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The Brussels Post, 1957-09-18, Page 5
FOR SALE X,DulV Heretom Wm. Make Pilene 48r9 C G KRAUTER PLUMBINGi:HEATING SHE! (AIL TAL k OIL BURNERS BRUSSELS ana4iX HOUSE FOR SALE 6-room. Rod Insul Brick House on, Flora street, Brussels, with bath- room, and sunporch, modern con, veniences. Alethea Marks Phone 33r7 NOTICE "The Grey Bruce Live Stock Co Operativeare holding their fifth .Annual Sale of Feeder Cattle 2300 ---at Wiarton on Thursday, September, 19th, 1957, commenc- 10 A, M., I), S. T. All cattle sorted graded, woighed and divided into truck load lots. 8 Hereford, 8 Short- horn and 3 A.berdeen Angus Bulls — eligible for 25% premium up to $60.00 will be offered for sale im- Mediately after the commercial rattle are sold." CASH PAID For old. sick and disabled horseS and cows. 'Dead h...”s W. es Pnd CO Free pick up, Phone Atwood 153 Collect. Listowel Phone 38 Or 567 - FE TURI Light and Heavy Horse Sh w, Pure Bred and Grade Cattle Show, Two Commercial Features and the usual inside exhibits. E Rruse 4 eat, Dairy and Swine Clubs pedal 10 ic~.elland's of Bervie Wild Animals of a kinds r. 4 1 4. am BRUSSELS POST • Nire4490.4y, Oeptongiea'6110;:"Pls7;7 : 4•Bffppm•PP4pillMPPYNIPP4m4PP/NPNPPNIIIIIIPWiaIa-Wrssaelp;:Ak4 "SIIPPEE MY" PPP , GEORGE' NcalreAlEON 3 P•in. to 0 P.M. NOTIPE TO ppleDITORS trli4 41a,TAT4 40;LN 'MASON 110.4DS ALL. PillitSONS "Me againist the eptate o1 tla Above!, Mellitleitted late of tOte Towurakip ci Aiorrjs in. the County of Huron, Tuesday *, ; learMer„ who,,,,,deci Orwita14411T1glic40521.,' 'IrttiPar :aJanuary, 1967 are re, quired to file proof of same, with the undellaigned s!l>r before the 0th Wedpesdayl 00M)or, 1957. I Closed oil day. After that date the administr, , Thursday 1 atiOn PrOeeled to distribute the ; 3 P.M. to 5 pan. estate halving regard oiliY to tits.l claims off Whiell they shell then lInve Friday l• • • 4.4 I DISPOSITION f 1 4, f ? 711VERIIPk* egOTOR'S IS, WHO 1 SUSPECT I BLE55 THEIR. HEART6 • / 4 41 !! 7,80 P.m to 9 7.30 Pm to 9 p.m. my mpRoVED , CAT,i . NICE AVE—A-)A1-1MLILIF.N.TJA01154 HERB; *IP 900N WE'LL WALK IN CLOVER ITS TIME TO LOOK YOUR PLUME3,Ihp„. OVER LlipBARY NOTE8 qvie Library liogrgt from Sept" ember to .11.1,40 aro 84 101lowfg fKonday rs...-44401Frit WANTED —" Part ORM Work!' either office or store emplOYInent. Write Box 60 Brussels Ont. PT.*" ,4! „ii A 0 LA 41, FOR SALE 259 Red! Sussex Pellet% 6 months James Nair Phone 381'4 bed notice. I- - 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. DATI0li nit DruSsels, this (14th day of September, 1957, Crawford and Hetherington Solicitors for the Admialetrateir Saturday 2 p.m, to 5 P.M. FOR SALE — Z Youth's beds, twin bed size, With half railing, ,Igirinig filled mattresses; also a 3-1piece studio couch suite. Phone 12x S5 Chev. 4-door Sedan 50 Meteor Coach 7.30 P.m to 9 p.m. 7.80 p.m to 9 p.m. 7.30 P.M. c. to 9 P.m. allisminorassuloweinammmomr4 41Ir ""-imisnonmonor ADMINISTRATORS SALE. 600 to 600, lbs., 3 Durham Hereford. Clare Vancatap Phone 15r18 Brussels FOR SALE — 4 Stocker Heifers weighing about / and 1 • THERE WILL BE offered for sale by „public auction .'on Wednesday, f the 9th day of October, .1957 at the hour of 2:00 p. m. in the afternoon . the following Valuable real estate; The South half of Lolt number 28 1 'snowsuit, blue trimmed with concession, 2, Township of Morrie, white fur, 1% to A yrs., like new, containinig 100 acres more or less 1 boy's 3-piece brown snow suit