HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-04-24, Page 4• 41. Ts • THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO WHEN !governments spend 'Money, it is your money that is being spent,. For governments themselves produce nothing. Governments can only spend. what they take from the production -of the people, whose creatures and servants they are, If you want lower taxes, you must curb the spending of your governMents. There is no other way by which taxes can be reduced. THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, April . tlL 1.057 wo.a. • • .0 4. • IT +.11.40 0.'..e' see.,,,,:..-. • .•-,• • ..sek,••.• Grey Twp. .Council i NOTIOa. TO CREDITORS :ALL PERSON bagiug e.latta4, against the ,estate of WILLIAM, JAM1IS ;SCUM late Of the Town- ship of Morris IA the Outuity of ; Huron. rotired Fernier, who died on 07,` about the 10th day of October ; A. D. 1957, are hereby uottftetl sew]. to tine tuulersiguett oil, or be- 'TON the 2,7th, day of April full i Particulars of their claims in writing„ Immediately after the 27th day of April, the assets Ot tire et-A9ite 'ill), he ; distributed among the parties titled Vieroto having rogard to claims of which the Zxeoutor shall then, have notice. DATED at Brussel*, 'Outarto, this NIL day of April, 1957, 10: they Towlyslilit Council 111:Cain Its 10'1 4 on AVii 6th. Moved by Zennoth Bray,. zecouded ),y 1,11, Bishop: idiot the 'minutes. - of last Meeting Fe .adopted as read; Carried. Moved, by Arehie Mann, I.30Conded by Wm. B. -Bishop that we accept; the tender .of :1-T. T. 'Ycning tor cunsUsuti'n of Beirnes Ilkidge for ; the sum of 41.790,90 , subject to the nppooval of PepartMellk of High- 'Ways, • I . Morel by G;eon iTue;ber,.stcontled by Keuottai Bray t. at we adept the re4ort on the Brewer Drain and, and instruct, th.2 .Clerk to vreperel e‘ld serve Vie .Carried. Moved by Wm, B. Bishop, :second- ed by Arehle Mann that Robert Nich- olson be awarded contract for Lave Drain for the sum of $1.088,0.. - Carried, Moved by Kenneth Bray, seconded Iv Wm. B. Bishop that the Collect. or's Roll for 1956 he accepted and 'the Collector be relived or rurther e:::::1 1)y 1itY' IIII Carried, Kenneth Bray, seconded`' by Aw6aie Mann t that we give the ;East Huron Agric. Society a grant • $490.00- when required, - Carried. Moved by Wm, 11 Biaboi\ second- r{1 giy Glen }Nether Mt weinistruet. nip Clerk to notify Dagineer James A. Howes to examine and report on the Balfour Drain and check the woter-shed, IF YOU DRIVE WHEN TIRED Driving a car when you are tired is a danger- pus highway habit. You cannot drive safely in modern traffic if your reflexes are slow and your eyes are half closed. If you feel weary-pull off the road and take a rest. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS? If Christ be not risen the wliole Christian message is false and futile - ithe ChriFtian faith a 'spy endid dream bat an utter si an, Imagine what human We would be without the gosplel of forgiveness Viand Salvation - without any ground *for faith {helpless, under the dons- iration of sin - bereft -of the hope of resurrection. But if he is, risen we have assmance of all the ,se and'. more. We have reason tiherefare to he glad, too give thanks, to rejoice and sing praise, MissOs Joan and. Joyce Thomas - sang the duet Ia The Shadow of The Cross. The anthem for the day Was " The Mighty Triumph, DEPARTMENT OF 1-1161-1WAYS-ONTARIO Yr .WS6,121,44- CRIVIASRUMWS4p...1•Alit....11411.07••••1•11•1104....11.16 RG - Carried. Moved by Archie, Mann, .•.econded I y Glenn TT:nether that we approve. of weed =praying program for TINIp- - Carried. Meved by Archie Mann, seconded by Glen Fluether that we instruct the clerk to advise J. Cardiff re- gardirg his appeal on -Love Drain. that tilie present asseiSsment he sustained. Carried. Moved. by Archie Mann.. secondefl by Glenn •Huether that we .rioss the Love Drain, and Ex-tem:lion by- law. .