HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-05-22, Page 4summer visitors favour Ontario • HERS'S THE ilEIGHT OF SOMETHING OP. OTHER! A Rl0-1 t!i4G) HIS EYE GLASS PrZSCRIPTION BUILT HIS WINDSHIELD SO HE WOULDN'T NEEC GLASSES TO PRIV, NO ONE. NEEDS GLASSE S TO SEE TH E IN THE Sl.101-1TVY USED CARS AT RIVERSIDE MOTORS DivERSIDE cl ' iikiters 56 Chev. 4-door sedan with radio and heater, 55 Belair ,Chev. sedan with heater GWEV. -OLDS DEALER. ' _KO SSE14-`rigi.pt.t, 5 b illytow t,Ootioadrei, literature to ONTARIO TRAVEL 739 Parliament eldgs, Toronto Send MEE Nagi Address Post Office Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity Hort. Bryan L Cathcart, Minister FREE Sanex Moth. Protection We not only REVITALIZE CLEAN your garments, but also make them MOTH PROOF You Pay Not One Cent Extra for MOTH PROOFING at Buchanan Clearer s Agent MAYDELL SHOPPE Brussels, Ontario - Carried, I Moved by Amite Mann, second.1 .ed by Glenn Huether that we pads I by-law No. 8 on IfivingfsItene Drain for expenses incurred as of this I date and council to be notified by ratepayers when the work its to be proIceeded with, - Carried. Mcijed by Kenneth Bray seconded' by Win, B. Bishop that We partg by Wm. E. Bishop that we pass sup- pII;einentary by-laW No. 2, 1957 for . the amount $17,000, Morris Twp. Council 00..:1111•01. 1)%.001•48.1 May go. 195., The Poitincti titeit itt Nowailshin Ifaal Olt the abOYe• date wit•b„ all the. members • pee ant, ne mirage.* of Ole Wit AlP 0 i4Ag- tritti the Sneetal •Meetillg April la :were read and, adopted On motion '(Of Walter .Shertreed and Gordon•, Wilkinson,. • Moved by Qordon. Wilkinson, see- conded by Stewart JPreeter that the read accounts as preselAe4 'by the Road Sup410.intendent be paid.. - Carried. awed. by ,Sta*art, Procter, Pee- ended by Rash Duncan that By-IsiT No. 1.2, 1.957 authorizing the licen- sing of trailers. ,at .$5,00 Per month or to be set by the Assessor, be • passed as read tbe first , second andt third times. • • - Carried. - There were two tenders for the Purchase of the old Garniss bridge. moved by Stewart P•rooter. sec- ended by Rdss Duncan that 'the , •••-ssem:<.s:s -0:4:?Sss!,• THE BRUSSELS POST WetkilegilaYi MAY 22414 P57 "SIPIEE GEWZGE' itf CIITCHEON REP, §H1ELP SALYAT1 914 tltint8,11, 111140Q 40 appeal tO thew as ARMY .0,AMPAION ik body for aid individual .11,40Mbere a° Inr'rrredletsiy, took up the tnek of beilVbY VA01101.X thank all who 011041,41nb ouya$sero ancl, ealaYasfi. 414044 to the Salvation Arm). Red Shield drive shell a tremendous. -Otteeess in Brussels, `Mends aral. 4lownships. Although retulrne Grey iTtiarl . rr 15,09 HFUERD02111 001. FEDERATI ON, 270.00 I (By J. CARL HEMINGWAY) Gee Martin Clerk Grey „Township Council Meeting , head on May 4th, 1.11oved by Wean Threther,-second, ed by 11ftn, D, Bishop that the Wan tes of the -last meeting • be adopted as read. - Carried. Moved by Wm. IL Bishop. sec-, ended by Kenneth Bray that we close Court of Revision. • on the Nichol Drain and finally pass the cultural agent for the CNR, I am glad to report that Jerry is in fine health and is finding his new work quite interesting, As agricultural agent, a largi part of Jerry's work is in immi gration and colonization. This it valves the placement of those Nel Canadians who wish to farm, Ii advised me that there is a gee supply of farm help available couples with or without familii can be accommodated, All fart help is experienced; most as highly recommended, and ma) are specialists in some branch farming, Immigrants of Engli,!. Irish, Scotch or Danish origin a readily available In the past years the farm pot lations has resented the regu tions requiring New Canadians locate on farms for three years was informed that this is no lop er the case. Only those receivb passage assistance are required, locate on the farm, and only one year. Statistics reveal that per cent of all immigrants of past year have settled in Toren] When we consider that immigran settle in many other cities, it probable that only some 5 to per cent really- settle on the fari These New Canadians are provi ing an ever-expanding market fi farm produce. Any farmer in need -of he: should contact• G. W. Montgomer Agricultural Agent, Room C Union Station, Toronto. Relief "Wm. Budges, salary & supplies Bailie Pariott Reeve louder of George Radford to pun. uRPRISE SHOWER chase and remove the old