HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-03-13, Page 4R v ugoot Ts CNEV, -OLDS BRUSSELS (71.4,5b -„„„tiffr PLEASE/ STOP. BEFORE YOU "TRY TO TELL .,ME you WERE ciACKING UP! :::'i t1; ARE you using crawler tractors that are bigger than you need? Is 'excessive overhead holding down the bigger profits that could lust as well be yours? Then 'it's high time you became acquainted with a modern, cost-reducing John Deere Crawler Tractor and equipment and make your own comparisons. tl . ' " ? ./1.----•,-.." 4 - - - _1 . I' * • 1--------- • DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS---ONTARIO SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. TIME-SAVING DIRECTION REVERSER Lets you move tnward ar lack, ward. at same speed -no time' Wasted shifting transtnIS- Slot gears. Detail Shows lever It neutral; dotted' ., lines show "reverse , dnd forward travel positions, FROM', AGENTS: • W9dnefidap, M1re1i nth. 1051 BRUSSELS PP3T --,••••••*•••!`"!..14 "Sts E LW" / GEORGE McCUTCATON IN .NIANIQFMM 4'amiespe loving' MeXPOrl of a dear .brother .auct slow, wlm passed away 14,arehl0t11,, 1904. We are sad 'MIX% our memory .Lovely Are oug hearta te,day ror fiw 'ones We loved. 09 dearly Have forever been ogled away... We 'think: of them an•otleAqc? No _eye :May see 'up ;Weep, But, many a Silent tear is Aoti When 00.•eirs 4r(). • , Aver remembered by Psabel. Jnt• and family, t 4.6 AND STOP DRIVING A CAA YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED WITH, TRADE IT IKON A ""RUNS LIKE NEW CAR." AT RIVERSIDE mororest 416 - WHAT SATISFACTION AND FIND OUT REALLY Is! !!,09,401,9 ipre,r,,,......,,,,,...for,r....-,----.....,.. ,g,.7rTrEft; Tg .TH:4 :gPlT911 ..:,• I :Ktlitdoe OrlISSels Post. 1 •Druiisels, .(Mt. • Deer .Slir; in your iSelle• Of Mar., Otil. you. •• kbligled a lettidr facia Mr, Melitill:e I Lamont, signed PPM. -Grey NWT), Federation of Agriculture, Dacia this. .. letter relax eSent the opinion of Grey Twp. "(.0eratiOn, of AgrieuImre or io it the *iviAe, opinion Of Mir; Laniant? If this letter is .tindiviclual opinion then I consider the -Signature rei5, •, leading and unethical, As for statelneutS. of price there Mild be Many nnslyairs: which Mr. -Lamont meld probably answer give much better than I. The first thing that struck ine was that .the packer's buyer must have had a few painted questions to answer Thursday night When. the ii price 14% Lamont neeetived was eoln, :Par,ed with that of :pigs on the yards • Oorald it. be that the buyer made a Mistake? or was it . Charged to • 44aodeitvlideZlysi;purIvi, Cou%lly.yere :hole, 1).rrigg.;e5dala,.13ry Secondly the Hpy Producer's Mianketing AgertcY is siMply a large auction sale and 'strange things happen at auctions. I 'was at the IStraford. ,galas banns Friday?, Mareff tat, Ttherewas a short pun of good fat steers put !through the ring singly • .and fhe bidding was from 19c to 1945e. One 'packer buyer who was bidding consistantly Missed getting any of some half .dozen steers and there was a bit of kidding going on among the 'packing Plant buyers, The next animal hadn't quite entered the ming when this unfortunate buyer hollered 2.0.c! - -, but this one was a heifer. Therefore this particular farmer got 20c for a good heifer when tops had been 16.50c. • Are the Stratford Sales eta. be . I condemned for failing to bold the :20c price for heifer or are they to • : be praised far getting that price:for 1 at least one heifer, Isibe Hog i Poducers ,Marketing Agency to be conklemed because they failed - to i hold a price Of '34.35 indefinitely or I are .they to be; praised for selling 1 'hoga far a considerable time at high prices, J.. Carl Hemingway We have a good supply of new CARS and TRUCKS for immediate delivery. .. • 1 ti'.MEMO RISM 1 JamieSon - In loving memory Ot a dear sister and *other, Shirley And Elmer janlieson, who passed away three years ago, March 16th; I., 1904, I No pan can write nor tongue can ifeili 'Onr sad and bitter loss IBM God alone has helped so..yell 1 To bear our ilgeavy cross. Lovingly remembered by Ronald Florence and family, There are so many Auburn, Byth, pralriloto4, Mier, Lambeth, Lowdegioro, MitolipLe. M,onkton, Silfring% St.:4MA. Wrallacellturg and Winoxeter. things, to save for Anniversary last Deeember. Stetvtiving beside his Wife are ono son, George of Ethel, and two, daughters (Jean) Mrs. Bert, Elliott 'of Mpleaworth, and' (Helen) Mrzt Donald Swift, of Brernyion, one beethelr, James, and ono sister, Ella, both of Ethel. There are also eleven granchildren, The funeral service which was, widely attended, was conaupted by Richard. Joseph PearSon Richard. Joseph Pearson', .well known Grey Township farmer died Iu Listowel, Memorial Hospital on Wedniesday, Feb. 12(7 h.. after an. Vilness of about 3 weeks, He was a . son of the late Janice and Mrs. Pearson and was born on lot 20, coe. :Grey on Aug. 2,2th, .1885 He resided on that farm until moving FIRE INSURANCE CO. ES tabilsked ISK. ELMA FARMER"' viLITIYAZ I'leaci Office Atwood,', to Ethel in 1946. t "MUM. his pastor, Rev, AndreW And n r• rant; ;_roperty, privato mom. Morris Twp. Council To-day it's furniture - to-morrow, a new car or p holi- day trip, Whatever your goals, you'll get there faster by -saving for them. Start a Savings Account to-day at our nearest branch. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 750 branches across Canada ready to serve you. N-77C BRUSSELS BRANCH -- L. W. J. GLASGOW . MANAGER Moans Township Council Meeting, While not a member of any triter- anent was in Mt. Pleasant cemetery, 'The Council melt the Township an netIviD. 'pant in church and corn, T'allbeahiers were six nephews,. And Comfits In. Town. and V111410 Schools, Chtirthes and Nine on SS -March 1, 195'7. nal organization, Mir. Pearson took Ethel. Hall on trite above date ,with all the ,nuinity affairs. 'He was a life' long. Ale, Callen, Bruce Chambers, Edgar members present. avelnibew the Methodist (afterward Brewn,' Alex Pears dn, Ralph Pearson "INSURANCE AT COST' 1aaella The ininutab 'of the meeting were PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OP, CLAIN If Contact your Nent•est Director - AlpaInt nick WHITFIIVILD Cruogetn, OM.. ward United) churches and setrved as elder and st,tward both at 'Roes" and in Ethel. He was married on. Dec, 13th, 1916,. to Annie Brown of IVIoleswonth and they clOteihrated their fortieth and Hugh Pearson, Flower bearers Were; also nephews, Lynn Hoy, William Hoy, and Harold Hoy'. Friond5 and relatkvas attended from the following places AtWood, read and adopted on motion of S. Procter and W. .Shortreed. Moved by W. Shartreed.., 'seconded by G. Wik4ason that the tender of George Radford to supply,' crush and deltver approximately 12,000 ,..-ub!c. yards of gravel at 74 'cents "-I•rnio'4.-="t••;.- -,•;•••• • •,rt.',"; 4 Pee yard be accepted subject to the. i approval of the District Municipal I - - Carriod, Engineer. 'Theme 'were tern` lenders receiv ed. t•o 'or'pply a truck for the -Tn.). and it was .decided. to file the te.ndeds. for 'the- p_resent.-. Moved by Procter. seconded by R. Duncan. that By Law No. '7 19a r. under the Tile Drainage Act be read ,the third time and filially pastsed. • • - Carried Moved by W. Shortreed.. seconded by R. Duncan that Geo'. Mich:1e be •••• appointed as InsqeCtor to act on tile. drains -andel' .The Tile Drainage Act at 8 cents yer, nine and one cent per rod of tile drain. - Carried. MoVed by W. Shoutreed. seconded • by G. .Wilkinson that $2001) be transferred from Construction, of • Roads to_ Maintenance of Roads on 1956 Road APPropriation By Law. - Carried. oVed •by. W. • Shortmeed., seconded by S. Procter that: Win. McArter be! as presented. by the Road Supt, be f.d rft ft, ,e,"*.'" ••4.• 4 ` DE WOKRI. Bo So Many Jobs So Well and at New Low Cost IF YOU CUT IN ON TRAFFIC Passing cars when there is barely enough room to avoid oncoming traffic causes count- less highway accidents. Make certain you • have plenty of time to pull out, pass and regain your place in line. You will lose only seconds of time but you may save a life. HOW GOOD ARE OUR DRIVING HABITS? Carried, Moved( lay R. Duncan, seconded py S. Proeter that Wm. McArter be paid 8 cents per mile for the use of 'his cap- &can Jan, 1.1957; - Carried. Moved 'by G. Wilkinson. seconded by S. Procter that the meeting ad jourti to meet again on April 1. 