HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-02-27, Page 4Wedite etitty, .Theb riter Y 1057 1 nor GE tisfeC070/14:04( DRIVE AS THOUGH YOU LIKE TO BE ALIVE! OtiND AMOR!. '1"..P'VOP CONDITION OF THEIR CARS .GIVE THEM MORE AND LotvogR tam,. AND 'THAT WILL pop To YOURS, Ire! et; BUY THE 851- USED cARs AT RIVER1IPE MOTORS' " • • I • JL pit" , LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good going and returning same. Saturday-only. EXCURSION FARES FROM; There are so many things to save for -nemeaddsadderomodediedamedeeeded ONTARIO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED • for • • AnOPTION of CHILDREN 4.16 pears cil.d typitvi the childresi seeking permanent odoplion homed: • pretty little blonde Protestant girl who is 4 years old. She needs a good home and patient, understanding parents . . . because she is a Spastic and must wear a brace on cite leg. Fortunately; her chances of someday Walking-without a brace are promising. But She has to attend a therapy class every week, so she must be in a home near a clinic,. Tbis little girl's greatest teed note for loVe and affection as part of a permanent family. • Two goOd.looking brothers who are 8 and .9 years old. They are Roirian, Ca-Ulnae, able to speak both English and. French. Both boys have bieiverri hair and eyes . . . With bright personalities to Match their healthy physighes. Thoy need Et good, permanent hetee where they` can be .accepted together as part of the family. Your. Local Ohlicirdni g iiictSadetY devotes its time and;energy tdderving the inter- eats of children and yeur community. LS POST THE aRILIS$ .21.00 a,9$ 35,00 409. 35.00 8:50 30.64 1953 Pontiac relax Sedan, 8 cyl. with hydra trans., radio - 1954 Chev. with radio heater Ratiferd. Deekett 'grain 280,00 Advance viiika, Rdyerusing 6.04 MunicApal World, tatOscriptions anti st.ipptos h 42.77 Ross Anderson, Rellgrayo street lights BratIskels Telephone, calls Stilt ttion; Army, grant Ross Duncan, Dockett Drain Bellie Parrott, Dockett Drain Gee. Delartiii Clerk's fees Grant Drain telephone calls John Yu(ll, Grant Drain, Stotvatrit 31cLaughlini Grant Drajii 204,46 Prank Garter, Grant Drain .91 Jas. Brylaus. Grunt 'Drain 0:05 Seek ,Cariff, Grant Drain 1.42 Ernest Noble, Spivey Drain 2171.47 W. and T. Kellly, Spivey Dr. 475.79 Geo. Mlartin, 13y_Laws on Drains 130.00 Association of 'Rural 111uniciyaliti* fee 10,00 13aille Parrott Geo. C. MartAn, Reeve Clerk , R II Oats ryzacart ;Fes Thomas 14emitiq 1.1011W Leelnktlg passed. away 4mationly February .2.0.01 at hie home in 'WON% 14 Ills 70t4 I% I had. been. in Yn11tng healtlt for 1.9 Years, Mr. Looming wee ban 1111 111tJcillop tewnship; ,a- SQ11 Or the lute Thomas Leming and .Catherine Doerr. resident of Wallop all his life until rettriug to 'VlY,altea, S years ego. He was a member of the see ion of Walton 'United 'MVO. I for thirty years. Forty two years ago he was • married. to INIa444 Ir4Ora910-n , $lirviY• lug besides Ws. widow is one .danht. er, (Katlialeen) 11$. Seines -,Clarke, Walton and one son 'William of ie Nittop• .and five grandchildren. One sister Airs, Isabella Boyd, goKillop three brothers,. Leonard and. John, MeKillop, William ,Of Seaforth. The body rested a. t his residence 'until Friday melting thence to AV,alton United .Carurch where ser. vices were held at 7. p. in„ with Rey. W, M. Thomas officiating as ssisted zby Rev. William 1111rtiees Embro, and Rev, John • Button Tavisitoek. Pallbearers were members of '(bye isession, .0Ierence Martin, Joe. Wat son, 'Geo. MaArtenir,,Wm. -Sholdice, 'Lloyd "Reiter. Honorary 3.)allbearers MeSsrs,1 George Dundas, Herbert Kirkby, 'Silas Johnston • Martin Bean. Interment Was made in . Maitland 