HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-07-03, Page 3• • . (Fr:: ' -,;" ..,.'1,7•••:";--, -" ' ' ;.-- • ,;:, , -. "'" - ' 7, ,;:. 1,E,- • , • ••.'' 1 '''',N.:a t'• •K.... '' 2. ---;:-.•- . i7...7,7^-07. -- 'AP»! i:,,4,4.4,fiti*2:4, lall CtiliZ ShOWS'''"'• Are -They 'Rigged? n.: .4,0 • )4 it, ' . - Ar the ".qui,ki .spows rigged? wen a vice,preSiclency at the rli The -• uestiork,Vbril•V far more .14ank a mentit after the shOw than 04,000 1.K.Ail,,,,IndttStky that .;*ent on the air. rilhere is ,a11' +: Is r)gnlarOle :tabOot kesiced 1.4 Pitingi,n0JP maliOn a Year on stich prtlgrani$,,,,,paer tickled vault$,!! say$,, One itnirrtagciin- the cUriosity .4,:irtilhena, of.„„TV ' sider;.'4but Wile ha-- the lt*/ to watchers, It seemed rriere•ilp'..th pte 'e locked vecilt? The preucer, tinent than: ever recently ,Wilen . , $ ceurse." Wii a ntest, * ten-year.old ,RoPert Strom Rosh-, chee bi on, I'llevel. Fthe, ed hia "Winnings tol3'60,000" o'il-"-'!---Prdilitceefcle sita Uestion eeach CBS's $64,000 Questien, and a week specially earmarked for $70 -a. -week GovernirientilOW,Ice. e th,,etconterstent• 4. A contestant; i$ ; Theodore Nadler, hit $15"2,00tren• 'irdi31easaittr"- or ,:if.: the $Few's f $644090 Challenge, Trendex rating has ,not ,piaking• preparly,dtpririg 141AS- t- eent to the higher plateaus of ' prize mopey,1 qUeSti40 .Mabe devised to hneck Min' writhe show. Sometimes a lcser is r , 41 eqdqd„, to give the program psychological and economic - balance, eV" The art of writing quiz ques- tions can make lethal ones seem no tougher than easy ones,. "If a producer knows that contes- tant's favorite opera is Lucia di Lammermoor, and that he knows more about this opera than any, ether," explains one old hand, "a very difficult, mul- ti -part question on Lucia would be apple pie to the contestant, but a inulti-part question invol- _vine cliffi'Cult details in several clifferent“Opetaa could be calcu- lated, to defeat the contestant while seeming no tougher to the casual viewer." , — fr....-Pf •'s • • • 4 , 75i.•=r-`:-.17:4,411,314,1i044,4=v1A- kgiPH Atargi,-.4;,,itoomai flovotwtorTior ".14' 0 The answer: the producers of,' many shows control the outcome as closely as they dare -without collusion with contestants, yet ,far more effectively than most 'Viewers suspect. , From the heydey of radio's first ,•spectacular giveaways, quiz producers have stacked the cards to make the game as en- tertaining as possible. Stop the Musie telephoned listeners, ap- parently at random, to give them a chance to name the "mystery tune" and win a growing jack- pOt, but by the time the broad - east staatd, the calls were stacked up on the switchboard and auditioned ' by a program staffer, who put thein on the air in the most dramatic order. Just in case enaugh listeners might not know the mystery tune, tips On its name were planted regu- larly in *alter Winchell's gossip column -..-by Stop the Music it- self. Ad -Lib Writers. In that tradi- tion, producers try to leave so little to chance that TV has spawned a group of craftsmen who call themselves "audience participation comedy writers," Net 'Only do they interview' pros- peeiiiie -.participants and write the ad-lib banter between con- teste"hts and 111-.C.s .on such shows as TwO for the Money and Ed- ger Bergen's recently ended DO Yan/4.rust YOkr:Wife?, but their lines are carefully rehearsed. Even Aid chitchat between contestant and quizmaster on TVA?? On 'And $64,000 Ques- tion is composed