HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-09-18, Page 3aafar Isar, • • •• • • •V'ti.i44.17AltaliViret.4 ear MEDICAL. NATURES HELP — DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOUSANDS PRAISING IT. MUNRO'S DRUG. STORE 335 Eteirir Ottawa. $1.25 Express Prepaid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint yeti. itching scaling and burning eczema; acne, ringworm pimples and feot ecze, ma will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless or how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2065 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN TONTIA, Stock Farm can supply you with Top Quality Landraco at prices you can afford to pay, all from im-ported stock. Offering for immediate delivery, weanling, four Month old sows and bodrs, guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable boars. Catalogue, TONRA STOCK FARM R.R.3, Holland Centre, Ont. FORMULA FOR LOVELINESS YOUR Complexion, Fragile and Cher-!shed. Ladies, do you have a dry and lifeless skin? Do you want a fresh and lovely face? A truly clean and glow-ing skin? A beautiful base for make. up? A clean rose leaf, _Lovely corn-plexion is a thing to cherish and can be yours by using our peach bloom cleansing cream to really clean deep down and condition your akin. 4 oz. only 51.95 and our Orange skin food to nourish and stimulate your skin, 2 oz. only $1.95. Sold on Money back guarantee. Agents wanted. Apply: Mary Ellen Cosmetics Limited, 393 Dandas Street, London, Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches; 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & C o ra pany Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 500 University Ave., Toronto. patents all countries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer, Twenty-fivo deluxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico A-geney, Box ZZ, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. SWINE .AGENTS 1.±.4fAliVf 44 BUILDING 24' square, land, 200' square, suit scrap metal or other business, $4,000; Three apartment dwelling, rent $135 per month, oil furnace, running water, hydro, $10,000; Grocery store, $10,000 completes Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, Ontario, fig YOUR; .948H BOSS 555N or women, can woo( your own hours, and make prottts up to 590% selling exclusive hoUseWare products and eindianees. No eptupelltion, not available to stores, and they ale a necessity In every home. Write et once for free colour catalogue. show-ing 1.04 prices plus eonfiderttiel whole-sale price list. Murray Sales. 2822 St.. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE MAKE VOW own beveragee. 10 top-no/eh recipes, 75e. Glidden's, 34e. Lamarche St., Arvida, Clue, REMINGTON P 0 R T Ali 1. E TYPE-- mu:netts. $1 a o w n, VI. weekly. .E.N.C.T.S.A., Ilex 203, lied. Rock, Ont. AUCTION. AUCTION SALE FOR George 'Williams, Lot 17., Conces-sion One, Adiale 'LW., one mile north of Hoekley Village, on Saturday, SU-. TEMBKR 21, at 12.30 p,m. A good herd of Hereford cattle consisting of 31 head, some registered; a number of brood sews and, weaner pigs. A good line of Implements, many new. Auctioneer Glen II, Anderson, 5 R 21, Mono Mills, Ont. BABY CHICKS BROILER Growers, We have a great ecimbination of top quality Broiler Chicks sold at rock bottom prices. 1st Generation Indian River Cross, Arbor Acres White Rock, Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rock, Vantress X Nichols No, 12, Non-sexed or cockerels, Cata- logue. MEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO PROMPT delivery. Chicks, Pullets. Wide choice (some started). Broilers for Oc- tober-November should be on order (including Indian River Cross). Ask Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, FOR SALE ISSUE 37 — 1957 How Can I . By Anne Ashley Q. How can I improve the complexion? A. Eat plenty of fruit, drink milk, and also drink water free- ly between meals. Massage with almond oil, or a good face cream, and keep regular habits. Q. How long should veget- ables be cooked? A. Sometimes vegetables will,. lose their appetizing color when they are cooked too long. Spin- ach, asparagus, cabbage, and cauliflower seldom need more than 10 minutes cooking; carrots,, peas, turnips, and parsnips re- quire between 20 and 30 minutes, Q. How' can I keep potatoes white when boiled? A. When preparing potatoes, place them in a kettle to soak in cold water for an hour be- fore cooking. After they have boiled and are ready for the table, they will be white and dry. Q. How can I prevent drawers from sticking? A. Try rubbing some floor wax on the slides and also on the drawers. Polish well, because unless rubbed in •thoroughly, the wax forms a sticky coating. Q. How can I remove r ust spots from washables? A. A remedy that does not often fail to remove rust spots is lemon juice and salt rubbed on the stains; then plate the article in the sun. SWINE IIEGISTERED Yorkshires:, serviceabli beats end bred sows, John Gal laugher, No, 1, AIIIstoa, Ontario. Phone 50 .