The Brussels Post, 1957-07-03, Page 24If I've told you once, Tveuiiild,
you tot million thita
Lora now becamli so musical
that whenever Rowena played
the piano she would at--once lift
heti head and wail fortissimo.
"S1*36a-int& teefild'Y tbeft:64,4a1
anthem on` the xylophone,
"Danny Boy"- on the trumpet,
and loved showing off( to visitt-
ors. s..#1 A
alit artote
),-,w0-41 4:11914 the.
teetlil t a nti bang
ii:ea,tet. in It
A I 57
4659 SIZES 141/2 -241/2
PRINTED directions' On each
pattern part! Takes so little
time to make. this figure-flat-
tering dress! Simple, OM-lining
lines are prefectly propbrtioned
fqr the half-sizer; no. alteration
problems easiest sewing
ever! • .• ,
Printed. Pattern 4659: Half
Sizes". 44:1/2 ; 161/2, 181/2 ,201/2 ,
'221/2 , 241/2 . Size 161/2 takes 3%
yards 35.Elneh.
Printed directions on each
pattern partf ,
Easier, fastert,„ ac-
curate. • ""
Send FORTY CENTS (40¢)
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal note for Safety)' for this'
pattern. :Please e print plainly;
Send order t'& ANNE A-IYAMS:-
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St,,' New
Toronto, Ont.
7.71iiiikrntter placed in the same
ISSUE 20 idireettenTas the other silver.
C NT A,, SEA..-if-4,9 Id_ ben% ,enthusiast
Oor carried away and drove his craft palate,
bath,, Actually, it's Lake kissirtimae,ini Florida and the elriVer‘
is demonstrating the advantages of a hew, 60-horsepower out-
!Jotted' as he toae'fitirdiugt* a virtually solid growth of hyacinth
like - Wad's boat Skinis:,o,Yet the, foris of the
plants and the streamlined propeller avoid any eritaglemetift
be IOW..
ivo W'Y .41,E'' Chief sym m ptdS arc nxiety,
T. laPonveitlitritantiirk - and
ability '`to concentrate. "'The
complaint seems- mainlyeto aftee,t,
1.,men,3/4w,ho .regret engage-
ment and develop .gnilt„„feelings
because they lack the TOfiragb'Ve
break it off,"' sayi' 'fr. David
Davies, who stUtliedifty *ice,
finis' OF the latidger Hospital,
Camberwell. Thirty-one of these ,
-thirty of them men-.7,-had to'be
,treated, as inepatiencs becdde
they Were so seriouslir affected:
The jilting jitters are often-'set
in motion when thr wedding
day 'IF elOse,"fit liana' and ,the
bridegroom-to-be suddenly, ,re-
alize§ the irrevocability
of his
action;--Then,.,Tsays „Dr. DOVies
the men usually tells'his fianeee,
"you can see hoW 111` / am 4- ,it
Wouldn't 'be' fair fo'fo on neith
the marriage," With? -utter , dis-
may, he hears the-geply:
you and will .stand,by you,"
Dr. Davies se .that at 'this
point the patient's symptoms
steadily become W"otad. Eleven
cases i*de soloed niehly by ad-
mitting the patient's into hospi-
tal. The healthy .partner broke
T off the„..4engagernent rin the,be-
lief that the pepent was "now
"Mental!" •
Although gitgyest ')is %tent-
nitiriese in tti'Lr twenty tie thirty-
five agd"grotxtrZit .catithappeo at
any age, and it can ,happen to
women, , f 1 •
Yet in some sterns,
this complaint can the cured by
marriage itself, Of twelvd-rnen
treated by Dr. imoi-6.7who-,.wete
*Ililarried.' in 'spite cif "their SYmP-
torrig,r1ten began te ,hriproye, im-
mediately after ...the wedding,
Se:maybe the best treatment is
to 'marry the girl and hope for
the best!'
What is the reasoif -or a marl
hi'arnflancee?krelItrs not
ways because -dhothef.7girl has
come into his life.,4„..In some
ecases..y.s broug,it or i.,143; engye-
sis, a recently cicover,ed nervous
HORSEY-SET - Members of Britain's Royal' Family-usedra truck
top as a, box seat to get' a good view during the cross-country
event' at the Bcianinton' Horse Trials in Gloucestershire. Left to
right die: QUeen'Elliabeth II; Queen Mother Elizab*th; Princess
Margaret;- two 'unidentified women, the Princess ,Royayind the
Duke of rtlelit'Ufoit, at right.
„ .
w,en4oLiry „ .z. tA,riove•
"4 .f Nit
-weather,' l'asdfar i a's• we never satisfieth.until they 'have t
' In the meantime surveyors are
chasing around here.. like ants
round a hill. Measuring, measur-
ing, always measuring, while one
of the party makes entries on a
pad. We notice flieY af6 'Putting
doWg cemetiV.•block markers.
