HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-05-22, Page 6Phone Tip Top Agent 24 1JIJ • Tailors ....,••••••••••••••••••••p••*•••••,•••••••••••00•••••,••••••• Will record happy moments on picnics asked to let Mrs, Allen know and she will see that they are placed in the church, Mrs, George Turnbull invited the Ladies Aid (members to her home for the 'June meeting. The Mizpah Benediction! closed this Dart of the meeting. instead, of the, usual program o Hidden Auction followed providing much interest and activity: FIOO Made baking Wah the popular choice with the bidders. MAJESTIC W. meeting of the Britoorti tktitiv IV. I, was held with Mrs. Bell pres- iding. Mrs. .Stoplier-gJ gave the re- por of the District Executive Which had been held in Brussels. Mir delegates, Mrs. W. Bell, Mks. Ste- phens, Mrs. L. Nichol and MIN. Tad Singh were 111Mointed to attend the Districit Annual Fordwicli, May 23rd, The motto, "temperment are 'born With, Character we huild (net in the great moments, Milt in our every day pilgrimage, was well taken by Mrs, Leach. Roll ,call re. sponse was a proverb. It was decided' to sponsor a short !Course. "wiieti food makca a difference'? hi the near future.. Mrs. Dean Davison favOUred with a Mother's Day sole 'which Veite aplreciatted. Mrs, L. Nichol intro- jdUced the guest IsPeaker. Rev. Earl Krug of reIgYnTfi• Spoge old Cititetisthip. He Was thanked and given if gift fly 1VIrs Stepherg. Per- fect attendance gifts. vatre given to 121 meinbers, The June meeting: will be held at the Murray Home Clinton. Roll call must he ainsWei'ed Eby anything hint present. Ladies' nlease bring lunch. FOR SALE --- Dekalb Corn Seed In stock. Wm: Bremlner Phone 56r121 tifuettet Walkerton, Ontario WicNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE ONIELL.UORICA 110N, 1,14113.1. MOUNINOLD Arta WILL. PETROLINDIN PNOOUOTIll DUNLOP Tire Porte end Anoeinerics. always- ready Mike6 .eidicSkty. • stays. teeth fiKetagoN DAIRY iriotAitita Cpr CANADA 409 Wren istieet,tionte 4.1.4:411:,,rotttalia.iit • DR. R. W. STEPHENS EJ 7 C bahaila Ustraraly at "aim% Ini r an BURCILial. bibma 411 D. A. RANN & Co. IN FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE IfiR'VICIE Lkeinad Ihmarall DWI*, siii Eadmiaaa riL sum 3111 ar 85 15Millnaats itWels POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW WELDING. AND MACHINE SHOP ' Brussels, Ont. POWER LAWN MOWERS — GARDEN TRACTORS TILLER and MOWER COMBINATIONS Also for the house, both inside and outside THIX — the new Jelled Alkyd paint Also all other Scarf Paints • — AUTO — WINDSTORM — LIABILITY — BONDS — FIRE — PERSONAL PROPERTY - BJRGLARY — TELEVISION FLOATER W. E Collins, Insurance Agent Phone 47 Office Over Krauter's Plumbing! YOUR PROTECTION IS OUR BUSINESS Brussels, Ont. STRATFORD CEMETERY MEMORIALS 38 Avondale Ave- Phone 257W RAY SHANTZ — PROPRIETORS — BERT PRETTY CONTACT Mr. Frank W. Kemp, Listowel PHONE WI or 667 moderately priced from • Convenience-3 minute walk to Union Station, closest hotel to heart of downtown:'"' • Luxurious peat rooms and suites. ' • Good Food—full course meals and delicious snacks. • Entertainment—Home of the' famous Club Indigo featuring Broadway ShUvnt nightly. roily~ f: WedFiesday, May OW, l967 THE BRUSSELS ROST 7:t UNDER LIBERAL. GOVERNMENT ' 'TRADE INCREASES! Plaxtelp O fd' G'a,.arments les and "IliaAsiore's in 'Stook 1VIlg ParMents '0., You Canadian Tradoin1954;apipuAd. $660.90,.., per person the h!ghest per, capita in ;the., wirkt! Regular •tp tong-Line Bras for that extraqrderArrn support:Long gives yowl, ; slim look" Also • ottit Gothic, Lovahle. „and Grenier Garments To Top It Oft Choose that Summer Frock NOW Here are examples of what this meant to Farmers in 1956: • Favorable Exports Imports Balance Dairy Products . . $15,321,000 $4,590,000 $10,731,000 Cattle, Beef, Pork . $45,355,755$7,795,448 $37,560,307 DON'T TRADE PROGRESS FOR PROMISES ON JUNE 10th VOTE ANDY *LEAN AND WIN WITH THE LIBERALS ! (Published by the Huron Liberal Association) ISKIMMILliSsulm•SN0,4.4f., ,,,,r...,,ae...