on'which Mere is said !to be. located Size 13 to 4 yrs., like new, priced to a brick 'house, bunk barn, drilled sell, well, about 35 acres workable land, Phone WAD mys, join pipe and the balance in second groWffh !timber, tswarnp and pla,stere purpos- DEAD STOCK es, Picked pup promptly in sanitary j Phis sale will be held at the trucks. Small charge made for Y obovo described prOperty. " under 500 lbs, total. Phone This sale is held by the Admin- Brussels 72 t istratoIr to assist. In oleSing the Son(), Limited, estate of John Mason! Moses who is Terms 10% deposit on day of sale; II 10 the owner of the lands. balance in 30 days when posse,asion will he given. with Mlle property is sold snbiect to a. , 20c; resedve bid. DATED at Brussels, this 14th. day of September, 1957. Wm. C. King. Administrator Cordon iarkson, Auctioneer SI'L FOR SALE — animals !collect: William Stone Ingersoll. 'HONEY FOR SALE Have your containers filled ;delicious Sept. honey, Amber Golden 2.2c; Clover 25c; in your own container. i i Wallace }lass Apiaries Seaforth, Ont. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Positive results are pouring in on this yearn crops. We are expanding in Huron, County. Have excellent openings in Morris and Grey Town- ships, for men with agricultural back_ ground or who are a success at fann- ing. Must have car on this Job, you can be home every night. First years earnings should run -approximately $4,000 - $5,000, second year better,. This is an excellent opportunity fo, a. man who has ambition and would like to be in business, no Invest, merit necessary. if you are the man write to — "Na-Churs" Plant rood Company, 2 Latigarth St., W., London, Canada. Canada's Largest. Manufacturers of Liquid Fertilizer, Interview will be arrange d. Brussetz n Pp© band in attendam.... IA. BIG GLASS OF tOUgAttig DA IRY MILK WILL HIT THE SPOT TOO! on aces rs It Tw STORM WINDOWS — Why not get an eStimate on aluminum combination windows NOW. Orders taken Row for fail Alelivery, No Obligatien, Phone Or write Jackson Homes tird, EreafOrth egrurseS4 1 FOR SALE Pillage G'rceers Store and Pool 1001n, large brick building, 6-room apartment above. 2-piece bath. Price for building 2,800.00, 7 ft. meat counter, scales, cash register. shelving and counters, 2 pool tables, and equipment, $1300.00, stook approximately $12,00.00 at invoice price. $5,300.00 takes all. Illness reason for selling, 100 acre farm, good house, hydro. bank barn, 3 other buildings. never failing stream on farm. Price $5500.00, terms. 7 acre farm, good house, barn. Price $1800.00 3 acre place in village, frame cottage, barn, Price $2,000.00 Good house in town. 2-piece bath, Only $1,500.00 J. C. Long Real 'Estate Broker Phone 88r2 Brussels, Ont. ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In 19/34 Head Office Atwood, Otit, Insures Farm Property, Private Dwellings and Contents In Towns and Villages, Schools, Churches and Halls on an "INSURANCE AT COST" basis PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS Contact your Nearest Director or Agent R. W. (Dick) whlttield ° also Windstorm Insurance Brussels, Ont. "I Scream Kids" hydro, Huron County's Foremost Agricultural Fair The Fa i)1 h Officially OK:),ned by L E. Cardiff, M. Ch f' lip Coroserv ,qive Party at 2 P. M. Harold Ja‘Ason, M. C. ara e, Children ,ontests, Pet Show For If ung and Old Livestock Parade .at 430 P. M. Crystal -Palace Ballroom. ' Melody Makers Orchestra Thurs T his is. our Fall :1-;..0-fr. .COIlle and Support It