HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-09-11, Page 7y R. .Barclay .Warren
Jparuch; Faithful Secretary
Aremiah 363-$A-36,14
NfetnOry Seteetiont Whatso-
ever ye do, do it heartily, as- to
the Lord, and not ;109 men.
A good secretary is of great
value. 13a-ruch was such a see..
retary to the prophet, Jeremiah,
He didn't have a typewriter,
His book was a roll made of
prepared skins of animals,
Stitched together, and probably
attached to rollers of wood, He
took down Jeremiah's prophecy
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Wild V
their own hours. for moonlight,.
ing, i'iremen and policemen are
often employable as guards, al-
though some cities now bar see-
end jobs for municipal em-
However, the practice isn't
limited to such groups as these.
Some time ago a factory worker
in Chicago went to a, .shopping
center--ig 1.41Y who fitted him was 'hig-boss
holding down ,a Saturday job,
And in the.same city 4 junior
execrative in one of Cook Coup'
ty's major industries reported
for work when a North Shore
homeowner hired a man through
an employment agency to take
care of his lawn and do odd
jobs weekencia.
This young .Harvard man, who
has a master's degree in busi-
ness administration, explained
to his part-time employer, "I
borrowed $3,000 for My educa-
tion, and I am paying it back
with weekend, work, I make
- $100 a month working Satur-
days and Sundays,"
Many young lawyera e fellow
this same policy, writes Ed
Townsend in the Christian
Science Monitor.
But, for the most part, those
who hold two or more jobs do
it to keep up a standard of liv-
ing they couldn't otherwise af-
ford. According to the Depart-
ment of Commerce, multiple
jobs were found more frequent- .
ly among married men. About
71/2 per cent of all employed
married men had more than one
job, compared with 51/2 per cent
of the single men. According to
the survey, the rate was consid-
erably lower for' women gen-
erally and especially for house-
The Commerce Depaitment
report said that men between
25 and 54 had a higher multiple-
job rate than other groups.
About a million workers held
both farm and nonfarm jobs,
reflecting a growing trend for
farmers and farm workers to
double up-as a move for great-
er security-with an off-farm
job in late afternoon and early
Some 1,600,000 held two or
more jobs in industry.
The greatest concentration of
secondary jobs is in retail and
service trades. According to the
Commerce Departinent, "The
continued expansion: trade
and service activities' which
has contributed so much to the
influx of housewives into the
labor force in recent years -
undoubtedly has also increased
opportunities for 'spare - time'
work in trade and service in-
dustries. 'Such extra jobs held
in. . . the industries tripled in
six -years, froth '350,000 to .over
a million."
Unions complin that the high
cost of living 'has forced many
workers into second and third
jobs.' There's another probable
reason many are taking extra
work, want to or not: When
most workers were collecting
overtime premium pay weekly
many overextended themselves
with purchases ofe cars, appli-
ances, homes, and other credit
items' Now the overtime is all
but gone in many parts of in-
dustry, and other ways-includ-
ing moonlighting - must be
found to meet payments for
things bought on time.
411 this -poses an important
ciuestion at a time when there
talk of a:Ishoiler worketWeekt
If the week .is reduced to,', say,
fottr days, workers use the
extra day off for leisure-or
for a/ chance to make a few
more dollars in additional work?
They passed in the park.
"That's Perry's Wife," said. Car-
ter. "Thinks the world of her
husband!" •
"Does she?"
"Rather. She even believes the
parrot taught him to swear."
People Who Hold
TWO Jobs Or More
A. few weeks ego the driver
of a antiurban bus apologized
for yawning during an end-Of ,-
the-line discussion of New
York's muggy July weather.
"i'm bushed," he said* "X've
been working almost 12 home
I suppose I looked atirpelaed.