When! you think of the. .-time„,
spent on this one sipall ;section
of road it small wonder that ,
an, entire, highway 'faked 'sb lone
to "build.' I' certainly hope we
don't run Intl 'any roact-building
crews elsewhere. • But you,- never
can not with the network'`"
of highways that,4vill presently
be under 'construction 'I can
quite imagine that "liVia!" few
years we may drive along this
stretch of road, look,,round in;%,
-"Is that where we used to live?"
At the moment it isn't notice-
ably changed so while it still
looks and feels-like hOme,We are
planning to have one last ,family
meal ,in this eenfury-old,' house,
that 'i
s on-rEaster'Stni'day. 7 "eitf A:Cruelly,' We -Italie little to
teiriPlaiiir7Ohoitt) not id.; corn-,
parison with a-little Hungarian
woman who comes 'in heretquite
Imuently, A WOOF; ago she had
just picked up a letter, .'at the
post-office, from her old home
in IHungary,Iiiet• „ she' *as terri.:`
fiad tw!open "My first letters ;
since 1935, lain afraid; -so ter-
ribly ;afraid of,What-I.shall read."
Teiday,,she her again;, Her
first` wOrcla, 'Were about' the let-
ter;' "They are 'gene,. iiijqattilly,
All gone; ekeeptvnneXbrother,
he who writes the' Jettet Ptsr
Mother, sister and othe4hrothetS
all gone. test. week I cannot
work for weeping." ' ' ,
The poor little soul doesn't
it make yeti. ashamed for all thew
little d everyday things We find
to fusa abbtit, Softie of us may
have to move, practically agaiiist
our will; but at least we can keep
fit touch Witir'otit friebds by
visiting; by letter" or by tele-
phone::;,,-And se a change ,Of lo-
catien eari hardly called
tragedy And 'that is fee,
ttiliate•beeatiseOlned ,Cliristrnat; lOnneopons
the; '"Iqek714eSt'' podple.
ever. There seems` to' eh&
faTerBetty• 'fietittabirly from
)INittkara Falls,thave, gone to ,8u41;t,
bigy; nephew are
migrating to Paterborolig14 Dee
found- some way of expressing
their goodwill.. Jn our ease about
thirty ,of zthein.stag,ed, a fariewell
party, last .Wednesday - such
a nicefriendlY 'gatheriryg --='and
in e'cldition \OtiefhoStlessfthaif-4n-
vited ciurczaWn We.were
really surprised;- . First, ,aleng
came:Beb, ,joy .and Eabz,Ross -
who ,was , Very: much' admired!
About fifteen minutes latel. in
Ack,f DavidOanEl
ward.' During' the; evening 'we
were,..presentedmewith ,•al very
lovely -;Spode ,,teaet teapot,
cream, and 'sugar .7. in a 'good,
generous size. SO,lio* we airreP all
set to serve tea tOo" old 'friends
btet efieW henie., And r ex-
Wet, our :next column, -will be
written from our new location -
if „we survive the ordeal ef, mov-
ing. T am still' wondering where
weshel Put all the stuff' we arel•
taking: It's a mercy -there' is ar)
big basement,
are cenceined,NY'aS,' made to or
der,r „So „mushi, extra .washing;
.se„tnany people corning) and go
One 'man ite -, take' away
balecritrgwMnolher't to'Pick up"
hent`r stilln; another VP rlbad
chicken-pert;. .It has7r been a ,
strengely, bnay time for-,an ,East,,
. ter ,Ae,ek-e„,,rid„. And fv itef the,;,.,
, weather, has helped, cepsiderably-
it hig"a1S8 made Ethings"Vlittle"
harder in. I another ‘. way. Ad"""
Partner innt,-.;.it.r..yeiterdaY
,the farrn, deeenA seem
too great a hardship when the,
weather is cold and miserable
but "When 'the - 'sue • comes out,
warms' up. the -good,:" earth, and
, things -start, to ,,,grew, „then it
doesn't seem such pa gopd idea":
,That's, the,,whole thing; in a
. nutshell - it's „the living,' 'grow-
ing thihis WeIate to leave - the
trees we've'plantect;tahrubs and,
spring flowering, bulbs,,- and
even the rhu hap. „However we
have permission to take anything
out Of :the derden that we
ke'aiallyllialue SO' I suppose we
..Another..regret.,,is leaving our
‘rteighbours. ,Therei never was a
better neighbonrhood Allan '
DI' course we, have lot away -
Iroig neighBoUring old
way, There isn't Sas much
"changing hands" as there used
to be; nor the huge meals to get
for threshers arid °
We don't need' 'to 'riirf 'to the'
` neiglibothril new' to' borrow; extra
lftes or an oversize pot to cook
„potatOW in. thatrikind of
• neiglibthirliria4 has' nibie' -or less
e3Md*.;otit :hut, the: ,neighbourly;
gerviyea,..„„Just let:,
.rtrouble,onike to a r f arnily, and see
.how ,ready the neighbours are
to helb”. Or When someone leaves
the 'canYintinitYtt-t-"as !We are do-
ing — then the neighbours are
• ,.• ;443
'Tear Anne • nilist: Lilco so
Many women who i.put,,love
I fell hard .fpr a inan Who' paged'
ti".Single.; even; ,the.„friencle•iwho.
introdticed us didn't know he
had a wife in another...City. 11.,v
didn't find it out until I was too
much in lova .-to,; gheugh
that was eight months ago_
I am still in love, I Mttsrescape.
