HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-07-03, Page 1•••••••••• •• "'"•• • MAIN BOUT - Two Gut, ef Three Fells One hour time rlimit Whipper Gene `4,The Terrible's 'WATSON vs KIN1S1(4, Ari•ii•••••••••... Farmer Boy vs.,; Fred Aitken& (Will also sing) One. Fal---30-minute time limit -Baron Gatoni vs Jc '!triny Bar.0:01. Ono FM1.---30-minute tin.o limit Referee - Al "Bunny" 13111n11.., op See this Exciting Exhibition of Skill and -40epper` - AtolVASSION • AU Floor Salts $1.50 Repuiar $1.00 Children iiider 1. 0d.t.t. Advance, Seats At; ,S.TIAP,i'MH' MOTORS 'ikliciTie 541 BALI5Wilr4 "%tAADWAtitit mot16.103; :'COMPLETE ,..INSURANCE WINDSTtiak E. Collins, lisigane le 47 *O.." 1ee.40ver krenterq Plumbhip '1 YOUR OiittiTtbroft it dui -lit* • ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF Mutid The following are the. rdsUlts, of 'the punlis et MS. Russell Wilbee at Ithe iedent tionserVatiory examinations. Pianefoke: , laade lIonotirs„ Neil. Turte • '•cim«• Wass DOPliallstrato Wednesday, Ju y ard '1057 $2.00 Per year *idiotism Agblishinig House 'Poo v -1 If you Have FRUITS allid; YE9AV.BLESTc Plot into Your ILOGKR or 'HOME FREEZER we suggist. that "you, package ,them in Round Sealiiiht Containers (quart alnd ,eltit Sizes) • Redi-Freeze. Locker ',Cartons (PlastIO BPSI flta inelde Squaraartc. n SIN Serving: Size REFILL BADS ,for• RBRI.FREEZE sTy1.14 cAft,TAN For Wrapping NEAT, FISH or POULTRY We-,114Y0 UNITED MINISTER AND FAMILY HONORED BEFORE DEPARTURE g, BRUSSELS COUNCIL'AEETIND 7 MR. AND MRS. R. DAVIDSON I MARRIED g) YEARS BAKE SALE Youni Women's Guild SATUDAY EVENING, JULY 6th'' at 9 p. m. in, KRAUTER'S STORE 1.9$7',* - The MuniCipail COUncil of tile Happy' memonles of their wedding Ga cOneztley evening of last week Village of Brussels .'„P1et on -Ibe 1..f.day, Stine , 0,457, And? theinterXela- ect ggItlicanig Was held. in nbeve date,' .,a11 ,nteiaberk 'being ypar.s 'micro recalled ..by 111r, and • lirliSs:ets United chnreh to hOnputi. preSent, . • 1Vii•s. Robert 'Davidson on Wieklne.Way „Bev. and faro. A Pale and family The minutes of May .47th meeting ' as they receiVed congratulations and , prier. to their micring to lefiteside: were read ..and. aticiptEkt on metzlen „good ,Wishee from many friends aucl Out. rrno program ways -ti• followel Of J. Stratton,' 'SeConded. by .140boitr.0 on their Olden wedding. l Olialrnr4n, Edwin MArtia; Plano H. 11.• Pes`rson. day. Members of their fapnily had . selcs; Neil Tprnbul.1, and Marion, Carried gathered from •many' pOlatst.. to 1)6 . Homer.; vocal solos,, George Pear Moved by H; H Peepson see- with their parouts on this .5la1. Mr. .15,001 readPigls, ended , by J. it •Stretton; that a, and, Mrs. Davidelon Are halt in good. . !vocal duets, Anne Cardiff and Gwen - Wilding Permit:. •biel Welled to M,G- health: and take prideful c4e of -dolyne Martin; Presentation Of elab Elmer Enact* .041 the ecinittilet- "theli;.neat home And a fine big lbag to; Agnes' T:lerP, ttind, a Pencil' den of a dwelling house on