HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-10-23, Page 5ftlE ..IIRIJSS,E.k.$ POST WealleUtla.Y.4 00.0104' ;,/ia.; $0.4 a?, ,0raa a!". P... a-. ...• • rearaamio • CLASSWITiti) AD-3. Grey Twp, Councjl (.1t-cv Township .cou.nat was :IiieltleorteGek (.a .Bored by Archie .Maue El.0004dati by Win, l*, Blishop that the minutes. of teat .ineetine be ildoptPa. ne Ned. -Oarried Illaved by Wm, D. J.itsbep sec0,04-ea by A, Maun That Glenn geKor. citer, C. M, Donnie and H, Done , 0g4lli be aWlarded enow01:01NriAg. for the 007 and 1955 fif$40n at tender price, also sul4ect to call ut :any hour, I HeAR 7HE Re'RE TWO WELt. kl,101,09 FINSHES FOR CA -$ WU- YOU, SIR* cric V ALLY VSSO CA s YO SOY irr Rfriegri fin o 1.40,14 I 'FOR SALE 000k Stove, 1.11-.004,4 001Alittan, Walter Wi Phone 97x .FOR 2 yearling„ Durham steers. IMO% Strechans Merle 83247- WANTED - Office eirl, steady ernplOyment. apply to. P. O. Box 50 - 57 Chev. 4-door Sedans Brand New 1 -'57 Chev. Sedan Like New C G KRAUTER c0 - PLUMBING/ HEATING /,4 ft I A I, OIL litigNI-V.; BRUSSELS latata 47 X -Carried 111}4ved by Kenneth Bray, second- ed by Glenn Huether that we adopt the report on the Balfour Drain. and, ItnIstruct the ;olerlt to prepare and serve the bylaws, -Carried Weaved ,by Archie 1Viarte. seconded. 'by Wm. 4 Bishop that we concur with East Watwanosh regarding Wingharla High School re: Daylight Savinlg Mime and clerk call re-', presentative and inform him of, same. FOR SALE 30 light chunks. Emerson Mitchell MEMORIAL? ....Straford Qemetery Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave., Phone 2S7W., Rey Shantz and pert .Pretty, Proprietors! For a memorial of lasting beauty at a reasonable price and guaranteed workmanship contact our represent- ative. Mr Prank W. Kenn) Phone 1.8r10 'FOir RENT -- 6-reom, self cOntained ApartMont, 'private bath. $25 Per month. Phone 47 `FOR SALE •-• Two wheeled. covered Oates with ,.springs, Rev. H, Arussels -4-Carried , 'FOR SALE -- Xess Oil Stove, in good condition, misled $15.00. reoulls Waxmian, Brussels FOR SALE -- :Spy Apples, Tolman Sweets, sprayed. Howard Smith Phone 33r10 Moved by Kenneth Bray, second-' • ed by ..Wm. El. Bishop that we set' The date of Cburt of Riewlfsion on Assessment Roll for October 25th ' -Carried Moved by Clean nuether secon- . ded by A, Mann that we pass by- law for County Mutual Aid for Fire Department as read a first, Second and third time' -Carried At LEACHE'S JEWELLERY STORE BRUSSELS 'Your old Alarm Mock in any ,condition worth 10% off the prise 'of a new Alarm, Spring wound or 'Electric. This offer positively ends ;Oct, 19th: Rockers, allowances Brewer Drain Wm. E. Bishop, laildowataces Brewer Drain Jack Bishop, allowances Brewer Drain Archie Moses ailloWances Brewer Drain Howard Ellacett, allowances Brewer Drain Norman Hoover Allowances Brewer Drain Gardiff, clerk's fees Brewer Drain Wm. Miller, allowanCers Pollard Drain Aylmer Hart, allowances Pollard Drain Geo. Blake, allowances Pollard Drain Wm. Blake, allowances Pollard Drain. Wilfred rilsiet er, allowances '9th Con. Drain Ross Cunningham., allowances Dth Con. Drain Fred Keffer allowances 9th Con. Drain Ahner McQuarri allowances 9th Con. Drain Howard eillacott allowances 9th Con. Drain Lloyd Michel allowances 9th Con. Drain Joe Smith allowances 9th Con. Drain Bert Hemingway allowances 9th Con. Drain Rein Dickson dillowances 9th Con. Drain Elisabeth Mitchell allowances 9th Con, , Drain Charles Fischer allowances 9th Con. Drathi E. ST, Cardiff Clerk's fees Murray Lamb Drain hi. M. Calidiff ,Clerk's fees Livingstone Drain Huron Plowman's Association grant Geo. Weaenberg' Assesaor bat salary 'Gordon MOT:, =a, fire track Firemen Roads, ;Smell. Tables and Burfet Dishes IVi,ossed by Glenn Huether secon- ded by AN'in.. E. iBiShop that we pas by-laws No. 16, 17, 18 and 19 under The (Tile Drainage Act, - Carried. Moved by Glenn Huether secon- ed by Kenneth Bray that we accept the request from John Hood and :Foster !Smith to clean Howard Drain and change course according to Engineer, (also clerk to notify nineneer and have all interested parties notified - Carried. Moved by Archie Mann seconded by Glenn Mother that we give Huron County (Plowman's Assoc iation a grant of $2.5,00 Carrie Moved by Wm. E. Bishop second- ed by' Glenn Huether that we adjourn to meet Nov. and or at the call of the reelve - Carried. The following accounts were AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects in the Village of Brussels on FRIDAY, OCT. 25th at 1.:30 P. M. Included in Sale Kiltiehen Range Kitchen Table and Chairs. Occasional Chairs 'China Cabinet Bedroom Hurniture Gatlien Tools Many other articles ti PROPERTY - 6-ro-otn Frame House Would You Like More Convenience and Leisure? , DEAD STOCK Picked 'tip promptly in sanitary trucks, Small charge made for 'animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone ,collect: Brussels 72 "iltliam Stone Sonee Limited, Ingersoll. FOR SALE - 'New Crop Clover Golden Honey with- out, buckwheat. Also Golden with a little buck- wheat. We can fill your containers. 'Lloyd Wheeler, Phone 2.1r8 Brussels ''OLD CHESTERFIELD" Round up Time at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. Show cushion from, your suite to Schu!ett isalose• mien for Trade in evaluation, on new ,2 piece suite, airfoant rubber eushions $149.00 Select from 25 suites by "Kroehler". Free delivery GitedtIney 1VIjilelan r,-•••••• SALESMAN WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fits cesportnnity to Step into old profitable, business where Rawleigh Products have been. 'sold for Tears. Big profits, Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh'e Dept. J--1.5.2-1631 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Queb, Would you like to have more time each day to devotee to your children, to recreation, to gardening, or some other summertime pursuit Labour saving electrical appliances can give you this extra time; at the flick of a switch they whittle down to minutes time-consuming chores. FOR SALE - Now Mercury Chain Saw and. Parts,. Reconditioned Mercury Chain Saws with new saw guar- antee. $22,5,00 and Nixotee Mercury Chain Saw Distributor P. 0. BoX 278, Watfoed, Ont. 333 i117a,in. St.' VencouVer, B, C. INSEreiteA t ION osrFoRMATtON D IT WIT HYDRO FOR ONLY A , FEW CENTS A DAY ata 30,00, 14,00 125.00 5.00 25.00 11.00 50.00 15.00 7.00 14.00 27.00 20.25 13.75 7.50 13,76 tzLoo 1.4.25 23.76 31,25 19.75 17.75 5.00 35.00 5.00 25.00 400,00 3,00 43.oe 5,763.78 $16,201.54 N. Cardiff, Clerk. COMMENtsFMENT EXERCISES The Annual Conimencemetit ercieet for the Graduating Class Of 1957 of the '\,Vitighant Distriet High be held On Ftiday, bot, atui, tit 8,15 (DM') lit the school cluditoritnn, illiete will be ti, nitisietti pro•esaseme, pteeentatien of dile lornast aveirde, ttpd tte address by .14tt, S. It. 160i/ill-an, Inallettor of Seconders)* Schools. ,Pollowing the exercises there will be an eifortitil orrice to •the Matele of Bill SteWart's Orchestra, At parents, students, and others interested in lilac school are invited to attend, SHEET METAL