HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-04-17, Page 5IN MEMORIAM Mnehan -- Ili loving meniory Of a dear ihusbaotL Lawrence , Maehan, who plashed away Aril 23rd, 1954, Cod gave me strength to fight And courage to bear the blew' 'Rut what it meant to 1000 him No one will ever knOW, it Sadly uniwa by 'ilia -wife IN MEMORIAM Machan — Ia loving memory of a dear father, Lawrence E, Machan, who passed away APrll 23ird, 1950. So many things have happened Dad Since you've been called away Things you Would have enjoyed Had you been left rtip otaY. So many things to share Mlith you Itt iust the visual way 'Things that would Jaave been nice' If you wets here today We cannot bring the old days back Your hand we cannot touch, But God has given Os mientories Of, one we loved so n1U:oh. 14ver rAmembered by Siena and Daughters, Mrs. C. L. Thompson was a dale- ,gate. from the W. M. S. of Knox Knox Wes. Church, attending the - Hamilton Synodical in Listowel last week Ma's. A. J. Forrest, and Mrs. Stanley Fischer land Mrs. Mac Engel ,atteanded the Wednesday meeting. Sunday visitors, with Mr. and 1VIrs. Fred Kirkpatrick inicluded Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kirkpaltriek and family and Mrs.:: Herman Kirkpatrick, aft of Mount Forest. - Marilyn1 Knight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Knight, underwent an apPendectomy tin Wingliam hos- (oltal on Monday. Cranbrook W. M. S. qn 1 Wedluesday aftelonooru, April 3rd the regular W. M. S. 'was held at the manse with eleven, merrnbers ,present. Mrs. Jacklin as leader read two versles 'of *The atone is rolled away." A hymn was sang hind Minis. Schrock led in prayer. Matthew chapter 22 was read by Mrs. Dunn. The synodical to be held it Listowe\ wals. disenesecl, I:The next meeting to be at 2,30, 'owing to' daylight saving time. A. letter Of 'thanks was weed front Mrs. Earl Dunn. An :in- vitation was read to attend the Easter meeting of the evening Auxiliary an April 16 in the church. The next meeting k to be at MIEIS Fonrest. Roll call to be answered by a verse containing seed. An Easter topic was given by 'VS, Engel, A dawn" was given. by Mrs, jacklin. reading "You can't hold hack She A hymn Was sung null. Mrs. Jacklin eldsed the meeting with prayer, A dainty , lunch. Was served by Mrs. Theinorfien, Mrs, 'Irma acid Mile. Evand. FOR RENT — 100 Acres of Grass Land, 4th. line of Morris; also good Farm House. Jack Thyme FOR SALE — Mixed Bediver Oalte and Bailey, Snit...able for seed, or feed. Charles McLean, R. R. 4. Brussels Phone 511,18 'WANTED — Reliaple man as Dealer in Heron! County. Experience not necessary, A fine opportunity to step into old profitable hinsiness where Rawleigh Products have been sold foe years. Big *lents. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigies' Dept D-152-163, Montreal, Quell. TENDERS WANTED I wish 1.ci take this opportunity` Hof thanking .nis friends and neigh,' bouts for the many carder; treats tund fieWers While in th.0 Kitchener 'holibital and for the many visita -slime I came home. A special thanks to these who hatted a,t hoind Tatty klaidnest Will long be rementi `tiered; Jean Bridge know, won the famous Manufacturer's Trophy as the best performing ear at Daytona teach competitive trials. There's more luxury, too, more to be just plain proud of, 'Vey there's more attention to detail. Tii Chevrolet, body panels fit snugly. 