HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-02-13, Page 5•g11. wsp.4. Pi)$•.T • Wed410*(14y. Fein' Y JW, 1 • . CALVI kr,4,6'ITE • I okcit.t.Ce.. PLUMBER.. eltAlN OR 00 ON MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY • From around the World and right around home • With contributions from 38 Dominion Network Stations • The life stories of industrialists, politicians, enter- tainers, world leaders. EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEEK : ARTHUR GODFREY TELLS HIS STORY MOT WATER* WARM• AIR HEAT OR STEAM, 7 HIRED HIMTO GUURD IT, SPEEDY, BE USE IVE PUT 10Y I N IN THAT CAR THAN I HAVE IN my C.ASH REGISTER PUT YOUR M ONEY IN A CAR THATRUNS,BoY, NOT IN oN IL • 'THAT WON'T 'RON. - AN EXCELLENT NEW CAFi FRAM. WVERWPf MproRp . IS A GOOD INVESTMENT! TV< TSK TS51 ANYBODY HURT IN The ACCIDENT. MISTER). move ON SIR, THIS IS 1\tar A WRECK, IT'S A VERY ALUABI-B CAR RivEulpibErs 16tI WA-29hr BRUSSELS 5 • Featuring —.New Cars and ,Trucks This Week 'Me Tian. Board axe Oonsorarg ; ,aniother evening of i.auebre and den eing on Friday evening, Feb. .23, I I ivhicas everyone is Weleame, mild Mrs. Fred, rilrimatinick and Paul spent Sunday in Xt. ' Forest. Miss Frances -KOualton, Egmond ville, is visiting With Miss Alice J. 1• Forrest.. .F*7 Joyce Titsether . iontertained, About 15 of her frielnia to dinner on Sun day in (honour of. (her •rbixth birth day. Her Iconsillia, Karts. and Neil MacDonald. Walton spent tre weak end with her. Tlie'Y.. P, B. of Knox Preis. Church 1. are eponsorthg a skating party in the 1Bausseels arena Feb. 19th, Probressive crockinole will Also he Pitaiyecl in the basement of the church and iliuinels vial be served at the close, with a silver collection being taken. Oldsmobile "98" Deluxe Holiday Sedan: Long flowing lines of the 1950 Olclamobii,-) "98" Deluxe with its Stanfire styling are complemented by the new flair-away fenders, the smart airfoil grille and the dis- tinctive two-tone color effect that as obtained through the sweeping side moulding that extends nearly the length of the car. The Holiday body with unlimited aide vision is enhanced on the interior with rich new fabrics and trim, set oil by ft redesigned instrument panel. The `Xoliday" designation is in chrome block letters on the front. ender panel. The 1956 Oldsmobile features a brand new front end. The "Rocket" T-350 engine has been boosted to a powerful 240 h,p. and is coupled with a brand new development in automatic transmissions, the velvet smooth. Jotaway Hydra-Matic. "MO.:•W; • gif V ,S,W•VSP: . • • r s a WANTED — Agent required to distribute Familex prodheta with advantages which cant be idaplicated. Extra.: faster profit; for you every day. Write for free Information and catalogue to Familex Deplt. 44 - Station C. '12ontreal. FOR SALE The spread between large and small eggs makes, it worthwhile to get Bray pullets in good time to cash 'in on Grade A. large markets. Daaild, istatted. Meat birds. Wide choice breeds, .crosses, `si)lecials', Ask for full Information from local agent -- Agent — Wm. Glen Bray, 11%1101; Mrs. B. Barrett R. g Bribreele, Phone 54-12 „. EXTRA SPECIAL '19 JeWel Yellow G. F. Elco Wrist Watch -with EXPansion Bracelet only $22.95 ' Leach's JeWeller), Store REPAIRMAN FOR MORRIS SGHOOLS' Aatplicaltiosis for general repair -Man for Morris Sabots Will be received PY the secretary until February 15, 3Diiities May tre Mare.: •ed ,from anY siteBber.