HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-02-27, Page 1• 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 -4 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the spraying of Caaie for Warble Fly in the ToWn_ ship of Grey will be received by the i undersigned nntil 1r p. m., March 2nd. 1957. ,Stiate price per head spray. . LoWest or any tender not neces_ eerily accepted. *Edythe g. Cardiff Clerk, Township of Grey. TENDERS WANTED. (Tenders to supply a three quarter ton truck for the Township of Morris will be 'received by the undersigned up:until 12 o'clock noon, March 1„ 1967. is to be equipped. with pare tire, heeler and 'directional - LotVek or any tender not iideek. accepted. C. Martin, • LS 4,athoititedi , oleos usedi. Poet come Detimentent„ otteve east Publishing House Wednesday February 27th, 1'57 $2.00 Per year $2...S:,) U. WORLD DAY CIF ,,, 1 t PRAYER aERV'rE ( The World Day of Traver Serviee I will be held M Melville Presbyterian I' Church on Friday afternoon, Mardi. I St. John's Guild. PANCAKE SUPPER. TUESDAY, MARCH 5th Supper served, from 6 p, m. tq a P. m. St. John's Anglican Church Basement Adults 65 Children 3a .. , Olt, 1,1,11.11R.S0111,01•1•ti..4 4•1••so 8111, elf Dill Pickles 24 oz. tOS1•••••• o••• 529c Sweet Gherkin Pickles 16 oz. • — 35c ..4.•Ost Huntz Catsup Solo Margerine York Pork and Beans 19c • • • .... • .... 29c 2 for 29c • . • • t • • • • • SO 0.0.4 ... • .... • ....... sr,* •••••11001••1••••••*- Dane gave an Valentine original ROY SCOUT ANNUAL 9.ERVICE Jtn St. JOIta'o: Anglican Church on Su Mlay evening last, the ,S cents, • Wolf -Cubs, Guides, Old Brownies paraded for their annual church service. Rev. P. E. Jewell in his address spoke of the 'parallel he, tween the Great iCommandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and thy neighbour pee thyself, and the Boy Scout promisee I will do "best to serve. God and the Queen and to de a good turn to somebody every day, Mrs. Xellington wastin charge 04". the Girl Guides and Brownies. MAJESTIC W, I. ENTERTAIN The Majestic Women' IlLstitute entertained the nmethera of the Walton Women's. Inetitute Wirt?, they had a epee%) Program marking the 60th, anniversary of the .,founding' al the Women's 'institute, Mrs. W. IL Bell, the president, Wes in charge of the meeting and I welcomed the visiting institute, )4, menthe*, More than 70 -women attended. Two sessions of community Mpg. lug were enlayed with Mrs, B. B. Cousins ,conducting -and Mrs, 'W, C, .Kerr at the plane, WS. Andrew 4 • • f • • 1, ir Brodie's Combination Cake Mix 11/4 lbs. 25c Large Coffee Cake 2 oz. Jar Cheery Morn Instant Coffee 10 oz. Tin Tomato Soup • —Only.. I 3 Jello. Instant Puddings Bag, No. 1 Grade, Potatoes Seeding, Age letter announcing. an &Steers' conference (:).AC, Guelph, M .Key was read. and Mrs. John Speir, eeeretary- treasurer of the Institute, was, asked to attend, Cars to trananort the girls, to the achievement day in Seaforth in March were arranged. were Mrs. Robert Walker. Mrs, Ethel Women's Institute to attend a special meeting to celebrate the • .•• r• • • • ou o• :70, 94, SKATING CARNIVAL DRAWS CAPACITY CROWD A large 'asunsber of costumed skaters participatd in the. 2nd, annnal skating 'carnival sponsored'sby the Brussels Arena CsammiSsion, Mies Barbara Evans was chosen Qneart Of the Carnival over six other cointestants, Donald, Heming- way won, the honors as king. Prize Winners Best dreseed 'couple over 16: Mrs. Hugh Pearson, and Man. G. Stepnen_ son, Beverly Evan's and Burton I3Jvans, David Hemingway and Laurel Hemingway, Ronnie and. Karen. Kiefers" best clown: Vicky Willis, Sharon Hemingway; best national. costume; .Gayle •Eoller, David Hemingway; best dressed luMbe4lack, Ethel Brewer, Mrs. X. Lowe best St. Patrick's costume: Rees