HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-06-05, Page 152.00 per year ,0$12.50 Mak ,ror • GAR,D.EN. PARTY tiniQn. United, Church ;on TUESDAY,. JUNE 11th P I, A sir Howic.k Junior farluers of ,potrtrie OTHER NUMBERS. • Admission: aoe and. 354 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CRANBROOK SUNDAY, JUNE 16th. 11 A. M, and 7,30 P. M. Guest Preacher - Rev. Samuel Kerr B. D., of Exeter, 0111, Special Music By The Choir Everybody Welcome 4••"-.1".""--* - Carried. Moved by C. L. Workman, seconded by J, I. $trottot What the Village Dog-Oaacher be int- Pewered to supply e. pound and dogs trawling at large, in the Village be impounded aand the% the neccessarr• charges' 'be callwted from the owners or .the clogs destroyed after three days. Carried. The Clerk-Treas, was instructed to advertise f.oir tendons for cut- ting- grass in the Village, tendera. I to be given to the Clerk, by June. gt11, 1967„ • Moved by O. L. Workman, seconded 'by S. 1I. ,Stretton that the accounts as Presented be paid, Carried. .f. Ward, lah. on streets 1 $ 9.35 Brussels, Morris. and. Garay Telephone Ca., loan .2000.00 Brussels Hydro, 'Power 141,70. Workmen's Comip., feels 72,43 iCloodyeat Tire Co. fire hose 367.40 W. a Collins, insurance'25.00 W. Thomas Ross GARDEN PARTY Sponsored by the Vi7. A. of KNOX UNITED CHURCH BELGRAVE will be held In the church on FRIDAY1 . JUNE 14th Supper Will Be ,Seared From 5.30 to 8 P. M. followed by a CONCERT in the chufch, auditorium by THE HARBOURAIRSS of Goderich Admission: Adults $1.00 Public School Children 60c A Booth will be availahle No. 7 Highway . . ARKONA Go Tires 6.00-16 Tires 6.70-15 Tires 7.10-15 TUESDAY, JUNE 11th-6.30 p. m. lerm.ta air ra. A rl Specials Large Quantity of All Types of Farm Machinery, New and Used, to he sold at this auction., Price Price Price Miss Special Special Special Worth Your Class A. Traderin and it Fanny are Miss Helen of the School Ken- of pre. Glenn, Toronto, :Indian 'Residential ora, James -Chelsley. Two daughters $12.45 $12.95 $14.96 -deceased :Blanche and Edith (Mrs. Clarence Wright.) There are four gra indelitidren and two great. grandchildren. New Low Prices 3T Supercushion Tires WES. BUDNARK Brussels, Ontario THIS IS FRESH STRAW BERRY ICE CREAM SEASON 31.56 , 4 I 11.15 A. M. "'Giving" to God is "Saving", for by giving, we lay up treasure in, Heaven. 1.k1 Yinniversary Services' June 1.0th See Speciaill Notice 4 4 4 4 1 4 • 4 - Carried. H. A: Fischer, Clerk. • 4 'I v. 4 HEAR ELSTON CARDIFF AND OTHERS Progressive Conservative Radio and, TV Broadcasts • 4 4 YAM'S BEAUTY bryCYPE Cutting Styling ColdWavIng N Specialty Phone 40X Brussels CKNX RADIO DIAL 920 Friday, June 7 - 9:50 'to 10:00 p.m. Published by Authority of Progressive Conservative Association, Federal Constituency 'of Huron. • 1,50 aerret, all wopikable, on. highway, good barn and- Silo, perfect frame -house With citnyoarde, bath, aped oil furnaCe, all buildings newly painted, Full PrAce $15,000.00 With half cash. 100 cores, 95 tillable, an 'concessio'n roal1'boss to' Scheel, large barn g ood .0ohdittion, wow tooin frame bangle in OK repair Full price $8;000,00 'w4th half io SUMMER TOGGERY ..... •••••••••••.1”.