The Brussels Post, 1957-10-09, Page 6GETTING' AR'EA:RLY STAR-gtister Gidlund, 14, seems to be qUite:'pleated'v:rifh the unusual position he enjoys pt the Black - beg Seccincl'ary ,Sweden. He's the only boy in 'his-claa.tiKiliter, ;who plops to become a diplomat when he grows up, will .Probaloly have an opportunity to utilize hit' n diplorntic". talents when dealing with 30. girl classmates. • Gwen-clol-inz P. Ctaxice. Modern i . .atiquette . . • A. Certainly not! Since it is not good form to be seen using a toothpick in public, they do not have any place on the table. Q. What are some suggestions for appetizers at a cocktail party? A. Simplest, of course, are peanuts, olives, pretzels, and cheese crackers. If you want to be more elaborate, you can serve small sandwiches of various kinds — and the modern cook- books are full of suggestions on this. Q. Would it be all right for my husband to wear a brown business suit to a late afternoon wedding, since he is not a mem- ber of the wedding party? A, This would be quite proper. Q. What is the difference be- tween a formal and informal tea? A. The decorations of the in- formal tea are not so elaborate and the refreshments are more simple, The hostess at an in- formal tea mingles with her guests and does not remain at the door to greet each new- comer. by „Roberta lo pe , Is it true that women are shaking 'hands more than they formerly did? tA0 A. Although society still toes not require it, women are snak— ing hands more than they used to. And I'm all in favor of it. Nothing can take the place of, a 'sincere handclasp when me6-f-- ing a'Aridnd dr acknowledging': an introduction, Q. Should. birth , announa--, meats be mailed to everyone, including those whom you have already told over the telephone? A. No; only to friends and • relatives. wham you have not told. Q. Should toothpicks be placed' on the dinner table? ri .4 • • ; r. ' 601 HOLDOVER—A glorious veteran of motet' racing, this 55-year- old De Dion auto, winner of the 1008 Paris-Madrid race, gel's ready far another go on the famous Monett- frock al Maned. Italy. With Frenchman Premets Rene Ville at the wheel, the ancient rater covered More than 80 lops of the .21/2-Mile courso cis tdrt dverage speed of 51 M.p.h. Even being designated No. 13 didn't Seern to daunt the old-timer which cared out of the two-hour ordeal at Monza in perfect widitiort, WI TH PATTIES WITH ONION SAUCE 'A trip MAZOLA 5alati•011 .3 cups peeled, sliced onions 2 bouillon cubes • 2 cope Wing. water 2 tablespoons BENS014!S or, CANADA - Corn tarch cUp•cold water 'A teaspoon salt • ire teaspoon ppelo o ipe: 1. pound mince d beet 374 lean:400e salt HEAT MAZOLA in deep frying pan. 05 onions; cook, over medium' heat Until deep lsrewit, stirring well. T.)ISOLVE boulliOn cubes in balling water; 1,iidci slowly to broWnecl'Onionl. MIX BENSOFI'S or CANADA Corn '''tarcir-„Ciiith' told Water; stir into onion mixture. • constcintli. •.e , COOK until dear and thick, st and keep hot. irring itISD salt and pepperecover et:4,1,o epp er: t minced beef; salt 'and p - SHAPE into six thick potties; pen fry or broil, AttASGE On plotter: poke sauce over Pattiei i serve nitnedicitely, 'fitt.th, 6 setvlogi. Por free folder of other delicious redoes, write to: „lane Ashley, Home Service befIcirtritent, THE CANADA STARCH CO/ PANY LIMITED KO. to* 129 Montrea l',,P.O. other meeting I went to last r Who carne me. week and 'of . an interest rig to Mrs. Ei e •4. , op ..holiday af ro Can- . ado; •wrote' -, Head ,Office in Toronto 'and 'asked would tier possil3le fox' Het la 'visit an Ontario 'branch. Mies Ethel hafipened 'to 'give her „enenarneeis:eie ehpught 1 would look -.gfer her ^ ,'‘Aillieh did, I :Wok' herfte thq,Vetch Block. 9t; which 1' am "proud to he a eharter /theniher„, It was at Oakville. -,,` oneof, those meet- ings where, there was ea lot of business with plenty of co-op- eeation from the mergers. My ;gu,eeti vige,it n4clq very] welcome (arid4 t ot to; her feet and told', us how meetings were, conducted; in .England, and Ofe their work and activities, She 'seemed so pleased, to ',have vis- - 'ited one or our brarich4 and we gave her -various printed pro: grammes to take back with her, I hope the occasion will serve as la_ -pleasant contact between mother and daughter branches of the WI. in both countries. rlaav'e some other 'ideas along these line's" 'but:they"' inest matt ,for another week; -.