The Brussels Post, 1957-03-06, Page 4IOLL INFORNIATIOR FRONT AGEHtS R1VER SIDiy,,E 711o.,rs egv,,,TR3' BRUSSELS (71.-c-q... 5 t- Tlt ,E plumg45.posT Wedille0aY. March' WI, , and 'Alle flog Produces Asseciatien van be a good. •thing for its, We 1Wcid ordaniarttions to ,on'eak for us int. I think that there are many things 5" mould, turn, .our attention to than the marketing lot hogs to the palcherS. I feel that they should leave the 30440143a t9-the Mall that 0;00 the pigs, Let'o keep the system of piempaeraioy in operation. Midvale :Lamont Zresident of Grey TO.Wnship Federation of Agriculture LETTg,... y9 Yti„g9iT9R (letMidell'ter last Week) Feh, 2,7th, 1.907 • 1953 Pontiac Delux Sedan, 8 cyl. with hydra• trans., radio - ,- 1954, Chevy with radio heater ' GREY TWP SCHOOL... BOARD MEETING Ty4c regular 'ineetiislg of Grey viwP. Scheel Board was held ion 12th. at 3.14 4. m. With the tailoring mesaliers presenf: Datil* 314: Nanglit Brown. Boller and:Sittn.;-. The; misustes of the :fan,.. ;netting were 'read and adopted, as 'amended on Maim' of Bolger and Sinith, Mottort. of Brown and MoNaUght that tlpe Board renew the Fidelity Mond and transfer It to the piresetit secretary. -Carded. IVIlotion of Bolger and Brown that the Board recommend to Council that' the secretisalY of the school board be school attendance officer at a salary of $2,5, plus mileage. - Carried. Motion of Brown sand Smith that Chairman get contract signed with C. Bckmier as repairman for 1967. - Carried. Iv otion of Bolger and iVitNaught that the Board accept the tender Hof Wm. Turnbull for 20 cords of cedar at $245 p,er cord. MP' , W • ''-7,.0 4:1,. . Dear Birs ,.• all vOlw" of 0244mpPieuing 4f last week on Toronto "Stock Cards, regarding hog Prio01% i. f441 ;that Oalne. fa,aia. 'Iiiteuld ,be plapert .1,)efore the hog felekders of lAire4 clout y. VIrfit, ..1 want; it defialtely under- , Steed; 0E10 'have do objection to• anyone , marketing itheir hogs co.. oPeratively.' MOT hold I have? I do not oaf their bogs, I feel that at -$., min Ovine 'Mg Own. ,pigsi be should be allowed to sell them where he 1iXes; iiiiif &kw he likes. It he Viele that he can sell to better advantage ) through4,-"SrourAng with other meat I say let bins do so, It be fettle he can obtain a better price indiyidually be should be allowed to do so. I don't tare how • anybody sells thedr hogs, but Ude object to any groat; or ,organiaation, telling me how, or where I have to sell my pigs. Now, we have heard reports of the Succeiss that the, Hog d')roducers Co_ Operative (Inicidently I feel that HOgProduceirs Compulsion would be a more suitable name) have had by ,selling pigs 4n, the stock yards. We i have heard claims, that as the Per.. { tentage of hogs lam what they pall i the open market increased; the price j also increased.1 ; Now, What happened last week clues mot hear out this claim. The newspaper reports I have oeen, show a hog price of 34.35 at, the I :Toronto Yard's at the beginning of the week. However 'by Thursday, Prices reported were at the Toronto Yaril.- 50& hogs sold at $33.00 and 1100 sold at $.31,50. I understood that the 1140 went to MontaTal, B.:•-i-Irts also show that hogs in Winnipeg on Thursday sold for 333.00. That is $1.50 more than what some of the hogs in Toronto yards 'brought. If these statements are wrong I stand to be corrected. On Thursday afternoon I shipped 30 pigs direct to: the packing plant in Toronto. I have shipped to this Dfa.nt during the past two years, and feel that I have received fair treatmenit . and, that they value the good will of their customers. is XY EERE $••$$ THE ONE FLAG ON WHICH ALL AGREE vi at - Carried. Motion 'of Brown and Smith that the Board accept the following tenders for wood delivered to the various schools before July 1st, 1957. Carried. Bev, Riley. 