HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-07-24, Page 5eALL/IN „' PL (.v,+ t3LA As TINSMITHS WthE THERE--; 'AND OUR PRIC4.5 ARC- FAIR; CMG KRAUTER KUMBINGs HEATING VflerT A IF7,4:. e; OIL SINNER; 6RUSSE1:.§ \Vei..,14,&47 X CRAP BR.00K MAKE$ IVERY WHERE ELSE DO YOU GET • OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL ANb ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY OUTDOOR UFE? • GOOD PAY? • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW . AND USEFUL SKILLS? • DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? se A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? • FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? `If you are 17 to 40 years of age, and able to meet Army require- ments, the Canadian Army offers you these and other advantages of Army life. You enlist for a 3 year term, term, At the end of that'time you may return tr civilian life well fit- ted for the uture, or continue In the service o your country. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your local recruiting station. e . F Army RecriiitIni tkin, Kinit31, East, lienlitoo, 0 . 708 At a ruitirig ion, Oita., • in! Mil AiSfy ;Jou rnzne • ter listikkii th wit ,•,• iii. Si 34615 Sie*Wiejoi ruffPleiiiinsfaattaiiiioliinio'n*AirlfnhIlariboiriiga 1 kerns I Aiitfien 90 il _ I Ins otle , lchniR*0 S_t 14,1i8t Torck, ont.-- 131,16446k IOU r, n fit641. PIENI,M1111105114VINCIEINZESEISEIIIIIIIIV fl BRUSSELS POTIC 'OM CLAS45ini. ADS, FOR •SATE • Little • pigs. Jcilin Peale Phouo 7545 IMA.M10,,e111,1.1eblelY "WANTED eldr1 for office Ives Iirtieee e'reartiery FOR SALE 10 good wearer pigs, ripply to W, J. lienty i lh eon, of Menge 13eWley farm Phone .17-0 • - FOR SALE - 200 Red x Reek pnliets, laying also dressed poultry, Mervin Pipe Phone 51 11 QTipE TO Q.ligP/TP.Ra I EttitiON 104.1(47.ti; claims a▪ gLi,linOt L:1113. estate of 011411l4.$ DDWIN ANDERSON late of the Tow/xi/hip of Merrie, is :the County of Huron, retired Pannier, who died on or about the 15th day of lilay, 7.95.7 liereby nolitioa to send to the muleroignO4 on ,or before the :APP. tiny of July 1457, fell :particulars of their -claini.8 in writing. Immediately after the 20th day of July, 1957, the assets, will dist Wm tied among • the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Adalinistetor hall thou have notice. DATIon at Brussels, ..this 1:7tli day of June, 1957, Crawford .& Iietheriugtoe Solicitors for the Estate eeee. enegeree;ess good j Model $-104C-87 ALL-New Frigidaire &pm Value! It's all new—every inch of it—from new Safety- Seal Latch to its color-gay interior. With the magical Sheer Look that transforms any kitchen! It's the Handiest. Ever Imagine, in 10 cu. ft. you get a Family-Sized Super Freezer Chest • 3 Big Full Width Removable Aluminum Shelves • Handy Removable Half Shelf • Deep Full-Width Porcelain Hydrator • Sliding Chill Drawer • Huge Super Storage Door with Butter Compartment and Five Removable Shelves • 2 Quickube Ice Trays—all in a refrigerator which slips in among your kitchen cabinets for that treasured "built-hr look. BUILT AND e' BACKED BY , GENERAL MOTORS lekeeleese . • T- HE • ,••• FOR SALE — 4 acme mixed grain, real emop, west side' Fair ground. D, N. McDonald FOR, RENT — One good house, with water Pressure on .5th on, Grey, lot 19 Ian McDonald 'FOR RENT — One geed hoiuse, on 'the forme`e Strachan "farm on. lot 3, Con, 3, }Grey Twp., tai mile from "tine high- -way, Ian 'McDonald WANTED -- Custom bailing 'Stan Alexander Phone 85r12 FOR RENT — One good brick house, hat and cold running waiter, bathroom, etc., for immediate possession. Right at Brussels. fain McDonald 'FOR SALE — 40,0 bealthy, well raised Dekakl, pullets debealoycl, vaccinated, and