HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-04-24, Page 74
How Pioneers • •
Made Hominy. • 9kSliNDAYSCH0014
for the long, ..siew, cooking and
she may' prefer to use soda
rather than. lye. It she wishes to
make a reputation with her
Hominy, she will use Ilickory
King corn --.. a white corn ral.a.,
ed, just for hominy .and having.
big grains twice the size of 'those.
from. ordinary
Select . six or eight ears
White corn- having WO keFne1.51
Shell and put into .en :iron or
enamel kettle. Cover with water
and add two tablespoons of bak-
ing soda, Let stand .overnight: or
at least fifteen haws, Drain.and
wash thoriiughly and most of
the hulls' should slip off. ItubhhIt
the hominy M. a cloth sack hell*:
to take off the hulls and black
tips, write Bailie M. Barrow *
The Christian Science Monitor.,
Add water to. cover, two., Uhl*.
spoons of salt and boil very
slowly or simmer for four hour!"
or wail. the starch is well.
cooked.. As the corn swells, keep
adding more water to leep wen
covered with water. Should
there be a slight soda test.,
change the cooking water Once.
Test by pressing a kernel be•
tween the- fingers; it should loo:
soft, When the. grains are dons,
let cool and store in a covered
glass or eathenware • dish. '
Now grandmother made up
enough hlorniny to last wee,
and she placed the cooked
hominy in a clean white sack
not more than a gellon to the
sack.. She pinned her sacks. to
the clothesline or - - other • con-
venient place in the. open and.
allOwed ;the liorniny to remain
until it was frozen dry. Then-0
was stored like dried corn.
Before winter was quite over
was when our pioneer grand-
mothers made that tasty dish;
fried hominy. It was home-
butchering season and .the per-
fect side dish to fresh pork was
pearl's, hominy, -tried in the
fresh meg.. drippings. It could
be 'served as a cereal with milk .
and sugar for breakfast, as a
vegetable At noon, or combined
with honey or sorghum, eggs
and milk as a pudding. for sup.
Grandmother had a fire built
under the big black ."kittle" out-
doors to cook her big batch of
hominy the same "kittle"
Used for making soap and apple
butter. If she had no lye from
the store to start her hominy
she could use the lye water she
made , by leaching rain water
through .A hopper. of hard wood
The modern cook can use the
deep well on her electric range
experience be had when a wo*,
man living some distance away
consulted him, saying her mar-
riage was breaking up because
she had no children, and her
husband was ill-treating her on
this account. She had seen
several gynaecologists, but the
outlook was hopeless, Desperate,
she felt that she would lose
husband and home if she
couldn't produce a child, and
asked tin doctor to aid her in
a plan,
She told her husband that
she was going to have a child
and his whoe manner changed.
From being a cruel brute, he be-
came a devoted husband. She
arranged to adopt a baby and
asked the doctor to Put her in
a nursing home for her "confine-
ment," ordering that there were
to be no visitors, He wasn't
happy about this, but after con-
sulting her clergyman, agreed,
At the appropriate time she
went to him for two weeks, then
returned home with a fine
child. The plan was so carefully
carried out that there were no
complications, and an unhappy
marriage was changed to an
ideal one.
DE LUXE HORSE HOTELLCarpeted with 10 inches of packed dirt
over four inches of gravel, portion of horse barn pictured,
above, is only a small part of 9, de luxe horse hotel for the
elite of the equine world • now tinder construction at Yonkers
Raceway. Eight 84-stall,two7 storey barns will be in the, group.
"Apartments" on sesconcr floors will be staggered so that guests
walking about above won't disturb the temperamental occu-
pants of •first-floor "suites". Ramps will lead to, the' second-
storey accommodations. Cost of the project: About $2,700,000.
Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking
Delicious 'and other varieties
have been introduced. In the
last five years a number of im-
proved red strains of Delicious
have been propagated, most of
these being higher intensity
colour sports of Starking.• Ex-
amples' of these are,,,Red King,
Hi-Erly Red and Bisbee Red. A
high colour bud ,mutation of the
Richared is being sold as Royal
Red. All of these strains ' are
characterized by early develop-
ment of red colour,
• • *
With-the McIntosh variety the
Summerland Red and Rogers
New York Red are, blush strains
with greatly improved colour
over standard McIntosh, and in
British Columbia, at least, are
almost exclusively planted.
Red strains of Winesap haVe
been grown for many years, but
solid red or -blush strains such
as the old Seeando have proved
unsatisfactory „because of ,a ten-
dency to' russetting and shrivel-
ling. It appears today that the
best red strains of Winesap are
the Improved Seeando and the
Ruble Red, both originating
from the Mosebar strain.
Lovelorn Captain.
Forbids VVedding
They met during a holiday
cruise in the Mediterranean-„,-
a pretty iflnglish widow of 23
and a handsome young Irishman.
Swiftly they fell in love under
the stimulus of sun - drenched
days and .sterlit nights.
Then, in the shadows of porn-
pelt with the dazzling Italian
sky oYernead,‘ he, proposed and
she accepted, 'Silt it was to be
wedding with a difference-the
ceremony was to take place
aboard lite liner as she was
crossing the Equator..
The fellow passengers were
thrilled at this romantic idea;
an archdeacon on the ship offer-
ed to tie the knot and plans
seemed complete. Then the
captain stepped in-he was a
bachelor who had been disap-
pointed in love during his youth.
"No wedding will take place on
board while I'm in charge," he
So the wedding had to be post-
poned, But it took place a fort-
night later in church, on shore,
with the same archdeacon of-
Owing to a last-minute hitch in
their wedding plans, ,a Kent
couple had to go to sea to be
married some years ago.
The bridal couple had taken
their .eats in a Ramsgate church
when , the vicar 'suddenly dis-,
covered that the banns had not
been read in the bridegroom's
parish-Tend he straight away
forbade the ceremony.
The-best mart, who had served
in the navy,; then suggested that
the• couple could be legally 'mar-
ried, at sea provided, the cere-
mony was performedAoutside the
three-mile limit by a skipper
holding a Board of Trade cer-;
The couple dashed with .their
relatives and friends in taxis to
the harbor where they chartered
a large motor-boat under a
skipper• holding .such a "certifi-
cate. Off went the boat, and the
full service was carried out near,
the East Goodwin lightship -
despite a choppy sea!
Cupid sometimes plays strange
pranks in connection with ocean
An attractive, forty-year-old
woman left Liverpool for the
United States toltarry a school-
days' sweetheart.
Aboard the liner' she met a
middle-aged stranger and the
pair fell, .in love at first
One moonlight night he proposed
to her and they were married
by a clergyman-passenger before
the liner reached America. Her
old lover met her and there was
an awkward scene on the land-
ing stage!
BOW 0110 MOM
like-:extension of this umbrella's
protection can be raised or
lowered with• a 'draw string.
Invented ,by Enid Parmenter, of
Capetown, Union of South
Africa, it's one of hundreds of
ga,dgets on displayj at the First
- International Gadget Shqw.
Dy Bev B. Barclay Warren
God's Greatest Creation
Genesis 2:4-9, 15-32
Memory Selection: 'The Lord
God formed man of the dust of
the ground, and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul.
Genesis 2:7.
For the remainder of this
quarter our studies will be in
'Genesis, The Bible begins with
a Hebrew word which we trans-
late 'in the beginning' or 'Gene-
ais'. The book is well named. It
records the beginning of the
'heavens and the earth, darkness
and light, life and death, man
and woman, marriage and so-
ciety, arts and crafts, sin and
'sacrifice, judgment and mercy,
rebellion and fellowship, failure
and promise, degradation and
redemption, differences in langu-
age and much more.
