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The Brussels Post, 1957-03-20, Page 7
source of proteins and. fats, In addition it contains nearly All the known vitamins, And many desirable minerals and it is easily digested, *perts are new turning their attention to the package the. eggshell. The shell is Brie for nature's purpose but ..net for ours, frAgile and is.. also por, ous which :means that eggs de, teriorate. Now egg. can be re,. moved from their shells and: sealed in aritight transparent, bags, and kept fresh until. need • ed, by the. housewife,. NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY! -- Fighting bulls are supposed to charge straight: forward and nearly -all, do. This enables ,the matador to show off a series of 'classic passes With his cape, But sortie- times a bull 'refuses to, cooperate in hii own ,death and leaps crazily 'about, like the' one above. So he's rated a "bad", bull foi- 'giving Matador Juan Silveti a. very. bad" time in Mexico City's; pjazn,,,Mpcico. • does little damage by itself. It sucks blood. Produce/ la toxin, or opens a minute hole for Second-, ary bacteria. in the lining of the digestive tract. Although a few worms can do little damage inside , en animal', they do lay the gretuldwork for' serious infestation of the rest of the flock.. Irach female bays 6%- 000 fertile eggs, These are dis, charged into the food Mass in the digestive tract of the host to be passed out onto the pasture in the droppings, The eggs hatch into baby worms which are picked up by other sheep as they graze, Entering a sheep in large quantities they do serious dam- age. The only way to keep pas- tures free of infection is to de- stroy the parasites before they can lay their eggs, * * * In recent years sheepmen have been turning to phenothiazine, a drug developed in 1938 by the United States agriculture de- partment to help cut down their losses from internal parasites. Phenothiazine may be given in sufficient doses to expel the worms• 'outright, or in smaller doses to arrest the development of the eggs of worms that sur- vive. The recommended dose to re- move worms froin an 'adult sheep or goat is about one ounce. For lambs under 60 pounds, a dose of slightly over half an ounce is adequate: Somewhat larger amounts of the drug will not harm either sheep or goats bt accuracy in, measuring the doses 'avoids waste. f$y Bev. It, Barclay Warren 1).A., 8.1). Are We Hypocrites? Matthew 23; 13.15, 23-28, 31-9. Memory Selection; Take heal that ye do not' your ,,afros beftire men, to be seen of them: other-. wise ye have no reward, of yell' Father which is' in 'Heaven. Matthew 6:1. A lady wrote to a minister say- ing that she would like to attend his church only that there were so many hypocrites there. "Oh," he replied, "Come along and join the others." Of course there are hypocrites in the church but that, person is small who tries to hide behind one. God judges people for what they are and not for what they pretend to be.. We may fool people but fwe •can't - fool God, • Nowhere in the Bible is there such a scathing denunciation as that in our lesson given by Jesus to the Scribes arid Pharisees, by- pocrites. "All their works they do for to be seen of men." They want to be seen and honoured. They make long prayers as a pretense but devour widew's houses. They are strict tithers but short on mercy 'and faith. Jesus pronounced judgment, on them in no uncertain terms. We are amused when children play at pretending. But, when adults work at it seriously in the name of religion it isn't funny. Some will act ,quite religious on Sunday but put over a sharp deal on Monday. For some the amount of a gift to a church or charity is directly proportional to the amount of publicity it will receive. , Some people use relit- lion for their own endS. All this and much more is hypocrisy. Immediately following'this de- nunciation comes one of the ten- derest and most solicitious state- menth of Jesus. "0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the ,prophets, and stonest them which; are sent unto thee, how ,often would I have gathered thy chit, dren together. even ,as, a hen gathered her Chickens •under lite wings, and yeAvould nott Be- hold, your house is left unto you detolate." iiiiregit, had love even for the hytiiicigis and sought',*' save them. It.