qt,Pril garIPP., ,, 1 and ,bill fold to Ronald Lane, on be. St. teh,e7.,baya . a favniti of sbc: wfrs ,t half of •the Sunday School by pariled. Fred -(Agnes) GiasSier, New Usk- Lawrie (90P,alas. and 11,41xdo., Todd; M.Ved by H A. r011irrP!! se0'. Oardh ,Nrirs., Charles.: (Jean) RObIII f Presentation Of a ItIVrer to! Rey,. ()Tided by C L, ,Workman that the „son, ipotro4; aFicoge, BrusooLl e. and Mns. I4ane en= behalf Of. the Recreational 101qh „be given per- jOharleS, Wingthatn;j, Scott, White ! ="the Sande* Sollerd by Carl Earning- !Mtlaelon to remove Six trees in the Dog, Northern",Ont4rinl; and Mrs, 1 Way and Cecil EntOinall4; 'faing gong south west aorner of their Prop,' !George (Gladys) .i,Jott, New Lisioarke I led by Mee. Edwin' Martin; IftlOch , • • ••••••••• Waxed. Locker Paper .(24x Get Your Packaging ,Suppiles Now Nifidle Our...Stook 11 3 , orztlfil . Am* Brussels creamery 71." Brussels Phone; Rose Brand Fresh Pickle Slices 16 oz. • • ' 31 c 18c , 39c 31c Hunt's Catsup Paramount Cohoe Salmon APpleford Food Saver erty.o, '''' !They have twenty grandchildren, 1`. was pnovided by Wilfred, Willis ,-- Carried. ' M Roy Cousins and the ladies, r. Dalvidsen is a l Son of Mr, and Moved by 3. IL Stretton,•second- Mrs. ,!! Tholnals Davidson and was 1 ' School friend,e of .Agnes, add. Roll- ed by IT R Pearson that the tend born in Markhar., but moved to i aid 'held a party in their 'honor at er , of TT. Kitchen/ for eating the!..:.. the eNew American itetel. when vrey township ait,d child Tie. has gras is the Villake be ace4 -um ted. 1., .... , . isasters POP. Walter M ' . ar) they were each presented with a . . "- , , • r--. can led travel 000k.! ROM, BrusselS, ;who admitted the It was deekled to resurtact TWO glIWA and was in charge:, or the blocks on. plip.beth,, SO: and- two, grao,yt book ;at. ,w,otbAstim8 oole. Meeks , on , William St. at 411 ap- i!braliien; Mr4. C. It. Bennett, Am./A% ' proxima'te cost of 12500.09 work to .;'0E-04,: Mrs IljarVeY,. Winnipeg, stare as: stain ..als! plolssi.bile. = ,1"5, Man„; and two brOthers, David, The Sec.-Treas, war. Instructed to Vancouver ; A'S.d Joseph, London. order ieni,tons of llatild calcium for . .• ... the Village of Brurszele Streets from Mrs. Davidson,- who we.s formerly Pollard Bros.,, of RarreeNV, Ont. The Gertrude Holleribelek, wars .born in (The See.Treas. was also instructed, filfford, but moved to 'Grey townShip to write to Canadian .Petro-finta, Co., with her eparents, Mr. and Mr5. inquiring why the eldewalk hod not Jacob Holleribeek Her two !sisters been, rebuilt in front of their pro: Mrs. JalInes Davidson and Mrs, PeIrtY on Turriberry Street as to the Iester Adams, bah of Detroit, were rtreemetn et the time of the cam- present at the gathering this week. struction of the new building, Mr. and Mrs.. Davidson recalled .The 'Council looked faVourably on driving Mtn their home in. Grey the Construction of a new sabool in townkliip, by horse and buggy, to the Tillage at the request of the Brussels Public School Board, but since the change in "Government and probably a chInge in Galvernment grants for Edulcation pntrpOsesi, they Tip ToP W OOD'S Agen' 24 Tailor's Plione •«••••••!