and drilled in advance On What's My Line?, llienialterdaa•' net know -the" guest's Occupation it is supposed to guess, but its members are prompted before air time -With questions calculated' to produee,,, the funny double entendre: When Trust Yoti.i: Wife used celebrities as contestants, they were guaranteed Ved regard- less of vq-Aler th4-4 wen. "Of course,"sata*HellyWhoct agent who gtteteciluP:st,s frep,i quiz shows t,,d41,,Iieelebritiegr "they. don't ':agltrgthii•Ig alit will make -ii:,bigt r4look stupid."' Strike 'It:A$6,h:iettires itself on that scOrefe,1Wrehearsing •son,. questions- nklpi '' its - :guests. , The big -money -Shows are subtler. With huge audiences at staker,they , go, to "extremes to appear beyond, reproach./ They know that theycannot afford to risk coflusibti With Antestants. Yet esternates:'verte „Veteran of such shows, "you have 70% or -.'80%-"controt.-of -what,-happens.'tee, The technique is simple: "To kegiiiraratiteStairr.WiaTiTrailIM you have to do is figlire out haw not to hit a question he doesn't., know. That's the basis of all quiz r - shows." The producers hand- pictc their eon,teateritdfilr ttper- 1 sonklity, ccoAttien ftrei graphical 'read, as well Asgloe- cialized lc wieNleti the* 'lam themselves with a shrewd, thor- ough: .insight . inte,they .contesi,, tant'S.Strengtlaer*,•",*eakii4S;:: 4 aziO i,,..haUe....11411.,: contrOVO.f:''..4lik, When a contestant has reach- ed all but the biggest payoff •on $64,000 Question, audienee psy- chology Virtually demands his victory. In its 22 months on the air, only two of the players who elected a $64,000 question have failed to win. (The system of control is not foolproof; it was not proof, for example, against the mental block that stumppd Randolph Churchill at the $128 ' level.) But most big winners have been blessed by crucial •questions right up their *alleys. Marine Captain Richard Mc- Cutcheon, the cooking expert, whose particular specialty is. French cuisine, got his $64,000 question in French cuisine, not in Cantonese or Neapolitan fare, -Shoemaker Girl° Prato, the opera expert, whose knowledge of German or French repertory is net up to his Italian special- ty, got hik.tough questknns on Italian opera.t q4key Bill Peer- e son a $6k000'' nner'. bite krt , , , ..-..1 , i , * expertise,' rides not e e d to Chinese art, says: "I studied like hell on Chin ercert„eB got a questi bit''' How to Groom. nner dp. theproducers' de where eath contestant i or strong? , Twenty Oxi att, didates c t q 'fy „the t,..,shew .. ' o- '"'ittrIcine.',,O.tfouiet'el hour, 363 -question, test that ranges across the ,Recnn-ri of , subjects useii, on t*, s rikre.0)... Produ* D'•:•n... Enrigh began - burningWhe test papers several weeks,,,,,„agat to avert any suspi- cion Vat theyvvete 11014 1,14 . — IS THE WINDOW LOCKED? -Susan Leary, 31/2, isn't at all abash- ed as she peers through the windOw-of car, totget a closer look at a lion lolling 'cin the bac lc' seat. The big eta drew quite a crowd when its ovvrfer, zoo keeper Harry Gabel, left it in his car while on a shopping trip. '4 • • — George L. Wright HI of Manhat- • Oinly rarely ,clo quiz producers „eet caught in -indiscretions. The StirniiSe- is! Inein sued by Showgirl Dale Logue, who com- plains that she was deliberately feed question that defeated her for $10,000. It was the same question, she says, that she fiftiffed ding a "warm-up ses- -sten" before the show, their .growing desperation t.p check falling ratings