-is easy to be a " hypocrite. T.J1tintely it bring! desolation of.spirit. WE'RE DIFFERENT - A n Ameriacn advertising magazine has discovered 'that the buying habits of Canadians are different in many respects from those of Americans. "Because we talk ap- proximately the same language• and share the same continent and standards of living, comments The Financial Post, many Americans seem to assume that "Canadians" are simply a stray- ed tribe of Americans-just the 'same people, only jiving a little farther north. Actually there are a lot of differences between us in soap. .„ buying habits• and other things. That is to 'be expected in a country that is completely incte- pendent,and intends to stay that way. tables. Potatoes Contain plenti- supplies;of important min- erals: iron, calcium and phos- phorus and, are a. good source of .Vitamin C. They also contain " substantial, 'amounts of Vitamins ,A 'and B, riboflavin and a high-, qUelity protein. One medium- siZed potato supplies about '100 calories - penny for ' penny; more energy than most other vegetables. * * When primitive man , first brought sheep down from the' hills . to his campfire on the plains, he brought their Internal parasites with 'them. 'Min has been cultivating these parasites ever since. The usual indications of worms. in sheep, and goats are unthrifti- ness, loss of weight, scours, pot- belly and paleness of the skin and mucous membrane of the eyes and mouth. In some cases 'infested animals appear gaunt and depressed, show signs 'of ab- dominal pain and refuse to eat. Lambs become stunted, appear unthrifty and their wool may become rough, Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking EOMEEM =mom HMO= CUOMO MEW MEE OM RIO OMOB 0001113 EUMOO MOO WO DEO MOOD MOO BMOC MUM MOUE 0000 ODE 00 MEW MUM ©BOOM MEOW OW WOO MOB EOM POE000 ©®W[90 o© Jr ONOBEO 'STOOL PIGEON One often hears the phrase "stool pigeon", what it really meant at' one time. In ancient days the stool pigeon was a bird whose eyelids had been sewn to- gether so 'that it would con- tinually cry out and flap its 'wings. Its cries attracted other pigeons, who were captured and killed. .„ Eggs-Fa ctly To keep her hens contented and productive, Mrs. Jane Brown, of Teagues. Farm, Hay, Wards Heath, lets them listen to the radix every day, and to late-night dance music. BOOM laying on this, non 'Stop entertainment, Mrs, Brown found that sudden noises -- particularly low flying aircraft used ^ to terrify the hens, 'Now, familiar with the noisy jazz and jive music, the chick-. ens are not upset by other .sounds. The domestic ,hen is one of the most remarkable food pro- ,ducers in the world. In a single year a hen weighing three to 'four ponds will produce many times her own weight in eggs, .Ah average hen laying 150 eggs .a yeai will produce 18 to 19 lbs. of eggs. Exceptionally good birds have approached the ideal of an egg a day. The present record of 361 eggs in a year is held by an Australian bird. No wild bird remotely, ap- proaches the domestic hen in egg-laying -ability,. Mallard ducks, for example, lay about 146 a year, quails 128, pheas- ants 104, ostrich 100, canaries , '60, pigeons 60, and house spar- rows 51. The domestic fowl's suprem- 'acy is not surprising. She is the product of 3,000 years of man- ,directed breeding. The ancest- Tal jungle fowl of Asia lays from 30 to 40 eggs a year only. Moreover, these eggs are half the size of the barnyard fowl's. The average hen's egg weighs about two ounces but occasion- ally freaks are produced by ne- terprising hens, What is prob- ably the largest ever fowl's egg is fittingly displayed in the Mu- seum of Curiosities of the Pas- teur Institute in Paris. It is about five and a half times the size of the average egg and weighs over 11 ozs. The hen which triumphantly laid this giant was a White Leg- horn. The smallest hen's egg on record weighs only a fraction more than a twenty-fifth of an 'ounce. It would take about fifty eggs of this size to balance the. scales with a normal two-ounce egg. Hen's eggs shaped like cu- cumbers and sausages have' been recorded. Double eggs with linked shells occure less fre- quently. Much more familiar are double-yolk eggs. A record double-yoker weighed just half a pound. Investigating this phenomenon which occurs chiefly among young pullets, a scientist computed that a double-yolk egg appears once in about 530 eggs. The odds against triple-yokers are, very much greater one ;egg:only in every five thousand. Compared with the hen's egg .no other single food of animal' origin is eaten by so many people; none is served in so many ways. 