HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-03-20, Page 5TEACHERS WANTED " Morriss T, B. A. Board invites applications from qualified Protes_ tent teachers for one room rural %boobs.. Duties to commence in Seaitember, Minimum salary $3500. Applicants. state salary, qualifies.. ions, _..experience and name and address+ of last inspector. APpli_ cations received until Idardh,39 Ralph Shaw Bluevale, Ont. FOR SALE Keep abreast of poultry trends with Bray eomplete net of chicks bred for egg, broiler markets;Wide choice, iticludini Ames In,Oross, Pilot 'White 'Rocks. We're into the important time for chick buying, Contact us Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel; Mrs. R. Barrett, R.*R, b Brussels Phone 5401 NOTICE TO CREDITORS - , IN THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS A. KELLY ALL PERSON'S having claims against the estate ,of the above mentioned late of the Village of Walton, in the County of Huron, -retired Farmer, who died on the 31.st day of December, 1956, are required to file proof of same with' the 'undersigned on or before the 30th day of March 1957. After !that date the administra.. for \vill proceed to dietribute the estate having regard only 'to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATBD at Brussels this 8th day Of March 1957. Crawford and Hetherington Brussels - Ontario So/fetters for the Administrator "I Scream Kids' TO REACH NEW PEAKS OF GOOD HEALTH DRINK DELICIOUS COUS/tig DAIRY` MI K WINGErtairdl, Thar Ikaitotisel breatookol, MEMORIAC fitirtipiNto TE.11114,,, Al rtHit /IIm Is Alit Vali , exipipt Werfthaaaishia. Ortega Matt LettAerfieir et, ifearlifer „ A. SOOTTON 06,10 ilk WInaftiott, Pi'- non Freel Marie Fraseq new Butter recipes. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF.CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto Pi ducted 5.01110 coentestz Lunch was served by Muriel Barabara and thanked by Ids GOOD FOR ALL KINDS BAKING. 41--140014CE e Al 140‘Ft rigneAVM • U:SVO,"‘.4%,*" • • 1.•!. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE (0* ga'ee0/14141",/:".‘ TAKE A ROCKET TESTI DRIVE OLDSMOBILE'S SPARKLING SUPER "88 1 Front seat, left side—right smack behind the wheel of a new "ItoCket" Oldsmobile! It's the choicest seat in the house! For that's- where you get that solid; level-smooth driving sensation, die higlhwayhugging lee! of Oldsmobile's deep,braced Wide-Stance Chassis, That's where sense the phenomenal power of the husky, high ,conipttesion &Oka T-400 Engine as your toe nudges the gas pedal. And that's where you'll smile to Oldsmobile's nimble response as you park, corner, manoeuvre through traffic, And for looks ... here's beauty that's clean Mid tiiieltittered--4resh, pure lines that live longer, that will he in style years front now. So any way yeti look at it.--fOr power, for heatityofor comfort, title; safety -4--here's the one that's got everything you want in your next car. And what's snore, the.priee- is always right for a Rocket. Conic in for a thrilliq lift in your life. Be Oar guest warm welcome is waiting for you when you atop by for your Rocket test: smooth partner for Rocket Power t//exeia7" ftidra-Matic drhie All the flashing action of .positive gears With the Liquid thioathlieSS of two fluid couplings that's What you enjoy with Olds' great flooket 1-400 engine and Jetaway Hycita4etla drive,ieteWey delivers more of the trigitid -s power to the wheels, eliminates-fuel w'a'ste'. Cloth 644 Old' top speed, the flow of 'power is steady and silk titidoth, And In "Super" and "Lbe ranges, lettwo safe for descent Steep Greatest automatic ekhie in tie to OLEDSMOB IL iverside Motors • • THE BRUSSELS POST We4P.0.414.1y, _Utz .#'4, It• #T, ,#1•••••.%44 • ATTENTION RATEPAYERS S. S. NO, 3 6011 'The Grey Township School Area Boas& invite the ratepayers of School Section No. 3, to a meeting at the school en April 2nd, at 8 pi. rn, Norman S. Hoover, Secy, NOTICE TO OREL); TORS IN THE ESTATE OF ''EARL SdANLEY DUNSAFl ALL PERS ON having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of Grey, int the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the first day of February, 1957, are required to'file• jpoof of same with the uncleusigned on or before the 30th day of March' 1967, After (that date the administra...1 trix. will proceed to distribute the estate having regard' only to the olaimo 'of which . they shall then halve had notice, ,,,, DATED at Brussels this $th day 'of March 1951. Crawford and Hetherington Brussels Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix I. CLASSIFIED *War^ • SALE pay's blue grey suit, sire 8 to 10 Mrs, Leonard 111,aehati, Brussels. 