HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-03-20, Page 1. 164.4- rc 1 4 '1 4 VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Outtln,g Styling Cold Waving A epecialty Phone 40X Brussels The results of the recent piano examinations held et the home of 'Mr, and Mese Loll* ThoMpson, are as follows. Mr. Brewster of St. Thomas, Member of the examining faculty of the Western • Ontario • Conservatory of Music, was the examiner.' PIANO PIANO ;Grade :IIT Geraldine Dennis., First Class Heavers, 86 ner cent of niarks Barbara Turnbull, First .Class Honors, 80 per. cent Of marks Grade IV Anne Achilles,. First Class Honors, 82 per cent, of marks Dorothy. Marks, First Class Honors, 82 per cent of marks Grade V Pamela Porter,' Honors 72 marks. ,7cyce Armstrong, Bait.. " ors '70 marks • • - 'Grade VI Marityra Johnston, Pass 66 Per cent of marks. Grade X Margaret Perrie, First Class-Honors 81 per cent of 'marke THEORY Grade II Sean Hillen, First Class Honors 96,, Marks Anne Douglas, First Class Honors 93 marks ,These written examinations were held at the United Church Parsonage and -were presided over by Rev. Andrew tang,. By Law No. 2,, 1957 was introdue ed autherizieg expenditures on roads for the year 195e to the amount of re.3500.00, which Was the limit set' by the Department 'of Highways on' Whi:ehi 'approval - ewould be granted.; it was moved by C. L. Workuran, • seconded by J. Hi IStretton, that By- Law No., 2, 1951 as read a first and second time be read a third time. — Carried. i .It was moved by J. H. Stretton, seconded by C. L. Workman, That By Law 2, 1957 as read" third time I be passed and` the Corporation, eon' attached and. Byils..,,w forwarded to the Deplarment of Highways for approval, — Carried. Jt was. moved ;‘,lay J. .H1. Stret ton, seleontded by '0. L. Workman, the 1957 grant to the BrusselseLibr- airy Board be MOJA — Carried. The 'Clerk 2resented the Fidelity ' Bonds to the iCouncil. Members fecund MEW iwere the force. Cereied. It was moved by J. H. Stratton, Seconded by IC. L. Workman, that the accounts as 'presented be paid — Carried. BruSsels Hydria, hydra 145.89 A. Higgins, snoiwiplowlng 24.00 H. A. nether, 195e registrations' 20.75 ELS POS $2.00 per year- $2.50 mood dam amaX, Feat Mao ihemitasaal,, VVednesday, March 20th, 1957 'cost Publishing House .1.000001.0•04,A0000.....1 NEW DAIRY •CALF (4.14 A IMO orpnizatIon meeting for this, sirea, was held, here last eveek,, pegi104i the Seep and Swine a new Dairy Galt club 'was erigenized with Martin. Bann, Walton, and .0 tif for d Bray of Ethel as leaders,. ,s1wtipe .010 will be le charge of Bill Turnbull and' Rms. Smith; Beef elnb, Jim : Smith end Loreto Black, Mr„ Tom Ee eton of the rre.iiertenent Of A.grieltur-e, Clinton was present and showed filtnS. • The nett meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 213r41. FARMEIR:0,5 UNION MEETING Ethel Township Hall THURSDAY MARCH gstri. 8.30 P. M. Speaker: 'Gordon Hill NO t4rAM# ATTA9HP. IN TRAGIC PEATIls At the lieleteet, fgllowing the crank which claimed the Wee ef. Mr, and Mies. Robert Kirkby 01 Walton, a • corenette. jury 440044 nit blame.