HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-07-10, Page 7Legendary Car That long-sought-after used car "owned by two nice old lad-. ies who only drove it round the neighborhood" has become a legend and the car-lot dealer's chant a joke. But now and then the legend does come to life, so to speak, and occasionally even improves on the fairy tale. Back in 1921 Ben Koester of Jefferson City, Missouri, bought a new Model T Ford touring car. For -some reason he forswore driving five years later, and for the last 31 years the car has re- posed in his basement garage. .A few days ago an old-car fan- cier heard about this relic and bought it. All he had to do was fill the gas tank, change the Oil, put in a new battery, and pump up a tire before he merrily drove it away. We're glad to be told it was an old-car fancier. For tender as our memories may be of the dur- able Model T, which did fulfill the maker's claim, "Takes you there, gets you back," the getting there and the coming back were pretty rigorous processes, judged by today's standards. And the owner of even a new Model T could hardly' expect to travel over 100 miles on a quart of oil or much farther on a gallon of gasoline than. many a modern superpowered giant, or more than.10,000 miles on hie tires. Incidentally, however, the price Mr. Koester paid in 1921 seems even more legendary than the car: on. - The Christian Science Monitor. Skiing and golfing are year- round sports in British Columbia in its equable climate, and moose and mountain goats, salmon and speckled trout make it a sports- man's paradise. THE MOVING FINGER—A great pitcher of another era, Jerome 'Dizzy" Dean, demonstrates various throwing techniques with the aid of a three foot baseball held by a huge foam rubber hand. Dean manipulated the rubber fingers to show would-be hurlers tht proper grips. Lesson took place at a clinic in Detroit. reseiess.sems.ssesieseiseseesesiesseese,.....ssessWesei n Wk) nk. irjmorrov7 irartrce tglf6rweatt fad; Ouse of Settg-ram-- luau. iinee 1857 100 YEARS OF INTEGttITY CRAFTSMANS11111 &TRADillOtt,!,/ AOONTS WANTED YOUR OWN BOSS MEN or woolen, can work your own hours, and inalter profits up to 5011% selling eseiti,siVe luansetware products and appilances. No On:petition, not a vailable In stores, and they are necessity in every home. Write et once, for free colour eatslogoe shoo big priees plus confidential wholesale price list. Murray Sale*, 3922 St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE "RAZOR BLADES" Finest quality sur, Wel steel-dont:1e edge, 100, 52,0Q post, paid. Rocket Enterprise; Box 5065, ansas. City, Missouri. lEALE Fencing games. safe, different and exclusive $1.98. Soccer FOothall games 52,50. Helicopter, flies up to 60 feet 42.98. Small compact portable 1m, merslon heater with case $1.98, Post. paid, Guaranteed. Romeo Sales, 5135 Bellechassci, Montreal. BABY CHICKS CHICKS, Pullets. Cockerels. Prompt ahipment, Dayold and started. Wide choice breeds, crosses. For produc. Hon on your best paying markets, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. WE hatch Chicks and Turkey Penits every week In the year, Special egg breeds that lay more eggs on less feed, Ames In Cross Series 400, Tweddle Lay More Series 1(10, 110, 120 and 130, Shaver strain cross White Leghorn, Warren Rhode Island Red, White Leg-horn X Rhode Island Red, California Grey X White Leghorn. Special dual purpose breeds, 4 broiler breeds, 3 breeds of Turkeys. Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, rEnous ONTARIO FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NP-1V Mildmay Threshers, used thresh• ers, grain throwers. Patent straw cut. ters and shredders fits all makes of thresher; your grain and straw put in the barn at less cost, 85 years of pro-duction. Get our prices and terms do. livered anywhere in Ontario, Lobstriger Bros., MildmaY, NMV Holland wire tie baler with engine, used very little, perfect C on. dition, Hydraformsttle bale tension control. Priced at rock-bottom price, Will pay for Itself this year. L. HAWICEN, No. 7, Highway, Arkona, Ontario. MERRY MENAGERIE "It isn't meant to look appe- tizing—it's supposed to maka 'ou so mad you'll bite it!" HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Anyone who has a tendency to high blood pressure would be well advised to try to keep his general living routine in lower gear, especially after middle age, Emotional upsets, and over- doing activities will contribute to this condition. Overeating is another "don't" since it often causes overweight, which adds to the strain on the heart. If signs of, high blood pressure are noticed, it is wise to consult the doctor, who will prese'ribe suit- able diet, exercise and avoidance of fatigue. - oflosect opabiTcH 8ites— IleatRash Quick] Stop itching of Insect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete's foot and other externally caused skin troubles. TheAukk-acting, soothing, antiseptic D. O. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. Stops itch or money back. Don't suffer.. your drug- gist has D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 1-9 SLEEP TO-NIGHT . AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS gifiDAY TO-MORROW! SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions is a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. • $1.00-$4.95 SEDICIN Drug Stores Only' FOR SALE . — IOU ACRES clay soil; 5.0 acres bush, rest cleared, Tourist site. Building, steels, machinery, etc. 55,500, cash, Henry O'Neill, Sturgeon Falls. PUREBRED SAAEN GOATS — import, ed sire. JOHNSTON I/1105., mrroiEt.r., FULLY equipped- Welding do smith Shop In sure crop telatteco clisr triet, doing excellent business. flys!. room modern garage and gar- don. Will Sell separate or trade for part east! and large house In good eon. dit1on In City. Reason for selling. all health. COntact Agent, Martha Reld, 304 R 30, Mount Bzwlges, Ont.. or COtightrey Real Estate, 141 Donde; London, Ont. MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES; THE PRINCIPAL- INGREDIENTS IN DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DING STORE 336 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Poet's Eczema - Salve will not disap-point you, Itching, scaling and burn. trig eczema; acne, ringworm, PiMples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment re-gardless of bow stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES -'2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR, MEN AND WOMEN = 1GMM Sound Film Summer Salei Features and short subjects. Write for list today. Also giant rental library. Idovoeco Film, 14 Leonard Street, Springfield 4, Mass, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING, SCHOOL Great .Opportunity r,earn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free - Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 !Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 43 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St„ Ottawa EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OILS, GREASES,' PAINTS AND Colloidal Graphite Additives Deal- ers wanted to sell to Farmers, Fleet Owners and Service Stations. Write Ware° Grease & Oil Limited. Toronto 3, Ont, PATENTS FETHERS,TONHAUGH C 0 m PanY Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 800 University Ave., Toronto. Patents all countries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL. offer, Twenty-ftve deluxe, personal requirements. Latest cats. logue Included. The Medico Agency, Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto* Ont. DO you have worries, problems? Let us help youl Information confidentiaL Personal attention given each client. McBride, Box 4262, Phoenix, Arizona. MEN- save money. nygenic Supplies. Write for our price. Answer sent by First. Class Mail privately. No obliga- tion, Send name, address, age. Must be 21. Write Rainbow Sales, 171. Harbord Street, Toronto 4, Ontario. ISSUE 28 — 1957 PERSONAL AUTHORS Invited submi t MSS all types (including Poems) for book pain., cation. Reasonable terms, Stockwell Ltd„ Ilfracombe, England. rEst'd. 1058), OVINE WHEN you purchase 1.sodrace Swine from the Fergus Landrace Swine Farm. Y1/11 not only receive the. best Land- reee Swine that money '104 bity„ alt from imported stock, but you are sore that you will bc used squarely. Our policy is to have satisfied customers., weanling, 4 mouth old, 0. Ingrith sows and boars, guaranteed in pig sews, serviceable bears, for immedtate delivery. All stock guaranteed hregd. ers. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FAR? FERGUS ONTARIO. )t.EGISTETtED YOrkshire boars, from our. imported herd. Government blood. tested. Priced reasonable. Thty only the best for top grading results. Raleigh. Plaits Farms, Fletcher, Ont. Chatham, Elgin 2-0550. QUALIFIED Yorkshires - serviceable aged boars 175; Weanlings, either sex $25, _Registered, f.q.b, 4. E, PixOnp Moorefield, Ontario, ,KINEIROCEET Imported Landrace for wque4licatYn ;IsunpdplytypitenleolratetdhestOeelcv ri?nrdeedfcrerr commercial try a Kindrochet Boar, and see the difference. Apply;:Joseph BseelrInaorndloy Wtordpeifiourdai,ty7t ft,rom imported TONRA tt)OIC Farm are selling a lot of Landrace Swine. Why? 1st, We breeders. 