that have knock - six. quiz -panel shows off the ale since Octbbeil the piogrkms •• may'be taking greater risks„ es- pecially in trying ,to woo eele- I brities- A contestants- Showman Nils T. Granlund, wh,o won , siodoo 'from T,he Eig Surese ori "eieteeinelY eatY" queStions, admifs that, some'"of ' the 'qua- • ""tions ' he ` answered during --'his screening interviews may have turned tip on the show itielf. •One baseball star who was ap- pro-ailed to -appear -on--$64,000 Question says .that he was asked . foirdtemaltinent thetl he would go for the top prize but was as- sured that his questions would LE -7t, be bptt' g-praetice p,itches. Con- , necticu s, Vivien Kellemi, who G011t 411 MAN, GOO - Only a arvekpert on.,taxes, 0,1pud yr4could love jockey Wel- laid down the condition-thatvher teri*Blum as he sloshes back to questions be limited to 'U.S. in- , comeutex. The Producers obliged. the scales at Gulfstream Park.av bi, One non -celebrity candidate for, ttiekt.- • •emea,--Blotrio.m: a s riding ou e h ' the' va4,000 'Challenge says that,, How Begey"- uring a recent race in h • ' ud. He not only Jost the race, finishing third, knlhf?. wcis Messed up, by. the tv1p4 lihoge.es,...t.tlat overtook him neacy line. her screen interview she minei in the assured that "we tailor questions . weak ' r tru.,tihe o,f,•einind we are • ,, can- innerking. „ all' the 'ftigktery. of the littiatiori,' 'den producers,. seem helplese:rbefore the major • ailment afflicting their shows:' 9 ' t• eit "I think they establiai t:' :4;heastmof.,C31,9.0 no longer in es i'udienee we. Viewers pretty well your limits." Music I; sPiFor- ,4 - !lave becpine so hiase that the Profess& Richard Gore: "Thee' liroilticg;s `al-bitra,rily changed questioning was comparable to „ Aheitotrtilei-rte, :enable :Schoolboy tt afittafal' exam for a Ph.D." Base- ' ''' wi'-•:0'1 tball Pate k J. K h:• Strom to win as much as $256, - to study the contes ant a.kno Expertic eoug . ledge patterns. But before the "About six fellows with ,ase-' 'Dr 000, ant dey,ised.new rrules tp mtestpapers-are,.-burned,-some.........*----.-... . ; . let O'er Nadler keep 'Winning Dail record 1:Mks qttestionedne .. - , rm,r , ,r r, . tob. More impeeirtant, a 'kind of:s* body at the Twenty One office g abbot 75 minutes They mnst • „:41,17WeVetillel•dokalOthernacntgraderg .....--- eg--..z.b.-stik ' •''' '-''' inflatiiin hail 1 alio hit- tiler con- , ave niece rne abotlt 150 que,sre ,,: them. Charles Van Doren, the tions." test:anti: inatead tof-,the kind of . - $4w:f,, ,111., eat,,,,,taine,d, alumnus, 4 feels' tin 412441 noNftieihAti, , were being form -fitted to his eno al udilqettatinly. rlokr ; . dy : ' the diz Ahusiness s • ests t at hi efeet oft In ea tIliestiot (W nt, ikidiriPotiltheg, Belgians?) could have been de- • •41rtglAtriblreials 11,,,,'-irl'c_•-!'":::„.."..b't7„'""' the. qtall'ici4,vvessiiii8.4,s's.; ‘i4s;e:'id.‘41:',11`.t'db.eti;;Irii:,:lei 1:4,s' 11139i •''.11'2 ,:',-,',;1;zi'-ui:;'iwtiEcli:::','4:44'.11=;': s':di's1:t'$:!.t;h0. 0.:Q1:.e'a'l.'lvticl:.°1Cir:ol'Ii; : that the questions have. „.'.heei.1" .' 'rixc'e';;;*;:+1;.:1;c191-1,rau -e-1' '71..;..:ell''.el'';7!..7.. I' ..'rt•,. 