Our knowledge of the universe
is steadily increasing. The galaxy
of the Milky Way, of which our
solar system is an insignificant
part, is shaped like a dish and
'has a diameter of about 400,000'
light-years. A, light-year is ap-
proximately six trillion miles.
With recent studies by means of
'the new Mount Palomar tele-
acope we are told that nearly a
billion of these galaxies some- •
'times called 'island universes'
.can be seen by means of photo-
We. have been learning much
:in the submicroscopic realm. The
infinitesimal atoms with their
electrons, are as marvellous as
'the great Systems we can see.
And God made it 'all.
But God's crowning 'work was
man. Man is no revision of the
.ape but a creature distinct from
all others. When God had ,made
man from"the earth's, dust He.
breathed' into. his nostrils the'
,breath ,of life. Man was-made in
God's image. He coad reason
:and' make moral choices., The
:story of 'his disobedience, and
'consequent fall from the moral
-image ,in which he was created
'we shall see, in. the next lesson.
We shall see also the beginning •
of God's provision for man's ,
redeniption, from the .. purse of
the broken law. Truly the mercy
of G61 is from everlasting to
.everlasting. Through 'faith in
Jesus Christ we can come back
,to haPpy fellowship with our
PUNCTUREPROOF-Lying on a bed of nails isn't the easiest thing
in the world but fakir Tarha Bey increases its difficulty by letting
two people ride over him on a motor, scooter at Paris' Olympia
Music. Hall.
,„,quired. Considarable cleaning is
necessary if a -broken egg runs
down through the basketful. The
procedure at the Experimental'
Far mat Harrow, Ont., is to fasten
a small wooden box, a little
larger than a half egg case, On,
wall in each pen at thead level.
The eggs, from the nests are put
in trays in this box until it is
convenient to take them to the
egg room. A square- of cloth
tacked to the cupboard top and
let hang curtainwise in front
acts as a door to keep out dust.
TaCked on the bottom of the
cloth is a light strip of wood to
keep it hanging in place. Remov-
ing eggs from the' nest at ,fre-
quent intervals is very import-
ant in keeping down the number
of soiled eggs and this cupboard
is always handy as a temporary
holding glace.,
• * •
With most red varieties of ap-
ples, colour development is
basically of, a striped pattern. On
young trees and trees well ex-
posed to sunlight, good colour
develops, but on old crowded'
trees poor colour is common.
,Since apples are graded and sold
on a colour basis any means for
increasing colour is of great
economic importance.
Fortunately, sports or muta-
tions resulting in apples of high
colour intensity have been dis-
covered for almost all known
red varieties of apples. These
sports usually are found as a
small branch on a tree, and de-
velop from a single bud muta-
tion. Buds taken from the sport
reproduce the colour mutation.
• • *
The best known red sports are
Of the. Delicious variety. The first
two of these were the Starking
in 1924 and the Richared in 1926.
Since then many red strains of
The Minister ;-of .Agrciulture
the ,Right 116nm:treble 'James G.
Gardiner, announced recently"
that the .Agriciiltdral,Prieei"SUP
port Board had been authorized
to provide. a support' price tor
Canada First Grade dry skim-
', med milk on the basis of a price
of 17 cents per pound for spray.
process and 14 cents per pound
for roller process, f.o.b. storage
at , certain 'designated storage
points throughout Canada.
The Minister stated that he
hoped 'by introducing this addi-
4ional support for the dairy inr
dustry that sufficient stability
would be proVided to encourage
producers to maintain their
Present production 'of milk. Con-
sumption of dry skimmed milk
in Canada is increasing annual-
ly so it has been considered de-
sirable to maintain approximate-
ly the present market price for
dry skimmed milk during the
spring and summer flush Pr9-
duction period.
When an egg is first laid it is
free from stains.,However, as
hens are not the most careful
of creatures nor the ordinary
hen house the tidiest of ' places
its fresh appearance does not
last long 'without protectiOn.