2nd: Our prices are reef on, able, 3rd; We have several unrelated blood lines to choose from. WearifinEr four month old sows and boars, guar. ante"' 14 `PR S IgA sows. PARISCataluTONRA 11,11.3, Holland Centre, Ont, WANTED WANTED, small family to work dairy farm on shares, Box 160, 123 Eight. eenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe or Cabinet for any purp o ose.Dept Visit W US or write for price etc, t J.8C,...1.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS` WHEN YOU BUILD WITH A The law flat cost is your last cost. Saves es all fuels, No masonry - no maintenance! factory prefab metal sections erect last .rithout special tools, Liletime stainless steel Oura'Flue liner is linpproot, acidproof. Under- enters and Chill0 approved Writs 10r lies itlder- Keep Rite Products Limited Dept. "V Brantford, Canada There's still time for that VACATION in EUROPE ••••1, ••••••, • . .• . • this year... "et/t4eeeee*.Mleeitteea. Late summer is the time of year 'When the low country looks its best, with warm days and, cool nights. And what smarter way to travel than by ono tst CutiartPs "BIG 4" luxury liners ...leSs than six days to Britain and Europe from Montreal Or Quebec. Enjoy lore eaS0 and luxury of a great trans- atlantic liner equipped 361.11 stabilizers for smooth. sailing—there's 'rebid-the-elock' fun for you; movies, denting, sports . . plus Cmaeerd's superb cuisine and service-,you'll arrive relaxed mid refreshed.. Regular sailing& from New 'York headed by the World's largest litters, "00E04 IELIZABET1-1" and "QUEEN MARV% Sed your' Loa Agent No One. Cali, Serve You Better ortiet' Bay Wellington Sts,, Toro • AUGUST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL ANC.) QUEBEC • CARINTHIA Aug. 2, *23, to Liverpool SAXONIA Aug, 9, 30, fa Havre, Southomplon SYLVANIA Aug. 16 to Greenock Liverpool tVERktA Aug. 16 to Ftovre, Southampton 16guidr Weekly Sallies§ Throughout The Sorlsort *doffs at Greenock ‘,.454/0 SAVANIA O COMMA o tvEgm OtrA a Phone EMpire 2-1,401 O • 0 is 0 yy Farmers Retire In The States The S0411 .Security Adinirtise treater), reports itself deluged With Self-employed farmers who seek to "retire" On eeeerity bone- as, The rate of retirelnent is a whopping four-times the esti- mede in 1954 when the law Was broadened te include farmers, The first claims could not be Made until, 1050, inee farmers had to show net earnings of at least $400 in 1956, This year 400,000 claims have been filed by farmers ready to retire or widows who recently qualified, asking survivors' bene- fits for themselves and ebildren under le years of age. In 1954 there were 706,000 farmers, 65 or older, with others corning into the 65-age group at the rate of about 100,000 per year. One of the more practical rea- sons for the boom in retirement claims is the figures showing that for many farmers today their occupation is a starvation one. Twenty-six per cent of the farmers making less than $1,000 per year were in the 65-age group. Only 11 per cent of those making $3,000 or more had. reached 65. Then, too, the act covers the "city farmers," a phrase which describes those who own farms and operate them with tenants or hired help to whom they give supervision. Many of these had employment benefits piled up and could retire, turning over their farms to their children or selling them, This policy—turn- ing the land over to sons or put- ting them on the market — is a common one, But, of course, not too many sons are interested In a farm. The truth is the small farm with its mule and hand labor is too small to make mechanization profitable. There are an esti- mated one million too many farms in the nation. Of these about two-thirds are in the Southeast. This region has al- ways had most, of the farms, be- cause they had more small units. Children on such farms want to leave them for good and valid reasons. The soil bank already is de- It is probable that Mark Twain came cif-zest to the truth about Australia wiwn he described it as 'a Pine of most beautiful lies • - most of which are true.' It is almost unbelievable—Sod rather upsetting to find, on returning to England after ing in Australia for only a matter of 'a year, that one is genuinely homesick for the Gums, the Beaches, the brilliant light, the spaciousness, and the almost overpowering kindness of the Austrfalians, writes Alan 5, Nearly all the indigenous trees in Australia aW Varieties of the Gum. The dull olive green of their foliage makes the colouring of the landscape sombre, and, it is only when you get close to them you appreciate that their beauty lies rather in their