HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-04-24, Page 1,,,,,••••••••••••14,....trt a.()() per year - $2.5k; U. "I+ VOCOV40144114 PIA. .P Oak. DOArtlagoVit, oitteva wed nesaan 4Pri1,24e4) 1 957 Antkorrixot1 , Post Publishing Home ,tw.* 00****,,,,,,,,t*****,..****** .1 HONOURED BY FAMILY ON 25th ANNIVERSARY A. car, puked Oa the grade 1, ,;ding to the dam, rolled down the !Benue Ai faintly filmier wail hold at the raid into the hetue of Mr. and Mrs. Itucivell )3one loling. April i•Oth. 9-1•1(4 • We Mishap occurred on Bunda's( en Saturday ( •ereasion beint. the 25th wrodlriz afteraeOrl laet toile 't01te letter, Ke4 armiv.loary of Mr. and Mrx, naldlee, way. out of hllr car, l;'ortur.. cod Clark. Other guests included stony t7 o .1 rl blip " girls who wore in were Mr and My:a 1Cilta ":1TeArter and. Ito jump Ott Before the Veiriele went in I the ' water. ,f1leti Bone and Cathy, Kenneth Bone of Toronto, Ogielr0 Lols I The couple were ch.o,it of silver. • lhere passed away in Clinton on April 7th, after a short illness, -Silae Johnston, In 8,Ird year, PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, will he hi effect in Druesele starting at SATURDAY MIDNIGHT, APRIL 27th, 1957 arid ending at SATURIMY MIDNIGHT, SEPTEMPER 25th, 1957, To fall in line with other municipailties GEORGE mocuTok-m,aN, Reava CAR GETS DUNKING ETHEL ,poi4rn„g HQNOREP ON ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mr% William N. Baker well-known Grey township residents celebrated their golden, Wedding anniversary 'on Weitaeseay. Citiaena of the village of Ethel joined with the •eengregatien St. Anglican Church, Eenfrya; to boa• or the couple with a reeePtien In the Community Halt At litho!, Looking back over half a century of married life, )&r. ekild'hl,r6, Baker say their only revret is tisattime passed 'too quickly, Recalling their Wedding day on Aarit 47, 1907, they said - the Weather that spring was much nicer than this. year, "f. think the day we-were married was the nicest,, day of the entire year" m111,1107 Said MrS. Baker. ''The aun shone brightly, and the day most pileasant." 'They admitted however, that the trip to the church was en exTerience Throughout the airevions day,. It had rained atieadily, and comsekmently the- roads were at, their worst- ;They •drcive by. buggy through mud up to the axles to reach the Presbyterian 'Church at Craohaook, where the ceiremony was., performed by the late Rev. D. V. McRae. , Since their marriage, Mr. and Aare. Baker have been devoted'members "Of St, David's Anglican Church. "I have always been lately ~ with Guild work that I never had time . "---a. -..a-a-ia a -..•"•' -;.-',..'Ii•••q",,f,a 4--. l'•• ,. , 000 •••••• .. •• .. • ... 01000,00.0,0101.101000,4 . ...... •••••/, ...... itt .... ......... ....... 0,0,0* Nature's Best Cream Corn 15I oz. • .. - • • • - 2 for 27c Snowflake Shortening 4 lbs. • • • $1.00 Summer. Pride choice peas 15 oz. - • - • • • • 2 for 27c Utopia choice quality Tomat6es 20 oz. • • • - • - • • • • ,Z for 53c Treesweet Orange Juice 48 oz. • • • • 35c the back oa.,t time wore able faintly. Mr. and Ma's. nark and Bonnie, lslr, Clark, Mr. and • Charles Bone of Bone of London, ' paesentral with a , Returning to Sign Business, After two years with CKNX, T,V. RUSS POYTON SIGNS (Elmer of Eimer and Jed) ' Stens of all kinds Fast Efficient Service ot* 'Truck Letting ! 'Wingham 47SJ Collect.