ietarting to lay. Immediate delivery. Moore's Poultry Farm R. R. a Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE — 7 2 cows freshening, 1 young Hol- stein, calf at foot; 1 Hereford, fresh- ening. Earl 'Somers Phone 101Xr2• HONEY FOR SALE — 'Clover Honey in your own. con- tainers 25c a lb. Place. your orders now. Wallace Ross ApAaries Seaforth FOR SALE — 1 Man's Bicycle 1. Girl's Bicycle, Baby buggy, used furnittuia, etc., all in A-1 shape, Robt, Patrick Phone 92x FOR SALE 24 foot alteninum Trailer, fully inseslatee, equipped with rangette, -refrigerator and space :saver, water at taps and toilet, For particulars phone 13 Brussels i PROPERTY FOR SALE New house in village of Belmore., About Ve acre lot; 3 rooms and bath, full basement. Must be sold to settle estate, apply to J. C. McNeil. Phone 76 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Bray aieks. Dayold and Started. prompt shipment, Also Ams In- Crioes for early extra eggs, Broiler hicks should be 'Ordered a little in advance. Ask ;for fulfil IpArIttanlarS, agents. WM. Glen Bray, Ethel; Mrs. re Barrett, R. R. 5, Brussels, Phone '54-12' NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL Pleite,'ONS having 041010 against the estate of ELIZA D, LAMONT late of the village of Ethel, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1.957,a are hereby notified to sand to the undersigned on, or before the .20111 day of July, 1957, full particulars of their claim ill writing. Immediately after the 20th clay of July, 1957, the assets) will be elistributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall liken halve notice. DATED at Brussels. thee 37th day of June, 1957. 'Crawford & Hetherington Solicitors for the Estate MEMORIAL'' ,etraford Cemetery Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave., Phone 257W., Ray Shantz and Bert Pretty, proprietors?, For a memorial of lasting beauty at a reasonable price and guaranteed workmanship contact our represent- ative. Mr, Frank W. Kemp Norman S. Hoover. Secy. AWNINGS Cloth, Fibre glass, Aluminum. Before you buy get an estimate from Jackson Homes Ltd. Seaforth Phone 3W. Evenings 3J CASH PAID For old. sick and disabled horses and cows. Peed herses end cows. Free pick up, Phone Atwood 158 Collect. Listowel Phone 38 or 667 WANTED — Waitress foi the dining room at Bedford Hotel, G•odemicile Apply to P. 0. Box 50 or Phone Godericlt 323 • Miss Anne leirkpaitriek, Mt. Forest, is enjoying a vacation at the home of her aim!: and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Prod Kirkpatrick, Miss Mary' Tnbbort, Newcastle, N. B, i i visitiree Mies Fe M. Steiss. Mr- and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and daughter Rose, are leaving Wed nesday for their home in Buena Park, Cal., following over two weeks spent yds./Ling friends • in the dis fleet. On Autreet 6th, >khe Omnibrook W. i. will be holding their family night, A dkot-hicie, supper will be served at 7 p. in. on the hall grounds followed by a program. 'Mr. Name; Sinalldon and daugh- ter Virginia, Stegner, Mieh., visited , with Mr, and Mrs Mae Engel and lather friends. Visitors at Jibe home of Mrs. ,Tas. Noble .on Monday were. Mrs Ves 'Osberrie, Mitchell; Mrs. Milton Osborne, Bornholm, and IVIis4 Coleen Gathers, Port Erie. Mrs, Gorden Stiles spent a few days nit the home of her parents Me. and .Mrs, .Alex Steiss, Mee. Lizzie Seeiss, Neepawa, Man., and. Mr. and Mlles Prank Russell and son Mervin of Arden, Man., enjoyed a holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Steiss and Stewart. Cranbrook Garden Club The Canibrook 'Cornflowers held their third meeting at the home of Clem Steffler. Yvonne M,cTaggart opened the meeting by having the 4-H pledge