HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-10-23, Page 1Cudney Choice. Tomatoes, 28 oz ... A 217C Gold Seal Sockeye Salmoni. .,...... 47c York Cut Green Beans 20 oz. „ • AA. 22c Campbell's Tomato Sbup • - 2 for 23c ,,,,, ..... ,t,A,One1,011.11A01,..t •,« feu wit "Ind other values Just as greet ae these at • 14eltlherfileilp ir# the WerMan'e 'Missionary Spelete of the United, 011urelt of Canada involves 4 activi- ties. (1) study (2) Nam (31. work I, CO giving. RepOrte from the 15 euxeleriO: awl telteir Wallet% • yOunger grouips• present et the I • Annual Convention. held In Blue- vale United Oinerch on Friday Oct. 10th •.atowed that the 'North Section 1 of Huron Presbyterial Is vigorously eneeaged in all of these „ essential iA activities, I Mrs, K. Webster. :Myth presented I , a faseinetine eretay of hooks for all I Ages whereby eneanhere may en- ! banes their Itrowied,ge• of the world I and greatly enrich their own levee. 1‘ Mrs. J. 0. ThoMpsen, London, ' recently returned from Trinidad,. 1 guest speaker for the aftereoon :session widened her hearers know- I ledge of life's. condition la in Trite . hied and its need ..ior Christian 1 4eitlizene as the honor of being * ! chosen the capital of the new Fed- oration of British West Indies increased :responsibilities. The • greatest contribution of the piles. a merles has been in the field of education where unimaginable over crowdinig exists in outworn schools. In spite of missionary efforts only 3% of the East Indian population is Christian. Following the theme "Thine is the Glory" opening worship ser- vices were conducted in the morn- lag by Mrs, H. ,Thomas and Mrs. A. Arresting of tire Brussels Alien- , eery and in the afternoon by Mrs. 'Orallam, Mrs. Bride and Mrs, Cooper , of the Fordwicsh, Auxiliary. Special music was ,contributed by Miss Daylight Saving Time For The Village of Brussels ENDS at MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th G. E. McCutcheon, Reeve iTligboat Atente. :Overman' played by' bilitieree Uteettl, uP foe a eeritig ot Cepttliti. Horatio Bul4Whikle, Piped by Walter Sande, These futt-lotvitig OPPoneets eati be eeeti e*ery Monday night oil the C13(1 television, network In et eobeedy4edveritate Series about tile- !sea, Called "The Advtehtteree of Tugh,oat Annie", - • Ati Luse r..• tr* 4,34%)14 of mall, 8twrt CKftes DePortstont, Ottawa Wednesday, October garf,j, 1957 $2.00 per year ma 079.71.r Post Publishing House &wthgris04 as •«1«. «rffer FILM protest te the present compulsory marketing A petition was signed by a great welly people at that meeting, Has Mr. Hemingway asked to see how many of those signatures were sigma- twee of members of the F. of A ? Sarely Mr; Hemingway must have been impressed at that "protest- ingest meeting he was ever et." Could it possibly have meant that aerie: protests were in earnest? Has it °cowed to Mr. Hemingway that those me were there (Many of them P. of A. members) because they did not approve of the Com- pulsery Marketing legialation and wanted.' something done about it. Before the F of A takes any further stand regarding Compulsoly marketing I sukgest one thing, I suggest -the F of A, be sure its ruembeee still endorse its Plane- What better way to do this than! the democratic wayll The secret vote way. A I-Tog Producer In Grey Twp. GREY TWP. BOY WINS T. EATON TiROPIt Donald Perrie, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Perrie, competed n the 31st North Huron Plowing Match and was awarded the T. Eaton Co. Trophy for the best plowed land in the 14r17 are group. Donald also won let prize at the Bence County Match near Paisley. He was also 'among 'the prize- winners at the Internatioetal Match which was held near Simcoe. Mr. and leers. Jas. S. Armstrong were visitors at Sault Ste. Marie I the papt week, with' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson'Tibbo and daughter Mar..: igaret Jennifer. Many of the residents of thee town and the surrounding district are victims of the current flu. ,„. NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION The Colurt of Revision on the 1953 Assessment Roll for the Township of Grey will be held, on Friday, October 25th, 1957, at 1. P. m., Standard Time, in the Clerk's Office Mel, Ontario. Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk, Township of Grey, c- Knox Church, IITHEL Debentures For Sale The Municipal Corporation of the Village of BetiSsele Passed By-Law No. 74957, which, has also been approved by, ti* Municipal Board, authorizing the Borrowing of $50.,000.00,4Nre Debentures for the purpose of Reconstructing, Replacing, Altering and Modernizing the Brussels, Morris, and rkter Municipal Telephone ,Syletem. TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Minister: Mt C. L. Thompson Adult Bible Class 1.45 P. M. ) 1.45 P. M. 2.45 P. M. Y. P. Bible Class A Sunday School Morning Worship "Give not from the top of purse, but from the pottom of heart" C, Cutting Sunday School 'Worship Setivice ;HE b.KIAri C,i't+.:OH. Wm. Hetmehries was, a yietien, of N Catti-ADA the THE Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson RUMMAGE SALE VAL'S BEAUTY SHOgPE Phone 7 Styling ColciWaving A Specialty , Phorne 40X "B"russets Not Just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of tn. year, CITLEDGEGROCERY your i • Home Baking Table your Under the auspices of the Ethel • United and Presbyterian Church ,tchoirs. Tenders will be recellveid by the undersigned until October 28th, '1957, for snowplowing for the 1957- . 58 season in the Village of Brues'els. Lowest' or any tender not nee- cssarlly accrepted. WALTON Gordon McGahrin and ion. Neil attended the International ' Plow- ing match, at Sitneoe. Percy Spence of Detroit, visited with Walton friends recently, We Deliver ; NORTH HURON • •PRE$SYTERIA1., GONYgNTIQN In eacher a formier minister, the ' Rev. Stanley Brenton, B. A., of College Avenue United Church in Woodstock, In the morning he spoke on the subject, "Thanking God for the Present Time." In the evening his topic was "Refl'ecti'ons of , Jesus", He suggested that many , people like to be stare, whereas it would be better for them to he humble street lights. The star's light Is too far away to be much, good in showing us the right path in the' night. Mat is why we need street / lights. So Christians are to let, the 'light of Christ Aline the light where they are in the ordinary ways of life. St JOHN'S A. Y. P. A. Three ear loads of young people of the Anglican Young Peoples Association jOurneyed to Blyth on 'Sunday evening to, attend Evensong/. and a social hour. They joined with others from' .Seaforth, Wingham, Belgrave, and Auburn: Plans were made for the Deanery groups to meet in Se. John's Brussels, Sunday evening, Nov. 17th. PEOPLE WE KNOW ETHEL UNITED CHURCH ANNJYKASARY Oooti weather and fine col'- :?pittgutione. blessed the anniVer- 41!...4r Sir. eery at lDlIW United Church on 1 :TM , arti(lo in your paper Oct. Sunday. -16th entlifed "P of A attends of Tmlieri:11.141%;i9i r wdearbeLoh: wit!, 4i.encttlh(10 test Moat" J. Carl Hemingway ministry of music singing an their.' interests 010- anthem, in the morning "Praise /lee first paragraph reads "1. Ye the boiler by Stewart, and in .attended a pretest meeting (yelled by the evening, "Nave you 0.4y room Theodore Parker nt Stratford last for Jelsus". A male quartet, corn- Thursday. it was the 4protestingest` 0 0111))0W:fed of AlFeSsrs- 1:211(09t I3ab i meeting I ever attended, and also son, Cecil Feekluier, Bob Wollner I the most disorderly." and, George Pearson sang a number Many other people attended that a:t Iet tl'Ic vtlase4e4a"471a:sure for the tong- meeting too. Many other people w rogation to welcome as guest Iho ere members of the F of A. litany People who were there as L,ETT.ER TO, 'T.H.E EDI:Tog The for The iireiesele Peet Ar.:•;• VP•ari¢......kaaarmaa HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE DANCE In Cranbrook Community Centre THURSDAY, OCT. 31st, .,„44i i PRIZES FOR THE BEST COSTUMES er MUSIC BY , Ian Wiibee and the. Melody Makers f,«VffrIVAZA640Q;ACkfAtraAfsfAVInIff‘ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Erussels United Church SUNDAY, OCT. 27th. 11 A. M, and 7:30 P. M, GUEST SPEAKER: REV, A. W. WATSON of BLYTH TURKEY DINNER TUESDAY, OCT. 29th. Supper Served 5 to 8 P. M. Followed By ,A Variety Programme * Admission: Adults $1.25 Children under 12 go Lions Club Hallowe'en Party The ANNUAL HALLOWE'EN PARTY, sponsored by the BRUSSELS LION'S CLUB will be 11%.1d in the TOWN HALI on THURSDAY, NIGHT, OCT. 31st at 8 p. in, All children of the community and district are eligible to compete • for tli* prizes. Prizes will be awarded for the following costumes:, 411.fi Hallowe'en for children under (school age; Witch; Black 'Catt Ghost; Clown; Hobo; Nursery Rhyme; Cow Boy; CoT, GirL Films will be shown. MONDAY, OCT. 28th E veryone Welcome Admission: ,INTER2gNOMINATICNAL SHOWING. OR Ttig " MARTIN LL/THEA. " In the United Church, Brussels at 8 p. m. Free! "Enter His gates with thanksgiving And into his courts with praise." H. A. Fischer, Clerk, Village of Brussels b. BORN Backer - Mr. and Mrs. George A. The Brussele„ Morris and Grey TO ehone CommiegigneX have appointed H. R. Pearson Seeker (nee June Work) are proud toy announce the arrival of a see, Jeffery John' on. Sunday, October 13th, 1957 at Victoria, Hospital. e brother for Gregory ( George. . 