• Brussels Lions Club Paper Drive. Silas Johnston HORTICULTURE SOCIETY OPEN MEETING The Narticulaural Society of Brussels aria District are holding an opea meeting in the Brussels Public Library on 'Tuesday evening Apiril SOfna at 8 p, Mr C. Epps of Clinton. a sportsman 'and Iiorti_ calturist will be present and give us- e talk on• 'his trip and show slides of sports and horticulture work. Any children interested in helping beautify the town with flower beds are cordially invited as a special , contest is being 'planned and will be decided soon if enough are in- terval-eft, A enestionaire on, flower problems and a social half hour 'will probably help the council •to make Brussels. as the signs aa7, "The Pxettiest Spot." r • fou wit 'Ind Other values just as great as these at He was born on the Johnson borneetea'd on the 1st line of ;‘lorris Townalban, the yoarigest of a family of six boa's and two girIs, the son of yilliant James and Mrs, Johnson, pioneers! in the district. He lived there until. 1911 when he moved with his faintly to the 1:6th eon, of 'Grey Twp., near Walton In 1919 lie bought the law,ana farm on the 15th con., where he farmed until moving to Walton in 1936, Where he lived until his, death. Silas always took 'an interest in • -community and church life. E'er 25 yews. he. was superiniendere of the [Tailed ,Ohurch, Sunday School and ,served es olerk of the session of the ,church for 31 yea'as. In the late 1920's he served as councillor on the Grey Township council. ' • i 4 ROCERY THE RUTLEDGE ",aste. atla or to-morrow, but Every Day of the We Deliver Not Just to-day -Phone 7 illil•IN•91:0110911.1 On Wednesday, May 1st 1 I I .1 CARD OF THANKS My ,sineere thanks to all those who rementheired me with 'Oliisite, icarde and flowers 'while I Trap a patient in the St. Joseph, Hospital. London. Your "kind - thoughtfulness Was CARD OF THANKS We oivish 'to thank all our many friends and neighbours, also the con. gregation of St. David's, Church, Hentryn, for all their good wishes, lovely gifts, flowers, and cards which Were ,showered on us at our golden wedding aniversary, also the Wo- men's Institute for the use of the Community Centre, William and Mils. Baker, Ethel. 1014 rAtt. Farmers may leave papers or maga.zines in the doorway of former D. M. -MacTavish store before that date. Magazines and fivers mut,/ be tied separately ready to he plckaall appreciated. Mrs. Mary Smith to belong to institutes •Or other a organizations" explahTed Mrs Baker. • Both of •them are lifelong rest- aleate of this district `111r. Baker I , was, born in Grey township on March 18, 1.332, h ooh, of the late. Baker, who came from ADevonshire England, and pionereil around Exeter before, settling In,, Grey.; W. H. Baker left- the farm lopg enough to work on the railroad around Hetirryn,' where he met his future bride, Who was a. daughter of ;the ItAlpirleys. /eteretirepen. 'their marriage they commenced farming on, con: 9 in: Grey, and re, ' Moaned on that mine farm, for 35 years. They retired, to Ethel 15 'years , ago. Their son Vance, now Works, that land. Mr. Baker keeps a few hens and Tooke after the Community Hall. "A man has got to, do something" he mused "A person could hive a million dollars but if he had 'no- ting' to do he' would be one miser-Edythe M. Cardiff• able man." Clerk, Township of Grev, l‘aris, Baker, the aermea Susan Row- ' TEN DE RS WANTED land Was born in, Dime, two, Jam, 19, 1884, a daughter of the late John and Tenders will be received by the Susan Rowland. Her hobby is mak ng undersigned until 2 p. ,m., May 6. rugs and crocheting. Some Of her 1057 far tine sale of a bridge eit- rugs have gold for $50. • coated at lot 11, concession 8 Morris They have two sons, Victor, Man- Towlnslitri, The bridge is to be paid burn, Altaa and Vance on the home for and removed by the buyer within , one Week of notice by the contractor stead; and one daughter,Mrs. for the new bridge or by the Town- Willtniiain Coneybeare, R. R. 9 ship of