••••••••••••••ii.• ••••••,. •••••••••••••••••• feu *OS ind other values Just as groat -., • Mid-Summer Lines ROCK T - RUTLEDGE • WINGHAM u(STRICT HIGH SCHOOL, PROMOTION REPORT (Brussels District Students) Macs for Beach Wear A report for. each, student has been xnaileld io parents. Standings: A , 7.5% or over; B 6 6-14 ; C 60-65 Grade IX to Grade X Gies's, A - Thelma GoWing, Pam- ela. Porter, Marie Johnabon, Edith Davis, Fred Stephenso-n, Sharon HemingwaY. Class B - John 'McBride. Mita- beth Stephenson, Sane Warwick. by Mr. McVicar, a PreSbyterian Oasts C - Donald Smith,. Maxine Atwood, where they were married machan, Ronald Howard. minister: For inest of their life, they Pa* - P°!..c)thY Marks; Joyce farmed en con 12 Grey to then retired t .33 Harrnan; Larry Wesenhurg; Joyce '. , i. iw9n3shp . i', Alcoa. John Cousins; Wayne I f„,el. that to build at the present 'they are mernbers or the Mevillle Mins°114 John \Pipe; Kathleen The Council also redoMmencled .1s),01,:nesfsbytalerineninn3Cileroefh,thalendWMolry%ne,rg, ne Melvin McCutcheon ,itnelr; Absent because of iEness and pro. , would be aidIvised. that the School Tioard should in moted,,,on,year's, work the meantime concentrate on a. School Area with the surrdunding Mninicipalities before gilt(nis are completed for the ,School in the he' fc3blOwtng acconrits were -authorized for payment on metion of C. L. Workman, 'seconded by W. A. Williaimson, - Carried. P. M. & G. Telephone, loan $4000.00 indigent patients, County of Huron. 14811..0510 Brussels Hydro, power"' Morris Township, gralclIng 'p,00 'George Redford, gravel 441.60 Pollard Chain Savr, ilabour and material 19,60 W..,E. Collins, Fidelity Pond 30.00 Receiver General! of Canada, Income Tax 385 Mclved, by C. L. .Workmat, sec- onded by WA. Williamson that the meeting aldlourn. Not Just to-day or to.morrovi, but Every Day of th. MOT% We Deliver Shorts Slacks.% Bathing Suits Smart Frocks IN MEM,ORIAM ANNUAL S. S. PICNIC The, Annual pio'ii o the Sanday l'09,1s in. Brussels! 'will be held on Vilptoria -Park on Wednesday, July '17th at. 3 o'clock. The pet will be . gilkmes, rapes and a tag.of-war, Every;one. is welcome. Bring your luinfch ha«sk et and enjoy an afternoon' With the child.ren. Smith - In loving memory of our &lir wife and mother, Mrs. Foster Smith, who passed away July 4th Somewhere beck cif, the sunset, Where lovelinesS never dies, Sbelivesi in the.land of idlory, In the hue sad gold of the sky. Her,Ilifel a beautiful memory, Her 4bience Silentgriett; hi.esleeps in 1Gbd's beautiful garden, In the sunshine of perfect pealee. Ever remembered ,by Elashand and Fandly." Children's Wear For All Occasions BIRTHDAY, OELEEIRANT Jblin‘Sltela's one of Brussels oldest resident celebrated" his 94th ,!hirilliday on Stinday lime 90th. He was aocorapanied by his d0411- gaiter and her husband, Mr.