-.41. wt'; made a shIpnterit this Week to a customer In Quebec of five of the nicest bred SOO and one 'serviceable hear that you would wish to see. Th14.. customer who Ls an expert Landrect breeder looked over many herds befor• deriding to purchase (rem us. If yott want to start with the best Landmark* we Five them, Weanling, four month, six mouth old sows and boars. guaran., teed in pig sows, servIeealtie boars all from imported ((teak for 1/1101ea1.14. delivery. Catalogue, Frattlug ;,AliPtIACZ SWIVE FAME FEHOUS ONT41110 FORD Model "T" or any older or brass headlights, etc. Mail full list offparts, etc., to Box 655, Aylmer, Ont. TAXIDERMY DEETt, Noose heads, Birds, Fish, mount- ed; mothproof. Forty years' experri• ence. W. Ormsby, Route 2, 9.0111a Ont. WANTED 'VW NEW BOOK "Secrets of Chinese Physicians". This book reveals secret method of `healing / peculiar customs, ancient wisdom of Chinese to America for the first time.. Cloth, rare pictures, $2.00, AVallable In bookstores or order from: CHING WAH Box '15772,Del •Valle Station, Los Angeles 15,, California, USA. SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and, type of Safe or Cabinet for any Purpose. Visit us or write for price etc. to Dept. W, —105c,J.TAYLO ra LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' To. Relieve Torturing ITCH OF ECZEMA Try This Easy Way Tonight Stop in at your druggist and isle for a small orginal bottle of MOONE'S EMERALD OIL. Apply liberally at bed.time and get real relief in double-quick time. No matter what you may have tried, there's nothing quite like EMEIt- ALD OIL. Inexpensive and sold at all drug Stores. ROYALTY LINE The PORT-O-RAMA 5- WA Y PORTABLE Here49 ALL YOU NEED TO INSTALL A SAFETY CHIMNEY premier prefab chimney. Ito bricks, no blocks, no sweat, hs ttPAIrS! Lifetime stainless steel Oura.Flue liner is fire-proof and acrd-proof Ica. nomical, engineered and guaranteed to, all fuels. Underwrilerl add Chin approved installed iteigto only I ills is Int tot -tut thSulattori ,aloe tou215 III tort soi,d tonuktE Write for tote abider pT7i t8 Products LItnifet1 Dept. "E" Bradt-ford. 'Caoads teat seND 'rot hiss nttaliso rotott (rliteattenti I ke'epliite Eteddett Limited. htoniford, Ehtetarle. Pladfd tehd me tolhor ihrohnotibri do hrt.thior thlenneye. I NAME I AbOhESS, r TOWN. _...e t PROVINCE.. -...:-- 47, FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELLING erso 'You'll find every high-0clelity feature in the four great Emerson Models for 'CS, Top engineering, web advanced stylnag and craftsmanship make Emerson the showpiece of any etson P .AMOS Eatlieg wide 6.,;-; world of enter- tainment at . 'your fingertips. F..4,, With ten great Royalty LinC Sets 74 Trenton Ave., , Tewn of Mi. Royal, Qud, Sit tit NEW lietitttY LINE AT YOUR EMERSON.. REALER NOW' C.C4NtEir WINNEtt erson RADIO Of cANADA tIMITED ORE4T NAMES iN 'OCE4N TRAVEL! . ess,AtiatAG ays torn —,...- IY101410A1- to ' ...., EtliG11-104111),,StOtt-Atat . 14 :4 o • • CAtittilittik ' ,„, • • ° 3ept,13; Ileii. lo, tit' V*/ OfAt4t it ' o a Zept..6; 21t,Oct. 13;140.0,20. o .Al kWEZ • NTREALtini QUV04 % -itHAVRE4 BOUTVA .. tAxoNtit o Sept. ti', oct. 11; tio. I, P. • • • iiiiititit4 • 4. tept,6;tto9.20., I .4.4 eb tot "" ,,,,,14... These four ,22,0004bia• iusi4y liners Were specially designed for the Canadian service, They are part of the, largest fleet of .PasSetiger Ships'en the Atlantic which sets Standard Of OCedn'travel that is second to none. Enjoy the ease and lextity of these .greet trent-attanhe liners, all eqUipped with stabilizers for smooth And there'd Ittifid,theelock fun' for you MOVieS, dancing, sports , 4 phi'sCuriard'S superb eniSitie: Service, A petfeOt Way td traVel-,,artiVeat yeti'. destination relaxed and refreshed. , iteineniber ,, t When YOU CO Cunard Oetting, There Is Half The runt , , _ See Ydur AgelliNti Ode Gran Serve You Better AttOtte ras 14titi"LY414"04 EL ih REie RA YEA unar fiat A. taroniO,- Mine: Wok. 1.t4at 114 'Whiner af the; trrierStin Peirt-b4catia, in the. C.Olitett advertitement which tiOWSritelddr week of• Julie 11th Wtitl 61e. Jhiittiy trilytky., Ceil cldile, Aibetitt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Slick Tricks Of Mem Smugglers Driven out of. Sierra Leone, gely through the brilliant AVeStigetions ,of Sir Percy Sii- ltoe, former bead of M.E5, an Aternational gang of illicit dia. mond buyers has migrated to fresh but almost equally lucra- tive territory in the Belgian Congo, Here these crooks are applying all their cunning to exploit fields in southern Kasale, In the Congo's south-west, Although the local police are doing their best to hunt down diamond runners and smugglers (on lone jungle trails, illicit gems worth millions are being slipped to firms in Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam and New York. Police have recently intro- duced