HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-10-16, Page 4Ttig, pRpssE,p, POST WedtteStlqi Clettl'her 4,0th, MI. -poorvirorevvv.t. \ ,11..4V,\Zil:ROOF.. On S1114447 Morning IctiOX PreP7 SPEED Bigger yiehls per were with deep, fall Icernels on smaller cob . nine foot roots to beat the weather planter plate graded for easy, even planting , ..and "Ore.: Noted" for resistance to disease are reasons why Itit pays to grow 'united Hybrids". GET IN TOUCH WITH YQUR UNITED HYBRIDS FARM AGENT (fies...got afire lady's rain, hat for year olle) ALBERT CARDIFF gyttgl,,, ONTARIO, hYterhin Wee tit,ecOatetI with haSkets of flowers, limits • and vesetable.a. to Mid to the Thanks,. l tying sealvice. Mr. C, TheinpaOrk tk~ 40 . emitributed two .Stioles ditring the !serviee. Mr. and Mrs. T. GeOrtiont Toyed a. trip to Ne‘v YOrlt oyeir the holiday weekend. Congratiutations, IYWraY Haether on being one of tea Wealea to win a big .Weei ill New York City, in th;e, .irecent Beacon-Herald. contest, IA spite of a late start Mrs. Thither won second plaee from • 1,711.7 no 'fC•I'o$701tyfo aTi4ir newt s9abriacripf9t7ionthis du4ing, the last two weeks of the contest. At a meeting of the Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs Murray Hnethe'r the date for the Annual Bazaar wan Set for Saturday Afternoon, NOV. 16th, Watch Per fiddlier parti, J rulers. •The condition of Mrs. Duncan McTageart remains unchanged. She ( has been. a patient in the K-W , Hospital since, Sept. 24th, Flue is going its rounds in the community with very few households escaping. Cranbrook W. I. LOCATION: No. 10 Highway, $ of Brampton. TIMIe 11:25 p.m. ROAD SURFACE, Asphalt. Very greasy because of heavy drizzle. This car was travelling south at a speed far too high for the road surface condition. The car ahead signalled a left-hand turn, and pumped his brakes to give additional warning because he had to wait for an oncoming car before making his turn. The driver of the high speed car jammed on his brakes and the car went into a violent skid, It shot off the road, clipped a tree, then smashed head-on into another tree: Both the driver and his passenger were killed instantly. Before you travel too fast for the road surface con- dition, remember this picture. It could happen to you. RESULT: Two killed. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 21-7 Cranbrook 4-H Garden Club Student Minister Receives Award Douglas Fry, son: of Mrs, Nor- man Fry, Winghain, who is com- pleting his studies for the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, and who is the student minister at Chesterville, in Eastern Ontario, was recently selected as one of the 27 Ontario men to receive awards from the Estral Fund of the East- ern Star: The fund has been set up to provide awards for religious leadership. The award was made at the meeting of the grand chap- ter in the Royal York Hotel, „To- ronto, last month, Doug was pre- sented with a cheque for $300. Mrs. Morris Swanson, worthy ma- tron of the Winghain chapter, and Mrs. Andy Lunn, associate matron, were present at the meeting.— Wingharn Ad--":"cc-Times, "A good start, son...keep it going P2 The Cranbrook 4-H Garden Club sponsored by the Women's Institute are to be congratulated for their achievements at the Fall Fair this season. Winning over $35.00 at Lon- don, Brussels and Teeswister Fairs. 'Congratulations to Joe Steffier who was a member of the winning Seafoilik Collegiate team in the high soiriol class at North Huron plowing match. The match was held on Sat. 'Oct. 5. near Lakelet, in TIowiek Tp. Joe is the youngest 'son ,of Mr. and Mrs. f'lem Steffler and his coach was Gneeme MacDonald, • Th ,,, Library Board ,extends their thank, to ill who helped to make their hake sale the success it. was, eiror 501 '1.Vn'.z. rPt1117,0f1 and the Board le s"ry Frratefal for all contributions. Arr. awl Mrs. Louis Zimmer and Atrs. Ills. Merin:Rum, St. Thomas were visitors with. Mr, and Mtg. 1.. IT. Gordon. "I tell Ned the same thing applies to saving. We all made 'a good start' by saving regularly at THE CANADIAN BANK OP COMMIERCIV! 