`alnd Mrs. 10eorge Evans .at a !birthday suPper !at the home et Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Stiles. Ha was also remembered by pally of his friends of .13ruSaels and t lgitirreundring telielt with cards, letitera WRESTLING ' SEAFORTH AREN' „ . , etituite. Mr, and Mrs. Davidson received their friends in the liming-room of their home, Surrounded by giffts, flowers, and cards of good wishes. Mrs. Davidson was, wearing an orchid corsige,. A tiered wedding cake was !. I decorated in white and gold. In the dining-room, the-,Ameev, 1 ered table Ava;s, centered with aTrb"rzr: stal container of tiny uoses, with of- age bloSslorns. Mrs: 1-larold !Speir I poured tea in the afternoon, and 1 Mrs. DanielGlaissier in the evening. g 1 The uesitls were 'served by three grandf-daughtens of the coupis, Marilyn Robinson, Joan Da;vidson and Shirley, jacket* James IVEcNeil. Grade, X to Grade XI ,C1lass --Ralph Watson; Ber- nice Sniith. Class C loairute Deitner; Blayne Wood. Pa* - Kenneth Budnark; Jean McFarlane; Jean Cardiff. Grade XI and XII Subjedts passed. are shown. ,Grade XIA (Latin options), 'Helen Ellaloott Engl; Hist T; Alg; gger; Fran; Lat; PEE. Ronald Lane Eng; BOIsti; Fren; Lat; PEE. Lester Malchan BARI; litst T; Mg; AgSaT; Free:" Lot; * Grade Xis (iiptiOns of Frencli and --and TyPirig til.0,4InduttrleicArtri. _ Home Economics) Dale Cardiff IfiSt I; Piren; Type; PITH Mary Harmon Type; HoEc. PEE Peter Heraing'svay Engt; Iltiat I; Alg; A,gSol; Fran; Tlype PET Marlon Hoover Eng; Hist I; Mg; AtSel; Fren; Type PHE David Kennedy Err,gl; IlliSt T; Alg; AgSet; Fren; Friday July 5th-- Startin,,7 at 9 Ty Stars from Maple,' Leaf.,6-4rdens' - IN MEMORIAM McArter In loving memory of a I. dear husband, father, and grand- father Ivan McArter, who pagised away one year ago July 8, 1956, THE PREIBYTEMAN IN 'OA`I-IADA Knc;x Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson 11, A. M. and French • „ Though your smile is gone forever And your hand vie' cannot touch ' Still we have do many memories .... Of the one we loved so much. Morning 'Worship IDaYs of sadness still Come over us Tears in silence often flaws For memory keeps you ever near. us Though you died one year ago. -Too deOrly lotted to ever be forgotten by his wife, family and and grandchildren. •••• 1 Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: M. L. Thompsori Morning Worship 9.45 A. X 'LOCAL RESIDENT , CEL E BR ATES, . 80th BIRTHDAY I Mts. Garcia Sellers; woo cele. hatted hier 80th birthday Friday Of last Week, was the reOiplent of con- gratalations and good wischies 'from a host of relatives„ friends neighbou.k who callefcl during the afternoon; and evle*ng to honfor her on this 'occasion, Mrs: Sellers received many birth- day gifte and cardS. Among the gifts waS ativ chair 'from Eaiq Sellers:. Glen and Eileen Sellers, Marie and. Jim Elston, " Helen and Ernie 'titietep., Mae and Frank Sellars, Type S. Scheel and Bible Class 11 A.M. A Sincere Christian WelmOme!To All VAL'S BEAUTY OINVPPE - Carried. 