35 cords at $6,00 S. S, No. 1 - 10 cords S. S. No. 3 - 10 cards S. S. No. 4 - 15 cords Clarence Clark. 25 cords at $5.50 U. S. S. No. 4 - 10 cords S. S. No. 5 - 15 cords Cecil Bruynard. 25 cords at $6.25 S. S. No. 6 - 15 cords S. S. No. 11 - 10 cords Lorne Jacklin, 32 cords at $6.00 S. S, No. 7 - 12 cords S. S. No. 8 - 10 cards S. S. No. .9 - 10 cards 'The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered paid on motion •IVIONanght and Bolger. " • Carried. Cet.toperative Ins. Assoc., Fidelity (tend on 'Sec., Post-dim 00.00 (Olt: Hydro, WinghaM 24.79 Oeilt. Hydro, Liistawel 31.67 C. Eckmier, repairman 68.76 C. Mr Dennis. gravel' 7:50 Reliance. Petroleum Ltd. 42.08 Brtissels Hardware, radio repair 3.50 The Huron ExpoSitor, iadvlettisinig 4.10 The Listowel Banner 1.,90 adviertising 6.00 The Posit Publishing House adviettising 2.00 The Board decided, that all school suptillieS miust be ordered through the secretary. lifotiOn of'Brown that the Meeting adjourn to meet March 42 at 2 p.m. Norman S. HoOver, Sec, LER womtec Do So Many Jobs So Well and at New Low Cost A symbol of all that is best in human nature ... to give a helping hand when needed . . to show kindness of heart. . . to care for the sick . . • comfort the &stressed. Keep this flag flying in Canada! Remember THE RED CROSS ATTENTION FARMERS Not only does it contravene the Highway, ;Traffic Act but it is diffiL cult to keep township concessions and sideroads free of snow if the plow is being continually lifted for milk cans and. cars left on the gravel portion of the road. We are not reepohsible for any damage that may occur, Earl Bowes, Road gaperinten- dent of Grey Township, low-tost excavating and loading at its best. Here's a compact loading outfit that's fast and easy to handle in tight places , a rugged team that's built strong for durability, but light enough to work close to base- ments and excavations. Simple controls aid good visi- bility make it easy for any one to operate; And, to top it off, there's that handy, practical direction reverser that will savrott up to an hour each working day. • No matter what make of tractor you are now using -or what, tractor units you have operated M the past - -we believe you will agree you never saw a tractor and equipment that will do so Much work, pound for pound, dollar for dollar It costs you nothing to see and operate this new 30 hp. John Heere Crawler-Loader that brings you TIME-SAVING 5-SPEED TRANSMISSION For this shipment I received $134.35: for 'grade A's. ,On the same day hogs • 1 on the Toronto yards sold 'for $31.50 mud $33100 for grade A'S. .t.,-_,....''. Tthe Hog 'Pr*Incer's .Co-Opersitive :charge 'a "24';C: ieu.t h4g-fe,,e,'' Vs. what ... they call a sha.,r1tEiting service: Some other felows call it a "rake• off" and I am not prepared to give them any argument on that. I Wonder who really established,. the price on, my hogs last weeli, • . ,..''. ' ;''. . . . I have 'been told that the Packers are paying more for 'direct deliveries to their plants in order to keep 'pigs off the yards. Otte gentleman, who has been Oifspinig to the yards. even told me ,that they -Were jug pullidg my leg. Well, if payis'ig me, and other farmers that I kilow, $34.35 when The Hog PrOducers Co-Operative - can only get $3,1.50 and $33.00 in the Toronto Yards inelans pulling my leg, T hope they keep on doing so. T understand that Mr,' McInnes claims that hogs do not shrink as a result of being held in the stock yards for a few days. I hake checked. yields on my hogs for years, and these checks show that even, a delay -el one day in killing affects the yield. When my own intelligence and experience tells me one thing, and Mr. :McInnes tolls me another, which Should I belieVe. In my opinion drastic price drop' on the hog Market might be avoided if the farmers would not allow any 11.0iri, to leave their premises until they were guaranteed a mintintin iwice? When I suggested at a !Feder- ation of Agriculture Board meeting in Grey township that farmer3 I should he eticourag-ecl to ask. &tickers i to guarantee, a. Mtnifittill Brice, i otinosition from some directions I Was tjuite strong. 