HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-04-17, Page 1t, .. * ... .11010. 1.• ift ... ................ • .. .. •0"1.666 .6^ •*.• Aylmer W K Corn 15 oz. • • • • 2 for 29'c 'Chan Speed Coat Liquid Wax 4a* Special Offer 1 qt. per price of pint Libby's Spaghetti 18 oz. Green Giant Fancy Peas 15 oz. — • • • • • • - • • • 2 for 33c , •06 6. ... • 59c g for 45c HE IS RI aN • To Thy• great name, AliriahtY Lord; We sacred honours pay, And loud hosannas shah proclaim The triumphs of the clay, 4 The Hoard decided to hold a special meeting for the considerat- ion of these,„tWo items. t 'Moved by Gordon Stephenson, t seconded Ray Bronson the tteadh- ens have permission to acaompany the fohildrena' choirs, to the• music festival and the children not in- eluded ,be given a holiday. Moved by Mrs, Raw; secanded by Louis EbeL a coMmittee con- silsting .of GondOis Stephenson, Ray Bronson and Louis' Ebel be respon Isible for transportation of children to the Inasic festival — Carried. Oyu a request from, Miss 1Valtehell, MI's. Ratan andl Louis Ebel was ap- pointed to look after .tbe purabaae of a new malttrfess nor Mattreas cover an) downstairs mania — Carried. Moved by Louis Ebel, seconid'ed by Gordon Stephenson the oecretary write all families who have not paid their anhool tees, for 1956-57, re- -questing \this payment ,be made by April 154th. — Carried. Moved by Ray Bronson), seconded by MK' Ratra a further crequistion be made to the council for $1000 as pant payment of the town levy. - Carrldd. ail,oved by Ray Bronislon, seconded by Louis ma the meeting adjourn to meet again on Wed. evening, April 10th, or at the tall of tthe chairman Eliza:beta F. Elliott. SecaTrea,s, NOTICE To Residents Of Brustels a. District) There will be NO MILK DELIVERY on GOOD FRIDAY , APRIL 19, so get extra milk etc, on Wednesday and Thursday. Thank you for your co-operationa COUSINS DAIRY Phone 22 tarusselt maimiles• 290 acres with 90 acres hardwood bus.h - worth a. lot of dollars Perfect buildingo on highway close to Brussels. Full price $19,000.00 'with $10,009.00 oath. 4.11APITOL IliorowEi HEATR~'`) -" 2 allows; nightly '•'.30 0.30 p, el. Matmee En•iordaV 2 100 mores on'highway-, all tillable, good halve, new bean, Full • price $12.000.00 'with $5,000.00 dash, 644 6.1. 04 1.00 acres grass farm 90 acres 'cleared :with new 'seeding - well fenced, $4,500.00 with $2,000.00 cash. 100 acres :gnats farm, all tillable, with entPlie shade and Ititi,tot, good fences. 1Pui twice $3,060:00 with '4500.00 cash. Brick Cottage in.• Briisselte, main, Street locations. fully modern in every -way. Atli Trice $$6,0.00' Udit oast!. Frame house hi trifssielS, ini perfect 'deflation With Hydro, Water', bath, Pitit dittittg price $2,060.06. 'AO, $1,666.00 down:. . .. . 2 date lot Ivtt.bi good itod§o and taiali haft pride $2,800.00 *lot .$1,466,66 .&16ii„ STRATFORD CEMETERYMEMORiA • . RAY SHANTZ — PROPRIETORS BERT PRETry. MAY SHANTZ — PROPRIETOR BERT PRETTV When YOU aliataiea Montument fora loved One, let t e etta .1110 erafterilen Witli 41 years 0.kPeriail46, Who more etft0Sell,to —Clatee ii engrave StratfOrd ShakeSpearean tesevai Oidated AIL** State, fagleit " Metitbrint, I I ReMbitable Pridea, Otteraiiteed Woaktaiiinahlia " We )ate pieliSed to utiSiksttilice that ..tve hod titatikiiiiv leetitesientati*6 your tilgtidt *Min you O. kite* A mid 1)40 at eeeilee greatly asitt YOn lit eel editing. t Otti