He hurried to explain that the
bus, line never worked him that
long, " I hold dawn two job,"
he told me. "I'M buying a
Usually the two jobs do not
stretch Out that long. Mos t of
the driver's extra work is on
- off days or arranged so there is
rest time between them, But
.once every two weeks there is
a 12-hour stint, with only coffee
and travel time between the two
, jobs,
The bus driver is typical of
the surprisingly large number
•of American working men and
women who hold two or more
jobs in order to enjoy a better
standard of living.
According to a recent report
published by the United States
Department of Commerce, some
3,700,000 persons (roughly 51/2
per cent of the total employed)
were multiple-job holders in
mid-1956. The figure was double
what it had been six years be-
fore, when 1,800,000 (or 3 per
cent) held two or more jobs.
Holding a second job, usually
at night after a regular shift, is
.called "moonlighting" in labor
relations circles. Those who
have two jobs during the week
and alio work weekends are
known as "sundodgers"-for the
obvious reason.
Both moonlighters and sun-
dogers are on the increase de-
spite the fact that most unions
and many employers frown on
multiple jobs, They have dif-
ferent reasons. Unions contend
that the man who doubles up
may be taking away a job-and
badly needed bread and butter
-from an unemployed wage
-earner. Employers say, practi-
cally, that a moonlighter "can't
'do justice to his job."
Nevertheless, those workers
who are interested e in a second
and even a third job seem to
have no particular trouble find-
ing the extra work.
Many inside postal workers
.and letter carriers augment
their government pay with sec-
ond jobs. They are in demand
'for work in retail and service
trades where dependable part-
timers are needed for three or
lour hours a day-and a full day
,once in a while. ,
Industrial Workers with spe-
.eial, skill; that' are in demand
frequently are allowed to set
.MIGHTY BLOW-This pint-sized
admiral powers his craft
through the waters3iith a self-
manufactured breeze.
e a 44 5' / t3
(7 0
4-4.4:.; /9
4.3 33 3
'WSW& elsewhere' On 'this
NEA ...,MoVing day in , aging; Nerrilie Mdlcrycee. as a character` Its' own. Strong' men
USrfhoist house uP "(nbOVe) and carry it to neW .e7the dru4ery, niovintii:
-Shared by about 2b0 Maloydii§,
Canadian consumers prefer lean
rather than fat bacon. In retail
stores in. Montreal, Edmonton
and Toronto they have shown
they will pay a premium for
it of several cents per pound,
if they can be sure of getting
consistent quality. This 'is the
major conclusion from a survey
recently completed by the Mar-
keting Service, Department of
Agriculture; Ottawa„
The survey, was undertaken as
the result of complaints from
individuals and supported by the
Canadian Association of Con-
sumers, that.Canadian side bacon
was , fatter than consumers de-
* First test of constarper aprefer-
ences was made when Slices of
side bacon of varying degrees
of lean to fat were placed be-
fore visitors to a Department of
Agriculture exhibit At; the Royal
Winter Fair, Toronto and',4the
-Slon de ,'Agriculture, Montreal.
Each visitor was invited to rate
the 'samples as "good'', "fair", or
"poor" and as "acceptable" or
"not °acceptable.
About 8,000 opinions were ob-
tained from these tests. The per-
centage of fat and lean in the
sample slices was measured and
from the preferences expressed
it was concluded that bacon with
less than 20 per cent of lean is
generally not acceptable. About
30 'per cent of lean is required
for bacon to be classed as "good"
by one-third of the, consumers
or "acceptable" by more than
two-thirds. Bacon in 'which 'the
lean appeared in strips through-
out the slice also was preferred
to concentration of the lean in
one portion of the slice.
From these preferences it was
concluded that a standard top
quality of sliced side bacon
should have a minimum of 30 per
cent lean area and 'be drawn
from the central /portion of a
alab of bacon. The question
remained would consumers buy
such a grade of bacoxj,,conSistent-
ly at a sufficient pride„ premium
to justify its intrortuaien
retail market?
4' * .4.1„‘•• .