765 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU N .2578 TURKEY SUPPER Union United &Infra Thursday, -get 24t.l1 $1.25 and 500 tickets id! by Won Men's Association. Supper teited from 530 p. m, to S p. Both have bank account:an a..pOrpose .fortavitig The difference between reaching a goal and missing It can be the savings you put by, now, in a bank account. Such savings don't just happen. They involve some Sacrifice, definite planning. But as your dollars mount up you feel a sense of accomplishment; of getting SOmevvhere, that 5nakes the effort more that worth while. Your bank account provides ready cash that ;, .0 can help take care of' any ethergeney that May arise, or open the Way to bargains Or other Opportunities. Whatever objective you May have in mind, and whatever use your savings may ultimately serve, you'll always be glad you saved. Save at d batik —mtllio s dot a •. THE CHARTERED BANK SERVING YOUR COMM UNITY Niger ears in the fall mor4 kick in the spring Mont "Big Kernel-Small (ob" N Ivaco IHIVE3 Fal COS SE'S, CORN • -CAU;E:0.'f.HtSc4AlrAtt. ACCIDENT • tiV "She can't spend this—it's registered in my name." , The Walton W. 1. were guests at , the October meeting of the Onian- , brook W. L. which was held in the Ocammunitly ()entre. The meeting opened in the usual manner with the president, Mrs. Glen Iluetber In the chair. The opening Ode. the Mary Stewart Collect, and Lord's Prayer were recited in unison. The roll call "How to keep your vigour and your figure" was aris-. wered by a good attendance. The Motto "Crumbs of happiness. make loaves of contentment" was pr4pared by Mids, Ross Knight arid given by Mrs. K. McDonald. The guest speaker, Dr. Schannesy of Wingilmr, spoke on care of children's teeth, also showed a film. ,• on a trio to Europe. This was followed by a contest condncted lay 1\111-s. Ross 'Knight The meethyr closed with the sing- -h.,- nv The Dineen. All retired to the basement for inch.. T•Togteserr Mrs. IN4 McIntosh uNtTgo CHURCH .Tho Sanetuari Ot the Vniteci ,Church 'was 'beautifully arrayed for Thaiicegivin,g Sunday with OViSlellees i. God's bountiM sifts fruit, vegetables, sheaves of corn and grain, and flowere, obOir mItored Sitting the "Come, ye thankful POOPle, 660 and later sang the anthem "0 14Ord ibow manifold are thy works" by Barsiby. 'Tlie sermon, "The Blessing of Gratitude' was baSed on the storY of the ten lepers who Were healed by Jesus., Only One of whom returned to Ore thanks. Gratitude is one of the great qualities di a normal life and is one of the means by Which a life is brougrt to its true fulfillment. All al( us 'an at lea:st afford to tie thankful. Relations in homeS, is business in indidstrY in oeh#11 unit- ies 'would often be mach happier if people would remember to say 'thank you'. Like the one thanettl man in the Biblical (story wie can neivelr repay God for all He has done for nil, • especially for His Son, but we can 'express our gratitude to Him in prayer. and Particularly through lives dedicated to Him. MELVILLE W. M. S. The regular ndontlily meeting of Melville Church: W. M. S. Islas held on Friday, Oct. 4th. in the church parlonir With the pfesident,- Mrs.. win. Spoil' in the chair. The meeting Islas opened with the singing 'of la: 'hymn. Mrs. Wm, Little gave as the scripture reading the 43rd, pshh:n and Mils. D. Hemingway led in prayer. The secretary, Mrs. °lark Matheson, and the treiaSurer, Mrs. John Spelt., read their reports. It was moved anld seconded that these reprints be adopted. Mention was niad,e of the fine bale sent recently by this organization! to tire Penkniarvion. Home, Parts, Ont. An interesting announcement given by the Secretary was that MIrs. Anthiir J. Cherry of Parkdale Preslytrilerian Churchi. Toronto bas been chosen reporter for The Glad Tidings to cover the ivisit to Ottana• of T.I. R. H. Queen Eliza1beth II end •His Highnes's, Prince !Philip. Plans were begun for the annual Missionary Tea. Nev. 1st at which Mrs. T. T. McKinney of Teeswlater will he gtiest speaker. The offering followed the singing of a hymn. The month's chapter from the Study Book dealt with South-East Asia and was entitled `"New Pat- terns for an Unfinished Task". An interesting paper en this Subject was given 'by Mrs. James Armstrong The meeting closed with the Sing- -Inc of hymn 3122, folio-Wed by the Mizonb, Benediction, 3 to buy some Conado Sayings Bonds." • He is saving So he and his wife can glee an extended motor trip She is saving so she can continue her music studies :04£ „„ • *;" • . L. -1101,a, Prkiacator, 0)20L 2 . --tkeibeg- Fret! mane Treseee new Mesa Casserole Ruipes Send today! s. Wore/ kirikilis dF dANADA 405 rrerart Stroef, TtVeonttr