HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-02-13, Page 1• Ice 'Cream Special For February Is CHERRY VANILLA, Smoth,, Rich, COUSIN'S Vanilla Ice Cream, is dotted with lecioup red, Maraschino. CHERRIES. It's a real treat for you and your family, so ask for It at your favourite Cousins Ice Cream dealer. If you would, like a good one piece. Ice cream, scoop for home use call In ,at the creamery office and get one at a Saecial Sales Price with the purchaie of one half gallon of delicious Cousins Ice ,Cream We have a few calendars still available. just for the asking. Brussels Creamery PHONE ,?.2. Stanley Annear Death ewe matieply em Friday February lst to Earl Stanley Dunbar in his sixty elate: year, A life-long resident of Grey ToWnethile where he farmed aetieely until _the time' of tie, death. ' His le survived by two deugneers Betty, Mrs. Clarence Gibson, Ferd' which, and Rutin Mrs Jaines Skeecle Goelerich and five grand-children, One sister, Elsie, Mrs. Roy Cunning- ham, Ethel and three brothers George and Cliff of Ethel, and Roy- of Oakville also survive, 'Two brother's end one sister pre-deceased him, In 1919 he married Margaret Campbell Who Pre-deceased him in 1926. In 1929 he married Sara Ma_ Leaman who predeceased lem in 1952. Me. Dunbar was a faithful worker in KnoX Presbyterian church, Melee, from where funeral services were conducted on Monday, February 4th. by Mr. C. L, Thompson and Rev. W. A:Williams, Brussels with interi. anent in , Mount Pleasant Cemetery, 'Ethel. NOTICE We heed Sucker Pigs and chunks — any, size. Save community sale commissions. Save on trecking. Sell direct to me .7, cash IAN 'McDONALD Phone 3 Brussels TENDERS WANTED. Tenders for the contract of supply- ing, crushing land delivering approx- imately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel on Morris Township roads ;will be reoeived by the ,undersigned up 'until" 12 . otclocic =ooze eVearch .1,1157, °rusher is to be equipped with a three quarter inch soreen. A certified Icheque for $200 . must accompany ,each itender. Lowest or any tender' not necese , eerily ..accepted. Geo,„0. Martin, Clerk, TENDERS WANTED ,Tenders to supply a three quarter ton truck for the Township of Morris will be received by the uedersigeed late until 12 o'clock noon, March 1, 1957. Truck' is to be 'equipped with a spare tire, heater and directional lighte. ' Leveret oe. any tender not paces_ seeily .a,cdepted. Geo. C. Maetie, " Clerk, • IN MEMORIAM McNICHOL — ^In loving memory of a ,dear husband and father )i Mr, James McNichol, 'Who passed away 13. yearn ago' Feb, 17, 1944 f So many , things have happened Since you were called away Things that ylou would have I enjoyed Had you been left to stay. eeenei,, IF VOU DON'T SIGNAL The driver in the oar behind can't mad your' mind. When you oleo to Walt slow down, park, or pull out from the cart), let hire know With a ,signal. it's the law, WS the sip Of 6. thoughtful driVOG HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS"? DEPARTMENT OP HiGHWAYS—'0NTARIO .... . .......... ... 194.111.1111101.1.1.10kh.111...14.6.0.iiik.i944014.... We Deliver. ST AatWoriteet as $000w4 OW. ova ro‘t atue• Deneeleneat,. Otlawm Wedlele-SdaY Frbruary 13th 1957 Post Publishing House *Al** $2.00 per year *2.5k, ! u44) -•kkr 4.4444 040. 14.491.0.# ice A ( a The Industrial Gononittee Village of ,Brussels requires a' pate labar force for industry from thvVillag4 of Brussels and the surrouding cipalities, of 50 male and 60 !elude employees. This list is required in corkfunitiow with Mid Western Development Associat— ion. It is important parties interested' are requested to leave their names, address-- es telephone numbers, at the town clerks; office not later than 22nd of February.. Brussels Industrial Committee.. - FALL FAIR VOTES The Directors cf. tie East BUM Agricelturel Society beix their first regular monthly meeting in the Public Library on Wednesday,„ February -6. With the president, Wilfred Shertreed, in the chair. plans were laid for the 1957 Fair which is to be held On Sept. 26 and 27. ' The Board decided to conduct tevoe field crop ,compelitions this year ape in grain coin and the other in ets-- The oompetition in huskinge colon; will consist of at least one qw.ro and seed for this acre will be eueelled free of Charge to each. Mee- Petitor, The variety of oats this , year will again be. Garry and all those who