To obtain this ,information'
standard Grade Leara,bacore,Was •
selected and placed on ,sale„in„3
supermarkets in Widely, sep-
arated sections Of Mehtieril; Ed-
monton and Toronto. The bacon "
was wrapped in pound pack-
ages identified only as,. Grade A
Lean and offered, klr sale„ in
display space alongside other
side bacon at a premium of six
cents a pound over top quality
commercial brands. -. •
At first only a placard drawing
attention to it was placed at the
counter. Later an attractive
dodger was distributed' to cus-
tomers and girls were stationed
in each•store to clemontsrate the
Grade A Lean bacon. They were
instructed to draw customers' at-
' tention to it, but refrain frpm
any active attempt 'to sell it.
The period of sales testing OX-4
tended from three to litre Months.
in the various stores. The dein- ,
onstratieria neticealaly increased
sales and 'when 'discontinued
sal es. dropped temporarily but
Soon stabilized at abaft 18 toter
cent of all aide bad& in tho
Edmonton stores concerned; 9.3
per' dent for the Montreal sterds
And 7,4 per cent at Total-ltd. In
all three cities the retailer Car.,
e ,
Our Losing Battle.
Against Rust
Bust is'costing Britain Alone
about $1,800,000,000 - a year and
,scientists are making .ceaSele*
experiments to fight this deadly
corrosion, said a speaker' at . a
recent mocting, of the Instit.utiort.
gg.:444.ghteerS, 'What it-ZoSts-'
the rest of the world is beyond
We .produce the finest metals.
In the world but as soon as they
are put to we- corrosion sets in,
lre pOinted out, A national .
"Anti-corrosion Week" is. being .
organized in )311.1414 in October
When the war against firSt will
be stepped up and .scientists
try out new de-rusting processes,.
Anti-,corrosive paints oret•being • -
used all over gurope in efforts.
to fight rust, But aftec.three
coats had been given to
Tower it was found' that rust
was, eating into it again within
two years,
When a petition was made be-
fore the war' for the preservation
of Britain's old battle-cruiser,
„Lion,,the Admiralty said that the
most serious objection was the
huge outlay needed to proteet
the hull from rusting..
, Sof far' man is the loser in this
bitter struggle agairfst rust, for
although he can wrest the metals
from nature, he cannot hold what
11- has won. Britain's losses arc
particularly heavy owing to the
destructive effects of moist
Rust,. too, has been-responsible
.for loss of life which can never
be assessed in terms of cash, In
the' past roofs and other
iron and steel structures have
collapsed when the rust fiend
has been allowed to secure a
Jungle Sherlocks
Police dogs are not the only
animals used to track criminals.
In, India, wild beasts, such as
jackals, have often indicated that
murder has been ed.:nth-rifted by
gathering round the SPdt:where
the corpse was buried. In one
such case, the murderer re-
turned to where he had buried
the victim's body, only •to find
that jungle "detectives" • had
brought his crime to light.
Scotland Yard, does not have
a monopoly on detective methods.
,What English policeman could
comparewith the Australian
native Who was helping the
police to find the body of a man
who had been murdered? The
bushman followed the trail of
two men to- a certain pool. '
Kneeling, he took a little of the
water' into his cupped hands,
and sniffed it. "White man's
body in pool!", he declared.•
Dredging operations proved him
The Chinese have ,a method
all their own, When, questioning
suspects they give them a hand-
ful of dry rice to put in their
mouths. An innocent Mari is able
to swallow the rice after a while,
but a guilty, one cannot. His
;mint' reakea him nervous, and his
Mouth remains ' so dry that he
cannot moisten the rice sufa
fidientlY to swallow it.
..When trying to clear tip a
Mystery,: police 'the:, ,avellel over.
de riot hesitate to; accept help
from the most unusual sources.
Clairvoyants, fortune-tellers arid
Water diviners have all offered
asaistance....iril the; pest, and .have
been thanli:ed *ith.:!grave =tr-
. teiy. )the most bizarre as-
sistant the police ever had was
probably the African Witch doc-
tor who Was called in At Pert
Elizabeth last year t6 help find
a European boy Who had dis.,
appeared front his home of New
Year'S DaYa
13E-6QP BO PEEP-It looks as though this modern '"Bo Peep"
has,lost more than her sheep, in Noribehapel, Sussex, England.