••• Anglican Chitteli 4N4 CiMADA t •Iiiiii444 0 as A. *id L & '1460 N. Jobsod Ciureth intik& Etiiiitdcet tittithig• Summer tot m, Aliso St *skis iitiorok Hisfrits 4 The Calittill Thealtre,. LlitOwei 4.411t operate Friday and Saturday ONLY' tiurilit Jiiisk Atidijitt iitTAtiCHAikti **Simi* **(ilk,,EM. * t wo Shows MAW) Riin Of :Ow ;BC* office Opeiiii, at, 710 O'clock. Tint Oho* at SAO dttLiditesi tiiiati 12 is tore hies. *sum at not dor:time* Shop for Father's Day. N et) w Minister: Mi. C. L. Thompson Morning Worship 9.45 A. 14.. Sohool amid Bible Class 11. A.M. "All that ever found grace, hape, %an.Own that grace found them.'/ ' A sincere Christian Welcome To All Melville Church Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist r Donald Dunbar ' N A. M. Sunday School ' ii A. IL Public WaingliiP . • • Sunday School 'Morning Worship The United Church - OF CANADA I ,Ministsr: R.V. A. Lena, b. A Church School'. 10 A.M. tDlvliiie Worslhip '11,16 A.M. I Plftlie8 of the Legion AUXiliary WM be present in a belly, Post Publishing House r THE PRE -::BYTIttle.1 /4N CHURCH IN CANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOK THE RUTLEDGE GROCERY Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson TWILIGHT AUCTION Hawken Farm Equipment Holly Fancy Peas, 20' oz. Chan Speed Coat Wax York (Choice Corn, 20 oz. Libby's Spaghetti 15 oz. Not Just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of tn. Phone 7 We Deliver Be sure and look over on Saturday, June 8th, for All Machines Guaranteed. •11011,f1,11.0 Knox, Church, ETHEL 1p „a sou wlk ?Ind other values Just as greet as these at 10 p.m. • our ad in the London Free Press complete list of machines offered The June meeting of the Majestic Women's institute is to be a visit to the' County Home at Clinton where the Institute will have their meet- ing and put on a progilarn for the innuAtee. The roll call is to be maw. erel Iby lanything but present". After this we have been invited to See Mr, and Mrs. Epp's flower ,gtdens where we • Will eat our lunch. Members please bring a picnic attacjh and :ouip and meet at the ,BrusSels Library at 1.30 P. M I Thursday, June '13th. MEMBERS MAJESTIC W. • TENDERS WANTEi; For cutting grass in. the Village of Brussels,. State equipment and hourly rate. Tenders to in the Clerk's nlffice by June 8th. H. A. Fischer, Clerk Village of Brussels. LLASHMAR DRIVE-iN THEATRE LIS4OWEL Thur. Fri. June 6 - 7 "RED GARTERS" Color Rrosernary Cleoney, Guy Mitchitill Pat CrowleY, Cass Daley Sat. Mon. June * Double, Bill * "SHARK RIVER!! 'Steve COPtirakia; &fel moAlioditt "SHOOT FIRST" Joel MaCitue4 tvilyn Keys ▪ We'd. Joie 2 "ALASKA sEAsi, Color , Robirt Fool, 'Joh Sterlhin" . ; .0 • • autboutce4 2 for 37c • cit,•spo 2 for 34c. 2 for 26c second !gags satil, Post 041los DelVartsaaat, 04toWs • BRUSSELS COUNCI.I, MgZ,TINP. A14.Y. 37ti1, 1007 The. MUnielpial "of the village ,of Brussels •rnet. On. the 4.49Y6 ; )(late, all members being .pre,seat. Tito mintsteS of .April 4114 May 14th meetings livei$• read and adopted on unction of W.. 4, Williado, con, seconded by 1-1, B PecurfiCka. Carried: Moved by J. kl, Stretton„ seconded.. 