3 , •• g • ,0,....,4.3 ...At: tnter, alp.Or iu.k;'.U..;., u 1 balched in all ivory ve,,e1t:$01.,-, '', '.,.ift 'sfee'ket.'diieStion sck"--'- Revlon's Joank,• -the lificiiiited,e • threta Trust Co, p4ibirnS ...;:;4:', weekly ritual. on SixtYlFehe ,(aS •':"-.. th.4 trade calls,$4,000 Question) . hY" Supplying an eseot, and. two bank officials, Including one who noir the cAse Of 14-yer-old Susan Sandler, the horse -racing expert, the show einployed efik of e most effective technique)! fdr.' roorning winners: she veles-r Givellanthargintofnerror for the sen,t, back lime to Oak Pash,„z 9prgestaptfirvinin-Ign,Eloiblesr, the after her Manhattan in- producers seemi to be „able to ordinary peeple7,7whho. s4uplE responsive. chord in viewers,• ‘,1 thex,I.,pw runjo narrow specie- IntOgraPhie minds "filaks,"-Artile trade ealls'thein. iLEN 1111.?1,B OTA9tV5.1RiA. • " •r:ji DiCk Saversl lt is amaZing ,"haw Mich easier and :faster :gardening' will go with, the right tools. This dOes not m-ean that'e lot of ex- pensiVe` equipMent and gadets are nec1e$Sary. but's/J-111)1Y :Pak. Sig4 111,4 I.Nitlat ,-we have is",suitahley.end in. geed. shape, ru,sty.,hoe, rake with R. loose or proXen handle, or a power mower' out' of adj"ust- menris iribre'Of a -hindrance a spade in a lotetthat -ealle.fer. a. -culti- vator or vice versa,,, PorliPareft. With,,,,friost. other hobbies recreation,'equip- ment costs or gardening are trivial. We can, if :necessary, get along with little rnore than a rake, a cultiya,tpr and a spade. But a few other •• special tools wozet cost much and they Will make "things easier and more interesting„, • . Far soil and klittining, and killing weedS, for ipstance, thee ` are severartyPes 'and sties Of 'hand '&11th/eters. :01'llese range from little ones or two pronged things 40 or 12 inches long to wheel hoes which 'we tlifoughthe-Tdrger isewell to have two or three lealtivatots4of various" sizes •fAr.eworkinarettrid„ plants and „rows„ of different sizes, Then • 'there' are such things as dutch fdPwl-loidsale weeding and frif enitivationl-fnaer •bitslies and spreading frplants; and single bladed affairs for making trenches for seeds and bulbs. Ex'eept- folo-nthe Very small 'tools, itnia-well to get!all these ,I.things,, as- well as rakes, hoes , .and so on, with Jong These save stooping. Spe6fal PurpOte§:,' 'Thereial-k'flowers Which seein." • to be 'designed for special pur- .poses."Some -just naturally have long stems cosines, sweet peas, gladiolus, scabiosa, mari L goldgeand many more; and there- fore, are,,,,prtieully suitable for,.„Nting.. for houquets and givg away, to gfat4.11 friends. 'Other a agairi dre specially -ed'ented" like the stocks, nicotine, helietrope, lavender, mignonette ' an d carnation; -echers-agaixi'attrebtive to hum- thitbitds run- - tiler •beat: There are ,a• few such a --the straw, flower which we can cut, dry and then they will bright all wirkter indoors. And ai"for slirape, gize and VOloue'there if' an unlimited rehtice. tWe caril'have- an all red or all blue ort -all yv'hite flower tflgarden.,,Xe can ,liave , midgets (mix, a few inches. high or giants that will run up close to six feet?' , is„allothese differences most of which ark )isted in.the 'Cana- an seed "afalogue,'th:at makes "floWer 'gai'denineso 'interesting scelritereating arid lesults in no 1. two flower gardens anywhere in I the world being exactly alike. Keep Planting Too much emphasis cannot he laid on continued planting. It is.much better ta plant a little ... every week;.for a month or so than to try and get everything in at once. There is no good reason why most vegetables and a lot of flowers cannot be planted for many weeks yet and this gradual planting will pro- • duce far more satifactory re- sults than sowing or setting out all at once. The