1.14 04'41 Rer,-.. 1FQR SALE Baled Hay, excellent Wilt Sam Aleaelt PTO !FOR SALE — Baled Hay, good quality (• Q1arence 'White Phone 33r0 FOR SALE — 13uilding 44x40 StevensonJas `HELP WANTED 1Good reliable; Saleslady wanted for Dry Goods Store. P. O. Box 86 Brussels Ont. FOR SALE — Rodney and Garry seed oats and •a quantity of No, 1 baled hay, wire -tied. NV', J. Perrie Phone 75_16 'FOR SALE 'Clatry Oats mixed with Brant Barley, both grown from certified 'seed. Oran Russell Phone 17,15 'FOR SALE 300 Byline Chickens, ti weeks old,, also a ,niuniher tel trough type feeders, with spinners and adjustable legs. Graham Work Phone 12J18 :FOR SALE navy blue and white, Ali' Weather Coat, size 10; also a boy's navy blue. Blazer, size 6 Mrs, Harold Bolger Phone 1.8.7-14 'WANTED Own a lifetime business that grows from repeat and voluntary orders. Start *It or full time _ Easy to deal o • no store . needed, If you are Willing to work. Write immediately to. 1500 Delorbnier Dept, 51 Station C. Montreal , WATCH SALE Annual Bulova Trade in Watch Sale now on. Let us make you am offer for your old watch for a new Bulova that you can be proud of. W. G. LEACH Jeweller The Store for Beautiful Gifts 'FOR SALE — 150 acres lot 9, concession 13. klullet Twp. ,GOad buildings. 55 mores ploughed; 25 acres of bush land, Balance in, hay and pasture. apply 'toe 11/1,r. James..MeClure, 'Walton, R. R. Phone. :'Seafarth 846 R1.1 `FOR SALE Good used Beatty and Pedlar steel. cattle stalls and ,stanchion,. water 'howls, steel lasts, cow, calt and bull tens, litter 'carriers at about half -price. apply to L. H. Koenig and Co. 'Madman Box 31 Phone 56 Concrete -and Steel Stable Builders 'FOR S- ALE ',LEGHORN PULLETS We have one of the best strains of leghorna in Canada today. • They are bred for leueosis rests- -lance, Which means less morq -eggs, and more liens to sell at the 42nd of the year. Dates available 12 weeks, April 19; 16 ,weeks, May 7; 'ready to lay', April 30, and June 10; vaecipated, Worrited, delivered: • AncIreWs Poultry Farm R. R. 3, Seeforth, Ont. • Phone 647t3 Seaforth SALE 3 cows, to freshen In APrit, going out of cows. "Gee. McArthur • . Phone 1813 -FOR SALE Flitter the selling fieldi a titOdItill$•$rcit' COMPANY or hart-time agents Make LARGE Seiting llOn5elliolt1 1104 cessities, itelletrieS and faith "steliat ties. Otteilingei tiVatlatle *Our ciViierever sit may Bite ask for deteidts aid free 1600 belorlintei befit: -66 Station C. Mentreal. iNsENONAi.ibtv 40/FoRMArroN iefttrtosit ingemtifatIOn nation or seroloe bore breed. of rattle, Plhone tae Waterloo' Cattle Thieedlog Atisockiloti at: Clinton It t2 - *141 Or Palmerston 499 between 1111 -tad NIA A.- it We Italki all Wade arallaible tap Oita* at krai acct.*' FOR SALE Baled Hay Stan, Alexander Phone 85r13 FOR SALE Comfortable house 11/2 storey, '1 Iraqi*, fuel. shed adjoining house. basal brick on sides, also insulat ing. Good barn, suitable for 150—, 300 hens, 4 good cow town. water in both barn' and house alsc hydro,, 14 acre of land. James Perrie estate, John, Street( (South, Brussels. WANTED — Reliable man as healer in. Huron County. Expprience not necessary. A ti4le opportunity to step into old profitable business where itawleigh Products have been sold. far years. , 161g ;Profits. Precincts furnished cm oredit Write TioWleigh's Dept. Q 1521,153, Montreal, P. Q. TUESDAY, MARG1.1 2,2th at 1 CATTLE 2 Ayrshire cows, due in April 2 Durham cows, fresh Ayrshire, cow, fresh Ayrshire ,cow due time of sale Heifer, due -time of sale Blue cow. fresh • 4 young Durham calves 7 Dunham. steers, & heifers 1 yr. old MACHINDRY McCormick Deering Supper fully oiruipplecl with hydraulic, like new; McCormick Deering 2 rurrow plow like new; M Ii. disc fertilizer drill; 4' section Diamond Harrows; Rubber tired Wagon 8,r, rack; H. Manure Spreader; 3 section Drag Horraws; Bissel Tractor Disc M, H. Side Rake Dump Rake Clinton Drop Head llay Loader 8 ft. Mower M. H. 7 ft. Binder Fanning Milt 2000 Ilb, Scales r. 1/2 Ii. p. gasoline Motor Hay Fork & Ropes and other' articles GRAIN G00 bus. -of Beaver Oats; Quantity of Household Effeetis. Terms Cash No Reserve Farm Sold Prop. -Thomas Strachan Auct. Harold Jaeksori Clerk E. P. Chesney 0.