11. R. Noma% that Ole 1956 Tax.. Roll be accepted from. the Village 1. Trvc ,.Collector and the unpaid entowite of taxes be returned to the County Treas. for colleption.. • • Carried. Moved by W, A. Williefinson„ • seconded by J. H. aretton 'that a grant of Fifty dollars be given to the Brussels norticluture Society for the year 1967. A. Higgins, top soil R. W, Kennedy, advt C. N. R. rent for seales Hyde Bros., gas Elliott Motor Sales„ gas M. Beaker, gas East Hurl= Produce, salit County of Huron, Indigent Hosp. ReeeriVer !Genera,1 income tax 3.85 Horticulture Society, grant 1957 60:00 Moved by H. R. Peareon, seconded b'y W. A. Williamson that the Court of Reivision on the Nichol. Drain be. closed. -Carried. Moved by H. R. Pearson, seconded by W. A. Williamson: that the meeting odjourn. Sir, and Mrs. Gandon Knight 'visited in 'Taranto Ilk week. Recent visitors' with Mir. and Mrs. Fred Kirkpatrick included Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Gireen, London, Mr, and Ms. •IGlenn Id,uether and -Mies Lend' Noble visited in London on Sanday With Man and Mrs. Wan, McNair and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Cameron Mr. Art Nilethells, Broadhagen, IS busy renovating his house in the vtlllaage pri'AfhWeed, (from Norman Pfeifer. - Mr. John Schnook had the tills- fort:IMO to lose one of faithful team Mr, and Mts, Fred KirkPaitrick and sons, and Xrs. H. W. Killepaltriek, spent ,,Sunday, in Mt. Forest, Nile. Ed. St-tendon, Toledo, is visiting cVith his brother George and other relatives. BORN Mr. and Mrs Thigh N. Tucker' '(Ince Manion Salute) Wish to announce the birth of their daiught4r in St. Michae115,1 Hospital, Bucking- hal% Quebec. on May 216tli, 1697. Oloni10,00pAsuniinilimpo PITOL I feTowEL illEATRP June 0'1041:nightly 7.110" 648 ai tua Matinee' 2 0**i* Friday Saturday LAST' WAGON" oiceinaitcopc iinct. 00460 '7.50 3.00 2.50 5.65 51,5 -5,75 2.50 One of the veteran. businessmen. and highly esteemed Ibillsinese resi- dents of Cbeeley passed away Thursday, 3161h, in the person. of William Thomas Ross‘ Death came suddenly to this popular ,resident, for, although he 'will; in his '88th, year, he had been up: and around as usual, aid always took a walk :downtown in the morning to get the Deceased was born in Brussels on: Nov. 9, 1860, being the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. a)avid Ross. He was married in Chesley 111 years ago 'to Mary Elizabeth Glenn Who passed niway in 1946. .SurvIv lag are two sons and two daughters, FIREMEN FIND pcmy, IN BURNING Hot4g. An autopsy was 1lerforme4 Sam, 'day an Melilla Township fa root Beissel Hopletersen, 65, NOM wals discovered early ,Satiirday in b.is flaming chomp near Coraear Or. W. A. Or9/Word gad' tro decIsion on an ioquelst, will be made. Ilan the investigation is •eolet4elted - likely seMelral. days. Two nurses, Wilma Gillis and Barbara 'Winchester, ,were 'on their way to wont at Winghem General Hospital, when they "noticedflantea shooting from the house wiTildOws. They phoned in the alarm. The 200-acre farm; is On No. 86 Highway, a, had Rohe southeast of Wingliern. Masonic service was ihelcl at the Einke Funeral Home last Sunday evening at 8.30 conducted by R. W. Dec., IL A. Doubt. Past pDGM,... A memorial service was conduct ed on Monday afternoon by libi.pas or, Rev. A. N. Reid of Geneva pres :bytetian ehundh, with 'burial in th local cemetery. - ENGAGEMENT Mr. -Clifford Marks, Bruisels, announces the engagement of his daughter, Edith Patricia, to' Ross Scott 'White, Brussels. Marriage to take plaice early in June in lit. Johns Anglican -Church, Brussels. Phone 24 Wednesday., June $th,, 10V. Racks Of Top Fashions in cool summer frocks also Better Lines in Summer Dresses r** Matched Shorts and Tops Mete, Spottit Shirts Slatitt and Jackets . .. • . •••i4i .. e The angual, Plower Bey and Children's Berelgel WAS 'held' on Sunday last with a ,capacity ..ettelid* ante, [ 'Plie !time .for the day was""The Well of L:iW' Two. :passages of scripture were. dramatized, showy- ing first Wham], ('Oatherine Leach) I At- the well And AbralmOn's servant tidnaitrtay Hoover); them a scene :depicting AGO. and Rubel I watering their flocks portrayed 1)3'1 .