stems than in their leaves. The Aus- tralian Gums shed their bark, and the woods of their limbs-- white, blue, red or velvety black — have a wonderful quality of absorbing the strong sunlight and giving it out again so that they seem to glow with some Internal fire — like old Bath Stone Buildings, and healthy babies. Two of the most terrible things 1 saw in Australia were to do with Gum Trees. The first was a Bush Fire: great clouds of grey and black smoke billowing high into the sky, tinged with scarlet from the flames which leapt from tree to tree incredibly swiftly as the distilled oils became ignited. The second was the vast areas where the trees had been 'ring barked' for ground clearance. The dead forests, stripped of their foliage and bark and bleached by the sun, stand white and naked like armies of ghosts in silent reproach of the ruth- less advance of man. On our trip out and just be- fore arriving at Fremantle — our first contact with the Aus- tralian Continent — one of the 'wild Colonial Boys,' returning from a three months' spree in Europe, went to the Ship's Shop early in the morning and bought a bottle of Essence of Eucalyp- tus, with which he proceeded to anoint the port-side handrail on 'A' Deck, Walking into the lounge— 'Boys,' he said, come and smell the Gums!' For the rest of the morning there was a silent crowd all along the rails, their noses dilat- ing to the aromatic ',essence and their eyes watering with their efforts to see once more their beloved Gums. At least, that is what they said. Now that I have been there and come away, I wonder. Geologically, much of. Australia can claim to be the oldest un- altered Land Mass in the world; it was millions of years old when the whole of England was under the sea, and the White Cliffs of Dover were in course of produc- tion by miscroscopic radiolites, Yet White people have lived there only for three generations — indeed, the first settlers were ring barking the Gum trees in the bush, which is now George Street, Sydney, less than two hundred years ago. Australia is the largest island in the world — you could com- fortably put the whole of Europe in it and still have enough land left to house all the present in- habitants. Sydney ranks as the second largest city in the Com- monwealth and yet the total population of the whole con- tinent is only just about the same as Greater London! It seems fantastic that this huge Continent lying only a short way from 'the Spice Islands' of Indonesia and Borneo — which had a regular trade for centuries with, Asia and Europe and in- deed, even in Phoenician Times were the meeting place of East and West — was virtually un- known before the days of Cap- tin Cook and Lieutenant Flin- ders. The only known evidence of any outside human contact with Australia before then is an up- turned Chinese Idol of great age lying en its side, south of Dar- win in the Northern Territories. No one knows how it got there, who brought it or how old it is, Before the first landings of the White settlers Australia had, however, a small population of about 300,000 Aboriginees. For thousands of years they had existed on their own without any contact, as far AS is known, with any other human beings. In many ways they are teas developed than the Stone-Age Man for they neither cultivate the ground nor use any tools other than for hunting, They literally lived like ahimals on the land, Alas! Their numbers are now reduced to under 8000 as they are so completely unsuited to Modern conditions land It seems likely that Within a very few years, all that spill be left of this ancient race will be a Ow primitive cave drawings and carvings and the relicS in the Sydney Museum. pleting populations in the gore- ly row-crop regions. Farmers are putting their worst land in "the bank," tenants, who never lived ,too well anyhow, are of necessity moving off to the nearest job opportunities. Change goes on. And nowhere does it move with greater speed than in agriculture, With 400, 000 farmers applying for retire- ment this year, which is not yet half gone, it would appear the number of farms soon will be sharply reduced. —Atlanta Con- stitution. BEAUTY AND THE Carole Michaels, "Miss National. Press Photographer," is prettier but Air Force 1st Lt. J. F, Keegan is safer, Miss Michaels met the fashionably suited lieutenant at Langley Air Force Base, while making a personal appearance For a motion picture Lieutenant Keegan is wearing survival equipment designed for global strike farce pilots of the Tactical Air Command CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . an..1Roliere.4241