41, UNITED CHURCH 5.20 13.40 Woo 046 $.46 6.20 4.60 6.75 4.76 820 (Diz Sunday minister spelt() series of three February '.24 the ail the last a sermons on what 1.90 PAISLEY $4.3c) PALMERSTON SOUTHAMPTON SARNIA STRATFORD STRAT H ROY 'WALKERTON WATFOFIO WINGHAM WYOMING 3,75 3,70 5,85 2.45 3.60 4.00 4.75 $4.7 5 GUELPH .4.) HANOVER $4.80 HARRiSTON 4,./5 iNGERSOLL 4.75 KINCARDINE 2,45 KIToHENER 2.45 tisToWEL 1.20 MITCHELL 5.05 OW EN SOUND: #1.1..il-ENFORD fetRAMPTON EBRI.ISSEL$ kreittESi-EN -VIA NT 0 N ELORA eERGUS GEORGETOWN -GODERICH ,dente it may Minister to their( treielng unit welfare. 3, Those wile are toyat to the. Kingeora of awl a,r0 het exeMpted from the experience .D4173. sin or failure or. in other, forms. butt the significance of these is altered for them. Tt is transformed from misfortune iuto and; When accepted in the right spirit may become the means Le abundant and lasting joy. GUIDES AND ,BROWNIES . --not,tw5. of. the girls. attended their Thinking Day on rob, 2,1et, in the library, • Brownies7. held • • their ePeniug Mrs. L. Porter, past Brown Owl and very fleet BatoWn Owl enrolled' Gayle Collins, Lynn Workman, Joyce Kellington„, -' and. Dianne Hastings •ailltd presented Golden Barg - to Sally Galbraith, Ruth -MoTaggart Mary Margaret Bnlier,.Santia, Michell, end Mary Jean McBride, These • same girls got their 2 year star, Ba uk cemetery, Seaforth. believe about Next Sunday We begin the shall of what chriatians Jean% re. c•k, The members of tee Jr, S. of • Knox Presbyterian Church ppeasor e(l a progressive 'crokinole and skating party on Tuest, Feb. 19th. There were 6 ;tables 'of Orokincee in play Ad high Arizee were won by - Alice 'J. Forrest and Alex .Steies. with consolation prizes going to Mrs. N Pheifer and John Petrie. Abtut 75 assembled in the ell:tweet basement followin,g the skating party for lunch, served by the young people. , • • A Variety Concert under the auspices of the Y. P. S. will be held in the Community Centre on Friday evening. At the time of writing Mrs. Ernest. Plum is repealed as progressing 'favourably followfiag a severe eonenery attack suffered over two weeks ago. Mrs, Plum was taken by ambulance to Women's College Hospital,„ Toronto. Her many ' friends hone for a speedy recovery. . William Ritchie William. P. Ritchie, died at his residence, 30 Norfolk Ave., North, Hamilton on Jan. 24th. in his 88th year, Born in Scotland. he came to Canada in 1873, He, resided in Grey Township for several years before ,moving 'to Portage La Pearie where• he lived from 1903 to 1930 then, he • moved to Guelph living -there until 14 years ago when he moved to Hamilton. He was a stone ina.soni leis, and Religious and Life Emb-, contraotor and built many of the 'lents from 'past Captain 1VIrs. Leach power stations M the west and con- and present Captain Mrs. Wan., eolidated schools. He was a member Kellinglon. of Benkley United Church. • The 7 Brownies who received Surviving are a sem, Stuart of their - Golden Hall received .T-la,miltonec . three .hrlothers Jack of . their wings 'from Brown Owl Mrs. Lead 1•:e to •Galilie, was the anthem, for Um day with doable duet by Mrs. Downing, Mrs, Roovet Joyce Thomas and Agnes Lane. Lorna'' ;Dryers, Gail Darlene Machan, Susan,. Bonnie • Workman, and Dianne Hastings received their' 1st. yeer Golden Hands were presented .. Ruth Ann Johnston, Linda John. stun, Mae, Myers, „ joyee Davidson. Linda Henderson. ',Margie Wane:Ink and Carol Bryans. Guides held ,opening. They formed a Horseshoe where Mrs. J. Leach past Captain and very first Captain enrolled AndreY Wheeler, 111)=14e Meehan, Gesrenplyn Martin and Susan Martin as Guides. Elilabeth Stephenson and Pamela Porter received 'their 