Iris Dodswell, 18, figures q bathing suit and a straw hat is the
way to beat the heat as she watches over father's flock. She's
been a shepherdess for several years, and her usual garb is
blUe jeans and a lalpese.
Upsidedown to *Prevent Peeking
1N3211 2J3d c a
S31VS VO 1 30
3110SV 1V2i3N I
fling ...;;;Goll" lab 3 1.
r33 tko cr34 0014.
f,, o `cover is placed on a hori-
'zontal silo the top layer be-
comes spoiled to a depth of
six to ten inches, While such
covers as wetted, sawdust, chop-
ped straw or felt paper can be
used they are not as effective
as the plastic. Sheet plastic is
available in two to six mils
thicknesses (a mil being a
thousandth of an inch) and in
widths up to seven and ten feet,
In, practice the plastic strips
aze,plaeed on the top of a hori-
zontal silo after it has been
filled and well packed. Adjoin-
ing sheets are carefully lapped
at least six inches and the plastic
overhangs the sides so as to
drain off the silo and not down
the sidewall, After the plastic
has been laid a thin layer fo
wet sawdust serves to hold it
in place.
Whether plastic sheet can be
used for more than one year
depends on local weather con-
ditions and on ..the thickness of
the material. In cold areas the
plastic freezes to the silage and.
usually cannot be recovered. It
is then more economical to use
thin plastic 2 mils in thickness
applying new material each year.
In locations where the top of the
silo doeis not, freeze may be
more economical to use plastic
;sheet_ four to six mils thick ,and
re-use it for several years. Since,
rats and in.;ce have t beetOenown
to eat plastic it should be stored
in a safe place:
In'addition to the use of plastic
sheet for, covering silos -it may
be used as a liner on hroizontal
.,,silo alls which are not ;,air-
.'-tight Itlias,also been used suc-
cessfully on the inside of a snow
fence silo.
in . Hebrew letters 'preceeding
from right to left. Then Since
Jeremiah was. not permitted ,t01!.
enter the temple, Barubh Went
and read the message, The news.
ofit spread among the princes
and they requested to hear it,
Baruch was glad to rekd it 16.
them. The king . heard of it Al.
sent for the roll. AS it wasrea
tp bin' he cut off the potties*
and threw them in the tfirePlaee
hm he sent • for Baruch ,4441
Jeremiah but the Lord hid thegir.
Jeremiah was undaunted,
asked Bantch to write the Prela
phecy again, "There Were 0144
baside$ 'Unto them many like
The actions of the king bast-.
cried God's judgment on the laae
a.tiOn. Of the King himself laa,
rush wrote • the Word of tht
Lord :from Jeremiah: "He $11,01.
,have none to sit uponthe throe*
of David: arid, .. dead 'body
shall be cast Out in the day tla
the heat, and in the night to the
Baruch was probably , a mem-,
ber of the nobility, for he was
a brother of the ehief chamber-
lain of King Zedekiah who ac-
companied the king on a mtg.*
Alen to Babylon, Compare Jer,
32:12 and 51:59.
After the capture of Jeru-
salem ,and the murder. of Geda-
liah, the people said to Jere-
miah, "Bernell the son of Neriab,
setteth thee •on.'egainst us," They
believe that. the secretary in-
fluenced the prophet. Good sec-
retaries do influence their em-
ployers for the better,
Whatever is your task it is
worth doing well. One of my
students worked part time in
the office doing my secretarial,
work. I recommended her for a
similar position with a bishop
who reeided, near the College
-slat was going . to attend. He --hi
turn recommended her to take
charge of the office of the Board
of Bishops when it "was set up
in the denominatipnal heada
quarters. Florence .•;,is faithful
and diligent: 'She is, not excit-
able and can mak& wise deci-
sions in the absence' of her .em-
ployer„ Ability and character
are both important.