^—,..,,wimrtn,.4,1,4....rtast•If"•001.•••••••••,,•••••••1•011•4/49111 PEOPLE WE KNOW * Thomson is visiting in MEVILLE W. M. S, The regular meeting of Melville Church W. M. S. was held in the church parlour with the itesident, Mrs, Wm. Speir in the chair. Mrs. Evans gave the ,scripture reading ,and Mrs. McDowell led in prayer. The secretary, Mira. Martin; gave the report of the April meeting and, Mrs. Allen, substituting for Mrs, John Speir, read the treasurer'sr tileltont which revealed a tvery gener- ous EaSter Thankoffering. Both reports were adopted. The` paper on. Current E,Vents pre- amred by Mrs, Dennis was read by Mrs. Win. Smith. The mattes- of the June meeting was brought UR. At was molved that Mrs. Malcolm. a missionary on fur- lough .from Formosa, should be ask- ed Ito he guest 'sneaker at the meet- ing, to which Cranbraook and Ethel W, M. S. members' be invited. The chapter from the study book dealing with Malaya. Indonesia, andf dependencies was dealt with by Mrs. TTuerthera. The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn, followed by the Mispah Benediction. CAVILLER, McINTOSH and. WARD *. Mrs. Rebt. ,Toronto. 0 * * Jewell is visiting in Burk,s Falls and Toronto for a few days. * * Mrs. W. Hniater of Toronte is /Visaing with her friends -Misses! McCraken. Chartered Accountants Boll Telephone Balldlno Cst, Robt. C, Kennedy, R. C. M. P Ottawa was a week end visitor at his home here. • Mr. and Mrs.- Cecil McKinnon of Toronto were week end visitonsi with his sister Mrs. A. fArinstrong. • During the absence of Mks.' Jewell Mrs. Jim Smith has been officiating as. organist at St. John's Church. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Wm, G. MoDawel and daughter of Toronto visited with his mother. Mrs. G. McDowell, over the holiday. * Melville Ladles Aid Mr. and MTS. D. C. Warwick and; Sens of Owen sound. Were holiday visitors with his aunt MKS -Millie Grower and other relatives, * * • Mrs. a Xing, JBActininten, has re-, turned hotne after an enjoyable visit et the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. L. MeDonald and family. if ,*' * Mr. and. Mna Bill tunsfOrd and Carol Ann and iRonnie of SimidOe' were theliday Viailters with her Mint Mrs. P. McArthur and with her' brother Mae Beeker and fatillY, * * * Rev, Fred Jewell retunned home after a brief hblidaY 011 his old, !Parish Of Eurk'S .ialls. He and Mrs. 1 Mrs. Allan gate her .Sunshine 1 of honour alb the Wedding of the' matron report and read letters. Of appreela. thin: frolic those Visited. The Jewell were greetneniah and teeter off i3itirk'S Falls, IleV, E,. B. J Sitnishine eolleatiOn followed, Nottrabell, Those who have flowers Were The May meeting of Melville Ladies .Aid was held at the hoMe Of Mrs. Gernmell. The president, Mrs. ' Bennett: choSe, Blest be the tie that binds. for the opening hymn Prayer by Miss Jardine followed. ,After the Sec. and Trees, repiorts the roll call .waS anwered by name of a flower. The first letter of which corresponds with the first letter of the members gtven name, 'The roll call for the June meeting will be the naming Of a Vegetable. The naming of that vegetable's 'ape eial as a food' would add interest. i. SMITH'S Recall Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels Voftlft0~~01110 .1"1.41 t WON' 7711 BROWNIE HOLIDAY or week-end trips CAMERA only -3.90 FLASH MODEL ".$5.90 Takes No. 127 • N- V P FILM ..„.... 470 All Other Sizes In stock COLORED FILMS FLASH BULBS FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED, Business eards Austin Sales and Servici, ftpates t• an oak* W *Are and Inseam VIVA Walker Funeral Home Jr Day 41, MOM C.aistzTalaiesar No Kona' Chnega tar Use al SIM Nam Dbosaar sali tilos 1 T yposty:taiii AiiMBIBta Sivaima R. S. Hetherington, K. C. workiimamirdemiui A 1' rt.ri •'611116611111 r a.IL tllr flortariay *Ay COBB ajain 00111, E. LON GSTAFF, I asourO•oi. IMMO Oa fit Shia alma faindirsi, 1111110. 19:41, Wid. "-it" sigi, o'swer • am • k .ALAN WILLIAMS, tiototiteliiiit; ji/ 4.