Gorillas I FOR BRIDE-TO-BE bridge for 'the sum of $350.00 be accepted. Mlle girls •of the Canadian Bank of Commerce of Bliussels, held a sur- prise *timer for Miss Joyce Thomals, bride-to-be, in the New American HoItel. fPhe bride was bror.ght into the libtel with no ,suspicion of the shower, and wa greatly taken by surprise. After th guest of honour arrived the party • conitinued with, the ganleisi under the leatiership of Margaret Conley. Afte fow 'contests, the bride was aske `to take ithe gaily decorated Bride' Chair, an address was read to he hy Margaret Conley and Aileen Deit ArMstnong and Jean Stiles brought in the many beautlifu gifts. After these were opened an passed around for all to see Jew made a Iverni 'fitting , reply Clarkin everyone for comingand for th e - Carried. bulldozing ' Carried. Moved by Wm. E..Bisbon- see-, ended by Archie Mann' that we nelose Court of Revision on the Pollard Drain. - Carried. Moved by Kenneth Bray. second- ed by 'Glenn Huether thatwe accept the tender of Robt. -Nifelio lson on the Bishop Drain fOr 060:00. - Carried. • Moved Archie Mann, Second- ed by Wm, E. Bishop" that we ac- cept the 'tinder of J. C. Lament to supply 2300 bags of cement at .99c !per bag. ,Temerilta to meet .approval of contractor and: ,'erigitie,er to be deliveired /to job v4hen . needed. Carried. Moved by Kenneth' Bray. second- ed by Glenn Huather,tbat we adollt the report on the I3lyfsdop Drain and instruct the Clerk to prepare and serve the thy-laws, 36.00 beanitillul'giftis; • • , Immediately' following this t girls served a delicious lunch.,. cefrietery d s s. r r • 1 d g Mcnred by Gordon Wilkinson 'see- ended by Walter Shortreed that the Auditor's Repodt be adopted. - Carried. Moved by Walter Shortreed. sec- onded 'by Gordon Wilkinson *at the meeting adjourn to meet again on June 2, 195'7 alt. 1 p. m. The Hollowing accounts were paid: 13,,,nirson & Edwards, auditing, $215.00 Si H: Blake, membership fee Municipal Association . 15,00 BelgraVe Co-Op.. Warbicidie, 290.25 Advance Times, 'advertising 6.66 Mrs. A. 'Casemore, refund • of dog tax , , 2.00 .Giondlon Nicholson. spraying. 155.55 Alex Shaw, spraying, ' . 229.77 G. A. Gibson, Huron County Federation of Ag- riculture Directors' meeting was held May A. The County Field- : man was instructed to accept invi- ! tation to attend the annual Con- ference of Fieldmen at the OAC, June 3-4-5. The Federation agreed to pay mileage of Beef Producers' delegate to their annual meeting in Toronto , The resolutions committee draft- ed a resolution which was approvr, ed for consideration of the Ontario Federation: Whereas, Hydro now requires three consumers to the mile in rural areas, and whereas some farmers, due to the type of survey in their township are more widely separated; therefore, be it resolved that Huron County Fed= eration of Agriculture recommend that Hydro revert to the former requirement of two consumers to the mile. The directors approved a .,farm accident survey for Huron, as sug- gested by H. E. Bellman, provid- ed there is no financial obligation. Due to the stress of so many ac- tivities in the county for June, it was decided, to defer plans for federation field day and picnia.-. Last Friday brought to the Coun- ty Federation' office a very wel- come visitor in the person of G. he IV Montgomery. former agricul- 'oral representative and, now agri. of the Hyslop Municipal Drain, big and Sticeess (it tile,eampaigtl is entirely theirs. Many persons have said that they were away or missed by tflte ean- are not yet in, our objectives vassers,. but there is Still Woe, to were passed in eaoh ease by a good make your contrihntien of dimes or margin, Complete figum will. be dollars to Mi.. Bill Martin, (Barber ;published latM NO doubt all eanlVa, Shop) -who AtaS thank you recelin seers will reeelve personal, letters cards for you. of thankts 'from Salvation, ArMY Thanks 413ill'/ for a ileadquaters but I wish to express terrific- job - as 'treaStirer, and the My' aPPreOation for the loyal "P' mow* pt time you, have given, for port given by subaeribers and ean- o, worthy cause, alike. Our slogan was "Give (,,rly what you can afford or spare" and no pressure, ,or "Sales Talk" was to be ptit to anyone, All can- tissing and organizing' wart volun- tary and guilt one cent was spent for any ptirpOge and the entire collect- ion was turned over Salvation