HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-04-03, Page 5R, !-90!. Wyte.p141.41.ocai.. CAS KRAUTER — co. --- PLUMBING HEATIN( SHrt rA4ETAt BURNLA BRUSSELS shout 47 X Here is Geidaid Peters, wro is on his London stage every week with Memory Music Hala., enjoying that ,tradttional 'English pub sport toss- ing darts. Memory Music Hall is in pixth year on OBC radio, praNsnt- lug • songs and ntertaiument by are continents'. top, nag& , NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EARL STANLEY. TAUNUS ALL PERSONS having eatiline against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron. Farmer, who died on the first- day of February, 1057, are required to file )proof of same with the undersigned, on or before the 30th day of March 1957. Alter that date the administra.„ trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of -which they shall then halve had "notice. DATED at Brussels ,this 8th day of March 1957. Crawford and Hetherington Brussels Ontario Solicitors for the AdminIstratrix FOR SALE 100 at.7i: 'Farm eL Councy Road. Frame Hesse, bail., Pomace; ST acres workable; 1 mile fr:`,11; store. Price $8,500.00 90 acre Farm on highway, hydro, Frame House; Bank Barn, Pries $6,300.00 11/a Storey illoaSe in vinare, Mod, ern facilities. Price $2,250.00 Brick Cottage in village, bath, garage. Price $3,200.00 Restaurant and oracerY Store in village on lake, With living quarters.• Rent $40 per month. Stock and equipment $4,500.00 320 acre Feria near good town. 2 , sets of buildings; hydro. 260 acres Workable. Price- $90,009 Phone 84 J. C. Long Realtor SEWAGE Hire *Oak ride *ilia *Id lei., eleaned to wrote 044.4 • (VIV* AVE. isaveiebs 011: iMiN IN*ORMATtoN 'ilk., artificial initeritTnation infer- llittion or service froni all braedti of aide, phone the Waterloo Cattle **Astute Assottittion tliriton 23 V 8 8441 or *Marston 498 between 7.20 att.:0 A. M. We all breedi top quality it low cost" THE ,Egv55EL5 P 0 ST ."W'e On ceday. 1.9V* ••••••••••!amo,nerewmodimarrapolo.d.,,a,r1M......*...14 *t .0!". S." Hal.? syVANTE,,,, Oirl, or woman, for housework, no weakling, Sleep 1,n or out, Velma .Stepheason 'Mee 40X ' CLAS A CA L r.; . ;." ;;'PLc•ti+t,Fi FOR SALE 17 Yeariirtg, leX, Galutzeti FOR RENT fleeted Apartment. V, Collins FOR PALE .- 8 ontion :prifir: tooth drag harroW, ! Price $20.00 Stan, Alexander THE 15 THE ...SOMMER TIME TO MEMO YOUR I FURIJACE, LET US FIX 11.3 FRIEND ialrUl c, 2r9 V,n. per month PhOno' 47 Phone 85r13 TO RENT OR SHARE CROP 1 100 (lore faun, good house, im- mrdiate po,s_esaloo. also 39 colitis of woocl for sale. jack. Thynne BruSsele, Ont, eckggettioa Phone 251'8 FOR SALE — Galvanized water trough, size 6' x. 22" x 22S). Apply to. J, Henry 8th Morris Phone. Brussels 17r9 FOR SALE — Mixed seed grain, 14 Brant Barley and Garry •Oats from rogistered seed, Geo, Wheatley Phone 84914 Seafortth, Ont. I Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron. Street, Toronto FOR SALE — 4 — 80 tb, milk cans, J. Ur and. new, L. plant ' Phone 1537 . • FOR SALE A quantity of 'Potatoes, $2,25 p hag. 'Ken, •TYerMen • CASH PAID For old, sick and disabled horses, I and cows. Dead horses and cows Free pick up. Phone Atwood 153 Collect . _ FOR SALE — 500 bushels Garry Oats. Garry oats from registered seed. Geqrnination guaranteed 90%, $1.35 bus, or $1.40 cleaned. Hugh Peterson Brussels, Out Phone 11 4Waii rar tit4 ea..; .4*.a. IMO= ALL. 'PERSONS having claims against the estate of MRS.• CHRIS- TINA FORREST, late of the villas'. of Brussels, In the ConOty of Huron. WidoWs who died on ca about due 'fourth day of March, 1967, are hereby notified to send• to the, undersigned on or before the 12tb. day of April 19817, full particulars bt their claims in ,wKtitkg.. Immediately after the 13th day rot April, 11/57, the anats of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto havinig regard! only = to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED at Brussels, Ontario, this 26th day of March 1957. Crawford and Hetherington, Solicitors for the Estate • ' N&LP WANTED- o you want to Make 1110110711ilven 'if you never sold before, write today. Bet the facts, then make up yeti! mind 118e0 Delorlarder, Met. 54, Station C, Montreal. / • FOR SALE — 150 acres, j.7` 9, concession 1.2 thmet fiup. isaildkcgs. 