vegetable gar- den particularly, Should be planted gradually with only a portion of the carrots, beets, beans-, corn, etc. sown at one time. In the flower line, expert- ,. encerl gardeners will sow such thihka petimias, as- ters, cosmos and other annuals in little plots here and there in the flower garden. When these come up they will leave Only a few' plants in the original posi- tion and tranSplant the surplus to other parts of the garden. Handled carefully, these trans- • plants will come along almost as quickly as those left untouch- ed and thus a large flower gar- den can be planted at trivial cost. terview and told that the show s-A,V,U1,CIV.,,,,etber4 ready for her for s i,e-tgrwriig,lweeks. iiDuring kthe m ei*atplut naturagy concou.„.1. ad .eEl'OniS:tl: ying hpr speciatty,,..,„ Iitiw-1? ...,41i.tat,,fargetlir contestants ha4e), ...tdene'•irc. kiic .` fields gs Sherlcitik 1: ''-"r , '- '- Can ' • tig control virtually everything - except their own fears of losing etheirtil.'aftence.Z4rforri TIME. „:. By Anne 'Ssilifey Start' s and Dickens no- that„thete is no•;:-•wrot- ve?s• Th°'...Shkvir sets 41 high Pre- ' 'th'et. ai5tiliearits,•-.Merely get a tent :Anfit'Atecialty. ,One app4- ..from-cUEdling4 'former contestants make it seund ers, ,a 287year-old blonde, a .a pan kelt-Ailed with cold Nate • more rigorous.. Captain MCCut.... • encouraged by the Producers A insPeatt onait 4ter. The cus • apPly her pbOtographic mincirto taid-rwill'` heat rhoie gradually ias He explains , rilittiti.-nri.Oddmatches Of conies- , Q./Mow can :1 ,prevent custard ten examinauOnbrief, infer/hal screening. : But cant,„F• aSieholegist JOyce,BrOth- • • 4. Vrir theucustard cups in %liars MY BAByateeitsiiet, Gene Austin, whose record Saida Of More than 86,000,000 platters back in the 1920'S Makes hitt the grtatest recording star of al! time, warbles a duet volth his douOitee, Charlotte, a Min- starlet in Hollywood. Wird known fOddy's teen-dgerS, Austin, who it,Stcirting corn& ktciek,,,flitilled cal earlier generation With such popular hits as !..114,4y Bine Heaven," "Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi," and "Yes, sit, Than Ba by." .bolling' up ,On boxing. By the will'b'e -firnif'•%/fd Without a drop -time sheN: wa$ called to appear', of whey. „ , ,, Dr. . Brothers::: had rrastered the, • : subjectAvelbenough le win $(14'!•:"'t ' - Q: IloW"-eiiii,t keep an iron frt stibking to fine starched artiteles?,,,„, t A. By .adding -,,a little soap to the starch. This, also. give 'an attractive gloss. • . Q. Irow,,....can,, I, ripen green . bananas'? ,., .• • A. LaY,,,..the ,.unripe bananas away a paper bag, in a dark place, for a few clays; they will ripen evenly, . Plottjti,k tio Shawl The peek,• agers dt.both,', $64,000 shows also e prochiced NBC's The Big Sur- prise, which folded not long agd. One of :;its planners offers, this insight;irito the big -money • Show! "We 'Always used a plot," ari ideafWay We Would like the • half-hotir to go. If one eohtes- tant wasn't getting a good audi- ence reaction', we wand say that ideally it would be., geed if he got the answers' for $500 and .