1' vender what their attitade would' have beet, had Charlie MeItstes suggested it. Wit shall: cite truiAor has intlitated to me that lie would be willing to -ro-operate. If yins farmera keel there 1.....; any Merit in this idea halt your Federation (ifreetnit to consider 'It. 520 *8.40 6.60 4.56 3.45 520 Provides an en ft speed forward for dok Intl-eased versa II• h.ity in many opera- liens. On Sigii•work as finished Mailing • , dad landscaping; • 5,5086dImp *II,. mistlen iiufokly repays its small $ antra tesi, TIME-SAVING FOOT THROTTLE lneteases engine speed hid ground travel speed up to per tent, Hell), ful whin maneuver. ing ilk close quar- ters. inexperishie. Easy to attach to tractor. EXCURSION FARES FR $4./6 GUELPH 1:90 ,S5 HANOVER $4.30' $4.0 HAPikitTON 3.76 4,./5 tNOEI:tdoLL 3.70 4.16 KINCARDINE 5.85 2.44 KITCHENER 2.44 2.45 LI oW Et. 3,600 1.20 MitcHLL 4.00 5.05 OWEN t €tilND 4x75 ALU N F ORD EIRAIVIPTON. ERUSSELS. tifiESLEI. CLINTON FLORA • #IttlOtIE tideilittittOWN EDDERICI4' OM: PAISLEY PALMERSTON SOUTHAMPTON sARNIA StRATOOkb ST Flkrii RoV WALKERTori WAT1^O Rr WINGHAM WYOMING iliTiltRACEPalitSIMS he geiitlernao dn, tote ', tortoise represents the Mak. OiCi_'does not Ortliiethe one-whO 'tries to do tbithess as .it was aOhe in the days tallow candle or.the.oil, yoit in theglaFeatA0fre. grad rght-ift the .aut6ii.,,,NR:er Modern Methods? Oar Want Me4titiWiniC lidridriA,*h6thee ,svoil,),,varti light ur ikotr-busittets *6E44, or 2petenk help 4.60 Once snore want to say flat 110.t bat; ..opposed to +co.operative inarlteting. 4.75 if left on voluntary oasis. rt 6.20 intp.rpretation of the Eii,glish 'tang_ nage is When a .SYStein becomes ,compulsory Co-Operative is not the manse for it.. believe hr the 'heed of farm organ- itatioh, fee.I that the tederatiOr "`, P#, ,AFRAM'BiEFO,P.H.OINER:' ONE LIKE IT SOMEPLACE AND. .IT'D BE OUST MY 61lcK TO FIND IT. • • YOU'VE SEEN DB1)/INC111441 LEMON FOR YEARS - soW Come '(0 HAVENT WILTED ANOTHER? ellswesisemores is se- 77. --mramstesaiiew-iir • '4,:i4.4.• • $4, ARE you using crawler tractors that are bigger than you need? Is excessive overhead holding down the bigger profits that could lust as well be yours? Then it's high time you became acquainted with a modern, cost.reducing lohn Deere Crawler Tractor and equipment and make your own comparisons, ;:ti 4 !•504:45.';g4:44/A •4,'" ,1/0 „ fir The New JOHN DEERE Craw ist-Loader for All Contracting Work If you ard-not at home when the canvassers call, you may send your contributions direct to: DONATIONS ACCEPTED AT THE CANADIAN BANK 'OF COMMERCE LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets goad going and returning same Saturday only. TIME-SAVING DIRE1TION REVERSER fats you "mote forward or badk• ward at tame Speed -no time wasted shifting trefisnils. slot Sears, Detail I, shows lever in neutral; 'dotted linos show 'NOM and forward travel position's, 'Wesley ; BildnaOlt.' John neet:461 Dealer Sru~~eis ILOOK. FRIEND BUY A 17skii . TESTED' USED CAR f FROM 1, RIVERSIDE IC%- /00TOR41 THEY'RE AS BEAUTIFUL. AS FACl'ORIES CAN _, MAKE, THEM MR itir , PERFORM TO PORFOoTioNi cotgaueu otiz club cdo bak Free! Marie Fraser's new Butter recipes. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto N SY SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to