The Brussels Post, 1957-03-06, Page 3MILE WINNER — Ron Delany breasts the tape to win the Baxter Mile event in the NYAC Indoor Games at Madison Square Garden, His time was 4:06.8. ..sdaisTaUre sst 4ssts 7-0.r.SSAS2ss :es t SALESMAN WANTED Local dealership wtth exclusive terra. • tory, new line of Canadian made demos, tic and Industrial water softener* This is a direct selling project rer setneorso• having this Oath,* and Available PP pact • or ran time bas.s. Write Water Seib. ening Equipment Isinilteris 112. ,Manville 11a.aaearboro Ont. STAMPS WANTED for Cash; Old Postage Stamps, Stamp Collections and Acs eumulations. Also Old Buttons and Strings of Buttons. Write Box 537, Milton, Ontario., TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER wanted ' immediately for Shining Tree Public School. Salary $2,300, Fifteen pupils, grades 1 3. APPLY, stating qualifications and • name of last inspector. :Me*. Audrey • Wore, - • Sec,-Treas. . Shining Tree, Ont. WANTED WANTED To Buy; 112.50 $20. up • for ,Children's Money banks in any con-dition, Odd (with moving parts.) Other toys wanted. Describe, Willing to pay In advance, Raymond Long, Pearl, Illinois; ISSUE 10 '4-'1957 MEDICAL FOrt relief from Plies hSe `iestified Pile Ointitseet, Tube with applicator PM, grieloSe Ohsentle or money order, Arrow Falcon ISOMPanY, 402$ Grand aslvd,, Montreal. n ITO PROVEN REMEDY — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepeid. STOMACH SUFFERERS TRY "GYNO 4000" MONEY BACK AGREEMENT GYNO "4000" Scientifically compound- ed Will help smith stomach irritatien, by neutralizing the acidity which is Often reaponsime for poor digestion, Acid DySiseRSISI Heartburn, Sassiness. And kindred other discomforta. SOW at leading DruE, Stores, one month treatment 52,50. Mail orders postage extra. nye() Products iteg'41., 5 Whites Lane, Stoney Creek, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BARGAINS in magazine sub$eriptious. Write for free list. Free prizes to our customers. Kayden-Phillips Magazine Agency, 585 aartsrnouth Avenue, Kings, ton, Ontario. HYGENIC supplies for men. Our con-Bdential price list sent to you by mail in plain envelope First Class Mail. In-clude name, age and address, send to RAINBOW SALES 171 Harbord Street, Toronto. PLASTIC FOAM (Flexible) Sensational new craft material. You can create beautifel gift Items or demonstrate this material to your local hobby groups at A profit. Demonstrator's kit $1. 'Postpaid, KIDDER St 1NUFACTURII G CO. 138 Danforth Ave, Toronto. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Thestrated catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 'Rideau St., Ottassia PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGII & Com p a n Y, Patent Attorneys. Established 1890 600 University Aye, Toronto. Patents all countries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements, Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont. HOW TO REDUCE. A NEW Idea. A new way. Amazing results. Write for details. Box 130-F, , Donald* Alta. HOMEWORKERSI Make Stem every woman wants, -$5.00 hour possible sparetime. 250 brings details. Hobby Outlet, 5713 -Meridian Street, Los Angeles 42, California. MAKE more money taking magazine subscriptions, new renewals, gifts. Low rates, high commissions. For full par-ticulars write; Kaydon-PlaillIps Maga-zing Agency, 5215 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston, Ontario. aLOENTS WANTEP' IF )(tit!. are net Init911 Of a salesmen, but OAP get along with„ farmers, yet'. can make 500 s $100 per week op- resealing as in your county. Write the Manager, Rea Muvortoa, ontarlo, GO, INTO BUSINESS for • yourself, -Sell' exclusive hensetivare• 'products and. ,applia house, holder. wanted by every hol, Yielder. These items -are net sold in stores. There is no competition Profs its up to 500%. Write immediately Or free color catalogue with retail prices shown,. Separate eenficlent'al sale price, will be include(, Murray Sales, 3522 St.. i,awrence, SSentreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE IN a period of low prices for all segments of the Broiler Industry there is a tendency to cut corners, If you can buy low priced first gen-eration Broiler Chicks. OK, but all Broiler chicks are not first genera-tion. Slake sure before you order. All Tweddie Chicks arc guaranteed first generation Indian River Cress, Arbor Acre wlite rock, Nichols No, 12 cockerels, Catalogue. FTEWREGDDsLE CHICK 'HATCHERIES LTD. u ONTARIO BOOKS WE pay up to $5,000 for old hooks. Catalogue 250. American Book, Room 301, 1071/2 Queen Street East, Toronto. COINS WE BUY old coins. Send 25e for special list and coin folders. Collector's Centre, 1871/2 Queen Street East, Room 101, Toronto. DOGS BORDER Collie pups available middle February $25. A, C. Seabrook, R.R. No. 2, Dorchester, Ontario, at Nilestown. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW Hydra-flex P TOhydraulic chain saw 32" blade, 20-ft. double nose. Regu-lar price $375 - Special price $260. New Holland No, 80 wire tie baler with engine, used very little, perfect condi-tion with hydraformatic bale tension control. This machine can be used for stationary baling if desired. New price $3,000 - our bargain `price $1,395, HAW.' KEN FARM EQUIPMENT, Arkona, Ont. GRAIN GROWERS DO YOU NEED SEED? STRONG, strawed, rust resistant Gar- ry oats, highest yielding in the On-tario tests each year for 3 consecu- tive years, also. Rodney. Simcoe and the outstanding strong strawed Herta bar- ley — also Brant Barley, Montcalm, Selkirk wheat and other standard varieties. Write for price lists and descriptive literature. Place orders early for the grade •and variety re- quired and specify when to be shipped, while our good supply lasts. An analy-sis tag on every bag we sell of seed grains., We guarantee the ,purIty, germination, quality, pedigree and satisfaction. Alex M. Stewart 8r Son, Ltd., Ailsa Craig, Ont. "Your Pedigree Seed House -- sow the best — out-yield the rest." ' MEDICAL POST'S . ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap-point you. Itching, scaling and burn- ing eczema; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment re- gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3;00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES `2865 St. Clair 'Avenue East TORONTO SCOTCH and Austrian Pine Seedlings, seed from selected trees, Murray Ketehabaw, Corinth, Onis BABY' CH.IGKS "OXFORD" Approved Chicks live, lay and pay. They are the results Of thirty years et careful selection and breed-ins, They have to be good, because we want the very best kind of chicks for • our Own' flocks •-•,big, ' vigorous and early maturing. We have four pure breeds and leer crosses' Columbia Rook, Light , Sussex, White Leghorn, L-400 Leghorn. 11.1.R. x 0.11- x B.R. - W.L, x C.R. 11,1,11. x W,L. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' co-operative Produce Com-pany, Limited, 434 Slain Street, Woodstock, Ontario. FARMERS are usually fussy with their seed buying, aiming for good markets — good poultrylteepers are that way with ,their chicks. Chicks of breeds and crosses that produce the most eggs from low overhead. We have the chicks. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N„ Hamilton, SMOKES FOR CANADIAN MILITARY PERSONNEL serving with the United Nations Emergency Force in the Middle East $12 sends 400 EXPORT CIGARETTES or any other Macdonald Brand Postage included Mail order and remittance to: OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT MACDONALD TOBACCO INC. P.O. Box 490, Place &Armes, Montreal, Que. This otter is subject to any change in Government Regulations. BLACKHEADS Don't squeeze Blackheads and leave ugly scars dissolve them with PEROXINE POWDER, Simple - Safe - Sure. Cleanses the pores deep down, giving Your skin vitality And charm. At your Druggist, Results guaranteed. Price PEROXINE POWDER ARTHRITIS Why suffer agonizing arthritic pain , when relief is assured at small ex-pense? This new remedy is brewed like tea. Deformities will not be cured but the awful pain will lessen and finally fade out. The formula with full instructions mailed on receipt of $2. E. A. SMITH 590A Roehamptoit Ave., Toronto, Ont. I enclose $2. Mail formula to: NAME ADDRESS IIAII Itch..Ifth Nearly Crazy Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D. D. D. Prescription positively relieves raw red Itch—caused by eczema, rashes, scalp irritation, ehming—other itch troubles. Greaseless, stainless. 39c trial bottle must satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your diussist for D.D.D.PRESCRIPTION For your next Trip to Europe—Go 'BIG 4" Taking six days front Montreal, Cunardts "BIG 4" provide unexcelled cuisine and service ... entertainment for every taste ... accoMmodations featuring modern refinements. ••• These magnificent luxury liners, latest additions to the largest passenger fleet on the Atlantic...