1George McCutcheon, H. A. Fischer, Clerk Cutting Styling ColdWaving (.4 A Specialty Reeve. Phone 40X Bruisels ^ Melville Church M o- T. 'Goblin, B. D. Minister; Rev. Organist - Donald Dunbar A. M. unday Rebook Public Worship LLASH MAR ' DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1 LISTOWEL lary ,ar e one, d B Verena and Ruissei 33*Ont1+, Gladys. and Charlie 1C*Iterine Leach Thurs. ,Fri. July. 4 - 5 'THE H'AE'b tpitv FALL. Jan ',S.teriling,f 'Sod :Steiger f &ado .fitolionta A , Paaa, Iks,betli Ivtartfin, Grade VII: HOnours, Giv.endoiyn Martin . PaSS, Marilyn Knight. IG!rade Arf Pass, Audrey Wheelers Until T-,Tist I; Ilype, PEE 13renda Breekerridge Engl; Hist I; Alt; Algtelf, Type; Tratf e: Arnold ' to,Videloti PAO; Mgt t: AgiScI - Type; Ind Art's; 1,M11 Ilfst t; Mg; .kgget; Type; Dad: iota; tsitE, Murray ,Taltidtbnl 1:.ftist l'f; A glgO/ ; tylje I 1ncl Ant Graltle )(11d (nptions -, of French boo,kkeopltifg,: tntwOrtal Artg- Wine Eteriolultg John WarIttcic kid Mrs, IL Pleltolif,H Waltivfolt, -titythe, and Wilfred , Wa(r*Ii0t,, Warwick, Irene and 93111 Rath-Con; Georgoi Charlie trefwer; Mr. and Mrs, M. Fraser, I jean and' OlaW rilif fYiinf%. GbrdOlit t -Viiihitry- and Wag 'Sellera Oallierb . Were releeived by her 1 , Areetliter, Mtn, las,. Kerr. Refreart- Meats, including, a hand -seine birth- thif:V 'cake,. • Were serVed by three Mr41., SAlfe& Airs. Sas, r.,Istori and Mri8,, lihneSt Tletcb, a.S.,§frt.ed 'by MUS',1 A.'6166; 'VOA& Mrs.' A Atrilattong and ittion Mfar• tta.rition tt etttertaied The Unitzd Church OF CANADA. 'Adult Hcmphrey Bogart, Utrelater': Chitrah Sehotil tiOtie 'Worship Lane. tA.. IR. 19 AM. 11.15 A.M. • • • • - • julk ,5 Gr'ette Theory • • ` Class Honeura, Orwetic101Yit "IBWANNA Sat. • Mort. Martin, 1.06%; Cblotir Robert stock, Barbera Britten le,TOWFL +Liao. Wed'. July 0 - 10 rurAgrin . 113.Lot1 1 104 *SOWS nighto:4.110 - 0.80 go tn: Mstinee SAi'lortisY f4. ra Antillean' Chutek . or. CANADA Oar1ih atIrrUssiill0 Peed L 5. Ts 16040 k' a'Shfli Canroh, , :Services totining Stinithat • 1115 A, 01660 ; lit: David's ChtieChi, HeiitrYA 140 A. 30; id4itAi1100 . •,••^•^'••••••••,• COrkitit - .I ticitn; tnd °A.rbi; 111-t0 3.1Ird. Sellers Is, gdod heal:di and ‘- eliiida Lke, detiite' itt0461'. Murray 56000 ,JniY 4 - . A Sate takes aictivo enjoyment AOcall "THE BEST: fsictiivtties. She has • on daughter,' (131c101 Ina 'artf f • IN LIFE AR-FREE" - ' " Mrs, .TannetS (Lillian) Kerr axe 'one Daligl" Log" ' OineMaecope! ., dolor! non Earl, lboth Of Morrie tOwtishiP 4 i 'El1g1.: il-114 TIC 164611....,,..ii ., Sheree North Ernest #Orgnine Also fcint gralthldhitidren A:TR1 .-413c grea), 03. Dad ' Allig l ibl."3 els ' Ooinedy0 Drama, bringing to life the gi*ruichildren, Shirley MeXe;i1 . . . ' Eiel; Hilt fr: ijkitel itnitO.. Hit Stings of the Rohring Rire ell± 0, irivo ShOrnia NightlYi Rain or Cleo& ,Box Office °Pena at 7.80 O'CloOit, . First Shia* at il.,66 cluildrte 'Under lt is Care i pariitiori itt Ejteit tirtit*iiiiii AgSela; ft g.S•ti