95 sores , pronglted; r,. acre": of bush lend. Balance in tssy and *num. apply to Kr: Jame; MeelUta, Walton, R. R. 4 " Phone Seaforth 846 R 1.1 '1+0041 • •••!.=.1*:*-r44-..--*-,,i - ,„;;* FOR SALE ---, Rain . shelters, electric brooders. waterers and feeders Call 40x. ,mrymin FOR ,RENT Cottage. hot and cold water. all Axmlveniances. Elisabeth Street. Apply to P,. (. Box SP. FOR SALE Dining Room) Snite 'Table, S affairs and armchair. China cabinet and Buffet. Excellent 4:3ondition, Mie, Pair Bronson. FOR SALE Gantsy Seed •Oats, grown from reg- istered seed. 'Wm. W. Smith Phone 12J8 FOR SALE — purebred Shorthorn Bells, 12 months old, priced to sell. Earl Anderson Phone 17J4 FOR SALE 6 pure bred Yorkshire slows, priced fveaw reasonable. 1 Cdbey spreader at ,last yr's price. 1 Massey Harris traIctor spreader, Ross Knight, 4 miles Soutb and 4 miles East of BrUeeele. Pbona ,28r1.0 AUCTION SALE for the Estate of the late Frank Kelly SATURDAY. APRIL 6th„ at 2 P.M, Dwelling house and lot in Walton, being composed of the west -half of lot No. 20, 'also carpenter tools and household effects. Terms on chattels cash day of sale. Terms on ,property 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. .4 Subject to reserve bid. Crawford and Hetherington solicitors for administrator.. Harold Jackson, Auctionep. .-Jack Bryans, Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS MORRIS TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGR.101,XTURE The annual Meeting ,Of the Morrie Federation of Agriculture wam held` in. the Forester's Hall, Delgrave, lag a Director's luncheon in the ,'Cliited Chalet, Oa the afternoon of Feb. not, The president, ifowarcl Wilkinson in 'the chair. A. Bacon reported for the Jog' Producers, R. Wallace for the Poultry producers; Jas. Muir for the Beef Producers and 0. Hatter- ' ingion for the Cream Producers, Carl Hemingway, mewly-apPolnted •County Field Man, spoke, of his 2 experiences since taking over his new Work. Doug McNeil, County President i said the C./aunty was alwaYs Working On some project -to help the farmer. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and auditors report re- port given by Geo, Miehie, Doug McNeil took charge of the election of officers, resulting as Past President — Jas. Mair President — Howard Wilkinson Vice-President',— Ross - Directors ,of School Section: No. 1, Mr. and Mrs. J, Wilson; 3, Mr. and Mrs. C. YOU; 4, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nichol; 5, Mr. and Mrs. G. Nicholson, 6 Mr. and Mrs, Joe 131ack; °7 Mr and Mrs. Herman Nethery, 8; Mr, 'and Mrs. Mel. Craig, 9. Mr. and 1;Srs. Ross Mc- 11; iMr. and Mrs. Mem Janeton. U.S.S. 2; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fra'ser, 4; Mr. and Mre. Gto. Fischer, 8; Rosa Henderson. 11; Mr. and bfres. Ken,. McDonald. 142.; hir. land Mrs. Mervin Rich mond, 17; Mr. and Mrs. T. Bolt; it Hag Producers, A. Bacon, R. H. R SALE ,motes; Grim= Prodasoers, Geo. moues armee illeitilleringtOn. 1.alirdidge; Blest /she Mame Probe-era tllatr; O FOR SALE -- Comfortable house 1 storey, rooms, fuel shed adjoining house, Insul brick on sides, also insulat lag. Good bairn, suitable for ISO- 200 hens, 4 •good cow stalls, town water in 'both barn and house also hydro, % acre of land. James Pere% estate, Sohn Street BOUM, Bruseils, Prodecer, R, Wallace: : County Director, Howard Wilkinson: Lady Lady County Director, Mrs, Howard. Wilkinson: rPowpaship Rep. to °minty TIE Cplganization, Earl AndersOn. The speaker of the afternoon was Jim Jaoklin, Fieldman for Ontario Federation. :MORE YOU:LOOK••• THE MORE YOU LIKE ,CHEVROLET! ISOTICE — Ovestanfikng 'Praetors of any ,make ,and welding, ale job too small or Ono big. If ivou, are in trouble Con- tain us for A-1 workmandhip. •••• Wes. ifiludnark, Brussels Phone 58 FOR SALE — A Quantity, [of Garry Oats, suitable ifer seed 100 per cent germination tested cleaned and treated or ;un- cleaned. 