Hemingway, Marjorie Kiefer; best St. Patrick's couple reel 16 years: Ann and Wayne Lowe; 'graceful ,couples Cart and Ruth Hemingway; best dressed girl under 16: Rochelle Wineberg, Linda Thenstone ,beet idressed -boy under 10,Scat Wilson and David Dun,cam.; hest *dressed woman over 16: Mrs, Eldon Wilson, Mrs. G. Stephenson; best dressed man over 16. Donald isTelmingway,'Bill Stephenson; largest family` one skates, Carl Hemingway land family; Oldest person on skates Sylvester Fox; best -Valentine oostninse ,Sally Galbraith, Marion HemingwaY; youngest girl on skates joante Sttheibletison, Vioki Willis; youdgest boy: John McDonald, Scott Wilson. Sou wit Ind other valueslust as great AS these al Mrs. James Elliott. Entered into rest at her home at , Arden Manitoba; Ire*brudry 8th 1957, Margaret Alice Murray, widow of the the late lames, Elliott in her 94th, Tear. Both were one time residents ' of Bolmore and nil-el', going west in 1889. They settled in the Glen- helan district. Mr. Elliott Medeceased her in 19.37. ,Funeral services were conducted (from Arden United Church aild final resting place in Arden cemetery Surviving are 2 sons and 2 daughters; a grandchildren and 6 great gra.nslchildens also 3 sisters. Mrs Tosenhine. Nichol, Regina, Sask.; Mrs. Marian Irwin, London Ont. and Mrs. Lillian Livingston, Willow_ dale, For our loved one Peace And for us Beautiful M,emory. ••••••••••••••• ILEKE xNICER)! IS W A THE • Phone 5 We Deliver Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year. Phone 7 We Deliver institutela founding Two program numbers were given by the Walton institute.' a. vocal •90.0 by Mrs. Harold Smaldon and, a reading by Mrs. Gordon. MeGavin. Mrs. Harold Speir told the story of the feanding of the Women's Intitute in' Stoney 'Creek and: traced its history to the present day. Mrs. It, B. Cousins dealt with the motto, eThose who bring eimshine into the lives , of others can't keep it from themselves." Plans for 'the redecoration of the library committee had asked for two Institute menebers to assist in the arrangemients. Mrs. Clare Long and, Mrs. Harold Speir were named. !Two birthday cakes centred the tea table. One was, made by Mrs. Kennieth Shun-tie, a striking replica of Mit. Adelaide Heedless, the tounder' of the Women's Institute, and the other; donated by Mr. Archer *Gresvar. Hostesses for the. meeting 'were Mrs. Rabert Walker, Mrs. Frank Nichol, NI*. Wan. 'livens. Federal Riding Of Huron Ube al FR IN THE SPECIAL For The New Year )E LUXE CREME OIL PERMS Until February 28th. $5.00 Complete Phone 40x Brussels - , VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE THE PRE-SUN/1E1.1,JAN CrfURCH IN CANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L.. Thompson Service Of Worship 11 A. M. "It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong." aminating C riven AY, MARCH 1st AT 8.15 P. M. LEGION HALL CLINTON, ONT, Guest Speaker BORN BUDNARK — To Mr. and Mrs, Wes, Budntrrk, on Tuesday. Feb. 26th, in Victoria Ilosipital, London, a daughter. BORN Pete and Lawrie Cousins are happy to announce the arrival of their son Randy John, on. Feb. 20th, 1957, at Wingkam. General Hospital, a brother for Murray and Cathy. HON. WALTER HARRIS MINISTER OF FINANCE TENDERS WANTED. Tenders for supplying Warble Fly Powder for •the Township of Grey, will be received by the under_ signed until 1 p.m.. idles:eh 2nd, 1967. Loteet or any tender not neces_ sadly laccepted. Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk, Township of GreY. Everyone Welcome STAGE SHOW UNITED CHURCH , W. A. The Women's Auxiliany otilrussels linked Church held ite Febnuery meeting on Tuesdaiy afternoon with Mrs. James Beerans.e;residing. In the absence of the ,secretany Mrs. ,Tohn Rowland recolnded the minutes. Ten visits to the sick were reported,' Plans for raising nioney were discussed. Miss Caieee. McCracken read' a Setter from the Canadian "Save the Ci131.1daSen" organization thanking her group for their generous help in amoviding warm clothing for needy mitsid111.41103111•OrS2144, Knox Church, ETHEL. Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Sunday School 1.30 P. M.. Service Of Worship 2.30 P. M. "I halve resolved. +never to do any, thing ,which I would be afraid to if it were the last hour of my life." Jonathan Edwarde B USSELS TO N HALL TWO BIG NIGHTS 8.15 P. M. SHARP LIONS ENTERTAIN SONS AND DAUGHTERS The local Lions -entertained their Sons and daughters at their regular supper meeting on Monday evening of this week. ,The club president, Lion Cordon Knight presided and welcomed,,titre gittests. The 'Sing song Was led 'by- Lion Tamer Selwyn Baker with Lion :Dotted Dunbar at the piano. The usual business period was conducted. The draw was won by • Lion?. A. Rana. Dr. J, 'Turnbull of Seaforth spoke briefly. • The eivening was &livened' by Lion Tailtwister Jas. S. Armstrong. The program included piano solos by Gwendolyn Martin and Jack . McBsikle, tell:owing by moving pictures shawls by Lion R. )3. ' WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR SERVICES TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of supply- ing, crushing attel, delivering aPProxs imately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel on 1Vlorrie Tew,nehip roads will be, "received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock moon, 'Igarcb.1., 1957. Crusher is' to be equipped with a throe quarter inch. screen. A certified icheque for $200 must accompany ,each tender. Lowest or any tender not necee_ Sadly accepted. , Gee C. Matain, Clerk, ,,Oht0 children. In her repeat she told of .sending 7 afghans, ,28 sweaters, 96 pairs of stockings. 16 Pairs of mitts, 6 -Pairs bootleg. 7 ltirs of house shoes. 2 'bonnets and't 'baby's layette, diapesa and some „„ used clothing, • 1.• BRUSSELS THE PRETTIEST SPOT IN THE COUNTY •..'.x•••=it=••••6arliiidre41., Melville Churell Minister: Rev. H. 1'. Colvin, B. D. U A. M. Sunday, School ‘1.1 A. M. Public Worship, STUDENT SUNDAY Service In Charge of Young People The United Chtireh OF CANADA, Minister: Rev. A. Lane, B. A. 13.' Divine Worship 11, A. M. 'rife Christian Leader `. 011urch 8Choot o'olOck Who wilt, join the Horticulture Society and help make it , the alCOII.1111141.4.432,..Ilit=r.•21M7404. Music „Singing — Dancing Comedy — Notteity Nurnberg- prettiest spot • eeees;e. One , enthusiatic business man who believes that doing is a splendid advertisement has joined. who Will be next? The Horticulture the annual election 20th, President 1st Vice Prestdent ...•••••••••• PEOPLE WE KNOW Society met for - of ,ofricers Feb. Mrs. 'W. Bell The many friends of Mrs. W. Forrest regret that she contiAuee seriously ill in Clinton hospital« result of a fall, Mr, Dan McKinnon is eufferMg ,frent a broken *eater bone, the * • * Mre, Dorothy Tate of Toronto, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Louis' D. Thompson, for the past week. Mrs, Mae Bryan' and Mrs. Idella :Willson attended ,SinMeons. Halt• Fashion Festival in 'Detente Moriday, ,... Mrs. J. Gibson 4OatteS 's.triss ".• 'Bete*: eats ads Threat:as Mrs. R. Cousins' Mies, W. Wane, Mrs. B, Gemmel, Ars, I)' A Rant, Mrs, B. Reiiiingway, .Mrs, T. Miller A. ' 'Cardiff, Mt* .4, Knight, Mrs. B. Caitrehell; ivire. -Steuhen Two' delegatee. Mb's, Kerney and Mks. (SPenee were elected to go to the anneal csiiiVentien at Hanititeris ' March 7th and 8th We site hening to Slave an interesting open Meeting iii the near ftitiire with a gbest speaker' tie4' Inistorea, Every One' will, be '.conte so come join the "society and '"Other fthinti Can no Men lay than that is laid, whith is Jews !IlltgoagitikitiOitcana 2,1410 X115 I Cor. .z4nToL,''''TOWEL iffrATPP 14"1" I' ho=w' ili66tty 4.30 m. . Matinee' rte, d :lea Ti ti's. s Fri. e sat. enjoy one of itits Prettleet Of hobbies. Oeba, '0# 4 Mar, 1' t ho l ittiii ii ,.,66,:i. 6 q flask.' ,„, ,;ArrtiCiliti.14"011AMErtb. " Wok' n ' Not only does it Contravene the . 