HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-04-10, Page 5THE _BRUSSELS POST wedneltdan .0111 .4.90t The first Mot Is sovin for his marrioge The- Cei fete is saving to equip a home workshop. v. iaEPAIR YOUR FURI:iia l I N -rHE.: spRING, $ .r CQUD V1EA14ER .COMFORT I HE air I "HING 'e t...... . LOCAL ts...nawa<8. w. ••,, • Cs.b KRAUTER PLUMBING& HEATING SWEET/HETAL OILBURNO BRUSSELS ;.:.,.0ortz. 47 X •••••••••• • e• •••-•••—•!. FOR SALE — 4 — SO its. milk oasis, L Prand gels% IL Plant Phone 15J7 FOR SALE, — 1. 'wheeled' garden ,tractor. with cultivator. Wm. Newton Phone 71xr4 'FOR SALE -- Winter white. Shortie Coat, size 16. fully lined, like new. Phone 42 Doreen Raymaml FOR SALE — Rain sls,elters, electric. brooders. waterers and feeders. Call 40x, garage, can be easily appit-to Pihone 40X "FOR SALE New car moved, .Win. Stephenson FOR. RENT — 100 Acres of Grass• Land, 4th. line i of Morris; also good Farm Haase. Jack Thymus • and .Buffet. Excellent condition, Mrs. Ray Bronson. FOR SALE - Bray chicks. Ask agent for list, chicks for all nialrkets. Started Chicks, pittleta. Prompt Ishtpinent Af.'llt agent for Aphil-May list, Win. Glen Bray, Ethel; Mrs. R. Barrett, R. R. 5, Brussels. ...1••••/•••••,, .A.4.••••• HELP WANTED — Spilendid Rawleigh business avail- able iii. ,Huron County. Preclitete Well known. Opiportunity unllinited for big sales, and goOd products. Start your business on credit -With- alit ,experience, Write to-day for full finforimatfOr. Rawleigth's tent D-152-224 Montreal, Queb. IIEWAGhl *taro ront &Milo watt,%. u7s sees" .04)01,11 cleaned the smitart rusts in avoid tronble. IrttIav f"teltrobt. T-teti$ VA!. lellvartot: Jet voR SA L itig'heat pric4a tiwrd ref ni4 ?tom* John 7,tvaa'6 to-n. 9N EIVitNA'i "►Ol' '.0060tiViAttON l'ker hteoniiilatton fitter.: stilition 'Or Seri.lee treat all breeds of. Otittle, Pitend tie WaterlOO Cattle tfredilitig Aea'aetatton' at: Clinton V,t; id4i fkilitieratOn 05- hietWeefi and SAil A. M. We All lir-641i oviallable ton Ottellif at to* diet: FOR SALE — A. quantity Of 2nd class lumber. also some sticks of square timber .and shingles. .Toihn. Gaynor, Brusseli 1 1 FOR SALE — Dining Room Suite — Table, 6 -chairs and armchair: China cabinet FOR SALE — i. A quantity of Garry Oats, nuitable TOT seed 1Q,0 per cent germination tested cleaned and treated oenn- I cleaned, ,Graham Work Phone 10'18 I GET MY STRONG TEETH BV DRINKING PLENTY OF MILK FROM COUSINS DAIRY "Month after month, Since its laird- duCtioa, deriadiens have Wight mete '57 Chevrolets than any Other dad" Not jiist the way it looks, but the way it's put together—the finer Materials, work. manship and finishing touches. Not just its friskier, smoother performance, but the deep-down soundness that'S special. to Chevrolet in the low-Price field. Try it out and yet% see it's Sweet, Smooth and Sassy.. You name it The'new '57 Chevrolet has more of it . . inside, outside and under- neath that Body by Fisher.• There's a finer ride, mealier performance and a sweeter Way of going. For there's a finer balance; a more solid. construction, so that great Chevrolet 6 or V8 engine can "get with it" more efficiently, delivering isp to 245* hop. (and• so quietly)', Chevrolet, you eti4ptay Only authorized Chevrolet dealers WANTEk. Girl, cy wontan, for 'housework, sto washing. Sleep in or oat. -Velma Stephenson Phone 405 ifc.LAS.S.W:440 R. ••,1" •••• sFQR SALE Baled Hay; Iledney and ,Max. Oats. Phone 151'19 FOR SALE 3 section alning too drag hart' Price .g().00, tau. Alexander Plume $ FOR. RENT geated,' Apartment, $80. D•er mend). Oollins Phone DASH PAIP For .old, sielt and disabled horses, and eon'''. • Dpaii. louses and cevs Free pick up, 'Phone Atwood 153 Odle?. FOR SALE •Ta,Mwertli Hog. •about 400 ponnds. Glen Vameamp Mane 1707 ROYAL. DOULTON 20% ,OFF Sale For May Only Join our China Club and benefit from these tremettcloutg eavinge, Deferred payments if yOu wish and other benefits,, Enquire at Leach's Jewellery Store The Store for Beautiful Gifts FOR SALE — '150 acrea, '. 