(Frances- Myers); Jacob ILester! Meehan); i,Donn-40.! $ntijth as 'Lab= anti DlYitt I3:ellling7VAT rrIk`2 and Arnold Davison: as .shenberas'l Agnes Lane was the reader for thelse scene* ,mothers were rendered (by 'Marion Hoover Ana Marion Herat: ingway ,and clarinet duet. by Gerald • and. Douglap Theimes, Bluevale. • The .children`.s choir sang two numbers, A, double trio .conducited by Sirs, Wm. King was given by Mae Myers, Ruth and Linea Johnson, Karen Diehl, Gayle Collins and Joyce Davidson. The primary number was entitled. "IGlift from God". m The minister Spoke on taw well of Life emphasizing by Stay picture how thirst clan he most devastating He showed, that throug/$ the cent-1 uries the lives of men and 'women • have been like a benediction to the race of men beCattse they heeded the'words "If" any man thirst let him come and drink of the living water". They emliodr Jelsus in themselves. The !evetung„service was to charge. of the Young Peoples 'Union con_ ducted by Lester Mitchell and John Hoover. Mr, Gleorge Simmons of Bayfield was lithe guest spleuker, He ChoSe as Ibis topic the woman of Samaria at the well. Her conviction followed by her confession and 17 convension and finally her conser cration. Afterward a fireside was, held in the S. S. room of the church Following a s rig song 'the prite win- ning play from the Huron Pres•by- itersr won by the . Brussels! group. entitled "How the Great Chest Canse" was .presented. Those taking :Part 'were. Don Hemingway, Keith. Thlrab(ull, Ken - Huldnrfrk, 'Ralph Watson, Audrey Wheeler and Max- ine Matfhan. Siblo contests conducted by Ron- ald Lane, and David Kennedy were :inn& enjoyed.. .4vening avhs brought 'to a. ,elolse when refreshmients were ser- ved. 'by the Y. P. U.- to the ,a'isSemb- pelt] Congregation. UNITED CHURCH FLOWER SUNDAY. LS Tiop i-,pgeTn7 Tailors Real Estate Buys in and around Brussels 200 acres, with 275 tillable, close to town, large barn w-ilth 10051! roof and Stabling. Six room brick house with 011 modelt'n conven- iences. Full price $19090,00 with half cash. Again Featuring COUSINS STRAWBERRY FRUIT 'ICE CREAM n d COUSINS STRAWBERRY RIPPLE iCE CREAT, Half Gallons - Bricks - Cone-s- Get Some From Your Favourite Cousins Ice Cream Dealer Often? for That Extra Treat at. Meal Time, Party Time, or Anytime.. ASK FOR COUSINS ICE CREAM MADE BY 15 IgOod acres with'entail: barn and t roam brick cettt4go lug hyclii+o, totter, 'and birth. Frill ptiee $35,00.00 half sash. 6 aenetsf ht edge of town. With small bagi . and good frame lioudO very clean and Modetn, Full pribc 22,00.00 turf i4thi mii.:.«.441•••••44.6•44•4:4•••i••••••.••••:•••• .44 immmoorie.4441'•••••••441o•it4.4 Frame cottage, iii perfect dolidition *tulted-ini Org,SsOleo 'ffi4er Mese to bUsineet4 section, tontiete 44th hpit, VW?, ilia lialth. Pull pride $000.00 R. B. COUSINS LTD. BRUSSELS, ONT. •ti