CONTACT Ftaith W. Kemp, Listoitier P1-10NE att or 587 t s►~that sec 0-11 stddmelass amyl, rom Moe Deaatatraona Post Publishing klouse ►s . April 1957 .1afiPaSal-$. PlaataP ),SCHOQI., PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAYING TIME will be in effect in BrUssele starting at 4ATURDAY MIDNIGHT', APRIL 27th, 1957 end ending at SATURDAY MIDNIGHT, SEPTEMBER P-Stb, To fall In line with other municipalitlest GEORGE McCUTCHEON, ,REEVE poARp MEETING The monthly regtilar nthly MeetinK 9f APril WI, 19.57'i the Brussels Selma Board wee hold on the above 4.0,0 with. all members ilre.iJenit except (R1),)% Kennedy, minutes of the previous 'meeting were read and adepted on Motion of Louis hbel and Ray Bran- sans Carried, The fallowing aeconnte were pre- sented Jack hood School Suppliev 28.09 Mach.ani's hardware 14.39 Pollard Chain Sew ..,.....,„. .50 Additional Prem. en 'Liability Insurance Polley 0.46 !Mudd:poi World 3,00 ',Music Festival Entry Fees 10,50 Hydro UNITED SPRING CHURCH Y. P. U. RALLY OPEN HOUSE DISPLAY DELIGHTS PARENTS ,46,66 .... .. 4,464 . . .. f146 *64 .. • . ,••••••••, atm wil- 'Ind other values just as great as these at THE RUILEDRGRQCERY ... . ... • .... 6 some years, a Not just to-day or toariorrow, but Every Day of that year. Phone 7 We Deliver The teachers, and pupils, went to a areat deal of trouble in mepar- ationt and the rooms, were attractive with art work of -various kinds and interesting displays of daily wort ;dome by the *upils for those who were interested in examining it, The teachers were on hand to meet the parents and diScuss matters of intiereist. The art work, as well os other work compared most favourably and in, same oases surpassed, work we fluee seen in sdhool exhibits in large centre. Everyone 'concerned is to be eon- "aratulated on the success of the `Open House evening. WALTON BARN BURNS, LOSS IS $25,006 Fire of undetet-mined origin totally destroyed the large L-shap- ed barn en the farm of Archie Somerville, R. R. 4 Walton, early Mdiday anorniag. The fire was dis)ciovered by a neighbor who called the Seaforth fire department a 455 P. m, Some: 55 head off cattle, 68 pigs, 200 chick- ens and a hay wayon and minor equipment, als) well as seed grain; we're 'destroyed in the blaze. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many friends of our sister the late Mary Lamont for kindness shown at, the time of our bereavement as well as (during her prolonged nine% Alex and . Leslie Lamont. Mary A. Lamont -a= artomrens+1,4 /yam raf t A. life, time resident, of Brussels and district Miss Mary A. Lamont i died in Wingbam Hospital on fillairsdain April llth. She was born in Grey Tommrsarit4 on November 1.7, 1872 and was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and 1VIrs. Hugh Lamont Brussels Lions Club Paper Dicke ,741 On Wednesday, May 1st Farmers may leave papers or magazines in, the doorway of 110, ,,asS ' 41 UNITED fOHURCH W. M. Tilla W. la. S met in the church parlour, Mrs. H. names aaresiding. Meeting opened with a hymn follow- -ed with prayer by Mrs. 1N/1, Dennis, The scripture in two parts watt given by Mrs, A, Lane and Mrs A. ..L.rmstrong. Secretary's minutes from last meeting ,were read and adopted. 21 members present answer- ed with an Easter thought. An invi- tation from Walton to meet ,with their group an .Aptril 10 was read and -accepted. 