HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-07-31, Page 5INKAU TER C O. iPLUM 131 NO S. HEATING g au. suRN4A 1PRUSgr, % LOCATION: North of Barrie, on Highway 11. TIME: 10.38 p.m. ROAD. SURFACE: Asphalt. Dry RESULT: Two killed. Three Seriously injured. The driver of the car on the left became impatient behind a string of five cars and pulled out to pass them. He accelerated hard because the station wagon Was approaching. He didn't make it. The driver of the station wagon apparently realized too late that the impatient driver was coming too fast to stop in time. You can see what happened. The impatient driver was seriously injured. His com- panion received a fractured skull. The driver of the station wagon and his wife were killed. Their 5-year-old son was badly injured. Before you become impatient behind the wheel, think about the above picture. • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT—ONTARIO CAUSED THIS FATAL. ACCIDENT • .BRUSSELS POST wanesdaY, 114 (P's .4.ms Ps' Ars CLASSIF'IEla ADS. MAINITaP for otfice work. Brussels. Orel:ken:ivy •4;011/9#. FOR Grey ,Datilutin Cow 1 .goisticlin, 13ftri Siornors ......... . FAMILY PRIOR TO DEPARTURE Mr. and A1uls, J. 0..1tIctiride Cold were, .)49.11ered b' .0140444" of .Intslneas 110ffq(.14;t08 lraid friends' at the New. AttlerlOn 1410;41 to. 11%,.law901.1. I. A. pleasant social .ovenrIng was onloyed. -during Ale -ammo of which The AlreSts or Qtonor were presentted 101Xr2 'with gifts- and good wishes. Piton FOR SALE Frame house' to be moved from liroPertY• „.„ apply Jlewley. 1.131atX1.1.1.0. FOR SALE BOW Buggy, in good .,ronclitiI)n. Itea:,•enable price. Phone 41 • 1.0' Balm* FOR SALE; — Apples, Yellow trivia:m.(1.Na and Duchess. early McIntosh. Blake Itrott Ph one4 -1•8 FOR SALE — An eight foot Picnic Tato. Priced, for immediate sale, apply to Tiarold McDonald 'Phone 112X after 6 p, In. or at noon, FOR RENT — One pood house, with water pressitie oic nth con, Grey, 1(4.19 ' Ian 'McDonald FOR SALE HONEY. Wb •tti• this week or next. Lloyd Wheeler Phone OiltS FOR SALE 3 Binder Canvas, M, H. and 7 ft. hickle_knife for binder, never used, D. N. Sleighthohn Phone 50r12 FOR SALE — Bell City Threshing Machine, '21.848, goodmodhine, in A-1 shape. Aubrey McNichol, It, R. 2 Blyth. Phone 31r8 BlYth, NOTIC E ' TO CREDITORS In The Estate of JAMES MAR EDGAR ALL PERSOlVi having maims , against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village, of Brusi:-els. the- (Jaunty of Huron, retired Farmer who died on the Sixteenth day of Jury, 1957, ore (required 'to file proof of 'samt with the undersigned on or before the Seventeenth da3i of August, 1957, After that date the- Executrix will 'named ta distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 24th of July, A. D,'1957. Crawford & Hetherington 'wingbarn, Ontario, Solicitors far Executive Solicitors forExemutrix NOTICE TO Ch5.DITORS ALL PE,R,RONS having claims agahl.st, the estate of ELIZA D, LAMONT late of the village of Ethel, in the County of Huron, Widow, who. died on or about the 14th day of April, 1,957, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1957, full particulars of their claim in writing, Immediately after the 20th day of July, 1957, the assets will be distributed among the parties enititled,lhereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. on the form& lot 3, Can 3, from the high- DA.',I'ED at Brussels, tins 17th day FOR RENT — One goad haus% Strachan farm on 'Grey Two., 1,4 mile way, of June, 1957. Ian *McDonald Crawford & Hetherington Solicitors for the Est;',• MONCRUMF WANTED — Custom hailing Stan Alexander Phone 85r13 'FOR SALE-- 25 weaned pigs and Holstein cow "Sunborent Sallies" Tractor eluded vegetables growing in, titelz garden. r ;NV Lunch was served and plans,„Inadet tor like next nfeetiag which is to to a work meeting, .