were in the 1956 Garry Otte competition may sow their own seed for thee. yeatosi 'competition., Anyone interested in one or both of ithese' comnetition may contact any,number of the. Boned or the secretary. Miss Jeanne SWift .ellee Joanne Swiet, 18, {lied, at the Sipe had beenell ,for Wane tante. Born family home in „Ethel on Monday, At St, Tholalas, Dee, 80, 1938. she t was a daughteteOf .Mr. and MA, IL I Swift. With her parent; she, moved lee Me:Areal eltheenleently, coming;] to Ether in 194, Site attended, public eel:tone in Ethel, and the. Listowel District High . School. Miss Swift wee a member of 'the 'Ethel 4.11 Club, and ef tbe Ethel United Cluvech and took an. active Part in 1 'the. Young Peop:ege's Society and Wailers, Don, ,I3esides her perente .5he is eurviviedo by three and, Pralmineon, Wiltredi Orillia; I land met alt. home; and one sister, Mrs, NI. (Marie) Pettit, Ingersoll.. The body rested et the Harrison-- Mem funeral tome, Listowel, where a- funeral service was conducted hy Rev. Andrew Lane of Brussels, on rileuesday at 2.30 p.m. Temlpor- cry entombment Will be. made in Fairview cemetery 'chapel, Listowel, • Melville Young Women's Guilt BAKE SALE In the Brussels Public Library Saturday, February 16th. eyaaaoy nooiiwii AT '3 O'CLOCK IldsemhR dfsrazilt BAKING — PRODUCE — CANDY' — APRON& , YES, DEFINITELY! (Toes local option noelicenses de- crease local drityingr Yes; definitely! On the evidence of many surveys it hale been *caved that the volume of drinking in any given tkom,olowity is proportiorpee to, lecal sentiment in regard to alcoholic beverages. Our authority is Dr. E. M. LeLlintle of the World Health Organization. Very recently Dr. J. K. W. Ferg- Amore Director -of Connaught med- feat researdh laboratories, declared at a public meeting that prohibition was the only public act in modern I times -whfch did much to reduce alodholism, He added, "It seems that meet of us don't event to abolish the problem of alcoholism, We would rather live with, it, At this stage of our hietory most people are eeluIctant to leek at the , ONE NECESSARY CASVAL FACTOR- accede eo alcohol.'' Why ,have we in Marcel County by far the lowest incident of alc- oholism? Surely it is due 'to the fact that, for many years we have had the Canada Temperance Act! This amounts to County wide pro leibition, for no liquor sale is legal Wlehin our boundaries. We have no beverage eroceree, cocktail Heuer Stores or any other legal dispersing-centres. — Advt. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks, Ito those wile expressed their sympathy and to those who helped in any Way at our recent bereave- ment • - Mrs. Tele Keffer and Family AT. HOME TENDERS WANTED. Tenders for the spraying of Cattle for,Warble Fly in the Town_ ship of Grey will be received by the undersigned until p. ra.„ March 2nd. 1957. ;State price pee head per spray. Lowest or any tender not ne'ces_ sexily accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk, Township of Grey. FOR CARNIVAL , The Seaforth F. S. C. will hold their annual Carneva1, SaftuedaY evening March 16th. in the Seaforth Arena. Watch for further particulars in this leaver. SPECIAL For The New Year )E LUXE CREME OIL PERMS Until February 28th. ' $5.00 Oomplete Phone 40x Brussels VAL'S BEAUTY 'HOPPE I. W. and Mrs. Robert Beattie, oe Clover' Seeds, Grass Seed and, Perma.nent Paiture Matta* - We are still in a position to supply our marry ottsfOnremloillfr - the good Quality seed they have been getting. from. us fiXTWIWIr'' " thirty years at right prices. Give us a call. IN MEMORIAM c Winthi:Op, will be at home to their. TENDERS WANTED ,friends and meatWee on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Ainuiver- sexy on. Wednesday., Alernery, 1957, from. three to five O'clock in the afternoon andeseve)nerto nine in the evening. • eeeteee RIINITO.UL — In leving meanory of Chester W. Rintoul, who, passed away six yeare ago, February 14th, 1951 Life moves on, time Passes by, Treasured meimories never die. .e. Ever remembered by hie, wife, and ,deughters, ellr.s. C. Rintoul, and Helen and Wanda. D. M. MacTavish Phone 784.- Tenders for supplying ,Warble Fly Powder for the Township or Grey, will be received by the under_ signed until 1 p.m.. Meech 2nd, 1957. Loweot or any tender not neces. 