9, concession 13 Millet Two. food buildugs. 05 acres Ploughed: rare~ of bush ;land. Balance in hay and' pkisture. apply to Mr. James McClure, Walton, R. R. 4 Phone Senforth 846 R. 11 WANTED — 'Start a parlmanent year-round. busluess. You begin earning' good money the first day. ,Strictly your own boss, Familex's exception' quality assures qufbit, easy sales with Plenty of reqickat orders. Your home-tiown and surroundings — year .tennitery. All families are ,castomers and users of 'products such as ours. Write for details, Pa,milex. Dept. 55 Station 0, Montreal. Both have a bank account- and a purpose for saving. They work as a team, yet each has his own reason for saving, his own dollar objective, his own pace in achieving it. A bank account takes care of every type of saving need, You can start with any amount you wish, add to it at any time you choose, keep on as long as you like. Last year almost 500,000 new deposit accounts were opened, with the chartered banks, making a total of nearly 10,500,000. The owners of these accounts know that a bank account offers the simplest, safest, most convenient means of safeguarding and accumulating funds. Save at a bank — millions dot FOR SALE — _ A Beatty Windmill, good as new. Ajax Oats, clean, for seed. Ernest Noble, Phone 36r4 Blyth, -Cottage. hot and cold water, al& conlveniences. Elizabeth 'Street. Apply to P. 0. Box'50. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR commutmt pLgARING AUCTION SALE Of .Farm Stock, Machinery,' House- hold Effects, Prato, Hay. ete. at Lot 18, Con..16; Grey T'wp., One and One-quarter North and Four Riles • East of Walton or Three and Three- Quarter South and, Four miles East of Brussels on TUESDAY, ARI.H. 16th. at .12.30 mlachinerY — Allis-Chalmer WD-45, fully equipp, ed, two yetit's old; two-row coPs. or bean sonftler with beet disc for tractor;,. • 3r-furrow tradtior Wow; tractor 'dice; 3-section spring. tooth harrows; 5-section. diamond „diamond ,harrows; 13.0es Inter- nationall fertilizer drill; steel railer; SDreadaway manure spreader (new)! Mount Forest thre•shing machine, threshed only 25 acres 6-foot mower, John Deere; side rake (like new): Td-H binder; binder; binder swather; sugar .beet pbiler; 1945 11/e ton Obey. truck with stake rack; one. .zood 2-wheel Wailer; Viking electric cream ;separator, used • 9 'montha; M4,-f •dauble unit milking machine, pail and caps; milk cans and other milking equipment; scales; tanning mill; root -Diaper; electric hammer mill and 3 H. P. motor; forks,; -dli,ains, and many other.. articles; rubber tired farm wagon; 16-foot 'hay rack; quantity of elm aril hemlock Lumber. cattle 1 register.* Itlereford ' bull; 4 Durham and Hereford cow's due , in, April and May; 1 :young Jersey claw due in. May; 5 Hereford. steers 'DIA heifers 2 years old; 12 pirliarn and Hereford steers and_ heifers rising 1 year old. Pies 20 .'"York -hogs, 175 lbs. poultry — 100 yearold hens and some poultry' equipment. Quantity of baled hay and ensilage; 10 cords of hand limb wood; cedar 1)0 SIft5. Household. Effects Cook a,love; heating stove's;, 9-piece walnut., dining room guile, buffet, ohina cabinet and 6 chairs; kitchen tahle, ,chairs;. kitchen rockers, doeitionlal &airs,. 