Oa, WORK 14 1 ti Or---T-C Q OALFIT,6 ii),. • H, EXPERTS .x.,, AT THAT \ . , LINE ARE wg7 e RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sunday Oct.. 27th 1957 Full Information from agents R 1V [KSDiE 711o_ ors 01 ps. )f •,"%i f. lr. BRUSSELS (7140.4{,56 eke 'eovered with asphalt 'hydro. shingles: Terms Chattels Cash „„ Property 10% down, balance in 30 days -- Reserve bid. Aunt: H. Jackson. Ryan, Sr. Prom.;Thomas FOR eieLE Village Grocer) More and Pont Room, large brick building, 6-room apartment above, 2-piece bath. Price for building 2.800.00, 7 ft. meat counter, scales, cash register. shelving and counters, 2 pool tables, and equipment, $1300.00. stogie approximately $12.00.00 at invoice price. $5,300.0u takes all. Illness reason for selling. 100 acre farm, good house, hydro. bank barn, 3 othet buildings, never failing stream on farm, Price e5e00,00, terms. 7 acre farm, good Muse, hydro, barn, Price $1800.00 3 acre place in `village, frame cottage, barn, Price $2,000.00 Good house In town, 2-piece bath, Only $1,500,00 J. C, Long Real S.I.state Broker Phone 881.2 Brussels, Ont. Walaviamama*..4 or • paid: Rose() Metal and Roofing Produces, pipes for drains $ 65.62 The Blyth Standard, advertise drains 4.20 Stratford Beacon Herald advertise Brewer Drain. 6.06 N. S. Bia,uman, -tile Cox Drain 178.00 Melvin; Carnoehan, repaielS Cox Drain 67.85 Alex Cullen, repair side- walks Ethel Village 343.85 Alex'Cullen, repair side- walk, Twit: Office Kenneth Bray, fox bounty Wm. ".T. Hoy, fox bounty Alex Cameron, fox bounty Cecil Payee fox bounty Win, Dobson, fox bounty T:; . H. Cardiff, clerk's fees, fox bounty ' Twp, of Morris, asseastnent Dockett Drain Jas. .A. Howes, supt. Brew- er Pollard and Oth Con. Drains d'as. A. Howes, report etc. Balfour Drain Robt, Nicholson, contract Brower Drain 1300.00 Robt. Nicholson, hal mistiest 9th Cote Drain 1,585.56 extra Oth eon. Drain 305.40 Rcpt, Nicholson, nett contract 7isholz Drat. Ross Hattie., Pollard Drain IOC°. W, Eutcliinsonr aasilet issititteY, brain ICennetli assist tialfour brain thic.oln. Martin, hASISt s'ittvey Balfour Drain, Bayard Drain, gratit SlItret Corners train, giettit Beelethate Drain grant tied titeleiltte Ittitelltott Meet grant and ettrphis Toltnstoti Drat", cetint West illotaggfart trait Vile flraltiago tots thhor anti 7tsTiti Arts r rolig 30.00 2,00 4,00 2.00 2,00 2,00 1.50 11:52 290,00 100.00 544.50 1,7110,00 , 4.06 4,00 4.6o 68,71 2,54.20 44.7 128.54 33.78 2.2.00,06 ti.ouo.• ,• 41,4%4 ',ma 4 ' it) 'Tor artiflete. itserninselon Infer. elation or serries ''ruin all breests of seettlze 'Phone t•St Watnrloo Cattle Prowling Aseastasine at: Clinton U Vst 6441 or Palinsereton 498 betsreen 7,30 'and 9,3t. A. M. We bases all breeds -. toe emeitty at low 'east." • .44 iaaa. a. a, 141.1VitliZra, THE GLASSES vi WE WANTARE 'TOO F(LLE15- WITH MILK rkom Coo /NV DAIRY eRLAmi tit For one tent you ca n use an electric ironer for SS minutes. For nab cent you can use. en oletiriC VatttUtti cleaner far 114 litl'Utt• For one tent you Can qie an eteciric floor polisher for 2IA hours. FliihteS liilsOd ,oh the average -03 it per itiloyOtt= tusloaters lh Co Modern... IN Better !EN:Ohl:644. 7-7450 131 ELMA OARMEIIS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1834 Aetta titfide AtWOod, Ont; Inatfrei Perth Property Private Dwe .an0 Ooritents In tresAine end Vlitniieti Schools,'dhurtheit And Naito on.' an. ,iiNtUttANOt. COST" baste rittoiviist AbjusTIVItNir OF oLAtMii' d'antndt-yourNeareet blitottir.oe Agent R. W. (blot() Wlititield titne Ont.