16 calla on the Shut ins were neporfed. Treasurer's reparl, was read and. approved, Mas. Roy Cousins repotted for supply dammittee. .Mrs. T. .Stradhan reporting for Christian] StewardishiP. A special offering is Ito be taken at next meeting for supplies. Mrs. Turnbull and Mrs, R. Cousins delegates to the Huron Presbyterial in Clinton gave aheir reports, Mas. Turnbull repoating for the morning teOsiort and Mrs. Cousina for the afternoon. The Study Period; wan enacted as a dialogue, Mrs. Strachan, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Cousins reading the parts. Meeting closed, with a. hymn. All repeating the Mazpah benediction.. EASTER 'DANCE In Ethel Community Hall on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th Ken Wilbee Orchestra Acimission 56e Refreshment Booth In the hall 38.83 Moved by Mss. Bann, seconded by Gordon. Stephenson these ac- accounts be paid. — Carried. Moved by Ray Bronson, seconded , by Louis Ebel, the ;open night at 43trufshels pu'bfic School ge head' Friday, April 1.21tila 8.0 to 9.30 lam. — Carried. The secretary presente file d tCaterroOa-. (respondence wibicibl included a ;letter from Principal K. L, ..kshtoonr, requesting four month leave 'abfsence commencing Slept 1957. The *lady itmehers of the Brae- sels Selhool were pneseat and pre- sented a new salatia, schedule to • the bacurd for oonsideration, The work of the Brits.sels Public School pupils 'on display at the Open house on Friday .evening :amazed and delighted the large number" of parents and interested friends 'who availed themselves of the oppiOrtnni&yr to attend the .first .occasion. of the kind in FORMAL PANE In Cranbrooh Community Centre THURSDAY APRIL 25th Music byWilbc-,:e's Orchestra $1.00 Each Lunch Provided. Everyone Welcome- Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Boara Twelve mentbeaa of Bruesela Ups ited, ,Clauroh Young People were among a group 'of some 260 young people front, Huron Presbytery that gathered in the Beigreve church and hell for the annual Siting banquet and rally an April 10th, The theme for the rally was Dare to salve Him. Rev. 0, D, Cox of formerly of Beigraive was the Theme speaker. Stan McDonald Huron Presbytery President, formerly of Ethel was chairman for the Rally. 4 ' • 4 THE PREIBYIEKIAN Ca:URCH IN CAaACIA Caanbrook and Ethel Congregations Will unite in a special Worship Service at 11 A, M„ on Good Friday Morning ' an KNOX CHURCH ORANBRCIOK Soloists): Miss M,. Perrie and Mr. C. L. Moralism . S . Knox Chuvash, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson former D. M. MacTavish store before that date. Magazines and papers must be tied separately ready to be Rini; elle was a member of Melville Obuirch in Bruesels. for many yearn and as long as heath !peranititaca was a falthful Wolrhet thera She ;wets a life member of the W. M. S. a member of the Ladies( Arid Sticiety enkl, taught in the Sunday School. up. INTRODUCING A NEW-STYLE ECONOMY ,PACKAGE:. of COTTAGE CHE-ES.a. ante funeral took Dlace on Sat, April lath, from 'the D. A. Rahn funecral "home. The service was conducted 'by the Rev. Harold Colvin of Melville Church. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery and the deceaned was borne to hen lafat resting place by John Bowman, 'Thomas L. McDonald. Richard Johnston. William Speir and :Clark Matheson. She leaven to mourn her loss two' brothera Alex D. Lamont, Burling- ton. 0.nt. and J. Leslie Lamont a of Kincardine), Ont. also five nephews and three nieces. 