servo Wariii or told, Make "candies" by topping. With ICS :Main rolls; use almonds - --tortrormatm...: e liStMas btu Always Better With Butter lee cream and crunchy almonds top these gay Christmas Light-Ups. But the real flavour is baked right in. It's butler-fresh creamery butter-lending its matchless flavor--enriching with its natural goodness, Remember, for all your festive baking and right through the year, "It's Always Better with Butter". FREE! Marie Fraser's "Merry ChristmaS" recipes for cookies and candy. Also her new Rutter BOoklet, 2, fir* half this mixture in the bottom of a well but. Ord take tin; spread with 2 c Whole Oradell' sauce and apridkle With tsp, grated orange rind 'and '/1 C. shredded coconut, V VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS ESTIMATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ESTIMATED REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER, 1957 ASSETS CURRENT •Cash on. Hand and In Blank $ 5,876.12 Due from Province of Ontario 3000.00 Due from Waterworks 7,564.89 Due from Brussels Public faraty,Underlevied 11 567.81 Tax Arrears 10,08,96 $23,707.78 $28,707.78 LIABILITIES !CURRENT Accounts Payable Due to Other Beards 119.43 1,0.93 $ '130.36 AUftPLus Balance 21 December 1957 ,,,,,,,, .. . .... $28,577.42 $28,701,78 CERTIFICATE We have examined the books and records of the VAlage of Brussels a's at 31 October, 1951, We haVe estimated the Revenues and ExpenditureS for -the balance' of the year and have PrePwrod the above Balance Sheet and the accompanying Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, on this basis, for the Year ended 31 Deceniber, 1957. London, Ontario. Pearson, Edwards and Ca. 12 :November, 1957 ,Accountan't's and Auditors STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 1957 REVENUE Hall Rent $ 185,00 MiscallaneoUs , • ....... Tax Roll .. . • .......... ...... County Grant (Road) ,,r„st,„0„OVI.1.1„- EXPENDITURES ()Mee ...... ................ Indigent hospitalization - ..... ...„ ...... Heat and Light................. Printing and Postage ..... Street Lights ,...1•0•00 ........ 01,,, ....... Gtallt ...... ..... ..... Roads and ,Streets .......... .„ ......... Cutting gees . i ..... ...... ..... *9„.„1.0” ...... brains ............ ..... ....... ...... InstiiretnCe .......... UndinPloyirient Mainline Trilek Repairs. hild Operation „ ...... Repairs and Supplieo end Town tritta Maintenance Maitland River Corviervation Batik Charges 0 I ,.,..„11 ,,et ........ 4o-hog County Raitta Wingham Infe Seiteti Watertorks ...... ... .............. Pnbaie School • ........... ...... .. 8rAPIAV8 rort Y1 iL7G $ 993,01 761,75 4,465,00 47.70 228.45 1,489.50 1,180.00 7,918,75 402.00 1,093,58 104,47 162.26 105.00 5,40 340.44 40.65 76,62 584.01 151.19 400,42 167.25 7„54u1 6,581.30 5,6Z6,k. 10,31111,82 $ 65,00 $ 4,219,84 332,08 2,345.00 160,83 42,414.87 1,2,00,00 . $51,022.12 Licenses •{I , 4.4"M .......... ....... ........ .... Province of Ontario - Highways .... - Other Per Capita Grant Fire Departinent DePahlnent Relief end 4Tharity rt. ....trress•Iirm..44 ittenitil and Sanitation 56,170,74 - 845.38 AR.U5SF.LS POST W(ktiwesduy2 NoraAber SI, 0 81AATLINO, M.otorforatria, . st SWeilish „"litskir- ntoe Ocnnottriy, ,'rites "traffic in- F Ilelltk CAI(' I, Startling evidenee of the roile , , $, $,rtiratieti Solely for Abstititioro. - -ettogiti,s A 1101101,, 'plays in traffic rieelderita la torliglio(t by OW records. -Oi! After 14 years' In r ttbzlitos tit t= k • I bad to 1,11V in 'loses'tier' SATURDAY, DEC. 7th at 12:30 p. M. Sharp 2 piece Chesterfield Suite by Kroehler Large Living Room MIrror Large size Sp.ce Heater Pair matched End Tables (blonde) Coffee Table (blonde) Pair matching table lamps Trklite, lamp ,magaline rack Thug 9 x 12; 2 Vases 21" Marconi TV and Base pair flowered Drapes Walnut Occasional Chair Kitchen Stool; Buffet Lamp Card Table; Hall Tree Modern Dinette Suit,,e (blonde wood) 6 Chairs Buffet and Table (as new) Dominion 4 burner Electric Stovb: 9 cu. ft. Marquette Refrigentot C,hrorrue Breakfast Suite, 2 chairs. Admiral Radio Quebec Heater Quantity of Stovepipes Regina, Floor Polisher Electric,. Tea Kettle 11's'irr-un Tdaster Dominion 'Washing Machine Cris Lawn Mower (1 year old) 4 cycle ITetpoint Coal. Annex yon'inental hed (box springs and :orlings and mattress) n' Broom Chair Pqtliroom pamper Baby Convertible Boggy, like new I '7hifl,roonr, 'Vanity Steel eirigle Bed. mattress and. .nrings rhin,ronle, Child'S Rocider Complete 3 piece BedrOord Snits (blonde) with springs and aiirin,g 111eld_inaltiresa, linchidinig and Mrs. Dresser and Chest Of 11;HaWerk Pair Dresser Lamps of . Books Pe-Aside Table Dedeemn Lislolehmt Crib and Mattress (blonde) -Melt Chair: Thistles. Curteing, Fonit Tl'ose Bedding, Linens and ,flier liteins Usual to a 'triad- P" "11,61(1 . 1.00 numerous to to r'vetritioit. CLEARING AUCTION S&LE ' Of Household. Effects To Be Held in the BRUSSELS ARENA on .IttlIMS CASH Poop ' oto • Soil No .11eSet'ii f ow. §esodand, Atlettolieir ,, x o#ItitA, 'Pr6htiOtttie. .0440, ,i•Ke.iik-teo, tuerk ' CRANBROOK The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be celebroted in Knox Pres. t Church on Sunday, Dec. 8, at 11 j a. ATII.ohrd stmas Tree and Concert will k he put on by the Sunday School of Knox Presbyterian Church and the public school, The -date has not been 4 decided on but futher announcement 1 will be made next week.. Bill Gordon, 14th. eon. is confined splintered knee-cap as th e to the Wingbam Hospitalrewsuitlht ofa a car accident over a week ergo. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kirkpatrick enjoyed a week's holiday, motoring . to New York and other points. Mir. Lyle Gordon is improving in, health and it is hoped. Ivo will soon.' be home again, ' Mrh. Duncan MicTagg a r t is Seriously 111 in the K and W. ( Hospital, Kitchener. 1 'The 'evening planned by the 4 Library Board for Nov. Sth had to I be postponed, because of sickness i in the commlunity, until Friday Nov. 2,90. Come and give your support to the Library Board and enjoy the splendid pictures on a "Trip To Alaska'o to be shown by Mr. D. A.. Ran 71 and also pro- greqsive euchre. Craribrook W. I. The Oran-brook W. T. will meet Tuesday evening Dec., 3rd, at 8,30 P. M. Mrs. Steffler, convener of Public Relations has i)lanned a very in t ere,Q tin g meeting, d The motto "This Christmas let 8 us remember the Lord loveth a ,eheerful giver", will be given by Mrs. Bremner, Mr. Brown minister , or l'Irrgsels Mitred Church will be oneet speaker, 111V's. -George Gal• bra ith of BrusseTA. will demonstrate , the wrapping of Oinistmas parcels A Cordral welcome 'tr, all ladies of the r o minim ity, The regular W. M S meeting was , hold at the home of Mrs Wilfred Silckler with ten members and one j ' Visitor present, Mfrs, Stuart Evans