swoops on all southern. Katagang railway lines, bringing useful captures. The diamond smugglers em- ploy scores of tricks. Many gems ere trickling out of the area in parcels carried by seemingly innocent tourists. One rich cache, detected a few weeks ago by. a quick-witted policeman, emerged from d'a souvenir elephant tusk. The tourist, an American busi- nessman, said he wanted to mount this trophy above the family fireplace. "It's quite in- nocent," he said. That remark alerted the policeman. Examin- Ing the relic carefully he found a cunningly carved cavity which concealed a horde of sparkling gems. Q. What is the best way to Race bread? A, Bread sliced lengthwise of the loaf is considered much bet- ter than when it is sliced cross- wise. Burro Racing Is _ „ Strenuous Sport' Up went the starter's arm. 13oem went his gun. Away - you might say galloped 81 burrors, The race sea of — was under way. It is difficult for a reporter to be as certain as the reader might wish. But a burnt race, YOU understand, is a very un- certain sort of alTair. The annual burro derby is the big event of the y?ar around those parts, these parts being the Joshua-dotted. Mojave Des- ert and the pine-mottled sari Bernardino Mountains which meet on the road from Apple Valley to Big Bear Lake in Southern California, The long 43-mile burro "run" is the high light of Old Miners Days, the annual four-day "(loin's" which in August grip desert and mountains as the Rose Parade grips Pasadena on New Year's Day, Its significance? Nona that anybody can think of right off- one of the fastest-BrOwin.B des- ert mountain areas in the state. Its. character? Comedy relief from the hot August sun. This is the fourth year that burros with wranglers have un- dertaken to race one another from Apple Valley to Big Bear Lake, It is push and pull all the way. It takes three days. The race this year began on a Thursday morning early, Eighty-one wranglers entered to win the big money which amounted to $500 for the victor, Each wrangler drew his burro (imported wild from Arizona), threw a pack on its back, and wrestled it the best he could up to the starting line. At the gun here occurred what is probably the most representative and varied show of burro independ- ence to be seen in one spot any- where on earth, writes John C. Waval in The Christian Science Monitor. Some burros were oft like hares, dragging their wranglers behind. Some wranglers were off like turtles, dragging their burros behind. So it went for 43 miles. Each night at 5, give Or take a few hours, burros and wranglers stop, the first night in Lucerne Valley, the next night at Shay Ranch near Baldwin. Lake. Each morning the wranglers draw different burros. Gladly so in most cases. Rules governing the race are stringent. "We know you wran- glers won't have much to say about it," sympathized the start- ing announcer, "but try to keep them burros within 100 feet of the highway and off our new road." "Burros," reads official rule No. 12, "may be coaxed forward by use of food; but NOT hot- shots, mechanical devices, other. animals, cars, by kicking or striking, or by gimmicks." Wranglers can't ride the burros. Any inhuman treatment of burros by wranglers results in' immediate expulsion from the race. No provision is made for inhumane treatment of wran- glers by burros. Any contestant who finishes the race at all gets a prize. Of the 81 that started this year 59 finished. The winner this year was a refugee marathon runner from Hungary, named Johnny Peer- ben His actual elapsed "run- ning" time was a record 10 hours, 55 minutes, and .25 seconds. Folks in the valley will not soon forget what happened last year to Jack Pittman, a , real- estate dealer in Lucerne Valley. When after two hours of push and pull he was still unable to budge his burro past the "Y" turnoff in Lucerne Valley, he picked the "stubborn critter's" hind legs and Wheelbarrowed him through town. And Jack's just a little fellow, But he is a Colorful wrangler. The race this year was his third. win," he explains. This time just beyond Lucerne Valley a burro ran over Jack, He got up, went a Mile or so up the road, got run over again. "Say Jack," this reporter asked ingenuously, "is there an art to wrangling these burros?" "Well, if there is," said Wran- gler Jack, who was probably ex- pressing the sentiments of every 'Wrangler there, "I ain't found it yet," MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING ANP VALVE JOB. While you drive for only 68;00. For car. Sietatiey haves you money, .litetalOy tioniiii,v guaranteed. EffeettVe for life Of car, •Motaloy saves you money, Meteloy Sales Co.. 24 West Street, Goderielt. Onterlo. Dealer Inqiiiries Invited. I 4 I I 4,1 4 1 TUBE THRILL—Pretty girls Water skiing at Cypress Gardens are far from unusual, agreed. But how many skim along on a big inter tube? Scarlet' Voris gets, a big kick out of the novel idea. Amazing Boom in Archery Seldorh