• 41r. you Ankei.::10i'et, that gry story Nail help some love- gide soul to avoid the mietelty L Made, you mey'.':Print!'S.leisk e; „E'er, 17 *,Years I-r1)4ve lived- wait r a 'jealous husband,."1".'end each Year .has taken I • won- der how I have survived. If any girl who, reads this today is ea in love with a jeaipus,znan that 7,0'4e'lekliirgrece she Ora'. live \vita; out him, I swear that the day will come wheeee she „will she had YRung. people,iton ten think jealousy measures the Man's devotion; I thought that, But jealousy is born of the sleyil,rny dears and it can ,lead to such evil as no decent women can foresee. - - "My husband was even jeel. ens of our • children and MY women eriendel It made ine, 76, -, ~is first,' but. I had to learn to ignore it; for any protests only made him worse., E never':. consciously slid wrong,,„ but thaU, did not 'stop' his wicked thought`s::.. :2 "My mother lived with my father's jealousy for nearly 4Q y44','.,}1,*.*16444 ::t..1t70b6 03163* married I. understand - and my .geartafather 'tried,' to, warn"her,:- After marriage my father was so tortured ..that today ,his mind is a crooked 'thing... TtVe Years Zote, Wk ear,_ Tots ,..go to bed fast when they can pull PJ's out of this bunny. Come morning, togs go back in Bunny's tummy and he's a cud- dly rabbit again. Pattern 601: Has transfer of pattern. Made of 2 flat pieces, round stuffed head and ears. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted) tree postal note for safety for this pattern to Laura. Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PATT ER N NUMBER, your SAME and ADDRESS, Two FREE Patteens as a gift • our readers — printed right n our 1957 Laura Wheeler +feedleeraft 13ook., Dozens of ',tiler designs you'll want to u'der — easy fascinating hand- work for yourself, your home, gifts, bazaar items. Send 25 cents for your copy of this book today! ISSUE 41 — 1957 --IP, ag0 my ,,ritethe • died, Alterally heartbroken, 'If only thos4 who (JOnWP,' 'plate Marrying. 4 jealous person could have a quick view of whet iny family has,. stiffe-redi A jeale one man is a'hideous egoist who slanders the one he loves.,. e As fori.1s Q1111.4e,, ,,avcl for years h I felt z.1 ..1 ,41111: ap ,een., /3.a"eindl!back 'and fork with no prospect of escanee ,',e "0 le e ,thing hplped:e: Ttvice. • Since" le nianiecr I.': have ; ''',Nrrittqp Out my troubles in detail es though I were talkini- to• a friend, and it has eased t h e strain. My .habarill greve worse, but the only important difterr,... ence was in myself; I could not bear the horrible" ealities, so TA,',"- developed a fortit' de, a hidden ,-.- ,streiiig1.%,, *a t rmored Me :againS ,q t AVM. I do pot believe' in divorce, and God 'eached -dawn and helped. ii -- "To me your corn has been i! , a reel study in ps cholop,Se Ma- lire. women and inn acting like' children, hoping ou will „ap- prove of their revel ting ways, If efilfthe,'374" would at, the,,,,Bible to find out right from wrong Yes, I. woad hav4 written 'YOU myself, but I knew whet '...i,ofii • opinion would be and I silty, no" need to clutter up your column. "But I do wish that girls. at- ., tnasted to j.ealoU.S.inen could 7 filoirre,see the, hell tbey will live .',0 TO "A. 'FB,IEND"; I hope -e That your .eXperieince of two '*egeneratione„, , writs leave its, A7mark on those who see jeal- ' .*.,ousy as a prod ,.,-a2 love. It' IS *-inhuman and einehristian, and * marriage= W.: - jour mother ",found) obis, - gfives it greater ' power to indulge the terrible * force. '', Many .readers say,' "Even if * you cant help me, I feel bet- * ter for writing" Confession * relieves the soul, and often it '' clears one's view, so they, like * yourself, see - their situation * more objectively . . . I appre- * date your confidence, and * thank you for it. WOULD BUY HER OFF "Dear Anne Hirst: Just a year ago I married a widower with three children. I have done all anybody could do for them, but it has been a hard job because they were so spoiled. Now I am expecting my own baby, and my husband is so furious that he tells me to leave—because I won't have time for his kids.' "He says I have complained about them, and I admit it; but he has not helped me with them at all. He promises me a sum of money if I will go. Honestly, I do believe he has found some other woman who will take over. "I would rather not leave my home, but what do you think is the right thing to do? " MARCIA" * I hope your husband will * come to his senses and with- * draw his demands; they are * cruel. If he insists, I hope * you will not go until you have * legal assurance of proper sup- * port for you and your baby. • No matter how much money * he offers, it does not last for- * ever. You will be wise to con- * suit the proper authorities and * let them handle him; without * some protection, you might * find yourself in need. Of course, you do hot want * to leave home; but your husk- * band may make it so,unplea- * sant that you may decide it * is better to go. *. * * If you are burdened, just writ- ing Anne Hirst about it will be a comfort. Her eympathy and her wisdom await you, and you can trust her judgment and her kindness. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tortonto. Royal Artist •,reerre.- • 1 What a really "gbyal";!i Academy Birtalu could have it ililewat..d contributions ifrom all 'the artists in the • .oyal c. a4amily, a famous London rtist remarked the other day. H was commenting en the news that the Duke of Edinburgh re 'An .• from an ex:fist w• was woans pPaa'nIt ling received some his portrait, and has now 4dded • paintingyte:his various more well f, betre 'inherited. the talon for ppinting of, her ,•mother, the Duchess of. Kent. The Du' hess r,: has been painting — and paint;,: . ing well — since she Vas. child.' 1 ,Whenew eveesible she pent w4 e-encrg" Painting in the gar- tip ''of ikre laAautiful house in '''F4P0."ffe" Another cleVer Royal artist is the Duchess of Gloucester who, ,an expert assures us has done . some., very Sine landsCapes e, portraits. A tiny landscape which" She once painted in Kenya fetch- ' eel '•131 at ' a. London 'sale-room. The PeceneY !',yeent to, a Tharity, pq late Queen Mary executed . some, attractive. water !colotus. ,. ' She raise bade Ei„ flair for doing architeCtual 'sketchee, being able to transfer swiftly 'fo paPer her • happy •mernories eef beautigel: . buildings she bad visited here „and ebreeel e , , .‘, , ,, It is possible ;that Princess Anne may develop a flair fqr, tee as .she grows up: Son4'lime a-get the, ,Queen Mother camel-Lis-1 stoned a wornan artist to draw a' portrait- of the Princen l as, a ppesent t6r the. Queen. 1prn;Ig the sittings Princess Anne glio t- od keenness to experinithit lb drawing. With the artist's guid- ance, she drew a sketch of a cat. Then the little Prnicess made an attempt to draiv the artiste her-, self. • EX-SHAMPOO GIRL — Curvy Yvette Vickers starts her movie career with Rory Calhoun in "Hemp Brown.” Yvette once capered on television for a shampoo ad. Those days, ap- parently, ore gone forever, White Horse Gets A Face-Lifting YORKSHIRE'S biggest. white horse 314 ft. long and -228 ft, high — is going to be groomed this year, He'll probably get a new, coat of lime, weighing at least six tons and it is also planned to give him a face lift. This horse, whose eye is so big that twenty people can sit on it, has been the Vale of York's largest landmark for a century. It's known as the White Horse of Kilburn, and was cut on a Hambleton hillside a hundred years ago. This amazing turf monument, carved by a village schoolmaster with the aid of thirty men, has recently shown a tendency to Slip down the hillside. This has been checked by driving hun- dreds of wood pegs into the lower edges. These reinforced, t.,, loose stones, have stopped f a"' Cher erosion. Legend says that the cair t r making the White Horse or r1.- burn, one of several giant horses carved on English r*!., was borne by one of the i.:( villagers who had made n . tune in London. Not much is known aboul t history of some of these faht:.. - tic hillside images, many c which can' be seen for miles. oldest of them all is the White "Morse of Uffington on the Berk, shire Downs which some experts believe was carved to cora- memornte the routing of the Danes by 'King Alfred in A.D. 871. An oth e r gigantic it Jrszde monument is the famous tong Man Of Wilmington, Sussex, who is 240 ft. tall and holds two' staves, One theory is that he represents e rif r ore- nation of a •Co:lot: tee:e eee, We had one awful storm. last night. 