STALK STOCKINGS=-Making the switch from a shapely leg to
a stalk of grainct.p old nylon. stocking :is stapled over a head
of hyloricrmilo at an experimental nursery. .The nylon prevents
the poles from escaping,'yet is thin enough to permit pene-
tration by sun,. an air.
34, Carpenter's
tool -
35. Pound
36t Alloy of tin
and copper
37. Beaten
40, Release oil
41. Football
42. Hato
44, Tiny
46. Guiclo'S rivet,
49. ,'all In tl reps
54, Soft drink
66. Obstruct
0. Scarlet
1. By
62. Bngllsh river
1. Acid fruits
2, Broad ••
3. Lxelttsivo
r ght
1. hobbit fur 6
A. Soft foMl.
9. Minititi race
12. naeana .art-
1'3, Self
14. Water in cold Weather itaiqeastirea
I s. Love. story
18, Single' thing
1.9. SoalCnn.
21. Languished
22. Religion§ '
sister§ •
24. Corded fabric
2 6. Ore,41epoSit
27, Surgical ,
29. Grail
81, Marry
32, Parish
off treo!:4
85. Scuttle.,
14iThr4.441.. -
(pro f Ix
29. Bound with'
narrow narrow fahrle
43. In Ina line • • --
42. Shield , *
47. Heavy ti,v.i11
in fabric '
46: Cut (awn 50. Sliosbon ern
rttd sari .
anlninl nor
Conlin an e. 5.
Ci.btat th 14.
4. Flail
5. Headland
6. 'Upright
1, Gone by
8, Ceremony
0, Used as fish
10. Attain
11, llequired
17. Trouble
20. Alternative
23. Weep
25. Chum
28. Tennid ap-
30, Wager
33. tixlst
tied at least one other top
brand that did not sell in as
great volume as Grade A Lean
after the demonstration.
'Volume of Grade A Lean sold
at a premium over other brands
of bacon in these tests appears
to correspond fairly closely to
, the amount of Grade A Lean
available in the total bacon sup-
plies on the market.' Numerous
tests made in various provinces
in addition to the grading neces-
,Sary for the sales program indi-
cate 'what the percentage of
Grade A Lean would ,,be and
it appears 'that present ',':hog
quality will prOvIde frem-40 to
15 per pent , of', Grade dl.:Lean
side bacon.
Limited , study indicates that
Grade A carcasses yield the most
Grade A'babon- but the relation-
ship- is not 'consistent. Manyet07
grade .carcasses a do 'not 41,ave top
gracies side. baccralcuts and some
lower' grade carcasses will yield
top cuts When trimmed,. bat an
general Grade/A. carcasses f pro-
dueeathe highest!' ratio of Grade
A Lean bacona
Frona these ;tests the Marketing
Service, concludes that is is
possible to establish arid Malne
tams a,ii.Xed standard of reainiesr
in sidelleon; that such a stand-
ard can be mechanically and
ecoonmically produced pre-
sent day processing operations;
that regular trade personnel can
make Jlie, selection under oc-
casional supervision and check-
ing, and that 'consumer accept-
ance indicates' all the Grade A
Lean now -available could be
sold at some price premium
over ,regular top brands.
* *
Copies of the full report on
the survey are available on re-
quest from Information Service,
Department of Agricultnre, Ote.
tawa. , *
Thin plastic sheet is a rela-
tively neiv material which has
been used successfully for cover-
ing horizontal silos, it is reported
from Central Experimental Farina.-
Ottawa. By' keeping air out of
the silo ,and. draining water off
„it-reduces„spoilege-to a minimum. * , Cl:,.
'Under normal` conditions When
himself comfortably around the
arm of ct cooperative statue in
'Rome, Italy, this yoUngster set-
tles down to watch an evening
of fireworks. The rigid arm
belongs to a group depicting
Franciscan friars in the city's
Lateran Square.