Morris. ., ListoWel. Mr. Baker also has, one brother, Robert, con, 2 Elma and one Highest or ape,' tender not, neces- CARD OF THANKS The wife and family of the late 1 Silas Johnston, wish to express their , sincere thanks and apPrec fatten to, the many frfendS, relatives and neighbours for the kindness and •sympathy extended to them in their recent beireaveMent; also for the beautiful flOraI tributes and cards of sympathy, Special thanks' to Rely. M. Thomas, the pallbearers, Dr. Myers Mr. Rani and those who helped us during our troubled time: -4 1 j 4 Trh 100% he tivIgt,5 married to Rebecca Forrest,, who survives him alone, with three sons, Harvey of Clinton, , Bent of Grey Tewetship and Jinn of Essex,' as well as eight grand ; children, Funeral ;Service was held on April 101h. in, the Walton United almacla,a Rev. Monies 'officiating, with ial in the .Brussels cemetery. The., pall-bearena were members of the session, Clarence Martin, Geo. Mc, Anthill., Martin: Damn. Wm, Sholdice, John Watson and LlOyd Porter. Two other memebers, of the sess- ion, Ed.. Bryan's, and Geo. Dundas,! were flower bearens. Me members Hof the session of Moncrieff United , •Church Were rhonouary pall: bearers. Friendig and relativee were pre. Sent from Algoma; Flint, _Mich.; Wingham, Staatford, Brussels, Blyth, Clinitioui, Se;afortla Bluevale, Laken and Kincardine. WALTON. L MEM ANN!: Those attending the funeral of the • late Silas Johnston, from a distance included,: Mr. and Mrs. Burns Beiharriell, Mrs. .Earl Rowan and t Mile. Margaret Eaket, from, Dean Lake, Algoma; Mr, and Mrs. Martin Kerr' and Jack and Mrs. • Harold Periard and family from, Burt, Mich Mr. and-IVIreu Jas. Hesson, Stratfotd and Mr. arid Mrs. W. Mathew; Kin- cairdine. 4 THE PRE1 3Y-TliedAte 'detURCH IN CAt ADA Knox •ohurch, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Sunday School 10 p.m. Young People's Bible ()lase 10 P.m- Service of Wor'shin 1.0 A. M, Gad is, not a Problem, to be soltved. but a PERSONAL FRIEND to be served. Huron County TB Association TOWN HALL, CLINTON. Monday, 8:00 April 29th L. • TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received gx the undersigned until 1 m m. Saturday, May 44th, MITA& supplying 2300 bags Of cement for the Town:shill of Grey to be delivered to the )3eirareS Bridge opposite Lot 35 Con. 3 and 4. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, NOTICE Anyone, interested in playing foot- ball for Brussels please contact G• (Doc.) Stephenson. Everyone is invited to attei4 • Secretary Ontario T B Association MRS. J. B. RUSSELtia Executive Secret:a-M oa t, Executive GORDON KNIGHT President. • Knox ;A-lurch, ETHEL Minister: Mi.. C. L. Thompson Sunday School 1.30 p.m. Service ofWorship 2.30 P. M,. Being wrapped up in one's Own self righteousuesis, makes a, very ehabbY cloak. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Cutting Styling ColdWaving A Specialty Phone 40X Brussels WRESTLING " SEAFORTH ARENA . 4/1•6031.4-4-me.rrni.*MMI N Saturday, Apri l 27 Featuring Famed TV Stars of Texas and Hollywood Real Estate uys PRAYER PLEA: Deliver us from a theology contained in a lexicona a !God immprisoned in a book; a faith buried with, the dead heroes of the alba- nd around Brussels in EXTRA SPECIAL 4,01 PpUBLE MAIN EVENT Four men in the Ring — Tag Team Match • Team of Killer Cristy (Detroit) asd Geno Marconie (Natides).4 Team of Cam Motto (Japan) and Roger 1-luttler (Gerrnati4 • `•••23,.. '1 0•1110.00 250- acres, all tillable, with good buildingS. Full price $15000.00 with $6000.00 cash. Close .to Brussels eerily aecepted. sister, Mrs. John BlIacott, MOialaton. Melville Church Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist •--• Donald DunbaF JA A. 31.. 