• a fleet which sets the highest standard of Qccan travel. SPRING SAILINGS various commands, these being ships built not alone on the Penobscot, but all along the coast, from Portland to the St. Croix. They were stalwart men,• do- minant, not to be trifled with either by recalcitrant seamen or by trumpet - voiced "Micko" mates. Contemplate Captain Pendleton, one of many Pen- dletons of Searsport indeed, but in this case black-bearded and of uncompromising mien. No far flight of fancy is needed to see him on his quarterdeck, ,,maybe in half-a-gale off the Horn, a gleam in his eye that challenges the elements themselves. He is considering whether it were well to shorten sail, something a master mariner of Maine was always reluctant to do. His two mates, a "Misters," regard him doubtfully. Certainly the ship is commencing to labor. The master decides. "Furl the t' gallants, Mister," he addresses the chief officer, and in an in- stant a stentorian shout defies the roaring of wind and sea. "All hands furl t' gallants!" And the men, led by the second- mate, spring into the rigging, climb the frail ratlines one by one, over the crosstrees a 'hun- dred feet above the deck, and line out along the sagginb foot- ropes, while the men below loose halliards and man cleW lines. Most of the three hundred captains were familiar with all the ports of all the seas. Those seas in their varied and varying aspects they 'knew as well. Whether, like 'yonder ship "en- tering the port of Gehoa, May 30, 1865," uncl*cr full' sail in a gentle breeze, or that wildly plunging, barque hove-to under supper fore-topsail "in a tornado off the Plate, `May 20, 1870," they were cool-headed in calm or storm, their resourcefulness never failed them,. their high courage never faltered. They were masters of ships and mas- ters of men. — by' Marc T. Green in The Christian Science Monitor. How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I eliminate the disagreeable odors that some foods leave in the kitchen? A. Place a pan containing vinegar on the stove and let it simmer. Q. How can I overcome baby's -colic? A. Give water as hot as can be taken,• and use the hot water bottle. If this does hot give re- lief, dissolve a soda mint tab- let in half a cup of hot water and give a few teaspoonfuls. Q. I1ow can I slice hard-boil- ed eggs without cracking or crumbling? A. Use a knife dipped in boil- ing, water and wiped dry. Re- peat this operation as often as the knife cools. Q. How can I prevent bed Sores? A. A thorough alcohol rub given to a patient who is com- pelled to lie in bed for a long period will prevent bed sores. PANIC' MA'S TO iftANC4Ett Quicksand is not in itself as alangerbua as Most people think it is, What causes panic is that its thickness prevents ea movement of Matta legs, It a COW sinks in #qtfickaand it cart float for days with its head and most of its beak above water. "'kotY were 'very late this Minting," said h.forethan tO at factory ivoiqcet, "Yes, Sift I'M sorry, I 'direr- slept." "IteeVerfst 156 reitt sleep et home tves the nrnazed wa, Wed. APR, 17 „... Fri. APR. 26 Sat/ APR, 27 ki1iidoir-tAtk 4 ilEttUER toddy nkl fde shipwreck( ViCtirn't is the earn of this hovel German' rescue Orblaer; ill North tehitee off Bremen'. The lifeboat in 'faregroblid is normally darned lit 'a. well at the vessel's Stern and Calf be launched *Ithout delay evert With ship traveli ng elf tpeeg, It. Was in- 1910 that Cramp bought the car, Mr. Woodrow Wilson had just, ended Wars forever, and Grainy came home to lower Vifth Avenue one spring day and banged his cane against the bronze Chinese gong in the hallway, "I've done It, I bought' a ineterearr "They eXplede,„" said Mamma, coming down the teak staircase in tier best hat, me at her tiny heels. "Just' had my first- lesson. De, stroynd a tree and part of a garden wall, but I tell you this is the age -of speed, Did twenty- two miles an, hour," „Vnele Willie was living with us then;- he was between col- leges. 'Why don't YOU get a Stutz laeareatl they're really some- thing." Gramp scowled. "Nobody is going to get 'Inc to lay down On my back to drive a car." The Bearcat, was 'a low ear... . The next morning there was the sound of braying in front of the house and I ran out onto Fifth Avenue . . and 'there in front of the white marble step- ping stone labelled LONG- STREET was a shiny, square motorcar. It was black and solid looking and stood like a barn. Behind the wheel sat a nian wrapped in a brown linen dus- ter, with, a cap on backward, and huge goggles strapped across a big nose... . Gramp (the driver was Gramp *in his motoring costume) shout- .ed, "How does it look, Stevie? How does it sound?" "Nice and loud, Gramp," I said with respect. "Jump in and we'll try the neighborhood, fences." I climbed in, and cars were high in those days. ("On a clear day, Stevie, you can see Sandy Hook from„,,,, up here.") I sat down by Gramp's side and he let, down the brake, did something with a gas lever (no foot feed in those cars), did a short tap dance on some piano levers set on the car boards, and the car shook, gasped and moan- ed, and began to smoke. Then we moved, moved quickly, eat- ing up the street at fifteen miles an hour, twenty, and when we hit Mr. Montgomery's Sanitary Fresh Mountain Ice wagon we were doing thirty, but the brakes gripped at last. (It cost us ten dollars for the ice, and five dollars to repaint the car's fender.)