• The jury 'concluded, that elthotigh there, were; no witnesses to, the accident, the viethes,' died of injuries received when their car left the road. and hit a tree,.. The drilleeeMr, Dirk- • hy may Imre 'fallen Asleep etethe wheel, they believesr, no thinnest was presided over by Coroner Dr, R, W. Stephens, A Brussels., with, Crown Attorney Glenn Hays of Godertch.. Members of One ,• jury were J, Douglas Hemingway foreman; Russell Bradshaw, Will- iam Gibson, .Tliomae •Strechen, and HarIvey Dennis. • .1 0. 0 1 A • clerenee (Andy) Steles On. Tuesday, Maleili 12, Clarence (Andy) Stave died suddenly at 14g, biome, 8f7 Miley St. London, He wAS bollo on D. Mb. 110 MelcillOP ',roweieltip and when; young moved to Oat, with brie parents, Mr. and Mb's. Dap Steles, He married Stella Bent erson of Brussels, who skirvives with one daughter; Rath Ann; aelSo four (Helen) 114rs. Casey Iind see, aocterIch4 (peeve) Mrs. !leek Ttrudlidd l„ Wellande (Norma) Mite. Fuller, St, Cetherittee„end ('Marion) Mrs. Higley Seaforth; two brothers, Lorne of London and lobe Of Wells and. The last seven years he worked as a truck driver for the Olatworthy Lumber Co, lemdan. Funeral ',services were conducted * 3,5c 2 for '89c Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon Premium Sockeye Salmon York choice qualitk Corn 20 oz. • • Devon Peas 15 oz. A 2 for 35c 2 for 25c York Pork and Beans .20 oz. , • • • " • 15c fou wil Ind other values Just as great as these as THE RUT[ EDGE GROCERY .raionotromaamougersommept, The IVInnicipal Council of 13euesels from. the D. A. Rann Funeral Home, FALL FAIR NOTES met on the ahavie date, Councillors Brelieellie, cite ...play afternoon by Coasideralile interest as , been H. Pearson and W. A' Williamson 'Rev. Andrew Lane, of Brussels shown in the field crop competition . 'Tere• absent. United Church, in husking corn which the • Fair Pallbearers were Ernie Kirk , The minutes of January 28th meet Board is sponsoring this year. The Harry Hail, (Peter Gallagher '' and ins were read and adopted on; motion ' Thomas ,01.arkeon, all of London and Board would Bite, it few more el C. 1.... Worknian, seconded by mei entries.i for the competition in Garry „ Alee r and Gordon IVIlerray. S, H. Stretton, ' Oats -which is; also being conducted , Floral tribute were borne by by the Society. Anyone interested in Et .was moved by C.-L. Workman. Edward Miller, Douglas Ennis, Alvin. :d made 111 M •itl eTa Brussels gant these coMpetitions .pleatee contact eedoineled by S. H e Stretton, That the Farquitalson the Secretary, Norman Homier% Petition for anneal statutory grant Burial before April 1st, as all entries close under 'the Highway imrprevement Act cemetery, on that date. „ as erepared by the 1Clerk be forward- , ed to ithe. Department for ,phyreent of PEOPLE WE KNOW subsidy. ii and Mrs. Leonard Stoat of MUSIC EXAMINATIONS — Carried. Galt visited with their aunt and 011111111111MIXEMIEBIRRI1111111111111111311INN5ZMAINit W Carry A Full Line Of Not Just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of tits year. Phone 7 We Deliver ALSO CARD:OF THANKS Sinlelair — Mrs. Annul. Sinclair and family thank reletive% friends and neighbonrs for the many aicts of kindness at the time of their bereaVement. Also those who sent flowers: It wee all tench appre- elated. Marks Campbell" Mrs Allethea, Ceminbell, Brussels, and Me. 