'Sunday Mod 11 A. M. Public Wioirsh1p, Not by Might- nor by Power Mrs Baker liasi three sisters, 1VIrs. John Quinn!, Monkton; Mrs Louise Cheslev; and Mrs. Elizabeth Gives, Deadwood, Alta. Geo, C. Martin, a, Clerk. Township of Morris. emmenishIgiammaisannin LLASHMAR DRIVE-114 THEATRE LISTOWE L By public Demand, a return battle to a finish MIGHTY MIDGETS — Fuzzy Cassidy vs. “Hill Billy" Farmer Pe,t • 200 a,erea, 175 tillable; solid brick house, good barn, on highway $13000.00 with $0000.00 cash, Extra Attraction I DON COOK (Seaforth) CHALLENGES LEO MULKE (Hamiltog Admission — Ringside $1.50; General $1.00; Children under 12,50C- e,AP1101, wTowFL illEATRF `-``' 150 acres, good buildings, OR Seatorth highway, Full %ice $12000.00 with $5000.00 'cash ehowa etreetiv `P.30 a.ao o, 'Si. Matinee fleeitedev o , Sptonsorod by Seaforth Athletic Association 1 TheiThited Church Thugs: •Fri. . Apr. 25 26 •DObtile Feature* "BATTLE STATIONS" JOhn Lund, William Berdix ',Tait GUN THAT WON THE WEST (color)•.DenniS•IWorgan Wed, '- Thurs. Fri. - Sat, April 24 25 - 26 - Gary dooper and Marjorie (Maw Kettle) Main "FRIENDLY PERSUASION" ditienieScope, and Color Twelve Weeks in Toronto 1!!' Weeks In London C Six Weeks 'In Kitchener • "ilkii\id YOUR Nominatedfor the Acadenly Award' Don't MISS Tills Picture; SMILE I (dotok) Frarikle, Laic.. ur-(xtzt""Y AT, " Mon, Tiles, - Wed. David' B ;ant 'Lida Davis • April 29 - May 1 Nearer !rare suchgeeitee of at iirtiiiitt 11A-V0a, 1)MTIttrePrOg and OF CANADA 100 acres„, all tillable, good house and barn, close to Brussels on highway. Palle ;price $0500.00 with $4000.00 oash, ,rtrs"•••• Minister: hey. A. Lan*, S. A 1111: • btrine tOtnisitio ii 14. Mho Christian's ,did * Clinfati Sahli& • 12 Oielooit, sTRArFoRD CEMETERY MEMORIAL'S, 38 Avondale Av(e. Phone 267W, RAY SHANTZ PROPRIETORS -- BERT PRETTY Whoa you eltoOS6 a Monatinient for a loved ban lot the fikillie4, craftsmen With 41 years experience, who Were ell-meat to carve Brick hoitse, 6 rooms anti bath, main street--Brussels, Pitll Mice' 3500 00 .with !halt web. , "Gad is a Spirits) "Shit with Sat. Mon. April 27 - . Spirit dam meet." Dobule FeatUre 4' .. *0,0 . . . it .. *•000,,, . .. .. ... ... .. ,N, .. • .... • .. j . ... ••• ...... A Brick Cottage, South end of 1111180gs, hydro, Water bath Full price 33000.00 half cash, 00034et. engrave The Stratford Shakespearean Festival Theatre Stone, fashion. Veto. Memarial„. Ae*bilaible Prices, thiaran'teed Workmanship'. Anglican 'Church • • . .. • I I . .. . 4 . iii0000,W414, OF CANADA •i• Frame house, 6 rOmiis, dawn Own ill Baussele, hydro Water and bath Mite $3500.00 With $1000.00 &rim. • ritittitbk cutting tin iln,tritallitik6 and aloCki been elletaii a , Adult)- . Lana Turtier, „ Fred .MCNItirraY.. . , Joan batittletd ipArN§, OF RANCHIPUR" pI • $01.' Free Wddc ' May . • dAUVUMN LEAVES"' 'Chili-Mk '13416664 We are pleased to at:mot:nee that We have choreic rePreoentaive iu Mir district witoin Ion at know . A 101101. tvilLt40' pa, t eXPerleade will Walla' assist yon it• selecting Tour gettiPtiet. 66t,rtA01' Mr. M Feethh W. Kemp, Ligtowet ' 01-16Nt, 39 Or tet WiisatemoviatillOstili11040116444hisinHiiii4i eaewee.eifig 11 A. M. i.viattint Joan Crawford, Lorne Green Sunda* Schot ^ I , d Michel wo Slitviva? NightlY, 'Rain or Clear 13oX. Offled OPteiha at 7.30 O'dIoefi. Th uri Fri. - Sat. i 1t Cavil's dHii'rche H" rnlryn . i i 4 hire{ 'Show, it S , 0 6 S . t,. S . . S11 OA A M,. w000ig , ,,,,,.,„ .L , , Ottiotty 11.tiiititii: i _-_, ii, blrlacilren lIntter 12 in CM% rree ' EIVIS Presley ' ., titi'ZaPit at...gacli ratiOt;iilaiititi oLavd l-Viti Tender's' ,REAL t61`Atit--- ANO tititiNtS6 tiktiktO Otiotve- tittitIMEL6 • , • •