• 10.75 - Carried. The following accounts were paid: Ploier Hood, fox bounty 2.00 rd. M. Cumming, fox bounty 34.00 Mtivin Hanna, fox bounty 10.00 E. M: RteNerr;on. for bounty 12.00 Ed. Hinz. fox bounty 8.05 Jack Warwick. fox bounty 10.00 Win% T3eirnes, fox bounty 2.00 rrol Small don. fox bounty 2,00 John Riley, fox bounty 6.00 E. M. Cardiff's Clerk's fees, fox bounty ZZ'ilhu F. Turnbull. bal, salary and rotebonge 54.00 Curminailittni: stove oil. offion 12.49 Olte's Radio and Electric, IS:applies fire dept, 18.15 Mun. Beard. tariff fee, Love Drain Mull. World, suppflies Mardian Hardware, warble fly powder 7:4 The new '57 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan, all the reason in the World to hold your head hither; A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE know, won the famous manufacturer's Trophy as the best performing car at Daytona Beach competitive trials. There's more luxury, too, more to be just plain proud of. For there's more attention to 'detail. In Chevrolet, body panels fit snugly. The 'chrome trim is on to stay, In- teriors have the smartness of the custom touch. Everywhere you look 15 a Chevy, you find the obvious Marks of extra care, even to a quiet limousine "Click" when you close those big solid doors! Coins on int Get a close-tip of all there is to enjoy in this exoiting Chevrolet!, •Opelohal at otre{ cosi. 70 h.p. 1/0 etigitta aigo 1 wore 0osr. .580,00 John MaeTavish. ptrint Nichol. Drain and Pollafd Dr, 20.00 B. M. Cardiff, rh.eparc and serve by-laws Nichol Drain and Pollard Dr, 20.09 Geo. 'Hutch licence fire 'frude 2.99 • e4eitherg, send out tag arrears notices 14.99 Geo, We<•enberg. to Assescicr`•°, in e),t fieg Clod ericth 19.09 tilt fiord 13e F. aelvt, Love Drain 7.20 Robt, Garminghant. clove oil. fire hall Tag. A. Heves. survey 'report Brewer Drain Listot-c4 Banner, adfrt. Love, Drain Warbit pn'w•ler and spraying Relief 1?ervis "Meath- after month, ghee He intro- duction, Canadians have bought more '51 Cheoreleto theft any oho earl" .ALLENFORD 12I43Atip,TON IBRUS6ELS CHEGLEN CLINTON LrLORA PErtfittit litondtrovitsf OODErti614 sr RATH ROY 2.45. WALKER 8.60 WATFORD 4-00 WINGHAM 4.76 wyomitiG 64.16 GUELPH .85 HANOVER $4.30 HARRISTON Q.6 INGER6OLL 4,75 KINCARDINE Ktrotiewait 2,46 LISTOW EL 110 MITCHELL 6.05 OWEN SOUND 1.90 PAISLEY ;4.30 pALMERSTON 3.78 SO UTHAMPTON lap SARIs1lA 6.85 STRATFORD 6.20 ti3A•0 6.90 8X4 6.20 4.60 , 1675 44/5 85.41' 7.60 4.40 .g.,00.1)1 live side Myna Bbl, tlarfliff, ti6ric 4 YOU'RE NOT A GOOD DRIVER Crawford and Hetherington Brussels Ontaris Solicitors for the Estate UNITED CHURCH Eastei•i message{ lipid marked the woirsTiip in the United. Church on Sunday April 21, The message was based on 1 •Cor. 151 14-11 If ,Chrtistt, he not r5gelp tNei'l is out ;preaching vain and your faith alsO is Ilann and you are yet, in. your - Cafried. Moved by Kenneth Bray. c'econfW. by (11t.rw Huether that All apureved P he paid. - Carried. Moved by Wm. B. BtSuhop, Second- ed hr Archie Mann that We adjourn to meet again. May 4th or at the call ofthe Reeve. .Carried. Moved by Wm. E. Bishop, stcond- ed by Ken.,eth Brag that we pass bylaw No. 11, 1957. - Carried. Moved, bp ,Glenn Mather, seconded lm Wm. E. Bishop itiliat we advertise for tender for 280 bags of cement Lowest or any tender not necessari ty accelited. • How am YOU benefit from 'having Ei Current Account? You'll find it much easier to keep an accurate record of your current expenses when you have a Current Account. When you pay all bills by cheque on your Current Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have made. Furthermore, they are much easier to file away than receipts and take less room to store. With them and your bank statements, you'll find it far easier to get an exact picture of how you spend your money. So it's agood move to use a Current Account for paying all current bilis-and keep your Savings Account for actual savings. L HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE NW-326 ateillasi=liaaabi.ensg SATUR AY EXCURS1 NS to LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday oniy.. EXCURSION FARES FROM: 3,0C 64,51 Not just the way it looks, but the way it's put together - the finer materials, work- manship and finishing touches.Not just its friskier, smoother performance, but the deep-down soundness that's special to Chevrolet in the low-price field. Try it out and you'll see it's Sweet, Smooth and Sassy. ' You natne it. The new '57 Chevrolet has More of it .. . inside, r.t4tSide arid under- neath that Body by Fisher, There's a finer' ride, smoother performance and a sweeter Way of going. Per there's a finer balsimeo, More solid con§truction, ht that great Chevrolet Or "11.8 engine call "got with it" more efficiently, delivering tip to. 245* (and so qtlietly), Clievrolet, you titifj,-eitithotiuct ClidVPat6t FULL- INFORMAtiON FROM AdEltit display this Mittens tiracienitiric C-2457D Tr t