The Brussels Post, 1957-03-27, Page 4ri WANT A BETTER 'THAN NEW CAR., ONE OF 71-1055 CARS YOU CAN GET. AT' RIKR5IPE MOTORC SMART , COOKIE!. T AMA'z1NG SAYINGS. *113C.. 1.44,4,4 LI dip "-• BOY,1 Li THAT REALLY IS A USED CAR "S• E Ferir aEORGE fl' cal7C/144* A ,9••••••:< •• Realistic dramas in .a rural setting • Documentaries outlining the problems and accomplishments of Canada's primary industries., "The Golden Fleece" by James Bannerman, on exciting story of life in a lumber camp. 11* In this corner is ,one of the bead wrestling tennis in the' business - the team of D;a7ye Price (left)" and Pat Flanagan, Ono o the other of Meth is at the ring every week, Microphone in hand, to being CI BC - TV audienIges an astute up-to-the-second account of wrestling front Maple Leaf clardens. -Ont. Dept. of Lands and forests Photo FIREPLACES ADD ATTRACTIVE NOTE to many public picnic rounds ,across Ontario—and help prevent forest fires. This one is at James Lake in North. Bay District. - LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. • f 40? 111FORMAtION MOM AGENTS se • i• THE. BRUSSELS POST wodnesday, Ivrarch, 1057 tessfesrere?' enacted, not only for protection of 'the Individnal but most of all fOr the+ ,goad of the AnOority, because we still have those uneerePlui-elinz• ,4elfish People 'who aro intent on gaining their OW11 ones regardless of ethers. if con:Minion in &MUDS' of hogs LO 1110 open market. Would be a g,c+od thing Or 4411 majority of hog , proditeere I would be for its we must get our hogs on the oven markets rather than dump „them _in the iiacker's• laps if ewe are to be sin good bargaining position. And there Is no manufneturer who would be so foolish as to boll 4ris goods, other than 1 resPonSibTe. to him. Some time ago a livestock drover, in this area, made this statemPt to another drover "Don't let the little fellow make too Much. -- if You do he will get away from you" — in other words he, was saying, keep the little fellow down where you can Beep the thumb on him and exploit him. It is too bad if we allow ourselves to be wooed and bribed by theoe interests who for theirconvenience would like to keep the farther in a R ivERsIDE 'Motors We Specialize tin front ena alignment, wheel palancing, motor overhaql, and complete brake repairs. I,..KTTga TO 'THE EP.ITOR Brussels. Orn,. Maro 1957 The Editor, The IIrnz+Sele Font, Dear Sir Irl reply Lalnont's letter Of the isette, I accept his explau. atienk however, it is customary to 11Se..+the pronoun when speak ing for An .organization, Also it is tile policy of the Federation Of Agriculture to remain neutral As far as 'Producers Dronp dinPUtes are Cetteerned, •Individnei Members are unrestricted. To Mr, Baynard I would say that prices are only comparative and retail butchers, have told Me that 654.65 fox hogs is too, high compared to Beef and Poultry. This is the point the ,consumer is interested in and it is really at this level that 'comparati'v'e prices of food stuffs- are established. -"Iterefcnve T think ' we; muot agree that .$34;355 was a 'high • price at-the time referred to. Sincerely, J. Carl IleaningwaY. - ihsf CWEV.-01.D.9 .4244i-e BRUSSELS Cf/.0.$4,56 WALTON Mr. and Mrs. W, C, Bennett, of Clinton, visited with, their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett on Saturday. lVflurray Kirkby, a student at Stratfotrkl, Tealcheps, College is teaching at Owen• Sound this week. Mrs. Charles IC Davis, Mists Millie MoFerlane and Mr. Roy McFarlane Brussels were Sunday visitors with 14. and Mrs. Art. McCall. have been paper lately which, me to write, Me I LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Editor, The Brussels Post. Dear Sir : A 'couple of letters written to, your fifre. prompting Mrs. Hilda Sellers spent a. few days at the home of Mule, Les John- ston of Blyth. over Arthur '..together hie story' Godfrey and "Ashignment" repot:ter Dayp Price get, a MO microphone. .Arthur Godfrey tells his Own on "Ashignment", poor bargaining position, which has been his lot for too long, (There is only one way for farmers to be in a good bargaining position- that is to stand to-gether and bargain call.",:dively, and buy and sell to- ,onerntively as much es ,poSsible^ other than that we will always be in the position of being at the mercy of the big 'concern,- who for the MOst part 'is only interested in speculating in the pro:Wets which the farmer produces. M. Ross Smith, It. R. 9, Wingham 'OF SALE— A Paint Sprayer in excellent con_ dition. Very reasonable. Garnet Fetier, Whitetchurcfh, Phone 711 J 1 Wingham Mr. Malcolm Fraser, ;.:^4sited ,sv,tth his on and daughter- law Mr. and Mrs, Glen Fraser, Stratford. Mists June Wats4on and MOS Verde Watson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. David Watson. Mr. Aubrey McNichol, 'who had the anieforttme to fracture his leg, 'Friday of last -week return- ed from Seaforth Hospital DE. Monday. one 'letter 'was signed Pres.. Pe,der- ation of Agriculture of Grey Town- ship, but, for your information, was . a very personal letter