reifeated in unison. - Linda Dunn gave the secretary's report, Six neembers answered the roll call, One vegetable I served since the lase meeting and how, It was decided' to hold the next meeting' August 3rd' at Mrs. G., Huother's home. The topic included Quality in veg- etable and place a vegetable in meal planning, Mrs. Clem Steffler demonstrated cooking' epmelch. .hind swiss ,chard The roll call and home assignment were given, The meeting closed singing "God Save The Queen". FOR SALE — Village Grocery Aare 'and Pool Room, large brick building, 6,room apaintment above, 2-piece bath, Price for building 2,800.00, 7 ft. meat counter, scales, cash register, shelving and counters, 2, pool tables, and equipment, $1300.00, stock approximately $12,00.0e at invoice rArice. $5,300.00 takes all. Illness reason. for 'selling, 100 acre farm, good house, hydro. bank barn, 3 other buildings. never failing stream on farm. Price $5,500.00, tents. 7 acre farm, good house, hydro, barn. Price $1800.00 3 acre place dm village, frame cottage, barn. Price $26000.00 Good house in. town, 2-plece bath, Only 81,500.00 C. Long Real Estate Broker Phone 88r2 Brussels, Out: :ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Estabilthed to 1884 Head Office Atwood, Ont. !Mars! Farm Property, :Private ChigettIngs and Contents in tovmei and Vinegars, Schools, Churches and Halle On an "INSURANCE AT COST" bailie PROMPT ADJUSTMENT DO CLAIMS Canted your Nearest DireCtor or Agent R, W. (Dick) whltriaid also Viftrideterni Insurance Ortianie,- "Ont. hardw re and the lowest prices in Frigidaire history comes 4o you ! Frigidaire is proud to announce that lefaehan Hardware has just been selected to serve Frigidaire owners and buyore in Brussels and district. And to celebrate this exciting occasion, Meehan Is all ready to offer you a marvellous selection of 1957 Frigidaire "Sheer Look" appliances - - all tagged with Frigiclaire's new Iow —frices - the lowest in Frigidaire history! Visit Maclean and see a demonstration of that wonderful Frigidaire refrigerator, range, or food freezer to save you eiduntless hours of work and time. Why not stop in to-day? S heer Look Styling! Gives your kitchen that built-in look withouit costly remodelling. All '57 Frigidaire appliances hail's it. , When Mrs. 'Olson planned to go shopping, her ota husband Tom said: "Meet you at the bank.'1 ft a natural thing to say, for going to the bank is juit a part of everyday life. In the bank, Mrs. Wilson noticed Miss Ellis the schoolt%sher . Mr. Cooper the storekeeper . and her neighbour's son. Bobby, adding to his savings account. When 'rom arrived, he grinned: "Seems like everybody goes to the INEM, /111111.- batik." It's true. Canadians find the chartered banks siicla safe and handy plo.ce to keep money that practically everyhorLlY'hio a hank .coufit. There ate than 10 nithion deposit actouiits in the AiiitiieLea accOtMts. • than there are Molts in the country.. a e . 4.• TENDERS. WANTED Tenders will lye received' by the .- dreg Township School Board for the sale and removed of two Sinall build, itega at U. S, 8. No. 12 school i &entitle, Tender may he tot m 00 ,ay '0 bOtiii and to 1.)i) received lit I kataat ist. Norman 8'. itikoei, . • Oady. ........ ,..... I N ii MO NA* io 14 ' iikiFortMATItiN ,1 "t80i Ertitholat BIliehisilliii0B fidlOti, ' tinedteis tot Sette1t1S'fiOnii Inbreed' of ' ,eiittle,7. Ague like Wikteilke Mitt. *Seeing AsiatilitiOn Milts dittiteti It Y. , 1144i or Rilinioiston 4it between tiiii sad Cie A: it We Iiii*Ei id breed;' O'ittlii/te .."" fie* dna** at lei* "Otwitii 1 411111111111011111114111P .11slosPsismossetlosassisoils!Temusasm Her first stop the bank 7.0 BANKSRyIN..G SOUR M ti Nftli M:11111111111[