'For several hours there was continuous thunder, light- ning and rain, but fortundtely very little wind. At one time there was a terrific crack as -if something had been hit — a transformer, maybe — but the lights did not even flicker so I imagine. the 'damage was far- ther away than we thought. This morning, to look at the roads arid gardens, you would hardly know it had rained,. Perhaps it will be the last storm of the year — hope so,. anyway. Well, last week was quite a Women's Institute week fot me. On' Wednesday I was invited to attend a branch meeting in the village in Which we are now liv- ing and• of course I was quite anxious to go. While all branches have the same motto, same hand- book, same set of rules and regu- lations, same standing commit- tees, yet there is enough elas- ticity in the basic, set-up so that no two branches run their meet= ings exactly alike, or have pre- eisely'the same activities. Some branches aim at making a lot of money so they may have more to spend on worthwhile projects. Others think that financial re- turns are less important than the social and educational projects, Personally I am in 'favour of the latter type. Money-making pro- jects cannot be undertaken with- out a lot of hard work and in many branches the older mem- bers have reached the stage when catering to banquets and' such like is beyond their strength, And yet they are still quite able to be a great help in sewing,, knitting, quilting wel- fare and social work. I think when a branch plans its future activities consideration should be given to the number and age of its members, Enthusiastic young- er members may suggest cater- ing to ' banquets, or having a booth at the local fair, 'Their" willingness and energy are to be commended — what would any branch do without its young- er members? But are there enough of them to carry the bell? Will the money-making projects they are willing to sponsor be a hardship to the older rnernbere? Members, who in the years gone by. have probably had their share of hard work and active leadership, For them the time has now come to take things a little easier, And yet, can. they? A really interested W,I, worker hates to sit back while others work so she probably keeps going and does more than she should, For this reason T have been wondering lately ft an branches could riot divide their activities irk°, two basic groups — members being free to make their choke. as to which group they wish to belong.' Group I, This gioup should be responsible for the actual eVotet and planning of ell money-mak- ing activities. They would,, of course, cell en all members for contributions in the 'way of bak- ing end so forth, but not for help L int n ould keep senior members NO CONTEST The devil wag' =arways Chat. longing St. Peter to a game et baseball, but St, Peter never tools him up, Finally, the Dodg- erS, the Giants and the Yankts all went to heaNOn. SO natural- ly St. Peter called UP the devil, "Now 1'11 play 'you chat gams of baseball," he said, "You'll lose," said the ""you'll '`0 h yloeseeh','" replied St, Peter "Right now I'veget th e greatest collection of baseball playere you ever saw,'" ' 1 "You'll ou'lilas4lov,se,'2 said tile devil. Li 1 ‘,v1wee'or41:13Wlel.:hg,lcoaastues?e'ink:ea,ee ot all the s laughed'Y1 the devil, =ghee dow* Smart Figuring ! PRINTED PzATTERN . tteo at,14 Sweetheart neckline or high collar and bow this Printed Pattern givei you twice the fig- ure flattery! The top is your favorite "princess" silhouette; slim skirt compliments itl Printed Pattern 4664: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size IC high-neck top 31/4 yards 39- inch: eri yard contrast. ' Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (50c) (stamps cannot be accepted; use postal note for safety for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBEII. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New e Teionto, Ont. - on their feet for hours at a time. Group 2. This group might he classified as a social and welfare group. They would look after bales for Children's Aid Society; making quilts for sale or to be raffled; baby-sitting for younger members assisting at banquets; small card perties.and social eve- nings; and contributions to an annual bazaar — if it is custo- mary for the branch to have an annual bazaar or sale of work. In short, older members should be given work to do that, for the main part, could be done at home or in small gatherings at a neighbour's home — thus giv- ing them a social outlet. Well, that is just an idea — take it or leave it as you wish. It came to me because I know of a number of older members who have dropped out of W.I, work because they couldn't keep up the pace Set by' the younger ones. That 'seems too bad be- cause their experience ,and guidance can be of great assist- ance to the W.I. as a whole. Now I must tell you of an- • F4 e :LA se /b ie e milOre and ihYeaFleed epaintine is seed Alexandrai' ./Svho may $0.