„ Of the seiblil 1:10arcli please abide 'rate roe Play expected, It. S. Shit*, :secretary, 1Thiefale, Out. S FOR RENT 5 room house with 3 piece bath and het water. Possession 1st of March. Also, a good cook stove and a quan- tity of quart fruit jars for sale. Rhone 37r3 HE CANT MAKE HIS MIND WHICH MILK FROM COUSINS DAIRY HE LIKES BETTER, THEY'RE ALL r SWELL! "1 Scream Kids" . — . LOCAL titAcimAnkg, rpurteep, tables of Km() enchrit weir° In play a,t the Min isallilltY Centre Oil Friday evening. 1 high score wee WOO. by Dal'ObbY , Nuleht and KarOld Jaklin aanil i consolation prize Went to Marilyn, Knight. and Mae IntOsh, Tell games wore played: tollowed by lancing and lusels served In 144 barienlent, And all enjoyed a good, time, 84-7-74-R. 6-6/E'Ll. GET RESULTS, WE'RE ON THE BEAM •'OCA 4 TRAPEIWIL4 Cs. G KRAUTER --__co. PLUMBING &HEATING ReormerAi.-A. OiLEIVRNa's§itS t —taw.. 47 X CLEARING AUCTION SALE to. be Field for the Estate of the late E. Stanley Dunbar, at the premises Lot 19, Con. 8, Grey Twp. One mile West of the Village of Ethel. on WED.. FEB. 20th, 1.30 P, M, 14111SES 1 Bay Clyde gelding 1 Bay Clyde mare; 1 white mare; The horses range in age from 7 to 12 years CATTLui 15 Duistam and Hereford steers, 2 years old 17 Durham and' Hereford steers, 75,0 to 800 ibis, 7 yearling Durham and Hereford calves, PIGS 7 York and Tam pigs, 17o Its. 9 York and Tam pigs, 130 lbs. S York pigs, 100 lbs. FEED 20 tons of good mixed hay; 250 bars. Rodney Oats; 350 bus. Mixed Grain; lon bus of Brant Barley; 13 feet .of silage. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY On Sunday night at midnight Cecilia 'Phombson was token to the Listiowel Memorial Hospital Where she underwent an apipen_ deatomy iearly Monday morning. She improvi.ng favourably. My. lames Perrie, of Waterloo College conducted services Sunday in the Presbyterian church at Port Elgin. CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST An alaminium scoop shovel, be_ tween Jack Whites arid .Brussels Finder please notify Jack White Phone 33r5 WANTED — Ttawielkh buisineas new Open iu Huron County, Trade well estab- lished Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at. once. Rawleigh's Dept. 11-1,52-189. Montreal, . P. Q. 81.00 For Your Old Watch Strap Or Bracelet ion a new one $4.95 anct up Leach's Jeweller), Store Yes; - and that's what we. mean. have a real oppfortunity for a Mai «who is .from. 30 to 50 years eg age; tk man who is now 'associated in 'the agricultural field one Iviho is ambitious; a self-starter and cap- ,:able of selling. If you:have these .abilities, wily stay in a rut? • Our Company is expanaing.. At the present time, we have. over 20 Dia"riat Managers in Western Ont- ario. This position, offers earnings in the five figure bracket, unlimited. Commissions and override paid weekly. Tata the leader make soine real money, business, Year after year. .contistrued high eaaiinga« Some of ear newest District Managers have earned over $7,000..00 in their first six months with the Company. For most of these .men, this is their ,first experience in the selling field, Remember, applicants must have agricultural backgroaind or connec- tion in this field. • Applicant must 1 be a married man, well established I and highly regarded in his area. Must have a. good car. Write us abOut yourself, or phone, 1. for an appointment to:. E. Me- Lachlan, Vice-President, ."Na_Chursd' Plant Food Company, manufacturers of "Na-Churs'' Liquid PertiliOr, 2 Laingarth Street, West Lond011, 1 Ontario. are tr T.111PLDMENTS Cookstutt side delivery rake, new; Otaco rubber tired manure spreader in new condition; rubber tired wagon and rack; McCormick-Deering 6-ft. MeiCermielsiDeering 13-tun j grain and fertilizes, drill; Mc- Cormack dropihead alone hay loader; McCormack 