'The chrothe trim is on to stay. In?, terors' have the smartness of the eastern touch. Everywhere you look hi a Chevy, you find the obviona marks of extra' care, eVen to a'cadet limousine *when you close those big solid doors Come on nl Get a close-up of all there is to enjoy in this exciting Chevrolett ,koidiodot dt kixtril tmt i"d' h.p, tiisti ,prtfortneno hhes itedilatd At d,tMi cot, •••••••• !IP istiN '57 CHEVROLET "Klaidlt atter Infiniti. tines its intro- ilatt(ptif Canadians have iiptight mare `57'0ot-deft than any Other 'COP tlispiay this fohttnts trade/nark C-2110 , d LOCAL rnRocMexxa ors" THE BRII5E14.5 PQST Woklogd4Y, 44Yril " .: • VII., +PM HBLP WANTEo Girl, or woman, fOr bellfieWeriO no washing. Sleep in or out, Velma Stephenson Phone 40x ADS, i . HAG, Y06!,4 FURNACE I COME A CROPPER!) Well SON RAVE IT WQRWING t 4'PROPER" SALE 22, Cliltilas Plkou44 25/12 FOR SALE -- 0 good weauoIr TOP, °Wm, J. henry Phone 17r9 . ^.11r1. ifl• 11, • POR SALE --• 3 ;pectin $pring tooth drag harrow. Price $20,00 Stan, Alexander Mine 136r13 'FOR CASK PAID SALE For ,Old, sick and disabledborses, 8 puritam Iioreford ealVes, and cows, D d Plead horses an" cOwS Jim Cardiff . 'Plwge WO t Free pie); PP. Phone Atwood 153 Collect ,FOR SALE quantity of ipale14: 1-falY,ROYAL 1 DQULTON 29% OFF ?Tack Alcock Phone '420,8 Sale For May Only ',Thin our China Obit .11310 benefit RENT from these • tremendous savings, 710,10d Apartment, 135. per month Deferred :payments if you \viol! p, Comas 'phone 47 and other ;benefits. Enquire at Leach's JeWellery Store The Store for Beautiful Gifts. Cream Separator. R. 4. 2 Bluevale WANTED — FEAR —7 lowing mentor., 0 14 Agreesive men and women, Maks 4lear Wife and mother Agnes i interesting ifitorus cn each you Fear, •• who passed away three. l sell. Well-known ananufaetnrer of years. ago April; 14th, PURNAC LOCAL TmncItAR C&17 KRAUTER — Co. ---- PLUMBINGHEATINci SHEET METAL. ,c0a./3uke*,•. BRUSSELS Tkosa 47 X Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 499 Huron Street, Toronto When you THINK of FLOWERS THINK of us, LEWIS FLOWERS rvsc- PHONE 101 WINGHAM Two deliveries daily to. the Wingham Hospital. You are cordially, invited to visit our greenhouses FRAppis STREET WINGHAM and choose your EASTER flowers from our wide milectlos. Over, six thousand square feet devoted to growing top guality cut flowers and potted plants. If unable to visit just phone WINGHAM 101 and your flowers will be delivered greenhouse fresh. For' the best value, best quality, and years of exp,ertener call FOR SALE Massey Hare-ia Murray Rem, ' IN, MEMORIAM. S ,FOR RENT — Orem farm 140 acres, 4 miles from Brussels, son:. 7, Morris, J. C. Long Phone 88r2 I • ,,frnest household necessities and Since you've gaol fir St iktql toilel we ta0esi ihasi openings. in y,our remain, tsnlirouudings. Write for details and, To walk the road alone free catalogue to 1400 Deiorimier, 'We live in memory!, garden., dear Dept. C, Montreal. Widai happy days we've known Since you've gone first. and 'FOR SALE — 1 'wheeled .garden tractor. with cultivator. Wm. Newton. we Phone 71=4 ...„, FOR SALE — TENDERS WANTED remain For the painting- of the interior of Won soon we'll follow you Duff's; United Church, Walton, also We want to know each step the basement,' An estimate wanted take for varnishing of church, That we may walk the same • For Some day doWn that lonely road Moult hear us call your name, — Always' remembered by husband and family. you, Baby Couriage, Go-cart and Car seat. apply to fiELGRAVE ,Tendere to he in by April 27th. 'Bert Johnston, Sec. of Board' of Stewards R., Ft. 2 Bru.seels LEWIS FLOWERS Queen's Hotel FOR SALE Spring Shortie Coat, winter-white in colour. Like now. 'Doreen. Raymond Phone 42 Ross Yuill, eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mine, Clarence Yidlt sUff- eyed a nasty gash on his head. The family was at the barn doing the evening ehores. Ross was play- ing and accidentally ran into the differ carrier .bucket, striking Igs head against it, He was taken. to Vlingharn .Gtenle0a1 Hospital where eight sticihOR went required to close the wound. After treatment Ross was allowed to go. 'home. PHONE WINGHAM 101 "WE GROW OUR OWN" BONEDED MEMBER OF THE F. T. 0. FOR BRUSSELS AND DISTRICT. !'FOR RENT Cottage. hot and cold water. all -confreniences. EliMbeth Street. Apply to •P. 0. Box 50. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PErisONS having chime against the estate of WILLIAM JAMES WATCH late of the Town- ship of Morris in the County of I Huron, retired Farmer. who died on or about the 10th day of Ootober A, D. 1957, are hereby notified to seed to the undersigned 'on or be- fore -the 27th day of April, full (particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the 27th day of April, the assets of the estate will be distributed among the parties en- titied Vierete having regard tamely to claims 'of which the Executor kshall then halve notice. DATED at Brussels, 'Ontario, this 9th, .dlay of April, 1957, Crawford and Hetherington Brussels Ontarie Solicitors for the Estate • • It gives you more to be proud o `FOR SALE — Fast growing, early production_ 'Chicks for all markets. Ask for complete May list. Bray Hatchery has pullets, Started; all pramPt shipment, A wide Het to choose Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel; Mrs. R. Barrett, R. R. 5, Brussels. 44, . • -; ri'i;i10,,Vie9Vt,•; • ... • . • ..... , ......... . . ATTENTION FARMERS ! SPECIAL LOW .PRICES ON BELL IMPERIAL j THRESHING. MACHNES UNTIL 15 MAY- 1957 IT WILL PAY YOU TO CONTACT US NOW FOR PARTICULARS REPAIRS AND PARTS — Now is the time to look Over your older machine and liaVe any repairs done,: so that you 'will not be held up later. We give careful attention to repairs and orders for. paaits. 1...4.•••••••••••6.0•401,01 ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LTD. Seaforth, Ontario Phone 268 4.....enikow.••••••••1•44.4••••••44•••••44.4.41.,11•4449itt.:1`1"..4.117,11 "1 S (3- K r " • t: t. • The new '57 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan, all the reason in the world fo hold your head hlohert A GENERA MOTORS VALUE r •••••“.. •••••• 0.4.. .4 HE'S POINTING TO WHERE.., EVERYBODYS FAVORITE DESSERT IS MADE! FOR SALE --, 100 ratin ot. Rand: Frame 'House. L.c,• _6' Milne el acres workabl47; imilebri..a..1 etore. Price $066.06 are Patti on highway; Frame Hotiae.; Flank Barn, Prteir $6,$00'.60 1 Sfierell" itionSe 'In bed, ern fticilitte19. VACS- 18,259,00' Cotttage in gal aise. Price $3,204.00 tau- taiitatit and Grocery Store in iviitage""Ori lakS, 1U/it $41) per /tenth: Stook Stitt edpiptheitit $4,500.00 .0116iie 84 J. C. Long rieliitOr IttWititie 'ziftrititky. R*v *oar milts aad *sr deatied the 'earitratii bir.trie ii•kit4 nahiii, dattini, 514 Not just the way it looks, but the way it's put, together the finer materials, work- - tnanship and finishing touches. Not just its friskier, smoother performance, but the deep-clown soundness that's special to Chevrolet in the low-price field. Try it out and you'll sec it's SweeL Smooth and' Sassy. You name it, The new '5/ Chevrolet has more of it . . inSicle, outside' and tunler- kienth that .body by rislien, There's a finer ride, smoother performance and a sWeeter Way of going, Vet there's g finer balance, a • more solid -construction, so that great Chevrolet 6 or V6 engine can "get With it" More efficiently, delivering up to 245* itiv (end So cinietly), Chevrolet, yen tt ltott SALE Highest oftees fer bid . .':itiOrte' lizih CliTvgoLET Only" ittattoriti Chevrolet dca/ers • 4,2 S 11•:•*" 2_-1( BRLIZ'Ci CQEM-iilZY INSENliNA1 ION irlOORMAtiON "Poe artifietal tirienithation hirer, matitCii or service from A111)1404 Of •ciittle, phone tie *ateried Cattle treading Assodiation et:. Clinton IT V.2 - 11441 Or ilftliriersten 498 iiet*eeii 7.I0 and 9.80 A: M. Wet'tliarliel all ireea• itfatlable ,,,, top aitallif fit "le* 6611.." mtmottIAL r-,/ p. lour Meat, tr,) r rive Itztn. Aiwa f* sitig4 :1E !SSE& 60„kri11tt4,- Mont !!Tiff gieo "w•-!!, Most Ream!: aisle teargAdil Lattatioit a 110•211114 It SPOTTOg Sao seek vitniiiiketip thittie. wers e russels, t. • tt•