$1,000 and then missed $2,000. • It developa little audience an- tagonism it allycirie loSes right Q. HOW ean I make brass shiny? Betere'eleaning bra SS with ahy &hit= or polish, r rub it with a cat lemon. avvay. lit A high percentage of cases, ths program Went ill ac!,,,, cord arked With the plot. There was a hig"diSeliSSioii on hew ,lorig alieuicl go before soitte- bodyWaS allowed to Witt $106,- 000. We teased Atst, with a .few $50,000 WinnerS. tetnla ,of thewmanshiP, had to work Mit the ideal timing and the Ideal Winner." The proCludets chose 70-yeat-old Mrs. Ethel " RichardSen Of Los Angeles,. A folk-serig buff, For a aWritehi theY-• *bided the nekt' 1ig win- ner .allatfIcl be a young school - bey, they "sottied. I4.yest-old • Q. itotvcari„1 economize in butter when Making pastty? A. mix a wineglass bf Salad oil With Water to each pound of auto and stir this therOngli- 4into the taster . Q. How Chn 'eXthigifish a fire of burning oil or fail A; By Spreading flour over the flames. A fanatic is one who can't change his Mind, and won't Change the subject. (Sir Win- ston Churchill) ClikSS.11F1 ADVERTISING .1"1 RINGIN,OOD kARMS.,,,o, ,,,,,, Ele enth annual Her8fOlt Plit1410 .paturFfil.fh.'; fraY''1115/ I at po vief, semorg tr uif's,ii 0,00ii,1?,..rlo ,I,rliffirs' Sale held qt farink au . SaleeArellai' George Rodanz 4, •4,1 , ,.... „„ •Stoyffville, Ontario AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR, °Tn.( BOSS I,.;; MEN or kwomen, can Work yr own hours, alOti piece prefits PP to? 500°,4i; selling eocluslve henseware. Products and app lances: No: competition, not: avaltable in stores, and they are a necessity in every home. Write at ;once for free colour catalogue, show - ling retail prices •pits 'confidential wholesale pricelist. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal,-, , OILS, GREASES, PAINTS And Colloidal Oraphite !Dealers wanted to sell to Farmers, Fleet Owners and Service Stations. • VVrite Warco Grease & LimIted, Toronto 3,Ontario. 11, ARTICLES FOR SALE • 500 3 -COLOR printed name and address x 11/4. Light blue, dark n1,110, gold. Plastie case. Send $L00. Schuster, Bex 1419, Pept. C., Springfield, Illinois. 10 -INCH Slide Ilule with instructions only $1.0Q1 Satisfaction ',guaranteed. , • Agents wanted. The Baker "Agency, 422 Fay Court, BUrlington, North Carolina,. Oddt. and Ertelt Both iriarried and Unmarried. women in Aucieht Egypt had the right to dispose of their property • as they wished. • A Honolulu resident waved such a vigorous aloha to, a. do-, parting friend abeard ship, that his watch slipped. off his Writt rind tell into 3(1 feet. Of Water. Tempus ftigitt .,„.. , Lever Bros Ltd, et• Canada is the first 'Canadian toinpany to add to their Medical 'Centre: staff it chiropodist to treat ailMerits Of the feet arid painful foot dis- Otders. Ameriedile tiad• more than 10 billion pounds of paper A year. BABY CHICKS FOLLOW up the good markt:4 with Bray Chicks, Wide choice,,, all good, aimed at the markets you ward. Prompt shipment. Also started chicks, pulletS. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. .• IT is unwise to pay too much for your chicks and turkey,- voults but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money and that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought wasn't capable of doing --the thing t- it • was bought to do, For maximum egg pro- duction, buy our special egg breeds. For dual purpose, good- for both eggs and meat, we have . special breeds. For broilers,.Nve have special breeds. Turkey Poula. Send fdr; 1957 cata- logue, It tells you all about our special breeds. TWEIDDLE CHICK, 'HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO -.4 D U C KS, ,,, SC DUCKLINGS. - -Jansen, strain, Kaki - Campbells for layers, Large "White* Pekins for best meat birds, 25 • $8.50; 100 .