The Brussels Post, 1957-10-09, Page 4W sdaY October DOI. 1,0TI 2—% THE BRUSSELS POST 44.6 AO Wei.,r603‘01'10,er more kick in Ehe, spring ANNouNcgmgis/T Rev. Leighton Ford to spogc04. nt the .14t,u00 PreabYterY 1440 ebatreh Young Peeples. Val/ Bally 11iJatuets St. United, 014.trob, Elxater on Tillt1SOAT, 15tb. tt 8.00 p, tro, (tstnInt4rd. EVERYONE Wgt.CQME ►iggeT ,can d+f the fall Plant "Big Kernel- mall ILIINITECO 'co HIVES RIMS SEED CORN „e!! ,4t1,11 " Due to, the inconvenience. 1,xpe,r- leveed y SO many tap on Sunday last when ..NSveetzleott ;tat d 0447 1)1;401 it has been decided 014 Services iu both places will be commenced on DAYLIGTIT SAVING tr=on Sunday next, OctObert 13th, and until Nether notice. A Service of ThattltsglyIng will be conducted .next Sunday, Oat. , 1301, at A, M,. in Knox *hutch Ctanbrook, • OpeCkal Maturas , will be display of flowers, fraTta.. and hogetabiab, alsv extra MUOIC, t and vegetables, also extra :music Look Abead — Plan Nov To Be 'Hresen L'Clenn Ruether, Mre, Mao McIntosh„ Mrs. Olean Steiger, and Mrs, Wm. Berrie attend•ed, the Vast Huron. Area Rally at 13IneVale on Mon.,- Oct. 7. - • PRIENDSHIP CIRCIAZ Once again the Prtendship Circle met in the Sunday Sdhool parlour 'for their Teigittar monthly.. meeting. After ;the Openiug thyme and Lord's Prayer male read a poem Gert read the minutes then Dorothea gave the treasnrer's rePtrt and Muriel reiad the Sunsbine re- port. Geirt road the correspondem;e0 and roll call was, 'answered by a verse from the -Bible conitainIng the Ivord thanksgiving. Collections were taken after which the business was discussed, and the nominating com- mittee was named. Sean Bridge took the chair. The program was opened by a reading on.. Thanksgiving, lone Kellington played a piano solo and a hymn, was s.ung. Sara led in prayer, Luella the scripture. The topic was taken by Gert. She chose for her talk, "The Woman call-. ed Rispah", A hymn was suing and the Mizpah Benedictions was pronounced. by all. , Contest were enjoyed by all and 1. Betty and Pieta served a dolicion's lunch, 1 The difference between reaching a goal Rd missing it can be the savings you put by, now, in a bank account. Such savings don't just happen. They inviir, some sacrifice, definite planning. But as your dollars mount up you feel a sense of accomplishment, of getting somewhere, that makes the effort more than worth while. Your bank account provides ready cash that can help take care of any emergeI'ey that may arise, or open the way to bargains or other opportunities. Whatever objective you may have in mind, and whatever use your savings may ultimately serve, you'll always be glad you saved. Save at a bank — millions do! Both have a bank account- and a purpose for saving THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Save YEES110 .1 F. Of all cars in its price PERSONAL HEQUING ACCOUNT class, the Oldsmobile 44 33S" offers you more big-car features .. more big-car comfort .. . more built-in I Your new, low service charge •17 of 10 cents a cheque .-- is prepaid when you get your book of 20 cheques. No passbook—quicker service. value as standard equipment! ST. AMBROSE ALTAR SOCIETY Seventeen; members wetne present at the monthly meeting of St. Ambrose Altar Society held at the borne of Mrs. tGlordon Blake, The meeting opened with a short pnaver led by Mrs. Sohn, Blake. Tim Poll call was answered by each member tent* 'an interesting etitent that teak place daring the etimmer months. iThe secretary's report was given end the correspiendenciet read. The visiting committee far Sept ember ,slave 'their report and a new committee was named: Mrs. F. Connelly and Mrs. Steffen Plans were .made Tor the Lona &tipper' which .tdofic place Sept. 21 Final plans were miade for the Pall Pair pee:feet. Mrs,. S. Ilkeitner was the winnet< 4 of the lucky dratm; Mrs. George Blake Sr. gavel a hteadinig fat-wedding which brought la' sibler Nam. the members.• ( A hor of used clothing *as Pack- . vd for the , Missions. after which el hearty lunch wad endoyed, befve'd by Mrs. Clonttellly haul Mrs, J. Cooper A vote of thanks was given the lunch committee and the hostage and the meeting adlourned. WO. It won't cost you a fortune 3 Deposit slips are In your cheque book—for banking by mail or speedier sinAci at the bank. 4...quarterly statement is mailed to your home. to move up to a big-value "MP"... 'IIri;.1 It's the lowest-priced Rocket Oldsmobile and easily within your reach! 5 Your cheques are held-for you at the bank as a perManent 0** record. Tr r...- !.—, .4,...- ,..1. . A .14 A 1..., , .4,, for..., *Amur Mit ingult• 4t out noares. ...anal Vi: THE CANADIAN „BANK OF COMMERCE ... 750 !RANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU NW-227 „ 11 4,4 1,1 ,11-1* He Is saving so be and his wife I can lake an, extended motor trip " She is saving so she. can continue her, music studies Aligger yields per acre with deep, full kernels on a smaller cob , vine foot roots to beat the weather ... planter plate gratled.for easy, even planting , . and "Gro-Koted" for resistance to t,lisease are'reasons why "it pays to grow United Ilybrids". GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR UNITED HYBRIDS FARM AGENT (he's got a free lady's rain hat for your WO ALBERT CARDIFF R. R. t ETHEL, ONTARIO, M.01••••••••• O. l WON'T LET GO OF MY CANADA SAVINGS BONDS! and M NEY with a ••411',. DA thy rAEnMaRR$ OP CANADA, LoLi-LUto71.44,..,Hertif;760:i.....,,,to" Frool Mole Eraser's. new OICO:d 0055e10id ilettPN. Send todoit .4%Ontite41`>30., I. 4.4—""rret • •••••:tTATTO • • -p.c. • ea giennifft. 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