HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-11-06, Page 44,„ft !'" it Save TI and N arrwith PERSONAL CHEWING ACCOUNT 1 Your new, low service charge of 10 cents a cheque is prepaid when you get your book of 20 cheques. v2 No passbook—quicker service. 3 Deposit slips are in your "4 cheque book—for banking by mail or speedier service at the bank. 5 4 A quarterly statement is mailed to your home. Your cheques are held for you at the bank as a permanent record. For further details Inquire at our nearest branch THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 750 5RANC7155 ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE you NW - 227 • BRUSSELS BRANCH — L. W. J. GLASGOW . MANAGER THE U CAANTY COUNCIL will meet at the Court House, Goderich on TLIZii, f, ,'~;OVP,MBEit 12th, 1957 at 2:00 p.m. Al; f•-c qrts. notice,,, of deputations, etc., should. be in flu, hands of the County Clerk not later than outurcay, nf,ieni.ber 9th, .1957, A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk County of Huron. Plans really start to take shape when savings start to grow. One way to Make sure you'll have money when you need it is to make regular deposits in your bank account. " At first it May not be easy to stick faithfully to your savings program. But as your dollars build up yoU'll find yourself fading the future with greater Confidence, Making plans with new assurance that you'll be able to carry theni out, the a chartered bank to keep yoitt savings sate land growing, Yon will always be glad you did,, Both .have a bank acoutitaii.and a purpose for .saving ** VET ••• • Save' at ii: bank — millions d61 . • I ' • T141 comMittitalr THE BRUSSEP MST We (lay, Vorealber OM, 1 6t 7••••••••••••`,!•77781, sting, Psalm WS was. read by We* Stuart 4vans, prayer was read by Mrs. Dunn ..with responas by the , membera. ilrllss FcrreAt had as ber, topic National MisSlonse Chriatian Literature was giVen by Mrs Stan . Fischer, Hospital Visitors by Miro: Strickler and. Indian Schools by Mrs. Lynn EVOIns. ..An invitation „frent Brussels W. M. S. was rood for to join their society on Nov. 1, .Mrs. Thompson took over the busineAs part of the meethig. Mrs,:Dunn clop ea the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served, by the hostess and Mrs. , Enael. Mrs. McClune visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dunn on Mon- o day, Free! Marie Fraser's new Butter recipes. Write today AA",ra wake/ at bahe. OW a beret, with: DAIRY FARMS/ill; OP CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Machinery, Hay and Grain at Let 42, Con, 4 East WawanoSh Twp., 21/2 miles north of ,E1wslyth: Highway, FRIDAy, NOV. 15th' - at 12.30 P. M. Machinery Cociksnutt Diesel 40 tractor in A 1 condition; Super A NfcCorrniOlc tractor fully equipped with Hy- draulic McC..ormidk Mower, plow and scattier to fit above rm:odel A tractor; McCormick No. 2 005% Harvester; McCormick 8 ft. tracto disc; Cockshut 8 plate 1-way disc; McCormick 15 disc power drill; Massey Harris 7 ft, binder; land roller; drop head hay loader; New idea side rake; potato plow; 3 section drag harrows; -5 weal, diamond harrows; steel Stone boat; 120 ft. and '75 foot cldilve belts; New idea manure spreader on rubber; Gehl 10" hammer mill; fanning mill; 2000 lb. scalds; 2 good rubber tired wagons; 16 ft Hay rack for main or turnips; H. P. motor 300 it. snow fence and iron posts; cedar posts; quantity of lumber and planks; barb wire; number of b arrel'b; bag tracik; forks, sh& eels; chains, wheel barrow, In- sulage Cart. Hay and Grain 1800 bales of mixed •Ha.y; 13 ton mixed 'loose Hay; 1000 bus. mixed grain; 000 bus. Ajax oats. Cattle 3 Durham and Holstein cows this in ,February and March; 4 Durham Steers and heifers 1 yr. old; 4 spring calves, Terms Grain „and „Hay ..and ,small Mach inert' — Cash Other machinery 50% day of sale. Remainder ..can be arranged , on a approVed Joint note of 6 months at bank interest, Prop. — Walter Mason Auct. — Harold Jackson Clerk — E. P. Chesney •••••••••,...7 . .7..7.77 v• re!? Aim nlo n Cranbrook W. M. S... ....On Wednesday afternoon Oct. 9 the regular W. M. S. meeting was held at the home .of Mrs. Gordon Knight with 13 members and one visitor present. A Thanksgiving 'pro grarnryle ,.was followed ..with Mrs. Earl Dunn as leader and Mrs. Mac Engel at the piano, „Hymns were •••••••••••••!* S E IAL LO l L VAR.E.S To: THE ROYAL ACRIGULTURAL TR .FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 15-23 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going—Nov. 14th-23rd incl. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 24th., Full information from any agent. T-7.55 .tusumatars He is saving to help his son and daughter get a good education She is is saving to buy a new watch for her husband's next birthday U NDER today's . economic conditions, what you don't want from governments, or can do without, will determine whether infla- tion is to be halted. In other words, it is up to the people of Canada themselves to determine what sort of future they will have. Do your representatives in government at all levels know what you don't want? Why not write and tell them? THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON• BRANTFORD TORONTO pinteanan^,i,rt, 17:•.‘41 , 4-,a5•44741..140. ts••••-4•••1.1.4i4iamuscr.••444044.04.1 Dramatic new styling and outstanding engineering advances are combined in the 1058 Chevrolet, Completely new from bumper to bumper and froth frame to roof line, the 1968 Chevrolet is longer, lower and wider, and emphasizes cowing sculptured lines from the dual headlamps to softly flared rear fbnclers. 8ttirdy coil springs, front and rear, ate standard, While a new "LeVel Ale systeM which automatically adjusts to all load weights is optional. Shown here is the Bet Air 4-Door Sport Sedan.