• 'due in 2 weeks, John Stryker Phone 18J6 13rtisSels 1-111,PA. QUANTZ rflgo.gRicK MARTIN 14115e iitAliPArd0,0 valtte chrysan• tneinunui .4,44 pink ,ciarottomi. made on attractive cook for the mreaalpt. of Hilda Josephine, daughter of ,„ Mr. and A.J. MNIA* 9utuo„o Frederick A. C. marah, son or Mr. and Mr4 Clarence Mart.l n, wliicat , (9* place In Aurora .tratto4 Churls. The .13,4yerend John 1. G. Ilirris officiated at the, ore. mony with Mr. Tiltyd Harris at the garet ,11artiter. The bride. entered on the arm of 11-T father, and was radiant In a crystal, whine floor length gown of I . nylon. organza over satin. rrlte bodloo of imported chantilly lace ; with portrait neckline, trimmed with Sequinst and •Pearlitt, long I siegves or organza, fatibioned with ' o floral lace motif on each wrist. Tfor finger.tip veil of silk WOOD ' was held by a coronet of sequins and 'pearls, and she carried a ens, .. cads of nineclio noses amid ,s4 pin- .'onotis. ,The bride's attendants were. Miss Miss Ann Davis, maid of honor,. and Mrs. john Kell and • Mrs. George Rall, bridesmaids They were gowed alike in waltz length gowns Of roatire• blue nylon chiffon over taffeta with bouffant skirts,' and shirred, ;fitted bodice and neckline extending into flowing twin panels at the back, They wore matching blue picture hats, trimmed with velvet, and they carried casdade baguet of pink roses and white ehrysanthemurns. The groom wall 'attended by Mr. Donald Fraser and the ushers were Mr. JOhn Kell and Mr. Playa Jen- kins. At. the reception at "The Ridge Inn", the 'bride's mother received in delphinium blue • silk organza, accented 'With white accessories and a corsage of pink groom's mother wore pink and white printed nylon sheer, with white acceilsiories and ,corsage of pink carnations. For travelling, the chose a pert. I winkle blue linen suit with white accessories and corsage of sweet- heart roses. The yohing cauple left to spend a short honeymoon in. the Mixon, (lacks and Lake Placid. ,Aglramfblimat;MIM M EM 0 RI ALF' ,s3traford Cemetery Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave., Phone 257W., Ray Shantz and Bert Pretty, Proprietor& For a memorial of lasting beauty at a reasonable price and guaranteed workmanship contact our represent- ative. ltl,r, Frank W, Kemp Norman S. Hoover. Secy. day vvp. 10th includes ; On their return they will live in -Burford, IAT A if ,Te: ALCOHOLICS - A HOME-BREW `,95 per cent of alcoholics start I drinking at home in their teens." , We quote Dr, Winto, H, Beaver, Washington, Director of the In- , stitute of Scientific Studies for 1, the Prevention of Alcoholism. Studies show that children do What their parents do. In homes , where parents drink, only one child in twenty does not. drink, In homes k Where parents do not .drink,* **50 to A 80 per cent of the children never drink, Dr. Beaver gave these facts at. a recent three-day Institute on Alcoholism„ at the University of Columbia, Adv. FOR RENT — One good brick house; hot and cold running water, bathroom, etc., for immediate posseission. Right at Brussels. Ian McDonald HONEY FOR SALE — HaMet your t ontainier now With delicious Clover Honey at 25c lb, Also Comb Honey at 60c per section. Wallace Ross Apilardes Seaforth CROP REPORT By A, S. Balton During the past week most of the ,oats of the early variety and. the bar- ley was cut in the South end of the County. If the weather remains fine- this work will be done in the North, end of the County during the coming week, A few farmers are just finisl . ing up baying operations and several farmers, pairticularily in South Huron: have threshed their Wheat. Coed,. Beans and sugar beets continue to make, rapid growth. There is an abutt dant supply of plasture and haT aftOrmath is making rapid gynliTth... The "Sunbonnet. Sallies" • Moncrieft Gallen Club held their Second meeting at She home of Mrs, Howard McNanght with both leaders and all members present. At this meet- ing we had a demonstration of thin ruing and transplanting, followed by a lesson on cooking • asparagus. Home assignments, were given and a delicious lunch was served. The third meeting was, held at the 1, home of Wilma Maphan. After Viewing her garden the club held a demonstration of The proper cook ing and serving of peas and swiss chard. The subject for discussion was the place of veigeta,bles in meal pian:114,4g, after which the girls planned, several meals which in ' Fred and Mrs. Martin spent, last week end at the home of his parents, Clarence and Mrs Martin. Floyd and Mrs. Jenkins were home for the week end with her parents, Olarence and Mrs. Martin Floyd and Mrs. Jenkins left last, week foi a holiday at the east coast Yvette van Poucke, nurse-in training has been having a :months holiday at the home of her parents Adolph and Mrs. Van Poucke. ••• FOR SALE AUCTION SALE S1/2 Lot 1. Con. 12, Grey Edward Schluter SATURDAY, AUGUST at 1 n. t, Service Station Equipment 2. lengths air hose Fast Battery Ohg. Tricle Okg. Bead Breaker. Massey Harris Pony with, Snow Plow Plow, Cultivator' McCormick Deering Seed Drill Oh Ruaffients Desk Table High Chair Fern Stand Bird Cage Rocking Ohair AWNINGS .