Perhaps the most persistent
enemy of egg cleanliness is
dampness, Stains found on eggs
are due to 'moisture. Wet litter,
for instance, is the pad and the
birds feet the stamps that put a
good many stains on eggs. Ex-
'cessive moisture in litter is a
serious problem in itself but if
it, can be eliminated by more
insulation in the house, proper
ventilation or suitably managed
deep litter, fewer dirty eggs will
be one of the general benefits.
* *
'Best design is also important
in egg cleanliness. A nest not
built to hold litter to at least
a depth of three inches should
be remodelled to this capacity.
Ainple litter helps cover soiling
materials and provides a cushion
against breakage. Although
straw is often the handiest
Material on the farm' it has the
drawback of sticking to eggs and
if damp causes staining. Wood
shavings, available at a low
price in many parta of Canada,
make an excellent litter. Any
nest litter should be changed
from time to time. The ratio 'of
hens per nest is also important,
the recommended number being
not more than five per nest. • *
Cleanliness of eggs is such a
general requirement that most
poultry supply catalogues depict
egg cleaning devices. These
range frotri simple hand buffing
pads to automatic egg Washing
machines With special deter-
gents. One of the features Of the
new Wire cages with sloping
floors, as well as the modern
laying daps; is their ability to
reduce the number Of Sailed
eggs. Conimunity nests for which
easily read Plana are available,
,IfOrn the Canada Department of
Agriculture, have also found fa.
yotit with than petiltrymen.
4. a •
Gathering One IS when Otte
soiling Might 'Occur. Baskets'
Made Of wire, either plaStic
erect' or plain, have the' advantage:
of allowing eggs to be cobled
tp.iicklY but careful filling it, re-
munist Poland the new, limited
freedom from Russia Is illustrat-
ed by this aged woman who
turns to• free enterprise-wait-
ing for customers to weigh
themselves on her scale, in
Warsaw. The Wide is about 20
Ireskys, or
about once penny..
Sold 'His 'Beard
Hair at a Time
A so-called "holy man," wan-
dering round the Villages of the
Upper Chindwin River valley in
'Central. - Burma, did a brisk
trade selling strands of his flow-
ing beard, at around two dollars
each-to people who believed that
If they • burned the hair and
drank its ashes in water they
would be protected for the rest
of their lives against all. disease.
It's astonishing what some gul-
lible people will believe when
they are•seeking cures for minor
ailments. Up to a few years ago
spiders' ,webs were still being
used in, some parts of the West
of England foci healing cuts.
`Old' people living in the Peak
District used to believe that if
they shredded horse-radish in a
jug and poured hot ale over it,
the resultant brew would cure
rhelmatiSm if taken three times
day. ."!
A bygone "cure" for a stye on
the, eyelid was to; rub it with yet
black, cat's tail. In some parts of
Sbitthein France, poultices were
made of swallows' nests, Equally
silly was the belief that a piece
of. string worn round the waist
would ward off sciatica,
There was one old Sussex
shepherd 'who always carried a
"cramre bone"--the patella bone
of a.sheep-to prevent attacks of
cramp , in, bad weather. Devon
housewives of 200 years ago
firmly 'believed that clover dew
could be' "successfully used for the
removal of moles on the face,
Signed Cheques
"Your Sincerely"
Dr. Bethel Solomens, former
Irish Rugby international, once
managed the 'fat/IOUS' Abbey
'Theatre, Dublin, and the actors
aame to f hirrofor their salaries.
As he had no ready money
:available it was suggested' that
he should write cheques. Two
-signatures were required, so he
asked the. poet W. B. Yeats to
'sign, and, the actors read on their
cheques: :Yours, very, sincerely,
W. B. Yeats."
Dr. Solomons thiriks he must
be one of the" few men in the
world who've. heard a famous
pianist perform on the harmoni-
•ca, accompanied on the piano by
a famous harmonica player"r. It
happened at a club dinner. Ben:
no Moiseiwitsch played several
piano solos, then. Larry Adler
came on to the, platform looked
around for an accornbanist, and
asked Benno if he wOuld"oblige.