6-ft. snowier; 3-drum land roller; roller bearings; 6-foot single dies; Gift. cultivator; sulky' rake; 3 sections of diamond harrowb; ateel rim wagon; 3 riding plows; 2 walking plows; turnip drill; set of sleighs; De Laval cream separator; 2,000-lb. scales; fanning mill.; cutting box; 100 feet of snow fence; grain :bagger; 10xI2 colony house; 28-ft. extensieni ladder; lawn mower. MISCELLANEOUS 1; cords of cedar wood; G cords of hardwood; 4 toms of furfiace coal; large pile of cedar rails and a quantity of good lumber; Perks, chievels, ropes. Numerous other farms tools. AUTOMOBILE — 1949 Dodge Cisaibenn, Sedan„ fluid driVe, heater, snow Urea and atitsvisor. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Modern, dining 'Minn suite, complete Alstrol /refrigerator; Gen,o'ral Eieotrie walshier; Spartan mantel, radio; ElectOholiniet cabinet radio Wingiham Clipper coal and wood stove; Hlectrolax cleaner and attach- Ments; electric and mantel cleCke; 2 eleatric irons; a eledtric heaSibeirs; 10 dining room (*Mire; 6 double 3566, spthigis, and Mattresses; a number of tables, large and dressers and Charade, odd &Atha and dalbinets; Pete, pate, creeks and jariSt 'PRE FARM • t 'COUSISting of 118 acres, agitated on a gebd read, one mile west of the Village Of Ethel,. will Die Offered for sale stsbjed Flo reserve bid; 28 titres- fail Plengiltek 20 6,bne„§: Of hay "'ground; ;, dares Of good hatiaiNVOOd Welly Mid the reitiairnder in pasture .Drilled and diig ,The; buildings all of *Ma are etritiPped consist Of &Urge Wiiiipetl barn With, rititning Wziteri-, tarter iniPleitient shed and ideffitilittable d tooth ibrieli; deithie battik, *460' Pressure (teit Nit ON TFIE 0A0ilti1 to lie announced at: time of sale. 'TERMS, ON' THE CHAtthtt ARE CASH'- o RearelNei With: the exception Of Real Estate; On the' 060'14" Mri, di, L. 'aiiiieti; AtirlithistOatili" bennlii unit WildfOrtg, Auctioneer", George' Dunbar, Clerk in Its field and Repeat ensures DANGER! Multiple sockets are a sign of inadequate wiring . . . a sign that you are not getting peak performance from your electrical appliances . . and a sure sign that you are playing with fire. To -obtain maximum efficiency from appliances, your wiring must be capable of carrying the load required. Too many plugs in one outlet overload the circuit. If you overload beyond the capacity of your wiring, the fuse blows. When this happens, it is a warning. When you substitute a fuse larger than should be used, you are playing with Are. A larger fuse will permit more• electricity to flow to the , circuit, but the wiring may overheat and create a fire hazard and you alsd reduce the efficiency of your many electrical aids to better living. PLAY SAFE . . There is only one sure remedy. Have your wiring checked by a competent person. Follow his recommendations. Don't take dances by overfasingi `k*" 4 tielt or 'NOTICE dagi paid ter 46,0, disabled - disabled horSes and eiti*e. Alone Atwood. 152, sonnet. "LI V E BETTER ELECTRICALLY''"' BY WIRING :ADEQUATELY TAND .SAFELY N ARI likiiiktviiNiki ION ii0ORMArtON ,fir mn.tton or serried' fro& inkidirt of •eattiei pie tke Waterloo 'Cattle Bretiding` AsaliCiatiOn At Clinton A V 2 344 or Palmerston: 493 between' 7.30 And 9.30 A, M. We ha'v'e s11 breeds` Aikat/ibis — top quality *Ott SALE ilitiest Wiese pail ter sit bine 440 twang Phone tom' if YOU are planning to 'mild or remodel; learn the facts about Adequate Wing, Write to the Electric Service League Of Ontario; 191 College. Street TOronto 20 or phone WA. 2-2264 for the latest standards 'ofRED SEAL winiNG and other informative literature.