Army- It matters not if you gave a Dime or a Dollar. it was received and accept- ed with the same sincere appreciat- irm regardless, I would be remiss if I did not add my ‘IThank Yon" to those who umde extremely generous I rontributions. not perhaps out of wealth, but from the gobdnees of their hearts, and their knowledge of what the Salvation Army has done, and T am sure they did it to swell the dimes of tie who perhaps wished we might have given more, and that they will be blessed accordingly. My special thanks must go to the mem- bers• of the Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion and to their Ladies A,uxiliary for a magnificent lob. Al- on summer d9,ys in many ways serve Dairy Foods! :0,-*00411 . • - Carried. Moved by Archie Mann, second- lerd. by Kenneth Bray that the clerk Insibruct Engineer James Howes to examine and report on Branch A. of 1 the Baker Drain in accordance with the request of Lyle Gordon, - Carried. I Moved by Glenn. ,Huelther, Second- I ed by Archie Mann that we appoint- Ken. Bray and Geo. Hutchinson to ' act as Commissioners on Balfour Drain. Yours Very Sincerely Frank' 0, Mitchell Chairman Geri. Radford, Lamont Drain. 1,505.00 Carried, I. Tandem Tractor, Model W1953 2. Tandem Truck, Model W1963 3. Tank Truck, Model W1953 4. Dump Truck, Model 1643 '5. Pick-Up, Model 1314 (' . • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Moved by Archie aVienn, second- ed by Glenn Htiether that all ap- liroVed aedtitints he paid, ., - Carried. I Moved by, Glenn IIirether, Second- 11 ed by Kennett) Bra that we now I adjourn do .meet again on Attie 1.St 1 'or at thefea144 the "reeve. • . • -,..-. . .. .,,, • - Carried. • 'The folloWinlittedOitlife were ptid; meivil:07-tannk ;lox liOnnty .4400 Pred.'7:SiiialidibiCf6IL b%tinIti. ' ': '4',-60'1' , ,:. c.lep4teMetfitott. iyomo,y,...„,,:-.,. pioo, : 44::: PiAiiii*;'';*.titt400.7 140 0.0.;:::`,Tox'iNotottitt .?,t.t,,,,,, !InfllsP:14;141eeitor lig°7144444"••• 4•''''' Stanley Alexander. rent for dump 25,00 Itielanitle Lanienit, bufildoting at dintp;.i , ,fi 12.00 , *;13ettf, 6:421.040441fieire `Oil for' chktopi pz:%g ittii titidley E. iteliiiieW Itiqiiratri&a. idOiiitjediaatidit .1>Olfc 7.6.00 Gordon Cook, g4 ftre Ittoic .430 Aretuen , ". ' ' 17.50 'Carl ijaeletitt geese 1dt:turd' 10.00 Geo. 'Pearson. 4 SlieVeIS fire dept, 8:66 , Gee. Pearefiiii Warble Ay' peWder "11. tfittrott Co. Miiii. Otte& " , ,. 4 ASseelation fed - toilet Roads USIEST TRUC us,iness. Wherever MO are being, done, Chevrola.trueki are theie, .puffing their mightier kind of otutele to work-Chevrolets.are.Pmcsditis bps! jest trucktl)tiii Wide margin . because thaitie-the unbeatable. 4180001 of. ovary .ivei4ght eiciisi Next•titrie cheek the trUci4 'you see at work. It won't be long before.: you,* thoriiooge . - thick after truck, pia* to giant load battler; s a Chevrolet. -; • „ And that's not hard to Understand.. Be- cause truck buyers who know their 280.00 'business, knOw that Chevrolet trucks give more-on-the-job hours, .more Operating economy, more; hauling effici- ency than+any .Other, tpC1ct,„,!IAT none. Look at the facts. Engines :thrifty 6'soi Mighty:VS% every, great 004= able Chevy engine denyeir$,,She right 7, horaepOwet; the Usable horsepower. for ;. yourjob sets. the most Opt of every • gallon Of gas. , itaTransmissions ;ft0aly Chevrolet has, , revolutionary new PoWermatIc 'that gives you easy, efficient Miter:natio Shift, frig throtigh 6 lorWard speeds 'with: direct-drive cruising ecOtiOniy, Or tae your pick of Hydta:Matic, PnwerOde or CheVrOlet's !anions Synchtotnesh tOntniittiont, 40;: ' T4.;' Sty1.4-4dievy'451 Modern Worlesio, ing' ,that SO thijObi gives you More efficient londintIongeflife. Handsome Work.Styled tab bring yo lanor amid Coneealed:Safety.Step's, ..:,,tgitel tfer, big' avanage oy Get the whaleimpressive story •froth 'Srotir Chevrolet, dealer Tight now: Have ithii-shotti, you, why no truck can. meet OW needs, half as well as :Chevrolet' or .give you, mere for your dollar! Perk up warm Wee ipPetites with reties Dairy Foods. They, tai good, Look so good, So good for you. The variety is wide and wonderful, so yon enjoy them in dotintleSso, tempting Ways through all the summer' days! Write for lv~,Of Mltfarle Eraser's Daffy Foods Recipe S'Ookkik DAIRY FOODS SERVICE anneAu iverside ClAfRY FARMow,ERS OF CANADA n na H Stree. •• :54,922.11 Elythe M. Clerk.