"Impossible," Benno said.
"Your music .1s- far too difficult!'
Persuaded to, try, he looked at
the music, shook hislieiri, 'again
said "No."
"All right," said Larry hand-
ing him • his harmonica,, "you
play my instrument and play" -
yours."'And after a few trials
-they latmehecrinto a duet!
In his 'entertaining memoirs,
"One Doctor In His ,Time,"
Dr. SOlomons ,tells of, a strange
33, Catch
36, Roman
83, Sitericers
80. An tomobile
42'. AitiSidtli
43. Blast of wind
45: Fastener
47, Where the
Stiff sets-
43 . Ern bleni Of
6. haling
-CROSSWORD _ , ., chamber
10. Food
" PUZZLE. . 13.•Anney
11, Otherwise
19. Term of
ACROSS 3. Tardiness 21, Cu nning -1. Cancel . 4.Uncie (Se6t.) 22. Vi gori
6, Water resort 5. Slow-tneving 24.,Pronoun
8. speck of chi st afildial 25. Uncanny
12. 1nsnects 6. Group.of five :27, Revere
14. Malignant 7.-DotikeY • 23. Stirs tip
16 Old tiniera 8. *"untie . 29. Chin. herb
Substance' ,31. Ignited 60, Bottle ton' ,
Real Scots Thrift
inverboyndie; _Scotland.. The
Scottish Hydro-electricity oard
Went lb great expense in run-
hing power lines, to the lonely
Cottage near here of 34-year-old
Granny dlitystal.
The board brought the new
tangled electricity to her in
linking this little Banflahlre
lege to the national power net-
Later the board discovered
that Granny lied only used five
cents; Worth of electricity in
the months,
Officials sent to her cottage
to • investigate rePortedi that
Grandy only SWitehect the
'current alt dusk '•=:• so that she
,could see ta light the kerosene
Don't be a 'wacky walker'
walk safely always, warns the
Canadian Highway Safety Con-,
I 2 3 4iii.",/,',;;%; 5 6 7 :".S:ii":*i 8 . 9 10 11
13 • . • , miii , 14
15 , - • " • if,:ili:: .:41:•,.: 16 - ,
11 y. r'18 i.li::: 19
,i';', ..e 20 21 4.i: 22 23
14 ' '''i.,,,i':.?.:.••,,i ::., :::.,,::. , 26 ,fflil^;•:,',,\.'>: ',.l. 2', 7 38 29.
30 .• 31 ..,; 33 33
34 .M 35• ' " 36 ., 31. '
'.;i:.;:•.$:1,it..25 28' L. - -
39 . , '46'
41 42 43 46 47
48 . ..; •' 49
. 50 . „ . .
' .1.. ..;•::..%, /....
• • 1 i
,:•5.•.:.i::: _
10. Decades
17. Leading
13. Outfit
19, ParSonage:
'20. dliaritotet
The !'aerie
QUeene" • ,
22. Cariaditid
24. Cubic meter
'20. PerferMed
'27. Cask
30. Hotel
32. Riding Sailed
84. Bitter vetch
115,13OilY be/170
37. MadnesS
83. TYildbil-trilin
casting 40, wager'
4L Rabeal
44, Corded cloth'
46, Cold' and
'4g. 'Border on
51, Attitude'
62. Comes forth'
63. fratidetia
mall tumor` 155-, 'N't.i1:1111160 tivt 1. kindiktditi
!. Lnforchr' Answer elsewhere 'peg..
BARREL OF :FUN-Cadet's of St. Jahn's Military Sttioeir fry to ShakeCowboy"' Sanlniy teiefeoeit
loose in a training session foe rodeo eidind. A toetel 'sus "ended Ott four topst !acts bi
loroeichou. Boys provides the buckin