HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-08-28, Page 4111111111111.111 f METAL WORK TPAr3 TRIM a il AT', EX PE Q-i'LI' DONE AI.10 MOST (:.OMPLE.TE r /frA iiiht k• KRAUTER pLumBING& HEATING SHEET/KM 6 OIL BURNERS BRU§SE1,§ Now, 47 X 411°' All * evro c 6s eller! • Hjcti,t,.EVEL VENTILATiON chmoict drivers arc refreshed, alert drive0-7 rafer oriver4.4 Aar intake vents are set 'Vitt above road heat, dust and gas fumes-another of the Many practical features that m Chevrolet mo03. modern truck on the r " • ••••:•:•,..•.• ... • yu of j•• Tfie• • -' :•1•••,•4,4.47;•,61! eke-- Weeleeee :.'...:;aamwdmmilaimiloomc Get a cab-full of convenience.... a truck-full of work-saving - money-saving features1 • Visit your Chevrolet dealer's-see the most modern cabs, • chassis and engines yee can get. Check AL the practical features that speed work, cut costs . , . make Chevrolet • Canada's biggest truck value! And this month the value's bigger than evert Check tee peak trade-in allowances your Chevrolet dealer is offering right now. They make it easy for you to get the most modern, biggest-value truck on the road working for YOU ) A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ca14/ ahod a CT-2057C Riverside .Motors -Brussels, Ont. QUALITY INTERIOR TRIM Chevrolet engIneeretylists I have done a beautiful job of making Chevrolet the most convenient, efficient of ale SOFTER, MORE DURABLE SEATS Nu-Flex seats-- with metered I air shock damping and 3-way I adjustment - are bUllt for comfort, built to last! 01 EXTRA ROOMINESS Drivers like Chevrolet's extra wleigndrosohnlieldext.ra-d.eteiplepamilaonra-smiziec comfort and modern efficiency! CONCEALED SAFETY STEP Getting in and out of a Chevy cab is easier, safer! Door pro• tects step from mud, snow . gives sure, safe footing! In the 3rd and 4th innieg bc•th teame played *tight ball and neither team gained( any rules, In tee 5th inning'Bressels met with more misfortune. D. Pearson and L Speir collided when both attempted, to °Bitch a fly ball. D, cPearson, 'with her eye -on the ball, eame in on the dead run. Meanwhile, 1 Serie was ha:ciente tin to make the caltch e en- -concidus of the other's, presence they , collided. D. Pearson received e brok- en nose and was rushed to the dater, Tire loss 'of 'their veteran star centre fielder will he a great loss to the team in the remaining games of the • THE 111WS$ELS PAST PteellaY; August 28th, 1957. PI,AhlONP A CeoetieSteti frOM page one) •• Cite, when alley e.aleted. 4 Mine, With ; rntmers on F. Breniner .dettleed to elaitil 1 k3 i. NNW)), •eingled to *lye in n • run; 1L Stephensot welted: et> (the beSee. 3 MOTO. raup. .c tutu home when S. Black and • Beereett Welked. Ditchers. claimed the 3rd. taut with the bases loaded. Tee eth :lerdeg eaw left on Wise: for bCoth. teams • le !the Stie a double play by Lucknew retired the side, S. NONAY of Lecknow hit the only betue rife = of eine game but no. one was on Ileaee„ Brussels 1, 2, 3, Brussels welik.e* the. In the -9th Wiling fitteknow retried , first teeter and ZINO -up 3 eleglee. Elvers of the Brusels team allowed • tens ,across but the rattly was, seeashed a(t• this Pollee, The final /score was 9.5 la favour *Y. .CLifford Drayton 'Durham Elmira Exeter 'Fergus Oorrie Hanover 'Kincardine TAstvarel 'London (Western. Fair) 'Lucien ow latildmay Mileferton Mitchell New Hamburg 'Ottawa (Central panada) -Ottawa • ‘(Winter Fair) .... Oct. 28 - Nov. 2 ' 'Paisley Sept. 16, 17 Sept. 20. Oct. 1 1 Sept. 13, 14 Sept. 27, 23+i Sept. 19, 20 Sept. 16,-18 of Brussels. , With thie win ..eirthur ....... Sept. 21, -25 the semi-finals to' Meet Pinkereoe 13a,yfield ......... „„ .... Sept, 25, 26 c who won the Pinkerton-011eford Blyth " , Sept. 17, 18 erecoil-fierte. BRUSFert,S Sept, 26, 27 Brussels Loses 'Cheelely ......... .. - ....... 