10 A. M. Judy Thornton of the Bluuevale 8.'7140. COMMUNITY CENTRE! Mission Band, eers. G. Johnston 10 A. WI,...; ' SATURDAY, NOV. 2nd • ' and Mrs. R. Procter of the Belgrave 11 A. M. f at 2.30 P.M. 'Mrs. J. A. M,c0111 presented practical supply work, This year, with the exception of a few mid- wifery kits to Korea all clothing will he sent to Nothern Canada where warm clothes, partietillarly knitted articles and dredges for Indian women are badly needed. Mrs. S. Mpote, Goderich, urged , that we stress Christian ,.Stewarde, ship at all terate's for so few Priem- 'hers have even the faintest glimmer of its true meaning. A higher allocationl is before us. Can we accepe it joYfully realizing It iS the finest investment we. can make. An enthusiastic report, of the School for Leaders was geven by Mrs, -Harold Vincent. Next summer a !scholarship to this school will 1 he given to some young leader who ; has already given leadership in Huron Presbytery. • The report of the resolutions committee was given by Mrs. A. Burrefil„ Winghath, One resolution was to the effect that prayerful' tonsideration be ,given to- the ban., ning of all nuclear testing throngh the Melted National lefienvolriels were (1) that W. M. S. members see to it that only worthwhile radio and television progreens, wore heard and' tviewed in their ihomes and (2) that W. Mi. S. Members striTve to change public opinion' so that people come to realize that it is not necessary to drink alcohol ,ic beverages to be socially accept- - able: Mrs, 1\e. Dennile, Bluevale, vice- president of the North section core- (ducted both sessions and closed with; the henedietion. to sell these Debenture's as follows,,1% 411 Meiville Church Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. Organist - Donald Dunbar Sunday !School pivine Worship Maturing from 1 to 10 years NOTICE TO FARMERO -Ttuching LivestOck TO Market. Hogs te-Asaembly Point -at .Flarriston EverY Tuesday. , All Loads Fully' InSured Truck, Completely Licensed Phone ,36.19 by Monday night- - -GEORGE SMITH Brussersi Ont. 4 1 Interest rate 6% on all debentures Denomination $500.00. and $1,000.00 .4 10 A. M. 11 A. h1,- Please contact Hugh. Pearson for further informatioie regarding these debentures. (.1L S Phone 11 Brussels, The Oniied Church OF CANADA illnlatar: Rev. L. •Brown B.A; Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin anmerfsary pervices if and 7.30 P. M. GUeSt Preacher: Rev.... A, W. Watson, tellyth. 81111111111MEMINEMTV2.112, ZAPITOL L'cIOWEL THEATRF a 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. 12 noon 1 Flute - Fri. - Sat, 0,otobee 24 - 25 - 26 PAT BOONE Makes His Film' Debut In "BERNADINE" boys and "Women" Color A ciplightful comedy about teenage ‘. Sunday. •School RI • • • M1911Matlift&LIIIVA:f:4';;;:iMfillTit LLASHMAR DRIVFAN THEATRE .1 Anglican Church OF CANADA • ('-" garish of IrruottIo Nevi 14'0 S. AM's% L. S. T. Rector A. John's Church, BRUNO .po M,. " • - MattinS A.t! 01100..S.oh-091 LisiowEL teL Sat. Oct. 25 26 t • •"OKLAHOMA WOMCiNn• supertoona Cr Rioiterd. Denning. Peggy Castle •"FEMALE JU,NdLE"' Mon.. Tues. Oct 28 - 29 First Shove, 7.15 p. m. Gordon (Oklat6ma) MacRae xn noanits And HA.mivuaRistrunv,s MUST A. " b A- Ffb"ijs1 L Attention Farmers Farmers In The Brussels Area BRYANS TRANSPORT, Will Be Picking Up and Shipping Hope Monday --- Tuesday - Wednesday Thursday of Each VVeels: These Hogs Will Bre Picked Up At Your Fetid, And Delivered To Assembly Points At A Chalte To Y4 50c Per HOG or $1.00 Per SOW • Hogs Or Sows Delivered to Our Yards at Efusselt, Will Be Fordwarded A0einEly Petnte' " , ft FREE OF 014kEIA,F, „ • ANYONE WISHING TO TIME. ADVAlsift AGE, Or SERVIONI all 98X Brussels *et Play Safe - Ship Via Bryant Transport To Ontario llog Proilticetg You The Farmers Are Behind The Wheel Its Up TO YOU To Drive It Through. dinenia906Oot Color'( JYtie Mansfield: Jelin .Carrecline ConfIrniadon Class Wed. 7 30 P, Oct. 31 - First She* 740 0, "fit tgd Job Wayne; Lauhli 16ao'ail tunditYSchool- hbiLbob ALLEY0' dinenliScopel Color! •t: DasHd'a Church; 1-lenteyn sie Wed, :Lee TnO Shows g sly, n or Box Office Opens at 7.80 O'cloCir, Iritat She* at 8.09 Children Under 12 in Cara free Cartoon- et Each Porton:Mines rr