Opened the meeting with "Go ye and teach ail nations". Hymns were sung with. Mrs Engel at the piano. The seripture was road by Mrs Stainton. A reading "Black Market in Bibles" was given ht- Miss Forrest. Nava! by Mrs Lynn Evans A reading on "Relay toreb rare by Mrs. Stuart Evans. , Tile -topic on "Go Teach' wee taker bv Mrs. Engel. Mrs, Timor :um took over the business part of the Meet., ilia. Inv:Rations wale extended td bar soletetY 'from the EVenilig Ailxiliary to:Meet with them Nov 12 and Union "WW1 Church W. M. S. Nov. 14 A'i'rs, Start rialit 0.0ged - the meeting with prayer after which lunch Was served by the `hostess end Mrs. Dunn, ,.a.,, ....au•,..* . 0 P.,. . , ,, . P-..-.... , 'Spatial INFORMATION Meetivid'..; in Fito:11-4 tri the PropoSad WHEAT MAPIMTINO 01-AN' wr:d Be Held AdAtOULY t. BOARDROOMSUPBOARDROOMS 1 duldforr Thuidday Nthe. 28th MI I dudat rt. pdakar: REG, Nirs/Efid dhAirmarl OA Wheat Growers Asac ' 1 , Sponsored by Huron itiWriet 0. r. ii as% less than the overage of 30 other eompanieh. And tire num- Veli of ciaime, per 1.00 vehicle was 37% less. Since by no means all of the policy holders in these otherr companies were drinking drivers, -alcohol had to play a tremendou alcohol had to play a tremendous role to. create the difference be- tween, the two groups. How does aloohol do that? 1. It slows down reactions. 2. lit creates false confidence. 3. It impairs concentration and dulls judgement. 4, It affects vision, ELMA r'ARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, Established In 1884 Head Office Atwood, Ont. Insures" Farm Property, Private Dweillriat and Contents In Towns and V11410111 Schools, Churches and Haiti on an, "INSURANCE AT COST" basis PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS Contact your Nearest Director or Agent R. W. (Dick) Whitfield also Windstorm Insurance Brussels, Ont. UNITED CHURCH W. A. The W. A. of the .I.Turterl Church met in the :church :parlours ,Tues, day evening, Nov, 19th with Mrs. Bryans in the chair and Mrs. A. Armstrong at the organ. • The ' opening hymn was sung. Scripture lesson -was read by Mrs. R. Walker and prayer offered by Mrs. R. Thomas. Secretary's report was given by our secretary Mrs, B,ann and this was adopted, ,Teasurer's report was then read and adopted. The amount made from 'the Fowl Supper made a very endouraging report. The ,Good Cheer reported nine calls. The parsonage committee re- p-art was given by Mrs. Lowe that .afteir visiting the parsonage there was much that slIonld be attended to, floors, curtains,, decorating etc. Mrs. W. G. Leach. and Mrs. J'. land were appointed a committee to look after the ,cocoa matting Ithe' front -porch of the. chtuch. It was decided to have a hoUse detaining of the church by the halal - as many as possible to come Monday afternoon and others Wednesday afternoon. The officers were put back by acclamation for one More year. Mrs, McFadden to take. Mrs. W. 'Spence's- place as 2nd vice was the only exception,. The committee to look after the December meeting is Mrs. W. Bell, • Mrs, W. Williamson, -and Mrs, A. Armstrong. This meeting to be held on the second Tuesday of December and in the. afternoon , A social haulr was then held and a splendid lunch partaken A vote of thanks Was 'given by Mrs. It Cousins to the committee namely, Mrs. H. Thomas, IVIrs. R, Zzrnllcer and Mrs. W, ,Sijeiran. Do Your Christmas ShoPpIng In Brussels