0....,.. Sept. 6, 7 Of F `Palmerston •Part Elgin let/play Seaforth For a memorial of -lasting beauty at a recsonable price and guaranteed workmanship contact our represent- ative. Stratford e Teeswater Walkerton ‘international Plowing Match Norfolk County - Simooe Octoer 15 - 18 Mr. Frank W. Kemp FALL FAIR CATES Sept. 11, 12' Tears Sept. 14, 16 ( The Bru,esels Intermediate Ladles Sept. 27, 23 a Softbaje teem, lost ;the Bret game of Aug. 30, Sept, 2 'the finals !to Pinkerton 21-4, The Sept. 18, 19 i we, ieueence of two of their regular play- Sept. 6,7 I ees; A. Willie the valuable- catcher Sept. 28 and S. Black }the ever-alert 3rd haee- Oct 4. 5 ; man, left the team dilsolega.nized. Sept. 19, 20 I In the let inning Pinkerton gained Sept, 23, 24 ; a lead of 5 runs, D. Willis made I, a spectacular ceech on the nee to. Sept 9 - 14.-- t•Clain/ an eat. Sept, 24, 25 Oct. 1, 2 Nov. 6, 7 Sept. 17, 14 In the 2nd inning Pinkerton ran Sept. 20, 21-t away from Brussels slugging the Sept. 24, 251 hall in well-placed positions. They, Sept. Le, 14 l,gained 6 pups before- the first out was claimed and at the end of the .,.. Aug. 23-31I inning the scoria read 17-0, slugged a 'doable -to put I. Speir a- cross the plate for, itihe first Brussels run. Pinkertmee turn at bat in the 6th proved a' sport rally. 'They gained 3 rune but Brusels countered this First Game Brussels passed Take a second look . . . get the true picture ,m,..,•••••••••••,,,esdoolowia01.•••••• LABOUR DAY Traffic Accident Outlook With We:}y Suggestions Went - The Hon, Jellies N. Allan Minister of Transport "Over' the coining Labour Day week-end, motor traffic will be at a record high level and there will be a greater need than ever for attention. to safety rules by every- bode," the Hoe. James N. Allan, , all over the continent, is so marred by accidents and the threat of WESTERN FAIR HARNESS RACES BETTING PRIVILEGES AT ' For the first time, Jiie 'Western r accidents." Mr. Allan says. Fair Assodiation 'will have betting at "Here in Ontario Many thousands the Fair's two' day race meet Wed- of cpttagere, yeacaltenists and nesday and Thursday afternoons, visitors from the States -and other September 11th - and loth. Canadian proVin,ces Will be re-, In making the announcement, turning home, The Canadian. Nat-, E. D. IVIeGueen, IGIenerel Matiagee tonal Ferhibition will be drawing of the Fair, stated that there had ; great member's of people to- and Veen a persistent demand for ibette Trig privileges et Western Far races 11 front Teroulto. Finally In preparation of the opening Of schools right after for a nunibee of years. The excel= Labour Day, parents will be getting tire committee this year deelded to accede to the public's -demands by I nearly a million children, ready for eehoel, some 80,000 'of them, little " arranging for - a boolc-betting children going to lecihool far the first system. :This, is the only betting ; time," k methed,preetical for a two day race stresses that: "More meet. "Mr, Allan the greatest threat of Entries- are generally good foe ,hroti4e1 hold's a.ccidente death and ,• the Fair's two day card. As Of today, more traffic ' 19 entries, have made firist *Yments injulteds. they London Free Press two dasop e "Millions of pe(kplos- will be con- yeti! , old Pacing Stake to be run Wed• corned in Ontario's traffic safety tenth& lath. Other races iidlure is the next few clays= Dee-e Wednesday ttre 2.18 Glass Pace Pita all teat can be done and is being' with 4 entries to date; 2.25 Masa .done by the Police forces and safety ro:ee is (hilted With two also organizations throughou‘ the Prov-4 eligible and the 2.28 Class Pace ince, safety is gall a Personal eee- (first presently bee five nenteibility. • ITHIJIISOAV CARIee There are 10 eetriee with first payment for the Tliuteday feature. the Western Fair 3 year Old Pacing Stake. The 2..22 blase Pace is• tilted with two Met eligible; the 2.21 Classified Trot (now lute "seven -entries end e,28 Class Pace (attend division)- four ontaida, The. final 'payment for the tWe stake races is Atte. oti Kugust .29tb, the genie day diet entries -clOSe for the (lase races. Officials rate cot.. l'faent that all races Will be filled rvih err 'enta'ies <lick e ,A,Ptteag 20th. `There's nothing new about a schoolboy- dashing out at the last minute. But that big yellow bus is something new . . . something