—From "The Boy in the Model-T: A Journey in the Just Gone Past," by Stephen Long- street. " THE GOOD FIGHT — Tommy Meagher, 14-year-old school- boy, has been averaging eight points a game for St. Malachi's CYO basketball team despite an artificial left leg. The eighth- grader, who lost his leg in .a 1953 bus accident, is shown practicing in the St. Malachi gym. Tommy also played for the -team last year. LONG-TAILED BIRDS In Africa and the southern hemisphere are found some re- markable birds called racket- dronges: The two outer tail feathers are very long; a bird of 12 inches Will carry tail 'feathers 17 inehea, long. Beyond the tail prOper the shafts of these two long feathers are bare for six inches et Mere, ending in another five inches of a wide feathered area, so that its ap- pearance is rather like that of two tennis ratketa. SAFES . . . Pratect Yoni. BOOKS and CASH frothFIRE and THIEVES. We have a slid Mid tYPO ;Of Safe or Cabinet for purpose..,, Visit MS of write for price *W.W ,a6cJiTAYL0114 TORONTO SAFE WORKS' A Driving Test TIlat Made History To get a steam engine the BtailleYs Went to art engine Maker, and for a suitable boiler they consulted a boilermaker, But not until the two parts Were lelivered to the Stenleys at their rhop in Newton, IVrassechusetts, lid they realize that they had ii. 70-pound power plant to riount on a light buggy frame they had prepared as a running gear. This boxlike frame had been built in a carriage factory catering to the needs of the horse and was, a$ a matter of course, equipped with a patent leather dashboard to which whipsocket was attached. -The bicycle wheels on which all this weight was mounted were never intended to carry anything heavier than a man; but the twins were willing to take a chance. So they put a match to the pilot, fired up, and watched the pressure on the steam gauge. When there was no 'explosion they decided, af- ter due consideration, ,to give the machine a test. But at this point another problem came up —neither of the twins had ever driven a self-propelled vehicle. However, the control of the steamer is simple. Open the throttle and it goes; close the throttle and it stops—that is, if you remember to put on the brake. A discussion ensued to decide who should do the driving and resulted in the discovery that there was one thing in which the twins were not identical— F. E. Stanley had more intes- tinal fortitude than F. 0. Stan- ley. F. E. was willing to take over the tiller, and F. O. did nothing to discourage him. They realized that 'this first ride might also be their last, so they de- cided to take it together, They climbed gingerly into the vehi- cle and firmly settled their derby hats on their identical heads. The month was Septem- ber, the year 1897. The day was a. blank to be filled in by the stonecutter. With a trembling hand F. E. gripped the tiller. As he slOwly opened the throttle, the car be- gan to move, whistling like a teakettle and leaving a little white cloud of vapor behind. As they emerged from the alley somewhat more rapidly than they had intended, a horse hitched to a produce wagon standing in the street was so taken, by surprise that, without waiting to hear his master's voice, he gave a sudden leap which tore him loose from the wagon and ran four miles be- fore being stopped. The horse reached Newtonville Square far ahead of the Stanley Steamer, a feat that was not duplicated by either horse or automobile for several years -to come, for the Stanley , turned out to be a re- a Markably speedy car. — From 44Fi1l'er Up!" The Story of Fifty, rears of Motoring," by Bellamy Partridge. ROUGH BALDNESS CURE Spanish doctors and scientists are carefully investigating the case of Sebastian Serra, whose formerly bald head is now cov- ered with a thick growth of hair following serious burns on his scalp caused by a gasoline explosion. Sebastian, employed as helms- man on a