Love of itself is not .enough for
me now. . ,.4
realize _whet. ,.1 , haveI
vvaa not brought up to behaYe
bke. this, aryl, orn,„wenderilA
.1„i ether" it is tci6 late -to' be'goed
agein Aro, ()Ale • here
us; but feeling My guilt cold`
ask ,y.onr ac.1):,ice as to leaving,
"The plan is sweet," generotis„
.'merry • =telt:respected;
he 'evidently is a man without
Morals who sees nothing irregu-
lar in our reletiorislifp:'s.:'
"He would never understand
vhy tcoinret keep- .on like this,
. How can I get away withOut
any argument? Can I ever 1:e,
g4in inr good: 'halne back home?'
* It is never too late to turn
7* to the right. The fact' that
„*. your rq.lationship is not sus-
peeted there you are now will
protect you in your home.
town. You have been •cireurn-
*. spect, al)(1 your guilt. exists
• 4' 0 tOiii yotar' own mind,
Aa.-to: the manner of your
going, it would seem. Wise
from every .angle to leave a
ribte -say-file -you .have .gene.
'*...\11.ake -brief „and firm, and
* acid that he will • be kind not
*.to ,try to fried you or even re-
* You arc still in love, but you
are;'-iuy longer blind. Go home,
* resume your former life there
*. and hold up your head as al-
Ways, You will find people.
* less curious than. you expect; • * your absence.,, they have •
.* been busy with. their own ef-
fan es,cad - '-every .rea-
*. son to believe you will be wel-
* corned by all your old friends.
(r_ ]lavee.464,t1 your letter
carefitlly for your own pro-
*. *
p0Y ,,t)11,61r1X. ED UP .
Anne Hirst.: I am 17,
and camp to live with my cousin
*.and 4ife because there was
alytaYete.rnuch trouble at home.
My Ain.* had eight kids, and
I worked hard after school and
never had time for fun. But I.
don't get along with my cousin
or his wife, either.
"We are a mean family, and
' the chip on my shoulder is a
size too big. I don't smoke or
drink, and I'd be all right if I
weren't wanting to raise Cain
all the time,
"Can you inherit a bad tem-
per? Or should. I see a doctor?
I'll soon 'he in the service, .and
maybe after that I'll be more of
a4g1 gta. TROUBLE"
hjnis you've had enough
qUarreling in your young life.
* Why don't you make a vow ,
* never to listen to a fuss, and
* never start o n e -yourself?
Cfarrelifigi,,ii a habit some-
* times formed early through
*'Wearinrothers-lose.their tem-
* ,pers. It is an adolescent trait
and theSyno place in a man's
awake 1.
err r Ne.,9,Althat you are physical-
ly away from your family and
.1*t.T„I`teE;d to make something of
" Yourself, do learn self-control.
If;-you can't, you never will
l'Afhig friends; if you do,
• yqu'll not only be a regular
'guy'', but will have a rich 'and
* wonderful life of your own.
* Start today!
* It might be a good idea to
* have your cousin's family doc-
* tor ,giee you a complete physi-
* cat"
In any hour of indecision, ask
Anne Mist's counsel. She will
weigh VII, tlie'an'gles of your situ-
ation and withbold revealing de-
tails. Address her at Box 1, 123
Eighteenth St., New Toronto,
„lune The MOM
Of g s
June hasalivaystri on.. -7.7F
sidereal a lucky month for wed-
dings, and some yeung.-edtiples
have' been 'making plans sin eat.
Janes ry this year. Ministers are
inpnclated \vith requests for
Jun"eCe1.6noniet and bakers
confirm'' that they''litiYe -already
received many orders for Tunel
Wedding cakes. ''
Tile luckiest 0C all wedd4
days in • the year, 'according to''
the superstitiouh, is on, the day-
of the full moon .in, June.