'saaily accepted. Edythe Mr Cardiff Clerk, Township of Grey. Middlesex Seed Fair CARD OF THANKS Th family of the late. Stanley Dunbar _Ethel, wiah to thank the friends and neighbours for' their, Ithongihtfulness duel;Ing thele Sidden, sad neeeavement. 'llhe beautifue floral to and Ineany thoughtalule 'gestures will ever be remember.* by us with .deepest gratitude. e (Including 11 Western Ontario ContatieW)* LONDON FEBRUARY 25th. 26th, 27th, 28th. and MARCH 1st. tor Extensive Classes for grain, Seeds. %epee., eggs, and fteatte.... Newest Exhibits and Display — Fine Progreintrnee i Write for Prize List — Forward entries by Februare Mae- to Oetario Department of Agriculture, ; Room 210, Richmond, Building, London:. IN MEMORIAM THE PRE -$,BY-IkhlAN CelORCH IN CANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Service Of Worship 11 A. M. Meeting for Young People Friday at 8 p. m. The elooteto God can only be opened, by putting faith in Jesus Christ, * * Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Merles Telford ) Keifer, who left use one year ago, Feb. 10, 1956. eallourn, fele hineein eilence No eyes can see us weep But many a tear is shed While others are aeleen. HARD TIME DANCE. In Brusseli 1 own Han Saturday, Eve., FebriiiiY: 26tli Modern and Old Tynie Dance. ,‘ CANTEEN — LADIES AUXILIARY JEANS and — CALICO Thynne Alcock CLARK JOHNSTON — GUEST BOO RILEY — In Winghant General Hospital, on Thursday, February 7th, 1957, to Mr, and Mee. Oliyer Riley, Briussels., a eon. * * * WAXM.AN In' Wingliaan General Hospital, on Thursday, February leth, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Wax- man, Brussels, a eon. 'with contributions totalling $486. =Dam *mono. 4.1011.1110.M.011 . Sadly :family. missed by his wife and The Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society thank all those i who helped make 1956 a record year 1.30 P. M 2.30 P. M. Sunday School Service Of Worship We need SOULS for the extension , of ,.Gods ,.Kingdom, .rather ..than SOLDIERS far it's destruction, in lifu modern economy. WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR. SERVICES U • • ,„•„...t.z..........0., - k.t.:::::::L ilr9:Z::::::st.;7,,,,./ .,... ' ,.- ,,- ...... 1. ,,r- ,,, C ,„,„„„,,,,...,:ft,,,,, m.,., "" > • ,V)Rarf;operfroAW4 i •ilj. 4 ., • Alt •-,1.4's1 • A •A . ,,,, pkg. 2.rici 2' for 31x1 - • — 37= I 111E10111F aPITOL LicTOWEL _ We cannot bring the old daYs back Your hankie we Cannot touch Bat God has given tie wonderful • Of a husband and father we loved memories So many things be share With you ; In just the u!snal way Things that could be so much nicer If you; were here today. Melville Church Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin,- B. D. 3.0 A. M. Sunday fechool 11 A. M. Public Worship "Made Alive from the Dead" 41 wee the Resurrection and the lege t. Sugar Ripe Prunes • , .. Tip Top Pork and Be'ans 20 oz. 16c Kraft Cheese Whiz 16 ounce; York Gherkin Sweet Mixed Pickles 16 oz. fOu' wit- Ind other value's just as greet as these ale HE LEDGEGROCE trnc:-.4 Not Just to.day- or to-morrow, but Every Day of this y.— • • feietinee. SeetsedaY '2 ae fee so Meth. e eneeee .eleetly e.50 - tee im re • • Lovingly 'remem'bered by hie Wife' , e and family, . Wed, ,- that. - Feb. 13- -, 14 • - Fred Douglas, ...John. Derek in - • 1 :•4 " The United Church Tr, OF CANADA. Minister*: Rev. A. Lend, A..ft A lIL "The Kingdom of Gee- (*lir& Sobbed ead'OCil 'Thy Kleiedorn come; Thy will be done earth as it is In heaven:" W Phone 7 THE. LEATHER SAINT Fri. Sat. We Deliver; Feb. 15 .„ 16. threleYhody etcept his Colonel rend baaaltabe levee Jeff Chandler in. PILLARS 60' t Skit Si per,i 'iii:•"0••• . 4 ii.tte at miew "A • •Jle, 4 • •6,V4414.•• ...".". 1 Doz Weston Brown-Serve Buns 1 lb. Cherry Morn Coffee, fresh ground 1 fresh Sliced Big Bologna 2 lb, Box Fresh, gaited 8 . 20 Bags Cello, Carratg 3. Attglietto Church t 1Parlih 1Yrtisit,to Rev Fred -,xewelfi••L. te Rietow johnis ChUrciii 61-ir 1). W .= Wed. February 18 19 ..e.ChiereaSetatie . (Adult) AtAg ttild'Ati150 t .- tteit, in the greatest War picture' ever 'P '6 &he 'half hours of' beterteilielient I, PLEA.SE N0Tlie sliaw,-si '6.46 eOSIMegS e eeeelOtie ate/et-lief:late iettederilek Vet enceees to tileette. ':eeti;lc;ii.Vant.Adei. ate 'torte biol. t!-at :Ire et:liable to' ,lee;:neee. kr.,2y help tee Often brg 094 • 0: phtioe.g David s Church, 141linfriii 4.06' p; tiribiie, Litovvdt anytime, collects 411_.LA a Ooh tto: eittithe ,tidtiiaetn1 toiti Capitol Theati.sH of,