- Flower Basket Dishes - Cloth, Fibre glass, Aluminum. Knives and forks Pons and Pans Before you buy get an estimate from Empty :Fars Clothes Pins Jackson Homes Ltd. t Lamp3 Bedstead Seaforth Phone 3W. Evenings 33 Dresser Chairs stiess 100 feet 1% Moll Pipe CASH PAID Taps Elbows & Couplings For old. sick and disabled horses Cook Stove Quebec Healer and cows. Dead h.,rses end cows... Jacket Heater Free pink up, i Small Garden Tractor Phone Atwood 152 Colleet, t Cedar Porsits Listowel Phone 38 or 667 ,Scythe Cross Out Saw Sine Wood lieatviy Crow Bar Terms Cash Edward Schluter, pro.p. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer in ",,,WANTED Waitress fal the dining room ai Bedford lletel, Godenicili. Apply to P. 0. Box 50 or Phone Goderlch 223 40.0 healthy, well raised Deltald pullets debeaked, vaccinated, and Starting to lay, Immediate delivery. M,00re's Poultry Farm ' R. R. 3 Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE -- 300 pullets, Red4lock and Sussex and Hamp; 3% months Old, Rote strain, Leslie Lake R. It, 3, Bi•ussals, Phone 50-15 Her first stop —the bank F071 b.;-.LE Village Ok'deers Store and Pool Room; large brick building, 6-avem apointment above, 2-piebe bath, Price for building 2,800.00, 7 ft. meat counter, scales, cash register, shelving and counters, 2, pool tables, anti' equipment, $1300.00, stock approximately $12.00.00 at invoice price, $5,300.00 takes all. Illness reason for selling. When Mrs. Wilson planned to go shopping, her husband Tom said: "Meet you at the bank." It was a natural thing to say, for going to the bank is just a part of everyday life. summer visitors favour Ontario -.low- -dila- In the bank, Mrs. Wilson noticed Miss Ellis the schoolteaaer . . Mr. Cooper the storekeeper . and her neighbour's son Bobby, adding to his savings account. *hen Tom arrived, he grinned: "Seems like everybody gees to the bank." It's quo. Cariadialat find the ch0rtered basks such a sale and 'handy place to keep entney that practically everybody has a bank account. There are now More pytn 1.0 million, deposit accounts iii the chatter beirikeLncre accounts than there ,are adults in the country. 100 acre farm, good house, hydro, 1 bank barn, 3 other buildings, never failing stream on farm. Price $5,500.00, terms. ,7 acre farm, good house, hydro, barn. Price $1800.00 3 acre place in, village, frame cottage, barn. Price $2,000.00 Good house in. town. 2-piece bath, 1 Only $1,500.00 3. C. Long Real Estate Broker Phone 88r2 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE r 24 foot alinnimini Trailer, fully in's-Olated, eqUipped with rangette, refrigerator and diace isayar, water I nit taps and toilet. i For particulars phone 43 BritSselS, 'PROPERTY FOR SALE New hods° in• villaige of Belmore, About 1/2 acre lot; 3 rooms and bath, -lull ;basement, lust be sold to settle estate, apply to J. C. McNeil Phone 70 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE Suitimer Chicks? Bray has a Wide assent:Merit. DAYold and Started. And pullets, Inefuditig Aires in- Cross. Order broilett chiclt‘j in VanCO. Ask us for lull Particular's, i Agent Wm. wort 'Bray, :bths;(,, Mks. Ai Bari•ett, It, R. 5, Brussels, PhOne •54-i2 INSENINA't ION ktsikiiIMATtliN "It'or iifie#infikttlon tutor- tuition or Sertice trete. all ',reedit of 'Cattle, 1141.01141 the Waterloo dente Breeding Aistielstion ft: Clinton ri v.2 - 4441 or i'ainiefitoti 46S between I.110 end 0.80 A. M We 40ve all breeds evailable tort sloops! et ifs"! 6615Ve NO. Y01.11t. :COMMUNITY. • THE. CHARTERED BANKS SpAV ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. ; Established in 1884 F1.acl OM'ee Atwood, OM; I Insures Farm Property, Private bWellintie and 'Contents In 'towns and VIliatieti, I totiootai Churches and Matte on all "INSURANCE AY COST1' bast/I ' PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS Contact yeti!, Nearest Director dr Agent R. W. (Meld Whitfield also Windstorm thatiranee pittit4eitio , '44 Inift6W.Atialeih 11 mimes= 11 ail Ala la sii mii ONTARIO TRAVEt.i 739 itiarilanient Btdgs. ll'ortinto Send FgEE , literature to Mine Address Post orftai aikido bepdisiiiientof .. Hon. Bryan. Cafitcart,