important to you even though you'll never use it. For this is a district high school bus picking up its morning load of farm children. Ndt so long agog the "little red school house' was the end of ethication for the majority of these 'children. Now they ride the yellow bus to high school-and May gd on to an agricultural college afterwards. Parents are encouraging their childrGh to get more education so that when they have taken over the farm they'll have a. thorough knowledge of agricultural sciences and business management, both do neces- sary to the production of good and plentiful crops, on a profitable basis. The prosperity we all enjoy would be impossible if today's farmers weren't doing such a fine job, But those \bright, eager children on the yelloW bus, tomorrow's farmers, will make an even greater contri- bution to this countryls progress, They'll be able to do this because they will be trained ill newer and better farm practiced, including the use of farm machinery which will be d "revolutionary' even by today's high dtandara'S. -I 1 -Going Thursday, August 22nd to Saturday, Septernber 7th, Md. Rehire limit-Septemberilth For fares and train Service,* contact your focal 'agent. MEMORIAL, eetraforci Cemetery Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave., Phone 257W., Ray Shantz and Bert Pretty, jeroprietorsi, hire. Wes. McBachern -had the misforrluue recently to fall while in; the yard at her' home, sustaining a fractured ankle, Mrs. Murray IIttether, Brian, Eievid and Joyce accomeanied by Mrs. P.1 :tteG:fie, Kenneth and Martin, Ter-, .onto, spent Men, and Tues at thel Cottage tat their cousin. Mrs' E, Mrrireef4tr, Port Albert, Kennethi and Martin returned to eiranbrookJ with Brian and David to holiday with their coueins for a couple of days. On Wed, Aug'. 21, Mr. and: Mrs. Ed. Keauter, New Yore City, Mr. Albert Kreuter, Olormhy, Ont, and 1V1r, and Mrs, Kuesel Kreuter, Lis, ; towel, called on Mr. and Mrs, Murray }Nether and also- Visited with 'the 'families of erehe and lames Mac- Donald, 16th. cote, Grey Mr. and Mrs. Lyle t vane anti Hea- ther of reitchener, accompaled by Mrs. Bethel Metier', trusselo, visited with the Huether families for a coup- , le of days- last week, The Creneoek Weinen's Institute Will Meet Sept. 1 at tele, Ners: Martin MacDonald Will give the topic taut Mrs. Win. Perrie and. Mes. Allat MeTaggale pill demonstrate work I ire wti:tt+t copiper. There will be finish. 1, ad 'articles on display. The Carden r Club Wee have their' "titbit, Mary- one Is weleMeie, M.Iss Isabel rkele and f4ail spent Rost weola in Mitchell a the borire of Mr. and Mrs. 'Cordon .......makamoroonammamr,.."..esud during the Labour Day week-end in 19.55 in. 2e. accidents, The week-end, !accideat toils 'of this sumemy are also a warning, Nine lives- were lost - in 'traffic accidents in Ontario over May 24th weekeend. DoMinion Day 'week-end traffic took a toll of 15 lives and 21 people were killed, over Civic holiday. Nor do (helve death totals tell the whole story. Fog every person killed in a traffic accident many afore are injured. "This week-end is indeed a time for added caution, care and- court esy," finals. - Province -Of Ontario With 1 man on base. N. Stephenson t with 3 Tuns of their own. Ontario, Minister 'of Transport states hi bee 7th and final inning Pinker- in a spacial pre-holiday safety appeal. ton gained one - more 'run to make "It is tragic indeed that summer's the final score 21-4, , last big holiday, whin, is observed Only -a detortnind mid unselfish effort, by everyone to peotect Thom- salves end Others grill prevent a needlees waste oe. life, health and , 'property over this coming week- end." The Minister filagreed tire „ eeriettetteee of his ,appeal by stating t that, "overt- the years. the TrabtraV f nay week-end has been, our secerid , Worst period of the year !Or traffic .artidents. Ofir eitatitotics show that in ‘i 1953, a, total' 'of Pennto wore 'hilted in 24 motor vehicle accident S'or 4thlis period aril' were killed " M-ASSEY.a..HA:RRI.S.FERGUSOM LIIVIITED ‘'$ 15. 14' t iL 0- A tiA•