'Do You Want Something Delicious .For • Your Easter Dinner have one of WHEELER'S TURKEYS Rhone 12J13 Brussels VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Cutting Styling ColdWavin A Specialty Phone 40X Brussels 20 oz. of COUSINS Creamed Cottada, Cheese at the INTRODUCTORY PRICE ONLY' 33a. Sunday School 10 p.m. Storing uses. It is in a Handy Plastic Container which,,can4 he. used illet Left-overs in your Refrigerator, as well: as many alive 0 41 Young People's Bible Class 10 P.M. Service of Easter Worship 11. A. M. • Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: MI, C. L. ThOMpl1011 Sunday School * 1.30 p.m. Young. People's Bible' Class 1.30 p.m. Service of Easter Worship 2.30 P.M. Prayer Plea: arrhat I may kney Him and the, power of His resurrection" Melville Church Minister: Rev. 'H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist Donald Dunbar Good Friday- Service 11 A. M. United Vh,nrch le A. M. Sunday School 11 A. Public Warship "I Am The Resurection" • Try One of the New 20 ounce Economy Packs Tcaciaya Ava*. able at Our Dealers and at The Creamery or Phone'22 fo'r. TRIAL PACKAGE. R:B, COUSINS LTD: Brussels Creamery ineonmommonimmoiminalliellik THE MAYDELLE SHOPPE: Offers The .Latest in SPRING MILLINERY Real Estate ups in and ar•und Brussels ••••0000•19••• Pre- Easter Sale of NYLON HOSE by VVeldrest: 66 gauge --- 12 denier — personal lengths $1.09 Per pair 2 Fairs $2.15 14 Days- Only p. ' real good buildings. Full WE CARRY ARDELLE & EXQUISITE LINGER : For Children To 6X We Have Blazers Grey Flannels Shirts Jeans )Dreaseca Crinolines Blouses etc. 250 acres on highway close ,t9 Bres,EielS, price '44,000.00 with $7,000.00 0 • Baby Gifts A Speciality The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. Lone; 11, A 11.. Good Friday Service 11 A. M. United Chitirch. •••••-. • ANNOUNCING CHANGE, 00 OWNERSHIP The firm. of D. N. Mobotidid Latither and Bitildere Supplies ,personally Wank ell customers tor %heir *blued vidttovite. . My fattier his Said Ills interests )titi"the bitsineed to me. '11116 tame Mdbeintid Llitither and Buililefa ail:0'01We Will be terra 'tinted, Divine titoraiiiii ritotot m40,1§6.,ge, • ifIktiliati School Wed, - APriii 17 - 18 Tab Hunter' aiod Natalie Wood The t*,,o Most pop)allar stars of the moment in theta latest picture "THE GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND 11 A. S. end, Eaaten Music 1$ (Moe ' ngtieeitt Clitlreb OF CANADA tairish ‘0) IN,Utnitie flee., Mid L. S. T. Rioter St -.1ehiliS Good -tridny 111 A. M. litanteir 8.80 A, ltd'. and 11 A, holy thabitifeiOM •watem•ii m Sri.- Sat. April 10 20 "THE FIRSt. TEXAN" dineinaSdipe, and Color Joel McCrea, Jeff: kleerOW, 9Vallabe Ford' Spaiiky (CO Gang ;Comedy)` (Cartoon) resolve to entry 'oil ithe lid§idedd raditioiijs d§rtabitilidd by any fdtildf, • tittditty Service and Pried Tering $6 4ddy§ to apProired a'sl 11 'hitt ,. or le,Mi Pouf toitiniteit iii,itbothitt:gd, *hi lie 'sig teal ttdit land 6ii*Fitotitor. foottoii wilt ,to foremost. , J. M. itbbediettei .. . ii" . '" d Michel Mon. - Tuea.' April 22 ti 23, TIM i-TO'crty, tile little boy iihaa eri6aitoit your heart tit ;Toy 'tiger; stars digakt itt litVr I No BUT THE tt4UtHi, ititi ;Hold the ailitaid ataith and tuanea It aciWis REAL E81ATE .AN:0; BUSiNEss ,BROKER. tt; dhuociii ken#ryn tined, Priddy 2,80, P. Meister 246 , „oi Lk) .0:14614t likiiii6ktt •••