5sulidii ' . 0 , ' Highway :traffic Act but it is (IRO, .. 1300 I-100E ,celt' to keen township eendeSSIOne Mad skleteads . free. of SateW if the* 1r, •0, Sho r SlatairiT'w Mrs. Win. Meg ,Tr„ Donald rinnba otriv an is s • "THAT' dtOrtAlisi Phone -69 Ltstewe1 anytiMe, ebtieet; iron Iniorination Orr theatted ritertattinrienti Admission A-clults 50c • .Chadren ,25c. 4 Sponsold tt East linton Agricoltitiai Society • '614;star 9tridcled cast` ileY In Bell s bider 1St' being Continually lifted 'kör. fateat oloturk oink' dans.. and cars felt' On the (gra:Vet Portion of the. head, We Ore • not reteleiiidble for any Atainngs, that 'Andy' to dent of Grey TOWinsitips 1 The winter plane eXhatilitattelli Of the WeStern Catiservatery of Music 1 London, were held at . the borne of i Mr. and Mit. L.. ti, • theninami, Brussels, On Monday fag. Mr. Bre*sIter of the egainining faculty' of the -denbarVatbrZ was, tics, -6Iiiinititer. Mr. tireeniter IS head of theDiane denartnierilt tot: Minn , •• College,. hi St,. itivenias, ' * • * * David Kennedy, ysungst ten .ef lqr.,;:a.iiit Mrs, it. it. it snite4Y, iva.., :a*atilerhsolid Iiints, Avith '80 marks, ' • . lin, the iitider liS • Sateettelle ChtSes.. 'et- ithe TOretate Wale Pestilent * t, U Anglicun Church OF cANADA, Otrist, or Rim Fred E. B. T. Fleeter St. johti°s Church, Brtiseele A. M, Holy ConlinUniOn SulidaY; Selma ASH W.EDNESDAY NIAitt 8 15, IVL Lenten series of Devotions and „Alidreqati8 Elavie6 CFiiircl. keintryit !AC) lifenaong *bids* it The Land Of Dreams Come True Patsy Bryane, Joe Wecenberg, Susan Martin, Bobby McBride, Glen Plant, Ann CardiSf, Ada Exe David Kreuter, Terry MeWhirter, Merle 'Wiesen,, berg, . Joyce Davidson, Gail Mather,. Denglat. Davidson, Douglas Elliott, -Fred ZWeset, Archie McDenald*, Neil MODoneld, ;Murray Fischer,. Hnl 'Fischer, Paul Wilson, Don Fischer, 1V4as MyekS, prank strettom, Prod. Davis, Darlene Mechem. Seek Galbraith, John Citatie, Bob Colentan„ Brenda .Slaate, Judy Stisa413.1 MODottraid, Linda Lowe, &Wee Kellington, Marni Bronsbea. Linda Johnston, R'.4 Ant Johnston, Sandra Michel, Gales Wilson' Linda .Carol Bryan'- Annie D-„,tel, Margie liVerwicl, Gerdo, Dia Lynne Work-- Man, Joan Gernise, Lonna Bryalis, Jean Cardiff, Lillian Myers, Susan Coleman, Dianne Sally Galbraith; Mary Margaret McBride; Nancy AlcWhirter, Mary Jean lVledlride, Gayle Lily Howard, Francis Cardiff, Beattie Workman', Mary Ann Ascher; Ant Oldfieid; Von IVICClitiels. Derothy Elliott, Mary Gibson, Marsha Newton, Suzanne Bunter, Kenneth 'Work, Mairray Mt4,1,.riet-- Donglas Wheeler, Bonnie. ..Myers, Dennis Glasgow, :Terry Rattledge, Mebbitall, Bobbie rellinglads 1957 Vcielety Revue In May With June (Fares). jean babel Smith, GsVen Walsh Anti Hollinger. lint Bow an, , Keit Cohltee," Harry Brysigee (Square Dances-- Dorothy SulliMott, Shirley goNeil, 'gadeliiie IftXhitiolt, X1 Wood, till Aintstil. Jini titgar, Gordon Scott Marian Michel, Ratliryri MeTaggart, Irene Myers,. tihron Colman,. Pamsla Witteheit, 'Grace McLean, Marion turn.. bull, bathartt tittnbitif, Donna Zin.iiii,,,,GleralaWE Details, Martell trenver, Sharon Retithigway, Yeat; Cardiff; Fraiatee. Myers, Ith.litine Ma..chan, MOFarlatie, Peter ReitILIgIttLY, bitYla Itetinedq,. Itonnld Later Iilatliatt, '`Wet Ddittby S1tlifwui, Gwen Walsh nzary beinit#, 'Pay Lava, Donna Grace -06114iltir°16turaz, xitg, till Xing, Graetite tiicDaiiaid, Brion Prescott, ayrii Preicett, George Loin, Myst. t'•