since Henry V won the day at Agincourt had there been a scene like the one near Watkins Glen, N.Y., re- cently. Over rolling hills and rutted fields, thousands of ar- rows sliced the summery air as the pick of America's bowmen stood their ground in the Na- tional Field Archery tourna- ment, the largest gathering of archers in the history of the sport. The mass shooting was done at a distance of 12 to 80 yards. First, there was a field round, shooting at black and white tar- gets of concentric circles (four arrows per target), over all kinds of terrain, Then they shot a hunter's round (four arrows), also from hill and dell, except that the black target face with a white, aiming spot was far more deceptive, Finally, they shot a broadhead, their object a life- size animal target at a distance . up to 60 yards away. Msot of the arrows rang true, on to the difficult targets. But the bowman whose every shot was followed to its target was a 42-year-old mountain man from Brevard, N.C,, named O.K. Sma there. Archery has had such a tre- mendous spurt in popularity lately that the air is literally filled with arrows at many parks and glades across the country. In Sacramento, Calif., last month, the 76-year-old Na- tional Archery Association held its 73rd annual competition and this Month, the oldest archery group in the U.S., the United Bowmen of Philadelphia, found- ed in 1828, will stage their shoot. Elsewhere groups are banding together for weekend competi- -tionS, some going for target archery and others, the more varied field archery. Field archery is the type of shooting done for thousands of years in war and hunting; tar- get- archery, with, its tradition- al ringed target, is a more for- malized version often known as "back yard" archery. About 300 years ago, when archery became a hobby, rather than a means of survival, target shooting was the gene for gentlemen. Around 1935, a small group in Califor- nia wanted to take archery back to its original form, shooting at a variety of targets at varying distances in natural surround- ings. As a result, many archers became hunters. In some places, the bow-and-arrow hunting sea- son opens two weeks before the gun-hunting season, with deer the prime target. At Watkins Glen, Smathers is not the only member of his family participating. His 14- year-old son Kenny who took the North Carolina target- archery men's state champion- ship while his father was away, is competing, and his 17-year- old daughter Lynne,' who has held the women's state target championship for the past three years, is also entering. Smath- ers, who holds the national tar- get record of 29 bull-eyes out of 30, at a distance of 40 yards, is taking part in his first national field championship. Along with most experts, Smathers urges caution with young bowmen: "There is no such thing as a toy bow." Chit-, dren's arrows with suction cups are particularly dangerous. While fortunately there has never been a fatality in organ- ized archery, more than one bowman has experienced the truth of Tom Mason's parody of Henry •Wadsworth Longfel- low's famous lines: SLEEP TO-NIGHT CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD ASSOCIATION'S FIRST ANNUAL SALE • OCTOBER .2nd will be held at George Rodanz'. is RINGWOOD FARMS SALE BARN' Stouffville, Ont. 13 BULLS Including Bred Heifers' .& tows with' co_2v.Sesfar foot GOVERNMENT BULL PREMIUM APPLIES. Plan to attend W. S. O'Neil — Auctioneer C. A. Montgomery, 'Stouffville — Secretary Write for catalogue • Best Looking For '58 I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where: Until next day, with rage. profound, The man it fell on came around. From NEWSWEEK. HERE'S HER PROOF — Actress Maureen O'Hara has denied she payed a love scene in the balcony of a Hollywood movie theatre, as claimed during the Confidential Magazirie' trial. Shcclaims she has a stamped assport to prove she was mak- , ,I p ng a—film in Europe at the time,,,cmcl this photo was made of her in 'London almost four years ago„.after she had roturn- ed 'frOrn Spain, but duririg the time the magazine claimed she' Was "In Hollywood. Ainterso'' SYLVANIA . . CARINTHIA • IIVERNIA: SAXONIA AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS Mli-PAY TO-MORROW! SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions Is a safe way to induce sleep OE quiet the nerves when tense. SEDICIN , .0 $1.00- $ 4.95 Drug Stores only, Emerson Port-O-Rama offers you 14" or 17" TV, radio with phonojack, optional car-anal-boatplug-in, and under pillow speaker for hospital use and personal listening. Eldorado and Imperial Series Beautifully-styled pace-setters for '58 bring you new styling, new wide-range screen, new stepped-up performance... "best-looking" TV for '58. Choose from 24", 21" and 17" Console and Table Models —plus 21" TV-Phone-Radio Combination. (—Best Listening For '58 MERRY MENAGERIE „II :1 I Si. riot Sure, but t "think ity name is 'Down Boy'!" t.„