1st. Olabs Badge. Karen Coleman, Kathryn McTaggart and Rochelle Wineberg received their and, Class Badge. Proficiency Badges were presented to Pamela Porter and Elizabeth ,Stepheason, Pamelg, received her Laundress, Cook's badge and Ellie- beth Ooek, Laundress, Needlework, HoMemaker. Theist same two -giele rece.tv}ed their . Renee Emb, Meehan, Coleman, 4! Alle)17:,:S 1.:(1"elrli'. Morris ,Tewasnip Council Meeting i Feb, 4, 1957. ._ The Calmat met in the Twp. I 1 Hall on tit' above date with all the members present. The\ minutes of the last meeting wove read and adopted on motion of Ross Duncan and Stewart Prolcterrd 'Note by W. Shortreed, seconded . by CI, Wilkinson that By Law No. I 13. 1956 under the Nile Drainage 'i Act he -recincled. Jesus batches concerning the World 'in which we live Here is a sum_ mary of this teaching. 1, The World IS a place in• which God is preparing his children for mentherehip in a society in. which all the relationshi,ps of life will be controlled • by love. This society Jesus cabs "The Kingdom of' Ged,'' 2. For hhose Who make this society the object of their supreme loyalty all- things work together for good, There is nothing in this universe whether in the outer world of 'nature or tile inner realm of of personality,' but in Gods. QC," ight o th - Carried. Moved by SF Procter, seconded. by R. Duncan that By Law No. '7, 1957 under the Tile Drainac'e Act lc' given' the first and second readings. Carried, Moved by W. Shortreed, seconded by G. Wilkineo,n that we 'give a erant of 835,00 to the 'Salvation Army. ri next Week: Sun. - "The Troicin.Womqn" (from TerorPo) MOM ••••••• "Tam Bung.y' (from Monfreen Tues. - "Time to Go" Gertrude Kelliingto0 and fly into the :Girl Guides. Now it's a puppy few years, greater things. You can help your c dren reach their goals by Passbook Get them a Junior Depositor's Savings Passbook at our nearest branch. It 'was agneeft to re-hire Alex .Shaw as, Inspector for the Warble Fly Campaign, at $1.00 per hour plus 7c per male, Harry Workman as truck !driver at 8.1.Q0 per hour and Gordon Nicholson as helper eit 85c per hour. -Carried. Moved by G Wilkinson, 'seconded by R. Duncan that the roed bills as presented by the Road Supt. be Paid. - Carried Moved by SI, Procter, seconded by W. Shortened that we Intild a bridge 'on the 3rd Con. of rigid frame c on s trection. - Carried, Moved by R. Duncan. eeconded by 'G, Wilkinson that we rice Robt. Dawson of Stratford to act as Engl_ neer on this bridge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (from Toronlo) Wed. - "Teed of Toad Hall" (from Vancouver) Thurs. - "Down a Lonely Road" (from Winnipeg) Fri. - "The Road BetWeen" (from Wincouver) Sat, "The Desertic Place" (from Hatifox) 750 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU' Walton, Peter and James and, a sister Jean, all of Zealandia, Sask. Annie MeLaughltif . predeceased Gulide,q. Louise Gilles walked into the ,Girl and three grandchildren. His wife him in 1953. Mr. Ritchie was bulled from the I Scout .and Cub Master, the Rev. $wackharner and Hills funeral Home F. spoke to the girls and Hamilton. asked their to a SPecial, Church Service on Sunday night. Burial in White Chapel Mein. Guides and Brownies are celebrat- chlal Greidens, Hamilton. ing their founders' 100th .birthday, Lord Baden Powell and also his zrl(fe, Lady Saden N-67d BRUSSELS BRANCH - L. W. 3. GLASGOW . MANAGER WINGHAM'D. H. S. CONCERT On the evenings of Thursday, Febrnary 28th, and Friday March 1st. the Winghant District High School Students will present their minnal Variety Concert in the school auditorium. The programme will begin promptly at eight_fifteen. There will be physical edttcatien. displays and dancing', nmeic, choral work by the Glee • Club, and, a one- act play. 