'Some- thing, like 200,000,000,000 eggs are, eaten , every, , year through- out the world. The egg's, great, popularitY is due to its tastiness, and its wide range of use. It also happens to be a near-perfect food, It. is, * Of the internal parasites af- fecting sheep and goats, round- worms are the most serious. They have been found wherever sheep and goats are kept but are the most numerous where the same pastures have been used for long periods. There are eight different species of rondworms - the twisted stomach 'worm, medium stomach worm, small hair wo'im, hookworm, whip- worm, nodular worm, large- mOuthed " bowel worm, and thread-necked strongyles. * * Disease caused by worms is considerably different from dis- ease caused by bacteria. When bacteria invade the body of an animal .they 'multiply and dis- ease develops as a result ,of this multiplication. On the other hand, roundworms do not mul- tiply inside the sheep. Each baby worm Which enters the animal's body develops into an adult, but ON GUARD-Keeping watch over the Straits of Tiran, entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba, the Israeli frigatie "Miftach" patrols the Waters to protect Israeli shipping rights. The farmer's spray shed or the gardener's garage; is beginning' to look like a pharniacy,:with,all the ' varieties of , agricultural chemicals now available to; fight plant diseases. 'Without.. these, 'chemicals, it is congehrablecthat we might succumb to the rots,* the rusts and the blights. Today, research on fungicides, has reached, a high state 'of per- fection. But not too many years., ago eur food supply was at the mercy of many plant diseases. The potato; for example, had to Might a a serious battle against early 'and late blight which threatened its complete destruc- tion. * * * _ In ,the early 17th century, Sir Walter ,Raleigh, on a voyage to Virginia, 'discovered the Indians „cultivating a,.plant the name of -which he translated as 'potato. He. took Europe where it remained a botanical :curlosity for .years. The peasant farmer 'at.last„ discovered 'its food value and soon the potato replaced cereals which ,had been' the staple diet .of the white man since the :dawn of history, '* * Then a ,new disease appeared 'in Central Europe. ,It made' the leaves of the potato plant turn water-soaked, slimy, rotten and black. The tubers decayed and the crops were ruined. The disease, which we now ..-knOw as late blight, spread with lightning rapidity over Europe and appeared,in Ireland in„1844. That densely . populated island had accepted the potato as' a god- send and. 'had almost ceased to grew, cereal of any kind. The entire potato crop,was wiped out and 250,000 people actually starved to ,death while 1,500,000 emigrated, many to Canada. * * * In Canada late blight is today a serious problem for .potato growers. The federal • agricul- tural department undertook eir- Perirnenta ,in 1934 to breed 'new blight-resistant ' varieties. After testing more , than 124,000 seed- lings,' two varieties which were immune to the' diSeese were in- Arocifited. Unfortunately . their immunity did not last, The perinients. are continuing but the prospects of obtaining a blight,. 'resistant' variety of potato re- main in the Attire. Although it is at present possible to• eliminate tho diSeaSe, its harmful ;effects Can be can, • trolled ,by' fungicidal splays or dusts. Vrorn OcperirnentS in Prince Edward. Island growers have 'dis- covered that a' certain fungicide gives, excellent control of early. and 'ate blight as well as other diseases of PetatoeS. At the Sante. time thii ittrigiCide hates ,growth: and protects' the, quality :of, the -.,Potato right through the growing Season.