••••• FOR SAI E ,. ,.i . 7 ' 100 acre Farm on 13Olinty IlfAd. i Frame Rouse, ,,Iii,11. Partner; tit acres WO/liable; I Inge from store. I Price $8,500.00 i 90 acre Farm on highway. hYdre, ,.! Frame House; Batik Milli, thiCit ; $6,8 00r.00 'I. 1', Stereij, Mouse in iiiitote, mod- ', ern .facilities, Price $2,250.00 Beek dettage in village, bath, garage. 'Prtee $3i260.64 s, Restaurant and Grocery Store hi; village ext laka, With iirlitg, citiattere, i. Rent 240 per month. 13tOt1r' and , eaniiinient 0,500.00 .320 acre itiarrit iletli tood*toitiM i ' sets of littlidink04 hydro,, 260 **it . Workable, Pride $26,000 , Phone 84 J. C. Long `rtealtor CIKA.N$ROOK her 'gent i.40 week-end 'with her daughter, We, .relm, Belloock. - .p,04 1.4711e Garden, were hi WallaCeburg over -the .week end, Harold Knight mint the Week. lend With his parent", 4 Orailbrodk W. I. The Cranbreok 117, I. met in the 0.3cminity ,Centre, March 4th, at 8o l), . ., The Presidenit, Mrs. Glenn Huether was in the chair. Meeting opened With the Opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord'o Prayer relcited in unison. The wall oaill, What I had for breakfast 'was answered by a good attendance. Minute% of the last meeting were read, a rekort was given by the Treas. Thi being the health meeting -under the leadership ,cif -Mrs. Ken, McDonald a coltlecitioa was taken. for the 'mental health society. It vies decided to enter the Salada Contest„ The motto, Goad health and' good sense are two of lifels greatest blessings, was given by Mrs. Mary Illueither. A contest was condued by Mrs. Ken McDonald. Mrs. Martin Me., Donald gave a demonsitration on making buns, and all enjoyed a treat of' home made buns for lunch. ,The hostesses. Mrs. Jim, Machan, Mrs. E. Morrow, Mrs. Glen Collett and Mrs. Jim Coutts. Mr. James Perrie, of Waterloo Oolloge, conducted servigeo last , Sunday at Camtibellyille, and Haltonville. , Mr, Kenneth Knight -of Waterloo College had service in Melville Church, Brussels, and Knox Gliurph W. M. S. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. for March was held at the home of (Mrs. Stuart Evans. 'Mrs. Thompson the President, was leader. The Meeting opened by singing a hymn, Mrs; jThompson led in prayer, The scripture from Luke 110 was, read by Mrs. Strickler, A skit on Malaya and Indonesia in 'South East Asia, -was given by Mrs. Fischer and Mrs. Thompson. A • hymn was sung. Mrs, Thompson talked on C. 0. -C work. Mrs. Jacklin bad the topic on Malaya. The next meeting is to be at Mrs. Gordon Knight's. Roll call to be answered by an Easter verse. Hymn 587 was isung and Mrs. Thompson closed the meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Striokler and Mrs. SikAlkes. CASH PAIP vor ,e10, sick and diiabica horses, f and vows, I-lend horses and ,c0w3 Free pick tit* Phone Atwood 103 Collect TEACHERS WANTED Teachers wanted for 5, No, 1 aald S, 5. No, 5, Grey Township' S';1]ool. Area. Dutle,F, to commence -Sept, 3rd, Apply stating gIlalill- arations, experience and. salary ex- expected to NernIan S. Hoover, Secy. B., 2, Brussels Phone LET US PLAN I TO SUIT YOUR HOUSE, I WE'LL, PROVE WE CAN CMG KRAUTER — Co. PLUMBINGs.HEATINC., swEErmcrAt. & 011 SURE,' 1 is BRUSSELS cyiww 47X p.m. Mrs, John Grant is with daughter, Mrs,. John. :Some*, A HgATING-SY$TgM,Mini Joan Hunter, StratfOrcl,.., FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The Friendship Circle gathered the (church Idea-tour for their Mlarch m.eeiting. Marie read a, Poem to open the meeting followed by a hymn and the 1.10019 Pr'\ayer. The minutes , Were read b; Gertrude and adopt- ed. The roll call, was answered by a svlerse pertaining to spring. Ccorresploudence •'was read and the Treas. gave their reports. Collect. ions were *taken -by Muriel and Dorothea, Luella,,, in charge of the prograra read a poem on Trust, followed bY a hymn, Scripture verses were read by Helen, then Edna Pearson led in prayer, ,Patsy Bryans favoured the group With two solos. Luella took the topic, and chose for discussion' the mother Ruth. Barbara read a reading, Monu- ment for Mrs. Smith. Faith of Our Father, war sung then. Pearl con.- FOR BETTER CAKE SOLD MUSSELS AT W. L. Backer & Sort CLEARING A,tig-wiN SALE Ina% rie'411.0tr..41t", zwzrzszte.remicotan=rois of Farrd Stock and Machinery Lot 3. Con. 3 Grey Twp. 3% north of Brussels and i/2 mile East on