Spanish yacht based at Ciudadela, on the island 'of Minorca, was enveloped in names when the explosion oc- curred while he was filling, the yacht's gasoline tanks. The experts who are Making a detailed study of the circum- stances of the accident have discovered one curious fact: the sew hair on. Sebastian's head is thickest where the burns were most severe. See Your' Local Agen1=NO One Can Serge You' B610' Weatadiali Sfs., Trirdritits Ont.r OA, •14481' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . . When .Automobiles Really Travelled! Museum Recalls Great Old Seamen SEDICIN tablets taken according to, directions is a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. SOO All Drug Stores or Adrom Ltd., Toronto S. HYDROTHERAPY I Drugless Hydrihot method used ef- fectively by thousands. NEW HOME TREATMENT AGAINST ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND KINDRED CON-DITIONS. High and low blood pres-sure, kidney and stomach disorders. Complete, permanent instructions. No chemicals used, Benefits guaranteed or money back. $3.00 cash or M.O. In-structions cover your family perman-ently. THE HYDRO COMPANY P.O. Box 64 Dunlo, Pennsylvania *SYLVANIA • CARINTHIA IVERNIA SAXONIA FroM NEW YORK To From MONTREAL The spacious cupola atop the old Georgian mansion com- mands a view across the upper reaches of the broad bay and far down the river. That, in fact, Was its purpose. You could post yourself there, perhaps equip- ped with a long "spyglass," and await the long-expected home- coming of the ship in which you, and most of the rest of the town, were interested. The interest was both material and, so to speak, sentimental. Fifty or sixty of the townsfolk' might posses shares of the ves- sel's value. Down yonder, just beyond the foot of the broad elm-shaded lawn that stretches from the Palladian portico to the bay's shore, she was put to- gether, and, to the accompani- ment of suitable acclaim, sent into her native element, thence to roam the Seven Seas and make most of the ports thereof. Possibly it was a Pendleton who commanded her, or maybe a Carver, or a Colcord, or a Ross. But it might have been one of a long line of other master mariners of Maine, the captains courageous of a little town on the Ponobscot that confidently claims for itself more of them than any other along a coast where, so it is said, every family had at least one of its members at sea in the grand epoch of American sail, the era of the fifties and sixties and seventies of the last century.. But the dikinction that be- longs to this 'Penobscot River town, above others, is that its proportion of seafaring men who were at the head, of their call- ing was so large, larger, if the claim is well-founded, than that of any other New England ship- ping community. It 'was the "town of the captains." Its tradi- tion was of the proudest, Its world-encircling ships and their masters constituted the aristo- cracy of the sea. This is perhaps a haughty boast. But it is no idle• one, and if you are skeptical, it will be strange if the records do not convince you. And they are here that all may see, records in the form of models and half-models, paintings 'and photographs, docu- ments and log-bdoks, maps and charts, letters and diaries, and all the paraphernalia of the sea, sorted and classified and con- vincingly exhibited in one of the most remarkable maritime mu- seums 'in America, the Penobscot Marine Museum at Searsport, town of the three hundred cap- tains courageous. Three hundred and more. The photographs df most of them are here in the museum, clear and well-preserved, with the details of -their seafaring lives and their VESSEL From HALIFAX Sat. MAR, 9 Fri. MAR. 15 4 SAXONIA Fri. MAR. 8 IVERNIA.„ Thurs. MAR. 14 QUEEN ELIZABETH Wed. MAR. 20 BRITANNIC Fri. MAR. 22 'CARINTHIA ” . Sat. MAR. 3 QUEEN 'MARY. Wed. MAR. 27 ,.... SCYTPitA Thurs. MAR. 28 Sat MAR, 30 QUEEN Ell2ASEti4 Wed. APR.' 3 ., SAXONIA Msed. APR. 3 Tlitiri/ APR, 4 QUEEN MARY' Wed. APR. 10" CARINTHIA....,QUEEN ELIH Wed, APR. 17 BRITANNIC Wed/ APR, 17 MAURITANIA Toitt. APR, Si QUEEN MARY Wed. APR. 24 `SAXONIA . tIVESNIA i Will Snake short a it et Quebec sortie et/aging to ettibatk pattentlitiii. Cobh, Liverpool Havre, SouthomPton Chetbotirg, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Cobh, Liverpool Cherbourg, SouthOmPieri- Hostre, Southampton Cherbourg, SoUtharripion Cobh, Liverpool Cherbourg, Southantistaa Greenock, Liverpool • Cherbourg, Southcintpioh Cobh, Liverpool Cobh, Havre, Southampton Cherbourg, Soulhaniptori liverpOol Howie, Southampton a