Mr' it f MIA •on Jppe„1411, Lrri
s ould make Sure that ne hare
and no &it cross6s'h'er pALli while
Ole -is an her *ay tq• the ter 6,:'
Thespl; were tinitieritWx,
believed. t0' be unhappy, orn ens, acee
"The June bride, !onethet.otheei
hand, \Op happens . to,,,,,catcho
of .a toad on
her tveci,ding ,clay will hale an
exceptiorCallytitippy marriage. A"
Zune W'dcling• eustatil;'• seldorn'''
6hbris.deergvievciemria .roapciaese''sweaysel."gotilideb4?,
Pieces tho l?TidWS-41.4rideWilellee
the words: "1,yith all my Avorldly, „.
deeds I thee, endow,' were ut-
'No leride. of 1957' wouldlike to
wear old:shoes on her Wclding-
day, yet it waste/ice thwught that •
a .Tune brides who did, so . would
never lose the love , of, \here hes- „,
band, and, wgnisi alDlesseci,.with ,
at 'least two children.. , '
ivits al 'Seas .• Was
A 0-C,.1 .00 ci.
...1 . y the .
mouth-organl trumpet an xylo-
phono?.. .Roweria Farre's . pet,
.14PaA4.,e0Ulstido. tliat,. efter she'd ,.
roared her• from babyhood on
ft croft in the wilds of :Staber-
lands/lire. . k
Whenever she strocli up on (
the piano, Lora, .would wriggle
over tO. it and li.4ciat Witlay'in -•7
- tense. joy and poneentration,
.swaying at.$ to., the Asic.
A relative sent. RoWana a'
' mouth-organ and bOok of sena
for a birthday present, so SW:
decided to practise singing, Am.,...
mediately she started.'. atx, :04 "
''Men of ITarleciii. she heard .a
loud groan be,Ade• her ,-from
Lora, who prqceeded to roar
and hiss as she continued with
her': singing:'.r...', • ' ...' • :::. „,- 1
'I'his gaC,e 'ROW •na. the'lid6a7..V.
letting Dora sin on her.,:teY41;.
to her aceompaeArnent,..anChre-
ing the practice sessions which
followed Lora Made great
efforts to follow the simple tune,
Miss Farre says in a charmingr _
Account of -her life at the ,eikiff,a•
s'Seal Morally", Within a week
she was able to get through*"
,`..43aa-baa ..Black Sheep" and
"Danny Boy."
and, her family are moving to
Indian Road - just a block away
from High Park. Babe, as you
..rpay remember, writ. to, Elliott
,Lake early in the year - where-
Chuck has been Lone!'Pf the
time of the infectious outbreak
of jaundice and was ;II beef two
weeks. Blind River be
quite a place. They ae havini
to build another jail tPaccom-
modate the-law-breakers. „ •
This is too ridiculous. I just
looked at the thermometer and
it's 80 in shade - and 90 in the.
Then Lora pestered Rowena
for the mouth-alma "until sfiR
eventually place it in liar mouth.
Anneyed that it emitted en
Mind, Lora began tossing Lt
into the air and catehing it like
A ball, then rolling on .it. Then,
taking ,it intothier • mouth 'again,q
she galA AstAiii4
tion. This produced a blast,
name, vilvanizing her to fresh
Amine Nset qff. for a walk,
she- .:Stitrned in about
apoiptic feunck .that Lint had
,.'at\t)t lib libloV4 GA I inethed
and was almost completely ex-
lausSvi, having Apparently been
practising continuously,
ffriend of llowena's.
gave Lora a toy trumpet, on
which she seen learnt to blow
ear-splitting blasts.
friend sent her a small xylo-
-l k ;71- 1".
te Modem ttiAtiet
4170 1 I; by Roberta Lee
Q. If a wedding must be post-
ponAf must tire SeIne people be
invited again?
A. Usually,- yiit, IWeyer; _if -
something serious cattsed
.the postponement; seen. al a
,...death, in the family, or severe
financial reverses, and the wed-
ding is to be greatly simplified,
then the list of guests would
have to be cut down.*
..1)" • KISS' DiSC ,.., talking r jaye letter., tbe latest, craze in` hla,m7
liurg,l!derrnalny; IS kiss.1.?y, this loyely Fraelem at
a 're'dorelin"9 slot machine., Thea-utomatic recorder, whicli costs
01)661.25 edhft 'td'oerate", produces an unbreakable platter safe
for- mbiling.
_1%,,,"c 1•,,,r
• by Roberta Lee
Hcfiv.-'should the butter
knife be placed on the individ-
ual butter plates, horizontally .
atiiiis 'The top or vertically at
'011t.e' right side?
A. There is no set rule about
thid;Cbut):thee'onsensus is that it
TROPICUTIE -'Marge Nelson;
"fiMiss U.SIA. in 1956,1ttow grates
the line ofa showgirls ,at the
.•tH.otel Las T Vegase,
Nev. Along with dantiRg
snit, tFief „line holds mpre than
50 beauty awards.
1.11111111111111111.1111111•111111.111111111111101111.1.111111111111=11111111111111IMMEmm il e,