•$32. Inarnediate delivery. Circular. Morris Day, Elora, Ontario. , OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANC* WOMEN , EAall,.ttlerief at home. $50, weekly, PossIbie..-tHand addressing, tYPIng• sewing, ;Send 040, cover ehargea. S. M. ifarris,, llox 1435, Detroit 31, tefebigarr. - FOR Early Reservations: Write Wellshy-The-Sea improVenterit AsSoel• ation, Wells, Maine, for literature on i,deat place to spend your Maine Sea. coast vacation, TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED teacher one-reoni school, Highway 401 near Oshawa, Present enrolment 27, Grades /-8, MINIMUM salary 32,600 with allOW- once Or experience. APPLY,. stating qiialificadons, expert- ence, salary, name of inspector, Mrs. Ethel Hanna, Sec,--Freas., R.E. 2, wtatey, i.cotet. FARMI3OROUGHe«lWrotestant School Board requires tisAr teaChera for rural , area, grades oneNtil Seven. Living ac' commodations supplied, Salaries; $1,400 • $1,80Q. Write: Harry IL Hopson, Farmborough, Que. PATENTS 'FETHERSTONHAIIGH 4 Company, Patent AttorneYs, •Est'ablished ' 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto. Patents all Countries... PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer, TwentY-dve deluxe personal, requirements. Latest cart- • logue included. _wpm, Medico Ageney. Box 22, Terminit10 ''0,7 Toronto, Ont. 4 SWINE REPEAT orders count. Dozens or cus- tomers; who have purchased Landrace Swine from us come back for more. Why'? Because we have one of the largest, best herds of Landrace in Can- ada. We have imported more Land - race Swine thalloanY other breeder. ' Two large iniportatiens 011 the now. Weanling, four month old, six month old sows and boars, guaranteed in pig sows, and servicealsle boars for immediate delivery. All from Im- ported stock. Catalogue. .: FFEsitROGUTys ,I,MP. RAFE SWINE FARM ONTARIO A 'NOTABLE...characteristic of Land - race is ita ability to cross well with any breed, to speed up growth, cut feed cost and produce a:meatier mar- ket hog. For pure breeds or for cross- EMPiOyMENT WANTED ing, Landrace is superior. We have some of the best Imported stock sold EXPERIENc farnynr, -4 mariled, 2 at reasOnable prices, weanling, four children, school Age; Xarf -frarttlle, trac- month old soft, and boars, guaranteed tor and other form inacbinei'y,4„, alsol-D in 'Isig".seskr. Cqtalogue.. dairy, or beef calitle, dearer position; *,;,, ',14.701,31144,1-0CX FAR1VI Good salary and separate house with modern conveniences; references avail- HOLLAND CENTRE, ONTARIO able. Mr. J. 14„,,camebeu, Rai, St. Catharines, ,thafies,:r;'/ OhoP'5:' ,,,.qtr, -,--.1 ,I.T4AT you seen the new Landrace , , ; - azine?Vitt, answers a lot of your ...,•.--. ...,, ,14 • ,,;•0.twii-' FARM MAC RYz..-15W sALR-r, ,. Honk- and, puts you in touch with .., . niida'alins-t: breeders. 51.00 per year NEW Hollanalz;27..i,Baler' vith .:Iiiidra; ,• (ntiarterintargie copy 25¢. Canadian * formatic $950n0iimyill'A for:'Ituni, .'L-Fdirlrace...; „ ne Association, 564 Cote ber. Apply glgFairN: '2 JoadbOli St10.4-raiidsis Ste. Therese de Blain. Ontario. - •'.;104. 400 .111.133, quee.,...:4- D.E.M.S. LTD. ONTARIOdistributor for Ford major dsi2e2ael4n;fue,A•„ nhjeectiotonefumpump opvt!rahriciaull7,4na \ jectore,ON3 auled --.. at. 13.50 • per , .hr'.• Thornhill; ' atrib.'" 'Phone Avenutc 5-3421. NEW 11 ),,LAND No.'„80' Wire tie Baler with engine, used. very little, perfect condition, hydraformatie bale tenaion control, New price $3,000 -- Our bar- gain price 31,391 Will pay for itself this year. L. 