- ' * * For blight control, application should begirt as :soon as plants .are tWO to inches high and ' continue at :live to 10-day M.' ' tervals AS 'long' asp blight threat- ens: The. fungicide' is easy On foliage and farmers have found thath it does not bUrri, •stunt yellow_ the PlaritSs;. . If cheinistry had been unable to find tin' ansWer' to Potato blight, one of our Most nutritious and IOW-east ItiedS would' have disappeared froM denediati, British Business Doing. ComerBack Industrial Britain is showing some signs of the courage which is needed so urgently to sur- mount the post-Suez economic crisis, Courage and ingenuity are two of the chief qualities the British have to rely on to overcome the handicap of being a small coun- try with very few, natural re-, sources of its own, The Jaguar motorcar firm currently is giving an example• of the kind of Dunkirk courage or 'tuts" by which Britain has won through so often in the past. The firm suffered a disaster by, fire two weeks ago. Damage was estimated at £3,500,000 (about $9,800,000) tb the assembly lines which turn out the famed Jaguar sports cars which',Colin' asritain millions dollars a year in the American. market-f'`.1"' •'° But work was resumed in six days with 'an, initial target of , 100, cars ,a. Week compared with normal output of some '400. And now an entirely, new model has been announced. Of course'? it hasn't. been evolved since the fire. But its launching now, while, the ashes still are being swept up in the burned-out parts of the plant., at Coventry, is intended to shOw° the world how actively Jaguars are still in business. It also is intended as a new inspiration to" the workers who were so heart- broken at the fire. Sonic motoring' correspondent friends of Sir William Lyons, chief of the firm., have been tell- ing'him he ought to call• the new model "The Phoenix," signify-, ing its birth out of the flames. Sir William waS, pleased at the, ' idea and said he would think it over. • Meanwhile the new, model is being called the 3.4 litre saloon. With a top speed of 120 miles an hour, it is claimed to 'be the fastest four-seater saloon in the world in commercial production. Existing Jaguar Models have been achieving record sales in, the United States and. Canada. Last November orders were plac- ed for 2,000 Jaguars worth £3,000,000 for delivery in NOrth AmeriCa in the first quarter of 1957. A big new effort to keep up with delivery 'dates' is being made. Another Coventry firm which is answering the challenge -of Britain's post - Suez economic difilculties is the motorbike firm` of Triumph. To mark' •the firth's 21st anniversary this year a new 85-mph, 100-miles-a-gallon mo.- del has, been, launched. with spe- cial consideration for' the;, pillion passenger. This model is aimed especially the European market to com- pete with Gerinazi, Italian, and Czech' rivals. The firm's faster, 100-mph aril=more indciels ready It atieo Well in'21 tile". United Statevr; British, automobile salts general have suffered .a setback recentlYI„I‘butxone- renconraging aspect ,of 1. 1,956 export figures was that motorcar sales tO,Nortli America rose 65 per cent to 465,- 000,000 Compared with. .1955. British automobile sales to Canada last year were,about 20,- 000, and expectation in London is that this figure will rise, 'fur. ther. And, then there is one of .Bri- tain's most wizard dollar' earners, ,the Vickers. Viscount Airliner, which flying .mediin' distance 'airline routes all over 'the world. The 364th Viscount has just been ordered, which represents about 2100,000,000 worth of business for that one plane ,alone. These are a few of the high spots 'which. give encouragement` to Britons that if 'they' keep a tight hold, of their 'courage they; can surmount the ba'ckwash of• Suez and, what is .even more important and difficult; find a more permanent solution to their own peculiar and very puzzling economic problems. When Sailors Wore Flowered Hats! The decision that Royal Navy personnel should wear "civics" while engaged in Suez salvage operations was a startling break with tradition. Yet British sailors havet not always worn an official uniform. In the eighteenth century, sub- ject to the "individual whim of them captains, sailors wore what they pleased. For instance, the captain of H.M.S, Tulip decreed green jackets and a flower in the hat as the appropriate rig Tor his men. The, captain of H.M.S. Blazer also had definite ideas on dress. His boats' orews had to wear blue and white-striped