and did not represent the feeling of the directors of the Grey Township Federation of Agrieulture. And this is. my perEonal reply, First on his so .called-•com, pulsion, I don't know Where he finds that. If it was compulsory to ship hogs .to the open -•market, Ire would not have the privilege to ship lir•gil to the plant in Toronto . direct. N"!1'w the price. sure he can 1 , get for 'his hogs. some times, lint what is the reason for this. The paeket, knzw that if tne farmers lirganize and handle the Hogs Co- Operatively they lose Control over tha hogs. So they try and break them up by paying some more for the hogs if they will go against the 'CO_Op. Next if .thS Hog- Producers Co-Op, is ag had as the Packers and some truckers and some farmers (swept asp by some ri- dionlons stories) make out I can't see what makes them so excited. That ;shows me that there is a lot of. good in it for the fanners. We are living in an age 'of organization, everyone is organized, the packer. the truckers,, the railroad workers, ELMA EAltiVIF-er TALTITAI FIRE INSMANCE kt0- • Established In 1 'Head Office Atwoad, 114511171P-A • e-rOPertY. Private Owellieca And Contents in Towns and VillareLt Schools, Churches and Nana? CB an "INSURANCE AT COST”' beam PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OP CLAIMS ttontact.iour Nearest Director Actent R. W. (Dick) WHITtritmo Also Windstorm Insurance t - R. R. 2, priraelo, t OR SAL:.;*-- 4 Pioneer Chick starter Crumbles. Give chicks a good all,. Available 5, 0. Adams and Son '11ARPETS fl and 12 ft, widths 6,9P Expert I • root, laying s.rvice at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms, Also 26 STYLES of livingroom suites in. stock. Schuett's, Mildmay New Pianos Good tone, reasonable in price, at the Mildmay Furnitt& Showrooms, Also used pianos. Selmett's, 1.111dmay Free Delivery 12 months to pay • .....f4iiP,S.415);4".". PAO'. r Ti-m5=...-rniv.2711t6fIftS=sixnflus, Tme rcealimik 1 i even our local stores are organized I now to stand up to Ulm chain stares, So the farmers should be ,Organized and work for, and not against, their organization, Now hem we bave_a 111 President of our local Federation of Agriculture calling it freedom if he cats take his hogs to the market to get more money fog- ihis hogs, in order 1 to nsie it against his organization, ' I This is what I call undermining the effort put up by this own neighbours and fellow producers, It's just like i• {taking 1 dollar now and losing I 5 =dollars later if they are able to 1 break the Hog Co-Op. Many benefits, \ are offered by some truckers, by taking- the hogs to plants for nothing, some pay more. for hem, some even pay the farmers some I money to get them. Where were an these benefits before? They would i not think of trucking Iligs !Or nothing. Oven •bere the le Paying off. but, who gets the credit, . As always, working for Organized Agriculture Martin Bean. t • Her tfirst stop - —the bank i• RDAY EXCURSIONS it SAT to A When-Mrs. Wilson planned to go shopping, her husband Tom said: "Meet you at the bank." It was a natural thing to say, for going to the bank is just a part' of everyday life. In the bank, Mrs, Wilson noticed MisS Ellis the schoolteacher . . 'Cooper the, storekeeper and her neighbour's son Bobby, '`• adding,to his savings account. When Tom arrived, he grinned: "seems like everybody goes to the bank." It's trues Canadians find the chartered banks such a safe And handy place to keep money that practically everybody has a bank account. There are 110W incite than 10 ,million deposit accounts hi the chartered banks—more accounts than there are adults in the country. EXCURSION FARES FROM: PAISLEY 0.75 GUELPH 1.90 6.20 PALMERSTON $240 SOUTHAMPTON- CIO SARNIA ttilATFoilb SAS STRATHROV 4.163 WALKERtON 4.60 WATFORD WiNGHArli 446 WYOMING' ALLOIFORD 'BRAMPTON .83 DRUS,SELS $4.30 '411B:SLES 4./6 CLINTON - tt.ORA t.45 VE.REIUS 2.45 OttORARTOWN 1.2o 40bt ftfOl4 t.tis }-1AlklOVR $4.30 HARRIWrol4 3.76 Mot P1,8014.: 3.70 KINCARDINE 6.86 KITCHENER 1.45 LISTOW EL 3.60 MITCHELL 444. OWEN sOUNb 4.75 LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Editor, The Brusaela PlOst.„4 Dear Sir t "Hog Producers" I Tread' ,With interest Mr: Lationee f 'letter of the 6th. expressing iiii i :views on the HOg Marketing Selienie It would seeiri• quite olyVititta that he considers it MidetilecratiO and Is 1 olYytoadd to tilt 'Olen-lea of .'dOm, pulenon, especially. 'hi the 'direCtion of iiiTigS• to :the 'tIlperi. Market. No denbt Ile ore all +aware of the fact (unless we are ihtliigt 111 t, mental backwoods) that We are lit- ing in S teineoracy, 'with aft MOE( of laws' and regtuation't tonveliffit Its to do or not to do thit. that Of tit btliOr, thing — yews it IS Ceti, .,ifitisiort, 'Whether We like it Or ;net I' Mit, finite sure Mr. Lenient does riot, „ I think t am tate Itt, 'toying that en our lesiva mid regulations clirb• the lihoIrisp++ ,of the individual la it certain. ojttedif neverthelett, they Aro: THE C HAR. T E:R E p BANKS SERV ING' • YO- tit*COMMUNITY