'Hawken, Arkona, Ontario. .(No. 7 highway). FARM WANTED WANTED' - Small farm, buildings, hydro aVailable, good water, near' school. State price and full particulars, All cash for low priced farm. „EUGENE ST. CYR, 89 Woodville Avenue, Toronto 6. , FOR SALE SAW filing,jand lawn mower business for sale. Modern machinery, goad in.' come. Five room house' modern. To be sold together. Goodopportunity for right party. Age is orily reason for, selling„.,„Prieell right. Joseph Tayjorr:588;Lafontain Street, Wallace- burg:•,,Ontario. MEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC -RAINS OR 0. NEUR111S, SHOULD TRic, keiON'S MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elvin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid - POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes And weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, scaling and burn- ing eczema; aerie, ringworni, piratiles and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment re- gardless of lipw stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of 'Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 Sh Clair Avenue gest TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN FOR delightful Seacoast Vacation on, beautiful Wells Bay, in quiet, pleasant surroundings at Guest Home directly on Ocean front. Write: "The Barn.. ado", Wells, Maine. PLASTIC FOAM (-flexible) Sensational new craft ,material. Sheets 40" st 72" s: 3/32" - $2. 1/4" - • $2.50. White, pink, blue, green, Yellow, orange, grey, violet, deep pink. Multiple pro - Jett Kit $.75. Immediate delivery. KIDDER MANUFACTURING, 138 Dan, forth Avenue, Toronto. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, -dignified' liibfeasion; godd wages. Thousands of succetsfill Marvel Graduates. Atherica's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Cali MARVEL ITAITLDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloer Si. W., Torerite Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72' Rideau St., Ottawa OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS STOP wishing yeti could increase Year Id - &Mid and teCtire your Ratite, DO abriielhing alielit it. With our propo. titian' this IS Pessible, and ell eur rep- resent:nil/6S are making big money, you tee conld; dci as Well. Everywhere llotiselfold Nedeatilles are needed, Cos- ' incites, Fetid Sped:Atka, TOIletries, think of, the Possibilitlet this Market fepreserita, Vtiw 1 the time, write tor there ;tletaila th note. W. Station C.: Utile bolorittier,. meetterit WANTED WANTE Steamt.engine ood con- dition; t41 •T;;;Ford• or oth car from 190041_46'j. ;-'401skezi: Yoke d .cradle; an4,,seYthe.c P,ay't.qash. 11. Rawluk, Newinarket7Ontarlo. , • IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED ' COLUMNS MERRY MENAGERIE Eskimo turtler ISSUE 20 — 1957 SLEEP TO-NITE SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions is a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. $1.00 AU Dreg Stores or adrertv Ltd., Toronto S. S M 0,K E,S1.-' FOR CANADIAN' MILITARY PERSONNEL serving with the United Nations Emergency Force in the Middle East $lig sends 400 EXPORT CIGARETTES of any cither Macdonald Brand Postage inCluded Mail &defend remittance tot OVERSEAS citiqUitiNitgr mitcooNALD tOBActito INC P.O, ED* 490; Place d'AireeSi: Montreal, Que. This Offer Is sublect to any change In Government Regulations. s..)f.tttc‘i C 41 •10 `4414 IC+ 1610,ir- ' • t •.r .00 3',.4/!-- , 45 ‘,1 .k;