jackets,. which incidentallY*, became the forerunner of• the modern "bla- zer." The men of H.M.S. Cale- donia could'easily be picked out in a crowd, for they wore Scots bonnets with tartan ribbons. But the naval officer with the most eccentric notions on dress and appearance was Captain "Nobby" Ewart. An enthusiast for spit and polish, Nobby once demanded that his private stock of poultry should be fallen in at Divisions on Sundays so that they could be inspected along with the ship's company. How to lineup a platoon of lively fowls and keep them pro- perly dressed by the right might have floored a lesser man than Captain Ewart's coxswain. But he groomed the birds and kept them in place on deck by means of a staple over the toes of the chickens and a tack through the webs of the ducks. One morning the coxswain 'turned up for duty in the cap- tain's boat sporting a ripe black eye gained as the result of a lost argument. Nobby took one look at the brawny seaman, then this stickler for uniformity promptly ordered the rest of the boat's crew to black one eye with burnt cork! It was not until a century ago that the 'Admiralty introduced the first regulation uniform for the men of the lower deck. Ex- cept that it is more smartly cut' and better fitting,, the blue- jacket's• uniform today differs little in essentials from that established so long ago as Janu- ary 1857. An additional garment was a blue ' cloth jacket, abolished in 1891. It was from wearing this that the 'Aerni "bluejacket" ori- ginated.' 'The original' Uniform. Regula- tions also introduced .a sennit hat for sailors to wear' in tropical climates. Similar to the wide= brimmed straw hat worn at one time by children on holiday, at .,the seaside, this article of kit became very unpopular, and was abolished, Naval officers' uniform was in- troduced in 1748 after they had sent a petition to the Admiralty. A group of officers persuaded the beautiful Duchess Qf Bedford, wife of the then First Lord of the Admiralty, to wear a riding habit they had designed. George how had an eye for a pretty woman, saw her riding in the park as they had hoped, and 50 admired the habit 'that he .ap- . 'proved of the same colours of blue and -white being used 'for their uniforrns. MERRY MENAGERIE "A burro?" Why, I've always thoUght I was a carnet!" CROSSWORD PUZZLE DOWN 53. Arabian 1. Grammatical seaport case , 25.1reland 2.1liibber. '; '27: ,Dry 5. High hill 31. Sign 4, Exterior 33. Greenland 5. Ourse yes settlement rt Netwbrk 35.. Weight 7: Perched' „ allowance 8. Crimped' 37: ItIngdoni In fabric, Indo-China " 9. Alternative 38. g hfafeice 10. Raise inei . 11. Church 39. Nit. near. festival Jorusalent 12. Stylish 41.-Iniquity 17. Burden 43. Set fOr a 21. Unit of certain speed 44. property 47; 14s li ouurn t n 49, Rescues • fil. Festival 53. Scent 59. Biblical 57. priest Knowledge 61. Exist 53, ViVself 13 15 IA' 40 19 22 23 Is. r, 1: r 20 2' f. ti; call 52 33 rrtCs' 26 27 30 3" 29 3.1 49 ,\ 50"11 4 53 igi i".,l 4 63 20, ' • _,. ,,AdriciSsi 1: Etitilintlitbet t rotate. _7: Tallid ` 13. Wake front' ,, sleep. Rt. "Unpaid debt 15. Spilt 16. Carry' 18. intii.--ao '10.. F,Zietif O. Paradtte 52. Medea • '2 ,1,Singlinehird- 36. Sedoildhand ,28. Pliffal .bildifig 50, Sin ' 50. 'Organ Of Sinai, 32. 'Weird '24. Account ' entry 99. Borribaatie talk 3s. Soriniali tally 40.. Unlit:init. 42, Grow' old 45; Indian I., mulberry 44, Hindu princess, '!48'.Remnani iii coMbustion 50. Wild animal .62. Lethargto State $4. 1-0.' 55. Vinare friend 46. Augmented. 58. Girl's narne 00. Narrate ..,._ U. Egg. (110h1 a 44. Part. eita flower '4.5, Live ArthWer elseWhere on tide .tiage, LILY'S LADY - totta, Brady . itieS:41otheipin to hold off stench created by huge Sacred Lily of India growing her home. Thisugh beautiful, this flower emits Vile smell. AMMUNITION-WALNUT SHELLS-With prote'cti've Clothing making him loOk like a space mail, worker wields' a pneuinalic giJ.ri usiFlgs dm inUnition. even more Weird: The gun' shoo* ground walnut shells. They tire used to blast clean alUiPinutn molds, like that' of right, used " In rtiakinj foam rubber rnatOesS. With-the eliell..blasting. on, ;one Man. can dean 0' mold in 90 initiUtei. It used to take a man 11 heiUth, trains a Viirsi wheel buffing machine:. 10 11 3. 4 12 r. 1 28 43. :Iii