'and many mot,lit tg; ,occasional chairs, and slimly other artidleS, Terms Cash Tractor, and Threshing Machine may be purchased oneji-ajf cash; remainder six months on approved joint note: sold. Lawrence Lawrence •Jacklin, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk `FOR RENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS 't ALL PERSONS having claims ugainot the estate of MRS. CHRIS- TINA FORREST, late ?of the village 1 of Brussels, the Crounty of Huron, Widoly, who died on or about the fourth day of March, 1957, are hereby titled to send .to the undersigned On or before the 13th. day of April 1957, full ;particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the 13th day of April, 1957, the assets of the estate will he distributed amcirs the parties entitled thereto ' having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then ,have DATED at Britssels, Ontario, this 26th day of March 1957. Crawford and Hetherington Solicitors 'for the Estate =:.41LaTMUS=eira=t=66 ives you more to be proud o . . ...... NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of WILLIAM JAMES SOUCH late of the. Town- ship of Morris in the County of Miran, retired Farmer. who died on or about the 10th day of October A. D. 1057, are hereby notified. to Send Ito, the Undersigned on or be- fore the 27th. day of April, full ,particulars of their ,claims iii Writing. Immediately after the 27th day of April, the assets of the estate will be distribitted among: the parties en- titled Vent° haVing regard !only to claims of which tire Executor shall then, have notice. DATED at ;Brussels, Ontario this 011s, day of April, 1957, Crawford and Hetherington Brussels Ontario Selieitors for the Estate The now '57 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Serloo, all f1,e reason In the world to hold your head higher! A'GENERAL MCI-ORE VALUE knew, wort the famous Manufacturer's Trophy as the best performing car at Daytona Beach competitive trials: There's more luxury, too, more to be just plain proud of. For there's snore attention to detail. In Chevrolet, body panels fit snugly. The chrome trim is on to stay, In- teriors have the siiiartness of the custom touch, Everywhere you look in a Chevy, you find the obvious Marks of extra care, even to a quiet limousine "click" When. you dose those big solid doors!. Come oh inIdet ri dose-up of all there is to enjoy in this exciting Chevrolett *Optimal at aora tag. 2711 ta.h. mkti•periorlathitti $1.9 otok, slit oddab/.• at nktra amt. "I Scream Kids" FOR SAI E • 100 rt("•. Panri. oral ....munr3 ltrAd." frame' House. .111Ortace; 81 acres Weprkablp . 1 mile It ;L attire. Price $3,500.60 90 acre ra.rm on highway; hydro, Prams Sank Barn, nice $6300'.00 • &era' noose in villare, mode ern fatilitiOtly Price S2,150.00 Brick Cottage In village, batlh, garage. brae $3,200.00 Rettaiitant anti dradery Store la village on: lake, with ii*ing Oittecre. Rent $40 Per stik3k and equipment $4,50 0.00 320 sere iranni near good town. sets of betiding's; ItYdrii, Itti &drat' Workable, Pride $d;000 phone 84 Y. C. t.ong helot& vAtit„HAM for:at)PIAL 4".1., "41" '16146: tows.. Ailnora ate* tHt. IE T GRANT ''d Along With rp Ftbesieninal "ttefirii Most tstioriot a, It A. stirititititt "how rot, (MOUS frac/en/0k C-24570 ssels, On