1957 at 1 I). m. The following accounta Were paid: Mum Betel Mustard and Nichol Drains $112.00 A. Fraser; eraliffYing tax arrears ( 14,00 A sso c atoll. of Assles5kng Officers, fee • 10.00 Brussels Telephone, rent of pliene Blyth Diet. Fire Area OEM • The New JOHN DEERE Crawler -Loader for All '28.20 114.00 N. Higgins. stamps and. Relief dee:Mint (G.seiliployanalit 15:02'01 G, *Aim (hydro for ten 8,50 Blylth. Stand:afild, acivt, 2.91 ,Tack Higgins. fog' 2.60 Stanley .CO61E, foX bounty • 4.00 AgettY Bond On 'Treas. Dept. Of Health, Inatithit ' Patrott. do-tirt; of lb vision' Drains B. PrOetet, of Contracting Work. No matter what make of tractor you are now using -or what tractor units yOu have operated in the past -we believe you Will agree you never saw a tractor and equipment that will do so much work, pound for pound, dollar for, dollar It tests you nothing to see and operate this hew' 30 h,p, John Deere Crawler-Loader that brings you low-cost,, excavating and loading at its best, Here's a compactloading outfit that's fast and easy to handle in tight places a rugged team that's built strong for durability, but light enough- to work Close to base- ments and excavations. Simple controls and good visi- bility make it easy for any one to operate. And, to top it oli,,,,there's that handy, practical direction reverser that will save you up to an hour each working day. TIME-SAVING 5-SPEED TRANSMISSION 2.93. TIME-SAVING FOOT THROTTLE EXCURSION PARES FRONI: • .'341i • • Increases engine speed and ground travel speed up'to 25,per cent Help.' Jul when maneuver- ing in close doer. tars. IneXpensiVe, easy to attach to tractor. Provided an extra speed forward (or increased versatil- ity is many Opera tions. On such 'mirk as finished Wading and landscaping, the 5-speed trans' mission titlickly repays Its entail extra cost, • Bud nark 20.00 '20.00 20.00' 20.60 20.60 36,00 GU ELPti 14ANOVEA 14ARRiSTON INGER:SOU. KINCARDINE KITORENER 'LISTOWEL , hittCHELL OW EN SOUND ALLENrORD M.tg. thAlgirtOtst 85 ,SktIttELs $4.30 '16 tiS LEN 4,46 CLINTON ELORA 2.45 ,PEROO tA6 ditondttows 1.20 kiciDE:Oiot4 5.05 1.90 PAISLEY $4.30 PALNIBRSTON AO 3.7 sOUTHAMPTON 0.60 3.7 .6 SARNIA STRATFORD' ta O.45 5.85 ki-liFtO,Se &to AS WALKERTON 4.60 WATO W ttiko 5.115 4.00 NGHAM 4•75 4.16. WYOMING ;S Brussels. WeSitek 401101 • paere Dealer, tevistoal, OD Drains Tt Duncan, Court of ' hevisiont, be Drains C• ti7ill%itigon; aqi.trt ReviSidn. oh Dr alba Stioitreed, Court of Retlaion On bit,Ins 31. Parrott, Good Rends ASSedialtiopi Good Road§ A•SSOciatleki S. tirottbr. Mira trofitchtinfto4 rtiteAtilig 25,00 Aural' wife-sting PA-1'1,66E heave :de'. 6.20 6.201 " re: ‘.." .• • - The World Day "of Prayer ser„ vice was held in the Church on Friday afternoon The reader was Mrs. Male Engel, in the absence of Mrst Fred Rliefkpatirick, 'Pres. of the 'Evening Mix. The Scripture lession was read. 'by Mrs. Glenn Huather and the readers -were Mrs. Harold .Ja,chliar, Mrs. Stanley Fisch er and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler. Mrs. C, L. Thompson gave the address and 'told of air Paid experiences In` Ireland during the second world war. A solo was, 'contributed by Mrs. Kenneth, MacDonald, accompanied on the organ by Mils. Stuart McNair, the organist for the service. The offering was received *by Mrs. Ross Knight, who also en:orlon-tided the Benediction: The Concert 'on Friday evenieg, sponsored by the Y P. IS, was a decided success. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard and Son Jerry, Galt, con_ lidibuted readings, solos, duCts and guitar nitrate. Other soloists inelud ed Robt. Cunningham, Margaret,. Graerne MacDonald and D. Mc'llaggart. C. L. iThomp)son. gave piano accordion numbeils and SblOS and also accompanied far conimun singing untlet leaderiship of Graeme 111,aioDertaid. Piand num bers were ,giv'en by Linda Dann and Marilyn ICnight, Maxine Small don and Jim Perrle, 'TIM°. short 'plays were liresented, by the local People were humorotis and entertaining, Mirs, •Cunningliani and 114argareit Penrie (were adcain Palliate for the sole* and Mr. C. 1.1, Thorepsan wan ehalrallan. Mrs. Earl Dunn ca.rrie home on Sunday front Liskowel Memorial TIOSPital, where oale underwent apporideetonly last ,Week-, Mrs. °Veal& IVIenziee is at pretent confined' te, 'the hostiital. ' iqe, anti Mrs. Jelin SliepPard and :son Jerry, Galt, were gittOts Of M. and (Mrs. C. L, Tirenipson at the inatrie. Mr. and Mr5, Fred 1 Ile, tired 1VIrt, Man MatInteall only Mnprity Heather attended 'the fan:oral' of the late Mr,, W. 'kirk patriek hi, Mt. Forest Friday. the synila,Vity of the Is extended to Prot the loss of his father'. - 6 It SI: Egurie.,` • r).