'The boys and girls will be selling tickets for their entertainment, the proceeds of which are adminis_ tered by the students' Council for student aehool activities. Buy a ticket; come and see how muoli . teen-age talent there is in the Wingliani High, School District. (Admission 5Cte: no reserved seats.) - Carried, Moved by W. Shortreed, seconded by Tt. Duncan that Appropriation By law No. 8 1057 for $40,000 ge bossed as read the fleet, second and third •times subject to the approval of the District Engineer, DR. R. W. STEPHENS Geortiosle UstiverrIty of Tottentti PHYWCIAN ozred SURGEON Tiktutietzte 45 qruz4e6. - Carried. Moved by 5?,. Procter, seconded by W. Shoetteed that Nee advertise for tenders to supply„ eritsai and de- liver ,approximately 12,000 yards of gravel, a VI, inch screen to he used. Tenders to he in by 12 o'clock noon, Miarch -i. - Carried. Moved by R, Dultean, seconded by G. WflitinIson that 'we' advertise for tenders for a three quarter tots truck for ,the Tw'p. of Idpvris eettitip 1 ed With a opiate tire, heater And 4 i recti en al lighte, ..4. Carried. MoVed-by W. Shoetree& 'seconded by SI, t'rocter that the ' `tenting -act iolitn to Meet again Oil Mara. 1, 1957 a,t.1 p. tit -,-- Carried. TIte felloWlitg itecetintS Were lardf. Us. Coulter, refund of PAY for fire tettek 14.00 R. Wallate, refund of PAY for fire frock .i,g() Mre. Mecham. refund Of pay for fire &nick 25.00 Relief eteeoltnit . OM guttaely .0.66k, fox beittitY 016 deo. Iliggitie, felt bounty 10.00 Relit. Scott, fox houra* ::b0 Otatotice YURI', foie bounty , 2.00 D. A. RANK & Co., A fY Ahlgift../414CE 'e 'd reed ere sit .e.ed “A.,7441; 36 of 6.3 MiAot There are many children from 4 to 16 yeare of age, who are ready to be adopted. Hanes are needed for these children now. flecatise of `their age,'religiono radial 'origin or a physical handicap, homes are not easy to find. Security for these children- will come front permanent home. This program does, riot apply infants, since -the demand for theta far exceeds the- number Of infants available for adoption. If you are a married' couple : interested in applying for the :adoption of an older Or • handicapped child, you should be under 45 years of age. You intiat be in good health and financially Capable of caring, ter the future. Your personal character, homemaking ability and capacity to meet the needs of a child requiring. special Cate are important factors in the pladdinent of these children. Applications' for adciption of the follow- ing children-and other older or handicapped children-Should. be directed to the inistar of„Ptiblic :Welfare, PArlialte it Buildings, Toronto Ontario. "'" 't\ 41104 14 Walker Funeral Horne Day et N C.41.as 1444.1e4suo sit* &ea., ehoirw. tear thin of tehmoi NIVItte themestel FVenet. 01moisitt taittid #11011911164ti Witioly-ittwr No* Anslitilisitta Airtrau4 it. S. Hetherington, K. C, fororsizimi ta4a musseo itiatiOWLS *rotoive A* $tvietezzawr vit., maA hwititt ttFiy INIIIE'R.AtEFORRIISINESS The geritleent. tortoise re`resent3 the maiii.".14,- he' 'doeb. hot a se--4he'ene:iylvi.146 do blitiheetib.§ it 'tv&I days o. th' tallow candle or laMp; L inT 6(t/IFFIec:. tight.} the automobiii"of 1 mottto mittkKo‘ Oar Want Ada'. dre le,gh VokagE' beliert4 'Wheitter:..yea win( light or iiaWcf-titsinc‘s piablkity 'ItiPekrithelfr - JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. menet N,mon *toot 791.9...Afrwo -- DOW Flerive,4, ittintkorvolv 1#10Rg1 # 'Pia, 13,12.:10, M. Ita, 9 01-41K +571,4414.kki 41. „ • DEPARTMENTJITARIC Of PUBLIC WELFARE . . , t4d i. touts • lytlt .,. l3 ITVethette, valid E:i1(S' le p.