'Clifford Meeks of Morris iTownehip, were united in marriage in a quiet ceremony in 'St. Paul's ,Ainglican Cherch, Wingham. on Saturday, Meech and The Rev. Me-, Parker, rector. of the, . church performed the ceremony: Their attendants were aVilr. and 1140.9. Fred Montgomery of Wroxeter. The bride chose a etreet length dress of turquoise and navy with white acceseories, The wedding party dinner wa,si ,at 'the Bruallsevick Hotel, Wingham, Settee their ‘returnte from, a wedding. trip to Welland and Niagara, IN, Yee !Mr and Mrs ;Marks are residing on the groom's fame. in Morris Mown ankle, Mr. and Mrs.. Len. Arm- strong, recently, accompanied by friends. Rev. Andrew and Mrs. Lane and Louis D. Thompeon attended the performance of Haydn's oratorio The iCreation. at the 'London Arena 'recently. Massed ohoins from all the Lonfdon churches sang. The London Symphony Orchestra also took part. Martin Bottruly was the conductor. This was a musical event never to be forgotten. Mrs. Harold Kerney and Mrs. W. A. Spence? attended. the Horticultural Solciety Convention held in. Hamilton. • THE PRE'iBYTEKIAN CHURCH IN CAI ADA Rotary_type lawn mowers for $49.95 -- , Waders, nets, and fishing equipment now in situ A $1.00 purchase entitles you to a chance art Sunbeam Electric Fry Pan to be given away on April 30th. Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L.—Thompson Service Of Worship 11 A. M. " FAITH is the sheet =chez we cast Into the sea of God's mercy, aaid-by It we are kept from sinking in despair.'' CARD OF THANKS Wo 'would like to exress our thanks and agipreciation .to all our friendEl and neighbours for the flowers, and the ,cards and the sympathy extended to us during our sudden bereavetnent. Mrs. Stella Steiss and Ruth Machan's Hardware TENDERS WANTED Township of Morris Tenders 'will be received by the un.dereigned. up until 112 ;o'clock noon. April 1951 far the contracts of constructing and replairing the followling 'drains 40 Morrilv Town- ship: Murray-Lamb Drain consisting of 112,900 lineal feet of open drain Nichol Drain consisting of .2458 lineal feet of Men 'drain. The Town- ship will supply the tile. Plans, ire'refiles and eipeeifications Brussels.. Ont. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MEMEIMMEREMEIL Knox Church, ETHEL • Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Sunday tat' ISO M Sendai: ' Worship 2.30 P. M. "Alny fa4th IN God, however small, - Is better thee any belief ABOUT Hine, however great." PRAYER PLEA: "0 God, give us courage to occupy the ground WON FOR US BY cmusiT," WE 'wriLcomn Y(Y17 TO OUR suRvIca§ The Kansas Far er and Entertal s will r sent their an u AN May be seen at the Clerk's office: A 'aeteleied, cheque for ten Der 'cent Of the contract peke must eceein Ppriy each tender: Lowest or, aaty tender net ,neces eerily eCtepted- - C. Martin, Clerk, 17lIgliik10141gij.T.Falath:L451.71717111 LEGION. AUXILIARY The enguler business meeting of The Ladies' Auxiliary to the tea: ' adian Legion was held 'on March 7th their 'Mends, with a good at eendanee. • The meeting opened with. the pros- *. entation of the flagS, with the 62.49 34.84 5.85 4.00 4,00 4.00 e The Sec,. and Tress: reponte were reed and adopted. peee.„ Mrs.` Kay Duncan in the chair: i:AP701 icTOWF Melville Church Minister: Rev. H. 1: Colvin, B. D. 'Organist -- Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday mom 11. A. M. Public Worihiii, • 4 404 .4.A.-.000,0A-AA••••••••••,,sminoi00 ! ee trace ne6ierees. j)r•edeay..,,,,,cit.:te:.Accounts i ,eaureslionidence read which contain were preeented and ed anal-11v thank yoU notes. Fri. Sat, 6' . mai., 15 . r : It waSt decided to accept an lin- la - vitatton from. Seaferth Auxiliary Tab Hunter Natage Wood to their Birthday party on April. 