4h them Work Phone 12318 • •••"'"'z'MW WANTED -- Jersey and Guernsey Producers interested in shipping milk to a reliable Toronto market or anyone interested an ,couveiing .either ,breeds in 'order to sand milk to this miarket. please. contaet:. Hayward Milk Transport , Listowel, Ontario. Phone 1181 FOR SALE Good need Beatty and Pedlar steel cattle stalls and stanchion, water bowls, steel' pasts, cow, calf and bull pens, litter carriers at about half price. apply to L. H. Koenig and Co. Miklmay, Box 31 Phone 56 Concrete, and Steel Stable Builders FOR SALE LEGHORN PULLETS We have one of the best strains of logliorns in Canada today. They are bred for leuCosis resis- tance, which means less .calls, more eggs, and more hens to sell at the end of the year. Dates available 12 weeks, April 19; 16 weeks,' May 7; ready to lay, April 30, and Jiine 10; vaccinated, wormed, delivered. Andrews.• Poultry Farm R. it 3, Sealorth, Ont. Phone 647r3 Seaforth WA NT ED — Cattle for pasture, Lot 3G, Com 16, fluey TownShip. Plenty of water, ;pasture and shade. M. Bray, Havelock Ave., Listowel, Phone 735 R ,•••• ••—••••!. WATCH SALE Annual Buie": 'I'rade in Watch sale snow on. Let us make you an after for your old watch ft, a new filitio*a that you can he proud or. W. G. LEACH Jeweller The Store for Beautiful Gifts. FOR SALE — In step ,with markets with. Bray chicks. Chicks •for all markets. PromIpt shipment. Started pulletso Ask for list Shelving wide and wise choices for profitable markets. .Ack agent Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel; 1VLra. R. Barrett, R. R. 5, Brussels: A IPENERAL MOTORS•VALUS .TRY IT BUY IT ! EYE _IT "1 Scream Kids" WANTED — i. Reliable man as Dealer in. Huron County. Experience not necesSary, A fine opporktinity to step into old I, profitable businesa where Adv. leigh PrOducts halve been sold for, years. Big piiofita. Precincts fur. nished credit. Write Itattleigh's Dept, D = 152 - 163, Montreal, (liteb, IN Ill' GET INTO THE SWING OF THINGS AND ENJOY HEALTH- BUILDING MILK FROM COUVrig DAIRY powered car behind at the Stop=light! Chevy brings you five advanced en- gine§ this year-coma try 'CM, And try' the famous easier handling that pes along with all that wonderful fietionl The more you reckon up "What-yott. get" against "what you-pay", the more you'll surely like Canada's sweat, smooth and sassy favorite! NOthi ' comes close in value notl4ng close in Sakai So come eyOry. plied the car that's sweeping colts- try The sooner you: do, the sooner too will be a hAity 3 57 Ch0r9.10i Ovinelt See dlieVrolc; Ocalet-hel ri014- hie Chevy as easy to buy its ft Is to MO . • THE MOST, MODERN, Ofictil &DINES IN THE WOW C.,21 09VERY.MONTH. SINCE CHEVROLET wAS I NTRODUCED,MOM CHEVROLETS THAN ANY WHO t WIIEGirIAM MEMORIAL TOP four -^rattsbak.3; Wei eibleti-iPtve Team Aiwa*" mg 'nit seer tatimiTts Mom "kw" Designing and Warllunsseles. Prices Meet ,Learteia* &meter, betteites a lessiNls R. A. SOOTTON Pala lltd titilemen, oto s Brussels, iverside The more you look, the more you find in Chevrolet that other cars just can't match! The solid Body by Fisher coach- work, the conveniences, the finer zna- terials - no other low-cost car, no previous' Chevy even, has ever given you SO much to be proud oft Come feast your eyes, Get the inside .000 •- you've been a street-side spectator long enough! The more you drive, the More you like Chevy's Mating edge in engine- response.. Even the world's Most de' Mendable dhety's best selling Blue,Fiatrie--has that Nrelvet Chevrolet eagerness that .leaves many a higher