15. is to • held in Kin Our Rally be "THE BURNING HILL', 9th I cardine Mary 9 . etinEaAg.e°'e It Was rieeled tie tee fee .the' Navy .Leegtte, also to canvass for the The CAPITOL Mil be renovated for this picture • s-Aviatt.ton A N D PEAC t W6stilititistar :153 Zone 614 Alec; Id the teglen Olynipte Ttp.thltig One FUll Week ar. 23: m ' , . A donatioai• was made to, the tele.. One Sholk 0;ly EacK Night 8:60 Om": visdloni set, Which is to be donated to A yeting man's first taste of battle, a Carried, H. A. iNeCti61`) The United efatrith OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A.-Lsne, 8L A-. B. BMW! NVIAlliki • JeSUSISaViotir Of the World diturell School it o'clock "The Ward was made flesh and dwelt among 0 rnan'a first taste if old age are alr mrPo,well. ; was c'teelded to hold e birthday Here .trtily -.Is the complete and ;party et April eth. with a Pot LTA IN MEMOBIAM -L. yOttlie girl's -first taste ..of love, a young- nd s first taste of ideas, i 9 collection was taken '4 The inysteey Prize Wee Von bY Mr.st• dramatized in '.War and Peace", supper at tUO pon. 11 trreltn ers ato thriUtng drama of the human' heart, A P lease: Note invited to attend this ',way, MI's. 11110116f401/ th4vardofsr one show each night S:tio, MS .4 tJtieutt 4,6116. OcitlftiltiAla6t; will of a deile liniebeed Jeseplt T. Adults, 75c Students 50a Children 26/ - eie N141-6 Passe , liclvia3"r yectrs Mareit 2061), Nenisr severe Mak for Plans were 6,1sio made far an ate_ 91,:raat Action Double Bill set an lion to be tuitt't 111 the Auspiees o Brusseh Lions Glut Vntrtei's POO'. fuse. w Wed. Mari. 25 26 27 lletorrt in Mount hi' a tater hate. o CR L • bustnoss daTiZiete'd the PrtiS Inieetbig eldSed the usual araittet p!RLsk IN 16BESON TelloWed 1)Y the eelfe• Ariglicair hirrtia OF CABANA of toUlittli: 4 Bo. Fred E. Jewell, L., B. T Nadi* Johhos Church, brusOM ivt. iktaittiu. Sunday' oft It.' bsivitPs Church,' FienfrY/i .2,80 P. M. ruveilsOnd- L , Sendat'Seitnel kheti.giitt et eweert, reinotilbrande.„ Just .11: 1110111164t Jiist i to r. t/t effedtion And a; Tosoirtitelie stilt tor YOrit, Ever reinearibeted by his *bet Bear's Limited. office 'W, S: insurance IlYtte Bros., :gas A. Rutledge. fox bounty R, W. Kennedy, advt. F. Duncan, fox bounty J). R. Hastings, ,labour an 14,45 strelett Willis, relief grecertlea 9.05 Bridge IVIlotorS, gap $ 5,95 6.00' County of Haron, MuniCipal, World, Sub. fees 18,00 B. M. & G, TeletIlione, rentals 57.95 Brussels Deal Yard, coal & ell 'MAO D. N. McDonald, isupPlies 20.81 Mid, W60,01'1'11 Ont. bivisiOn Motor Vehicled Branch, 50.00 Astsoellation, feeS licence 4.00 The Council adjourned, . to Meet`, 'again Mt Mardi). 25th S tit Or at the call of the Reeve on in,otioii of C, Workman, Seconded by J. H. Stretten, BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING 4ith. 1057 In 'Brussels Town H rida Eve., March 22 X, Two Hour Concert with Dance After ne Admission 50c, Children 2 BEACH and IY1c,CLARY RANOM- ' ALSO 0 U 'R Easy Washers and Driert We have in stock — 15 cu. ft. freezers for only $315.p; , — 20 cu. ft. freezers are available --- $359.0a Ask to see the new Bicycles made- by C. p. forlatr.sg- Kern Glo and Super Kern-Tont• Come' In And See Our • Benjamin Moore Paints